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Latest CNN Poll: Peng Gets Challenged. Conservatives Rejoice!

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Originally posted by rleete:

Evidently not. So much for this gameshow.

Yes, sorry, Roger. You won't be among the lucky ones when Monty Hall yells, "COME ON DOWN!!!".

Time to take off the multi-colored wig, the large diaper, swim fins and Elizabethan collar ruff.

Put them away so they'll be fresh for your next business meeting.

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Originally posted by dalem:

Cesspool Contestant #2:

If you were a Boxer Rebellion Tigerman warrior, when you leap underneath Seanachai's charging horse to slash its underbelly with your long metal claws, would you stay with Seanachai's broken body after his de-horsing or would you move on to Joe Shaw's horse?

The question is invalid.

Seanachai's charging horse?

More like prancing pony.

Try again.

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Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by dalem:

Cesspool Contestant #2:

If you were a Boxer Rebellion Tigerman warrior, when you leap underneath Seanachai's charging horse to slash its underbelly with your long metal claws, would you stay with Seanachai's broken body after his de-horsing or would you move on to Joe Shaw's horse?

The question is invalid.

Seanachai's charging horse?

More like prancing pony.

Try again. </font>

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Originally posted by dalem:

If you were a Boxer Rebellion Tigerman warrior, when you leap underneath Seanachai's charging horse to slash its underbelly with your long metal claws, would you stay with Seanachai's broken body after his de-horsing or would you move on to Joe Shaw's horse?

That's easy. Always finish off the wounded gnome. Gnomes are especially vicious when wounded. Don't let one get behind you.

Besides, Shaw's probably busy explaining 'the correct Cesspool steed demeanour' to his mount, who's already contemplating rolling like an SUV on a curve as it is...

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Originally posted by rleete:

Damn, I thought I was gonna win a date with dalem.

You know, Dalem's place is very strange. His basement is this incredible trove of games, miniatures, models, etc. I don't think he's ever thrown anything away.

I'm almost sure that somewhere there's a locked closet filled with all his stuffed animals from babyhood, each with it's own working pistol or pump-action .12 gauge...

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

You know, Dalem's place is very strange. His basement is this incredible trove of games, miniatures, models, etc.

Sound's like the typical wargamer/modeller to me. I even bet Dalem has a large stock pile of unmade kits.


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Originally posted by Mace:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

You know, Dalem's place is very strange. His basement is this incredible trove of games, miniatures, models, etc.

Sound's like the typical wargamer/modeller to me. I even bet Dalem has a large stock pile of unmade kits.

Mace </font>

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Hey, Dalem, maybe in the next week or so, we could get together sometime. I'd be happy to wear a disguise so that you're not seen with an 'Anti-American'.

Wear your Doug MacArthur outfit. That way you can point at stuff with the stem of your corncob pipe and when you get up to go to the bathroom, you can stop in the doorway, hold for a dramatic pause and say, "I shall return..."
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Originally posted by dalem:

Thank you Cespool Contestant #1

Cesspool Contestant #2:

If you were a Boxer Rebellion Tigerman warrior, when you leap underneath Seanachai's charging horse to slash its underbelly with your long metal claws, would you stay with Seanachai's broken body after his de-horsing or would you move on to Joe Shaw's horse?

I thought Joe Shaw was Seanachai's horse...
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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

Hey, Dalem, maybe in the next week or so, we could get together sometime. I'd be happy to wear a disguise so that you're not seen with an 'Anti-American'.

Wear your Doug MacArthur outfit. That way you can point at stuff with the stem of your corncob pipe and when you get up to go to the bathroom, you can stop in the doorway, hold for a dramatic pause and say, "I shall return..." </font>
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Originally posted by Mace:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

You know, Dalem's place is very strange. His basement is this incredible trove of games, miniatures, models, etc.

Sound's like the typical wargamer/modeller to me. I even bet Dalem has a large stock pile of unmade kits.

Mace </font>

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Originally posted by Lars:

Seanachai is more the picking a butt out of the gutter vagrant Gnome type.

As I have been led to believe that Seanachai doesn't smoke, I was wondering exactly what kind of "butt" he would be picking out of the gutter (other than his own of course)?
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Papa Khann brings up an interesting point, [and they said it would never happen], Who IS the toddler of the Peng thread? We know it cannot be Boo or Joebob, since they are both older then dirt. I've met Berli, and i know like me, he is no Spring Chicken. So who in the Mutha beautiful Thread is still walking around in diapers, whining like a small child?

Hmm... Seanacai? No, much too verbose to be the toddler of the thread.

Mace? No, too much knowledge about sheep.

rleete? A possibility, whines when defeated

Submit your ages and guesses of the toddler here please.


Originally posted by Papa Khann:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

Gnomes... Don't let one get behind you.


Like anyone would ever let someone like you get behind them. I tell you, Seanachai, I've seen toddlers with enough sense to put their back to a wall when your sort is about.

Papa </font>

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Originally posted by Nidan1:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Mace:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

You know, Dalem's place is very strange. His basement is this incredible trove of games, miniatures, models, etc.

Sound's like the typical wargamer/modeller to me. I even bet Dalem has a large stock pile of unmade kits.

Mace </font>

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dalem builds toy models.

Nidan1 built toy models. (Apparently this was back in the days when men were men, sheep were nervous, Mace was happy, and modelers boiled down bits of bone and hide to produce their own glue).

rleete builds things in his garage that most likely will result in yet another incarceration for him. I suppose you could call it another form of modeling though.

I'm never, ever, ever going to look in Boo's garage or basement, but I digress...

What are you guys, a bunch of gaming geeks or something?



So which one of you is responsible for cobbling Joe together? Or does a project of that magnitude require a collaboration? And most importantly, who has the remote control? And why don't you turn him off occasionally? Or better yet, permanently?

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You want me to submit? Are you daft, man? It's not even Friday night...

Wait a sec. Sorry, sorry. I really do need to start reading these posts more carefully.

My age: NoYDB (None of Your D*mn Business... which is another way of saying "Older than dirt")

My guess/nomination: Gaylord Focker.

Why? Well why not. But if you insist on a reason I shall provide one for you... For the way in which he followed Seanachai about the place, always trailing along after him like an enthusiastic puppy.

I rather miss the little chap. Nice to have around when my mood was foul and I felt like delivering a good swift <big>Boot!</big> to an unsuspecting passer-by. It gets so old batting Boo on the back on the head with a mallet, then denying it when he spins around and focuses that lackluster stare of his on me, and having him believe me.

Gaylord, where have you gone?


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