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Cap'n Jack Peng and the Black Challenge

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Originally posted by YK2:

Is it those Magic Mushrooms *eek*


Where be page NINE????

Ye're on page nine, lassie, and cloud nine, and a psilocybin-ecstacy-lude-pop rock-acid trip, by all appearances, as well.

Arrrrr, the limitless sea be gettin' to ya, as is the heat and yer own upcomin' nuptials.


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Berli must be close, as we seem to be in The Devil's Triangle.

Harrrrrr...Them's that die will be the lucky ones.

My Queen, I have re-thought the whole Dalem/Jack disguise: you may be on to something.


My Queen, have you any orders for me and my fleet of Viking longboats, or shall we wait for the rest of the fleet to arrive so we can properly stage the final battle at sea, complete with the wit-studded swordfight between Meeks and Berli?

your obt. svt,


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Ahhh Lurker you make a good spy..

I knew there was something about dalem that reminded me of Jack.. He IS Jack!!!

It's clear to me now that Meeks has had some sort of hold on him... he keeps plying Jack with rum and promising him the Black Pearl if he be doing his bidding.. I really did think Jack was more of a man than he has shown me over the last few days.. he's not exactly going to come out of this the Hero is he?

And what of my posts to Cyranocoochie and Commadore Berli what'shisname..

Are they gone forever.. sucked up by the black hole?

I ask of you Lurker to sail not too far behind us.. just far enough away, so as not to be seen. You can warn the others about the black hole.. IF they don't appear by daylight then I'm afraid you're on your own...

Good luck Lurker

(try saying that with a belly full of rum)

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Originally posted by YK2:

Ahhh Lurker you make a good spy..

I knew there was something about dalem that reminded me of Jack.. He IS Jack!!!

It's clear to me now that Meeks has had some sort of hold on him... he keeps plying Jack with rum and promising him the Black Pearl if he be doing his bidding.. I really did think Jack was more of a man than he has shown me over the last few days.. he's not exactly going to come out of this the Hero is he?

And what of my posts to Cyranocoochie and Commadore Berli what'shisname..

Are they gone forever.. sucked up by the black hole?

I ask of you Lurker to sail not too far behind us.. just far enough away, so as not to be seen. You can warn the others about the black hole.. IF they don't appear by daylight then I'm afraid you're on your own...

Good luck Lurker

(try saying that with a belly full of rum)

Is that my honor being impuniated?

Me Honor???


My disguise is for naught, and all.



JIM BOGGS, I need you to explain things to me, and Milady, my heart lies at your feet, my sword in your lap. Command me.

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Originally posted by Jack:

Is that my honor being impuniated?

Me Honor???


My disguise is for naught, and all.



JIM BOGGS, I need you to explain things to me, and Milady, my heart lies at your feet, my sword in your lap. Command me.

At last you be sober...

There's only one way to know for sure if you be Jack or if this is one of Meeks cunning plans...You certainly look as handsome as I remember Jack to be..

Walks towards dalem/Jack and kisses him full on the lips.....

It.. seems... it seems......


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Originally posted by YK2:

At last you be sober...

There's only one way to know for sure if you be Jack or if this is one of Meeks cunning plans...You certainly look as handsome as I remember Jack to be..

Walks towards dalem/Jack and kisses him full on the lips.....

It.. seems... it seems......


grabs Milady as she swoons, hoists her gently in his arms, and heads below to place her gently in her bower.
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Dawns light starts to spill in upon the couple

Dalem is sweating, pulling and tugging, as the camera pans down to the still clothed Yk2. Dalem in anguish finally lifts his head and arms to the sky

Dalem "By all that is holy!! How in the hell do you untie this damn thing!!"

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wakes up to the sound of music playing and wonders how she ended up in bed

Was I dreaming..... was it the mushrooms, was it the black hole experience.... or did I really see Jack?

Rises and smooths the creases from her gown and decides to go up on deck

I remember kissing Jack... if it wasn't a dream then why am I still here on the Black Pearl, and where is he?

Breathes in the fresh air and looks into the distance..


Will things ever be the same again?...

I want to go home....I miss Cess palace. I miss Boo bringing me tea and scones when I'm peckish.

I miss dalem warming my towels (in a more human way) and filling my bath with luxury oils (Linseed oil is just not the same)..

I miss the lovely Leeo running around like a headless chicken asking me if there's Anything he can do for me...

I miss Lars and his daily tips... I miss Elvis , Peng and everything else that comes with being Queen of the Peng Thread...

I thought I would have been rescued by now!...

Where be Commodore Berli Whathisname

surely he can't be lost!!

And Cyranocoochie where be he?

Maybe Cyranocoochie is angry with me because I said he couldn't rescue a dog from the pound....

I know he took command of a new vessel just before I was Meeks napped..

and he was so looking forward to wearing his bright shiney buttoned jacket and cavalier hat with the long white plume....

Am I to be left here on board with Meeks for the rest of my days?

Hears footsteps and looks towards the helm

Jack... is that you?

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1)Tax your serfs till they beg for mercy.

2)Feed them only enough to keep them alive.

3)Fill thier heads with dreams of the fiefdom next door being rich with milk and honey.

4)Draft them all and tell them all that food is thiers for the taking!

works for north korea anyway.

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Originally posted by Lorak:

1)Tax your serfs till they beg for mercy.

2)Feed them only enough to keep them alive.

3)Fill thier heads with dreams of the fiefdom next door being rich with milk and honey.

4)Draft them all and tell them all that food is thiers for the taking!

works for north korea anyway.

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Originally posted by YK2:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by dalem:

Milady? I trust your ...nap... was to your liking?

Yes... I slept like a baby thanks.. but one thing is bothering me...

Come closer dalem ...into the candle light... </font>

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Excerpts from the log of Her Majesty's Trireme Terribilius Est Rex:

1200: We broke the headland and are finally out in the open sea. Aaaaahhhhh! The salt air, roiling wake, the smell of...what is that smell? Its that same smell that Mace often wakes up to after a hard night of drinking and fornicating with the four legged wooly harem he keeps. Egad! What should I spy but all my Assyrian Archers all retching this mornings sustenance over the railing. Guess I shouldn't have taken em to the Waffle House after all, not to mention all that money blown...literally! No matter, I was planning to submit the receipts to the royal treasurer for reimbursement. At least they were on the leeward side. This does pose a certain problem, now every sea critter for miles around will be following in our wake and o'er the point I spy gulls beginning to circle. God knows what a mess they will make of the paint job and lets not even talk about the canvas. Lucius has extended an excellent plan...we shall man the Greek Fire pumps and ballistas. Betwixt the two, we should be able to fight off the rats with wings. The archers, methinks, will have to sit this one out. Our first battle looms, and we havent even begun the trek to warmer climes. I cant say that I dont feel a little apprehensive about the prospect of going to battle with this untried crew, but I know these fine men will acquit themselves well. Striking my most commanding pose, hands on hips, head held high, I give the order to beat to quarters. Gawd save the Queen!

1210:Well, that definitely did not go as expected. One of the crew, in haste to man his post, tripped over my navigators cloak, falling into those manning the Greek Fire firing thingy. Results were: The realization we had not placed shims to keep the nozzle from moving through a 360 degree arc, and one sail torched. Of course, this is the only sail that we have on hand. so I am at a loss as to what to do next. Lucius claims he has an idea, I shall allow him to exercise his initiative, although the stupid grin and the fact he keeps glancing below decks is a bit worrisome. Good man that Lucius. On the upside, the impressive pyrotechnic display did manage to halt the gulls in their tracks and the Assyrians have quit their griping about being cold for the moment. Silver lining to every dark cloud is what I always say. I wonder if the shims are what that gentleman from the docks was referring to....hmmmm? Oh well, no place to go but up from here. Gawd save the Queen!

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Originally posted by Kitty:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by YK2:

Hey Kitty .. just back from the Fiefdom Forum and saw your post....

Mistress Waltz will not be a happy bunny...

Expect lots of yelling and name calling....

Here's hoping. :D

Kitty </font>

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