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Imagine... Instant Karma In The MBT... Power To The Peng Challenge Thread.....


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Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

And lo, the unthinkable, no the unimagineable, has occurred. The Four Ladies of the Pool have completed the takeover.

Boy, you really are an idiot. All this time I thought it was an act.

Anytime the females "take over" an area, it is a simple matter to make them abandon it, and just walk in and reclaim it.

First, get stinking drunk. Not that this is really a first step for most of you, or even a rare occurance. It just helps to have wild abandon on your side for the crucial step. and it's usually more fun that way besides.

The important step is to make it uninhabitable for the fairer sex. For most of you, just being in the room for a few minutes is enough. But noxious gasses are just the start. We're talking trash, various soiled undergarments, stacks of magazines (guns, nekkid wimmin, cars, nekkid wimmin, fishing, nekkid wimmin, etc.), bits of obsolete computers, beer cans and liquor bottles (caps off, we want it to smell nice), engine parts (the greasier the better, so she won't attempt to move anything), half eaten food (moldy is good, unrecognisable and/or petrified is best), the works. You know, how you used to live before she made you clean it up.

Make it your DEN. As in hibenating bears. As in "leave now, without disturbing anything, and you might not catch any serious dieases".

Of course, it might be a bit more difficult with the Ladies of the 'pool, because they've seen it before. We'll just have to keep the Grue from sweeping up.

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Originally posted by R Leete:

First, get stinking drunk. We're talking trash, various soiled undergarments, stacks of magazines, bits of obsolete computers, beer cans and liquor bottles (caps off, we want it to smell nice),

You ain't scarin' me. That pretty much describes my room. >=/


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Dear Nidan, former squire of mine.

I just wanted to take this opportunity to tell you that I think you suck. As a matter of fact, the suckiness of your suckwaditude is so great, it would rip out the seams of Orsen Wells' pant...excuse me, "trousers".

You are the Sultan of Suckwadidness.

You suck so much that black holes have posters of you in their bedrooms.

Your suckitudnousness is legion.

How can I compare thee to a summer rose? You suck, the rose doesn't.

I'll bet when you start up your lawn mower in the summer, it goes sucksucksucksucksucksucksuck....

I'll bet you wear searsucker suits. I'll bet they're NAMED after you.

You really suck, man.

And I am so proud!

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Empty beer bottles (check)

Scotch bottles (check)

Over filled smelly ashtray with cigar and cig butts. (check)

Sitting in a darkend room (so you can see the monitor better), trying to fly with a Hotas,peddals,and using TIR. While a lot of other grown men from a wide assortment of countries, (not all of them english speaking), are trying to shout commands and scream curse words in broken english really loud through your speakers....


And one wife looking in, shaking her head sadly with pity in her eyes, and shutting the door.(check)

yep.. all indications are that it indeed works.

Lorak the loathed

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Originally posted by Lorak:


Empty beer bottles (check)

Scotch bottles (check)

Over filled smelly ashtray with cigar and cig butts. (check)

Sitting in a darkend room (so you can see the monitor better), trying to fly with a Hotas,peddals,and using TIR. While a lot of other grown men from a wide assortment of countries, (not all of them english speaking), are trying to shout commands and scream curse words in broken english really loud through your speakers....


And one wife looking in, shaking her head sadly with pity in her eyes, and shutting the door.(check)

yep.. all indications are that it indeed works.

Lorak the loathed



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Originally posted by R Leete:

..."leave now, without disturbing anything, and you might not catch any serious dieases".

I got that message from the vegetable crisper in my frige the other day. I pulled it all the way open and there in the back was stuff that may not have seen daylight since Harry Truman was president. Hell, some of it might have been in there since Herbert Hoover was president. The scary thing, the really scary thing is...I don't know if I can tell this part...it was moving. And not just any kind of moving, it was dancing. And worst of all [shudder] it was singing old Abba songs! Oh man! That was scary!


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Originally posted by Kitty:

Seanachi NEEDS to be wearing pants at all times. =|


Messy. Very messy prospect for Seanachai

Of course, the thought of The Gnome bumping around in a dryer is rather amusing.

[ January 16, 2004, 12:37 AM: Message edited by: Moriarty ]

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OK...just when you thought it was scarey to consider John Madden . . . THIS FROM A LOCAL NEWS CHANNEL!!!!!!!

This is for all you fans of women who look like they just got hit in the mouth with a board (ie - the swollen lip look)

Beverly Hills - Concerned about mad cow disease, the manufacturers of collegen (that which gives you the swollen lip look etc) have announced it's safe to use not only because it's made from "selectively isolated cowhide" but the new stuff IS MADE FROM THE FORESKINS OF NEWBORN MALE INFANTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Pucker up. *pukes*


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Originally posted by Noba:

Hmm. I hate you. Severely. Stupid cease-fire idea.

*checks the turn in the email*

Oh, I see what you mean. A Major Victory!!!

Fortunately I am very noble in victory.

*runs up to Noba and starts prodding him on the chest*

<font size = 7>LOSER!!! LOSER!!!! </font> *teehehheheh* <font size = 7>LOSER!!!</font>

*does a victory dance*


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Posted by the cheater......(Whom I hate, despise and revile - to a level almost as much as that, that, French lover - PondSCUM !)

Fortunately I am very noble in victory.
Err, Mace you eastern state twit check the following.

The fact that you couldn't return files any faster than Joe Shaw made this game a farce.

The next fact was that is was a patch version 1.02...so it doesn't count ! Nyahhh...!!

Another fact is, I need another drink.

Where was I ?

OI ! Did you see Gilly swipe those Zimbwabweans all over Tasmania ????

Aussie, Aussie Aussie - Oi Oi Oi !!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Originally posted by Nidan1:



I'm sure I wasn't the only one who had immediate visions of Nidan's squad at drill...

Interviewer: Next week we'll be showing you how to pick up an architect, how to pull a prime minister, and how to have fun with a wholesale poulterer. But now the men of the Derbyshire Light Infantry entertain us with a precision display of bad temper.

Voice Over: Attention!

(Eight soldiers in two ranks of four, They halt, and start to chant with precision.)

Soldiers: bly goodness me, I am in a bad temper today all right, two, three, damn, damn, two, three, I am vexed and ratty. (shake fists) Two, three, and hopping mad. (stamp feet)

Interviewer: And next the men of the Second Armoured Division regale us with their famous close order swanning about.

Sergeant: Squad. Camp it ... up!

Soldiers: (mincing in unison) Oooh get her! Whoops! I've got your number ducky. You couldn't afford me, dear. Two three. I'd scratch your eyes out. Don't come the brigadier bit with us, dear, we all know where you've been, you military fairy. Whoops, don't look now girls the major's just minced in with that dolly colour sergeant, two, 'three, ooh-ho!

Yep, that's about right...

SSN Hint Of The Day: Spring back; fall ahead.

Now sod off.

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Poseur, I say we lynch him!


Ladies, Gentlemen, et al.

First, My apologies to anyone who has previously asked to get off this list, but is still getting emails. Your requests were initially honored (I removed half a dozen names from my reply sheet), but some people, accidentally or otherwise, are replying to older copies. My apologies for any inconvenience this may have caused.

Now, to business. Everyone, please stop forwarding or replying to this email. As I said, although I tried to remove those who have asked, some people can’t seem to understand the concept that not everyone wants to get these endless replies. What has started out as a joking response to my initial email notification has gotten a little out of hand, and is beginning to affect relationships and reputations. Whether you think some people are overreacting or not, and whether you think this is all in good fun or not, I would politely and honorably ask you all to stop replying to this series of emails, and let the matter die.

Thank you for your cooperation.



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