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Imagine... Instant Karma In The MBT... Power To The Peng Challenge Thread.....


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Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

That's a point. Still, I might have thought that after your 12th. pint or so you might have absorbed it through osmosis or telepathy or something.

Beer absorption through osmosis? You may be on a winner here.

Don't think beer and telepathy will work tho.


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Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Kitty:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Mace:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

Did you make that up or read it off the back of a beer can?

Don't be stupid, Mike. </font>
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Seanachai, you almost make me believe in Karma.

And I'd invite you over to cheer you up and drink you down Sunday night, but you don't have a car so you can't get here - how funny is that?

Besides, everyone knows that the best car is my ride, right here!

Give me a call if you want to rumble Sunday, or watch a movie.

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Originally posted by Lorak:

Just for you Seanachai

And here we have Seanachai Screaming.

"worse? How could it possibly be worse!? I'm being stoned!!"

Lorak the loathed

Australians are the coolest

People in the world

Let's all go down under

With strings of colored pearls

And lay them at the feet

Of the heirs of English crime

And listen to old Men At Work

And have a real good time

And we dug until we hit the rocks

Then we threw away the spade

And built a platform to get a better view

Of the Thanksgiving Day Parade

Jesus. Am I drunk? Is this what loss is like? This whole bit about loving Australians?! Isn't that just simply wrong?!

Fecking Christ! I hate Australians! But...when I talk to Mace....damn good lad, Mace...I just don't know, anymore.

Boo! Where is Boo?!

Christ, you're all a very great puddle of piss. I mean, besides the Ladies, and Berli, and that fecking bastard Peng...and...Boo...and that fecking psycopath Meeks...and, well, frankly, Moriarity...and Bauhaus...and that annoying bullocks pizzle, Joe Shaw...

Dear God. I can't believe it. I want to live.

I hate all of you. All the time. I hate all of you bastards,

But, when I looked at where life had taken me...and looked at where I was...I knew that...I could always way implicate any of you sodding sacks of ****e in a murder investigation.

And there's not a one of you who has the fecking wit to explain away anything I could say. Because you're a lot of fecking halfwits.

My Gods, but I'd love you as if you were my own flesh and blood. Except for the fact that 90% of you are dimwitted fecking fools.

You are my own flesh and blood. You bastards.

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

"Jesus. You know, even your silver-linings suck."

Cool! We're back to the way it should be...

Your life sucks more than mine. The world is once again on an even keel </font>

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Fecking Christ! I hate Australians! But...when I talk to Mace....damn good lad, Mace...I just don't know, anymore.

Crikey, you're paying me a compliment.

Put down the jug, man! You've had far too much to drink!

*never thought I'd ever say that....this is very disturbing and I need to ponder what I just said for a while*


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My Gawd, what a mess!! ** starts tidying up a bit ** Good, they are all gone now, one sure thing...when the sun rises in the east, the likes of Berli, Seanachai, Mace, Noba, et al. fade in the shining light of day. Oh, and Boo thanks for the compliment!, I try to live up to your expectations.

Kitty , I'm not referring to cow flops, so really, I mean really watch your step!

Well, the company I work for just had another round of lay offs, in order to create a "leaner division" What crap! I worked for what is now called Verizon for thirty years. (I retired in 2000, and I am now working for Cablevision/Lightpath which is a competitor.) We had layoffs at the end of 2002, and according to top executives 2003 was a banner year, with positive cash flow and higher profits. We became the 3rd largest telephone service provider in New York State.

All of a sudden, due to "higher sales and marketing expenses, and lower than expected profits" we had to let go of 70 people, nearly 20% of the total workforce. Are American businessmen really just stupid? Or are they all a bunch of liars and thieves, I cant determine which. The family that owns the company also owns Madison Square Garden, the NY Rangers and the NY Knicks, black holes of unprofitability, and poor management. When was the last time the Knicks or the Rangers had winning seasons? Millions of dollars are pumped into inflated salaries of athletes who whine and cry, and dont produce, either on the ice or the court. In the meantime, people who are working, to provide telephone service, lose their jobs because all of a sudden money disappears that was readily available only three months ago.

Does anyone really care?, I guess not.

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Originally posted by Nidan1:

My Gawd, what a mess!! ** starts tidying up a bit ** Good, they are all gone now, one sure thing...when the sun rises in the east, the likes of Berli, Seanachai, Mace, Noba, et al. fade in the shining light of day.

Not true, turn-owing bastiche. We-of-the-shining-West are still looking at you laddie...


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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Boo! Where is Boo?!

Good grief. At 4:18AM I'm normally fast asleep. At 3:18AM, it might be another story.

So you had your 1983 AMC Gremlin stolen?

That's tough, man. If you didn't have bad luck, you'd have no luck whatsoever.

Are you sure you aren't one of my in-laws?

Is this the car you were driving when the police stopped you for attempted speeding? You know, the one where they said you might have pulled it off if you hadn't been driving such a piece of ****e car?

All I can say is I wish I had been there to see your face when the cop told the story about the drunk who misplaced his car. Boy, the beer would've been shooting out my nose for sure!

Seriously though, perhaps you can take comfort in the fact that when times become so tough, when the things you hold dearest in your heart are wrenched away from you and you feel bereaved and bereft, you have a whole passle of moronic CM friends who will stand by you pointing and laughing.

Perhaps to the point of sudden and massive embolisms.

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Originally posted by dalem:

I think he was kind of a 70s TV action/drama star - Ephraim Embolism Jr.

That's what I thought but then I didn't want to get started on the celebrity genitalia gross-out thing.

BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT, while we're on the subject: Rodney Dangerfield!


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Originally posted by Yeknodathon:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Kitty:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo Radley:

Perhaps to the point of sudden and massive embolisms.

What's an embolism?

Kitty </font>

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Originally posted by dalem:

Hm. I just remembered that I pulled the rhubarb plant thingies out of my back yard last summer. Hope that's still acceptable. And you can store the rubber gnome on the patio.

Oh - Bring a blanket. It can get chilly here I'm told.


[waves a lofty fore-limb]

... although an emBoolism may be massive, it, by definition, could not be sudden. This would be an oxymoron. Who has ever seen a "sudden" potato? No... someone has got one's slippers back to front and on the wrong hand.

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Originally posted by dalem:

Hm. I just remembered that I pulled the rhubarb plant thingies out of my back yard last summer. Hope that's still acceptable. And you can store the rubber gnome on the patio.

Oh - Bring a blanket. It can get chilly here I'm told.

[eyes the hippie commune with growing suspicion]

*sniff*... better make a correction: very smooth operator... bit flirty.

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