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The Cheery Waffle Thread is Giving Away FREE Angryolized TNT and Molten Faces!

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Originally posted by Wallybob:

Turns finally out. Delay due to teaching Seniors in High School in May. They brains is shut-off. Going to clean my pistols tonight, and think happy thoughts. Might have to go to the County landfill this morning (1 or 2 AM) and pop rats. (.44 in one hand, spotlight in the other. It is cathartic sport!)

Splat purty pictures across the landfill, do they?

Do you name them after your students?

Do the voices make you do it?

Oh, gotta run! My voices want me to get a beer! :mad: :mad:

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Originally posted by Lurkur:

I visited that site...it...it...it got my name *wrong.* [sobs]

You are so pitiful. :rolleyes::rolleyes:

Greetings and malicitations, you wild pack of growling and diseased jackals. Good to see you again, Mr H!
I'm glad to see you too, Lurkur. It's been too long since we crossed paths. :D

I'm afraid I let our CMAK game drop off the radar screen. No disrespect intended, as I reserve that for my fellow Pooligans.
Trust me, we all reserve tons of disrespect for the denizens of <font size=1>Penguinland</font>. Even then it's probably not as much disrespect as they deserve. :D

The game you had to abandon was the fabulously balanced BDLRM2 scenario. Since most of the players lost by 99-1 scores, you probably did yourself a favor.

Just found my way back and had to stop by this fetid abatoir you gawdawfflers call home and rattle the cage just to hear some barking. And the elderberries. The lot of you smell of elderberries.
Those aren't elderberries, it's mike the wino's feet after another long day of stomping grapes. :eek:
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Sorry for the delay in sending turns.

Pretty wiped after the last two weeks.

Mom went home yesterday and had her first solid food (a muffin) since the whole fiasco started.

I should return to my usual neurotic, slightly deranged self in relatively short order.

Thanks for all the kind words. Even if I haven't been posting, I'm still reading.

And hating. :mad: :mad: :mad:

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Originally posted by Snarker:

Maggots! I am now an official FIFA referee, passed the test tonight. I plan on drawing an angry smilie on the red card... :mad: :mad: :mad:

So what was the test? A bunch of guys diving and then seeing how fast you call for the stretcher?

:mad: :mad:

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Originally posted by Mike:

tongue.gif ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

You still owe me a turn! :mad: :mad: :mad:

Again???? Time to dig into the junk file. This is getting annoying.

I'm getting around 20 emails from Asians now with the same scam the Africans pulled right before they moved it to England and after they sent the same basic templated ****e from Italy. But the ****e from Italy, Africa and England hasn't stopped. So my junk box is a very, very, crowded place.

You apparently fit in nicely, maggot. :mad:

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Originally posted by PseudoSimonds:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Snarker:

Maggots! I am now an official FIFA referee, passed the test tonight. I plan on drawing an angry smilie on the red card... :mad: :mad: :mad:

So what was the test? A bunch of guys diving and then seeing how fast you call for the stretcher?

:mad: :mad: </font>

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Guest Mike

do you mean to say you actually sent me one recently??

Gods be praised - miracles do still occur!!

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Originally posted by Snarker:

I'm getting around 20 emails from Asians now with the same scam the Africans pulled right before they moved it to England and after they sent the same basic templated ****e from Italy. But the ****e from Italy, Africa and England hasn't stopped. So my junk box is a very, very, crowded place.


"Hey Tracy, it's Debbie. I couldn't find your old number, and Tammy says this is the new one. I hope it's the right one. Anyway, remember that hot stock exchange guy I'm dating? He gave my father that stock tip on the company that went from under a buck to like three bucks in two weeks, and you were mad I didn't call you? Well I'm calling you now! This new company is supposed to be like the next really hot clothing thing. And they're making some big news announcement this week. The stock symbol is..... He says buy now. It's at like 50 cents, and it's going up to like 5 or 6 bucks this week, so get as much as you can. Call me on my cell; I'm still in Orlando. My dad and I are buying a bunch tomorrow and I already called Kelly and Ron, too. Anyway, I miss you. Give me a call. Bye."

Man pleads guilty in voice mail stock scam case

By Greg Farrell, USA TODAY

Civil and criminal charges were unveiled Tuesday against a telemarketer involved in an alleged "pump-and-dump" scheme that used phony "wrong number" phone messages to lure unsuspecting investors to bid up penny stocks.

Michael O'Grady of Georgia pleaded guilty to one criminal count of obstructing an SEC investigation into his telemarketing firm's role in the scam.

The SEC also hit O'Grady and his firm with civil charges for distributing a series of bogus "wrong number" voice mail messages designed to pump up the prices of thinly traded micro-cap stocks by a total of $179 million.

Federal prosecutors allege that a Florida promoter hired O'Grady last summer to automatically send deceptive messages to the voice mail systems of hundreds of thousands of people across the USA.

The promoter, based in Altamonte Springs, Fla., allegedly had his wife record the bogus calls, which were then uploaded onto O'Grady's company computers. O'Grady termed the calls, and their distribution, "covert ops."

The six messages described in court papers Tuesday involve a different stock but all follow a similar script: A woman calling herself "Debbie" or "Renee" or "Lisa" prattles on breathlessly about a hot stock that her boyfriend at the "stock exchange" is talking up. She encourages buying the stock and leaves a callback number.

John Reed Stark, the SEC's chief of Internet enforcement, says several of the callback numbers were disposable cell phones that said "voice mail full" when dialed. His office got 1,700 complaints from 43 states about the voice mails.

In its court filings, the SEC says that the Florida promoter and a second promoter paid O'Grady approximately $40,000 in cash, which was delivered to him in a blue duffel bag at a casino in Gulfport, Miss.

O'Grady is cooperating with a continuing criminal investigation being led by the U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia.

Although prosecutors would not comment on the matter, one source close to the case says the criminal investigation is focusing on the Florida promoter and his wife.

Stark says the promoter's decision to use an Internet-based platform to spread the voice mails proved to be the scheme's down-fall.

"The more voice mails or spams they broadcast, the more they put themselves at risk," he says.

The stocks involved were American Multiplexer (AMUT), Donini (DNNI), 5G Wireless Communications (FGWC), Innovative Food Holdings (IVFH), Maui General Store (MAUG) and Power3 Medical Products, according to the SEC.

Asked whether there was evidence that any executives of the companies were involved in the scheme, Wainstein said only that the investigation continues.

Bwahahaha!! Caveat emptor!! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

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Originally posted by Snarker:

Do you name them after your students?

Why. My students are beneath contempt.

Do the voices make you do it?

No, they just tell me to use a good barbeque sauce

Oh, gotta run! My voices want me to get a beer! :mad: :mad:

Beer is good.

Running two different types of Baby back ribs in the smoker today, compliments of Paul Kirks' Championship Barbecue cookbook. The one in the lead so far has two slabs with a honey-mustard-brown sugar mop sauce, with a brown sugar and spices dry rub over it. The other two slabs have a basic dry rub.

Turns out as soon as I deconflict my anti-virus program. My outgoing emails seem to be interrupted and I can't quite figure out why. Could be because of the beer.( Why I can't figure out, not why it is interrupted)

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Oh, yeah. We now are on the fourth Principal at our school this year. Half the reasons the kids are idiots is that they have had no consistency in disipline. 40 arrests, 10 expulsions, 130 sent to alternative school for varying lengths. 10 teachers have been assaulted. I am hoping by limping due to an injured knee that I look like the cull buffalo on the edge of the herd to the indians. Once upon a time ago, for 16 years, I was a combat arms officer. Oh, yeah, and a Ranger. (edited to mean I had a black beret when it actually meant somefink)

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Well, we do have electricity and running water since then. smile.gif

Nope. I'm part of the solution, not the problem. When I snap, you won't see it on the local news, you'll see it on CNN.

Seriously, most of the kids are good, they are just being obscured by the mo-rons. They need me there.

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Originally posted by Wallybob:

Well, we do have electricity and running water since then. smile.gif

Nope. I'm part of the solution, not the problem. When I snap, you won't see it on the local news, you'll see it on CNN.

Seriously, most of the kids are good, they are just being obscured by the mo-rons. They need me there.

Well, I commend you for sticking it out in such a rough school district then. I don't know that I'd be able to keep my sanity if I were in danger of being attacked by teenagers - Ranger training or no ;) - but then, I probably have quite a lot less patience than you. heh

And because of where I am posting: :mad: :mad:

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Bugger. Teach the worthwhile kids, Wallybob, and bury the rest where they won't be found for at least fifty years. :mad: :mad: Why we coddle the incorrigible at the expense of the decent children is beyond me.

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