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Peng Challenges the Killer Rabbit.


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Should I try to do a Don Quixote aka Joebob Shaw, and Dream the Impossible Dream and attempt to explain humor to.... A German? Will Boo ever find his inner Croda, and admit that jdmorse is his liege? Will Seanachai find happiness living with the donkey? Will Bauhaus return in time to be told to sit down?


This thread is about the CHALLENGE. Oh sure, we play Combat Mission [may it always be praised], but we have been known to dabble in IL2 and other games. It is a place to show wit and humor, yes, concepts foreign to you, but try to pay attention, challenging and getting noticed by the Knights. You start off challenging another Scum Sucking Newbie [henceforth called SSN] like yourself, and if you show skill and wit in the insults, without being obnoxious or degrading, and keeping the Ladies of the pool sacred, may get noticed by a Knight. He may send you on quests [challenging others] and you can work your way up to serf and Squire, and maybe even someday, a Knight.

Be warned, fools are not suffered lightly. If you think you have what it takes, challenge a single SSN to mortal CM combat. Use wit, use humor, use panache', oh forget it, being German, you don't have a chance.


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Originally posted by dalem:

Did anyone else get to fire a .30 caliber broomhandle Mauser tonight, with and without wooden holster stock?


Bah! When I want to shoot, I take out my grandpappy's Model 1917 30 cal. Bugger weighs a ton (around 10 lbs)... I pass on firing the original ammo given that it's pushing 80 years old...
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Originally posted by Lars:

Joe, drop the Brad/Jen thing. We've got real problems now.

Seems SpongeBob SquarePants has been holding hands with Patrick Starfish again.

Geeze, first the purple TeleTubby and now this ... what IS this world coming to?

I'm for a Constitutional Amendment banning cartoon characters that even LOOK sideways at another cartoon character that is either of the same sex, pretending to BE the same sex, has a name that is generally considered to be of the same sex or is of undeterminate sex (just to be on the safe side).

Of course they can hit each other over the head with a sledgehammer, blow each other up with dynamite, skewer each other with telephone poles and pull their tongues out like an old roll up window shade 'cause that's just good clean fun.


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Originally posted by Mumpfelfrumf:

Skilled and experienced as I am, it will be no problem to slaughter my way through the pitiful ranks of SSN´s.

So tell me where the cave filled up with SSN´s is, whose only purpose is to suffer total humiliation.

You see what happens rune? You talk to them and it encourages them ... NOW what are you going to do with it, eh? We won't be bothered with cleaning up after it when it poops on the floor, we won't be feeding it and you'll have to keep it clean and make sure it has its shots. Sure they look cute NOW, but what about when it gets bigger and starts knocking all the doo-dads off the wall, do you think the Ladies of the Pool are going to be too happy with you then?

You need to think these things through FIRST.

If it starts chewing up my slippers you're buying me new ones.


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Originally posted by Mumpfelfrumf:

Hello and welcome to Taco Bell. Would you like to try our half-pound bean burritto especial meal deal with dessert chalupa?

Okay, kid, look: The cave thing, pretty good. Plus, you just jumped right in there and showed disdain for the opposition, that'll work. But... You've gotta get rid of that sig. It's, well, bad. Yep, bad. Maybe even worse.

Now, with your sig rewritten (Or just lit on fire and danced around) you should be on your way. Because, really, we can't do anything about how hopelessly dumb you are. Nosiree, that's pretty much inherent. Genetic, even. I mean, a member number under ten-thousand and you're asking what goes on in the MBT. AND you're still a junior member? What're you, that retarded guy from the Goonies?

Rejoice, everyone, we might get Mufflehump! And then, if we're good, he'll post once every three months!! And he won't have any idea what's going on!!! Yee-haw!!!!


Oh, and Geier, I don't get the thing with the Guardian. Is this some kind of European joke? Because I'm still having a hard time with biscuits and chips, which're apparently fries and cookies.

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Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Mumpfelfrumf:

Hello and welcome to Taco Bell. Would you like to try our half-pound bean burritto especial meal deal with dessert chalupa?

Okay, kid, look: The cave thing, pretty good. Plus, you just jumped right in there and showed disdain for the opposition, that'll work. But... You've gotta get rid of that sig. It's, well, bad. Yep, bad. Maybe even worse.

Now, with your sig rewritten (Or just lit on fire and danced around) you should be on your way. Because, really, we can't do anything about how hopelessly dumb you are. Nosiree, that's pretty much inherent. Genetic, even. I mean, a member number under ten-thousand and you're asking what goes on in the MBT. AND you're still a junior member? What're you, that retarded guy from the Goonies?

Rejoice, everyone, we might get Mufflehump! And then, if we're good, he'll post once every three months!! And he won't have any idea what's going on!!! Yee-haw!!!!


Oh, and Geier, I don't get the thing with the Guardian. Is this some kind of European joke? Because I'm still having a hard time with biscuits and chips, which're apparently fries and cookies. </font>

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Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Mumpfelfrumf:

Hello and welcome to Taco Bell. Would you like to try our half-pound bean burritto especial meal deal with dessert chalupa?



Oh, and Geier, I don't get the thing with the Guardian. Is this some kind of European joke? Because I'm still having a hard time with biscuits and chips, which're apparently fries and cookies. </font>

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You've gotta get rid of that sig. It's, well, bad. Yep, bad. Maybe even worse.[/QB]

I doubt the full meaning of my signature is within the limitedness of your simple mind.

I could try to explain it,... but it would be like trying to pile up balls...

It´s just wasted time.

And the frequent grunting noises I hear, coming from your direction, sounds to human beings like a "challenge"...

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You must show a stronger spine if you are to survive here. none of this "Please sir, may you tell me where another Scum Sucking Newbie is" sort of trash. Fine, since i made the mistake of speaking at you first, I give you a choice, you may fight Future, or any other SSN you find here. I will supply the scenario, and we will expect an AAR. Let me know if you accept this, and if so, I may take you to serf.

Better yet, challenge Meeks . This I got to see... [Hmm, that may have been caused by my Inner Berli ]


[ January 21, 2005, 10:56 AM: Message edited by: rune ]

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Originally posted by rune:


You must show a stronger spine if you are to survive here. none of this "Please sir, may you tell me where another Scum Sucking Newbie is" sort of trash. Fine, since i made the mistake of speaking at you first, I give you a choice, you may fight Future, or any other SSN you find here. I will supply the scenario, and we will expect an AAR. Let me know if you accept this, and if so, I may take you to serf.

Better yet, challenge Meeks . This I got to see... [Hmm, that may have been caused by my Inner Berli ]


Uh rune, that might not be completely fair since the lad hasn't yet learned of the right of Prime Nochte and he might not ... oh ... carry on.


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There'll be no funds collected to rehabilitate lawyers (even assuming that that's POSSIBLE) until the Brad/Jen crisis is taken care of lad.
It might be possible & that’s good enough for me… I have a dream you know. One day I’ll say “I am a Knight of the House of (sigh) JD MORSE (sigh)” and I’ll say it without the sighing, without the nagging doubt, the terrible visions… with the whiskey bottle out of sight & out of mind.

Anyway I thought that Brad/Jen thing was resolved if I remember correctly it ended when Brad became happy that Ross had knocked Rachel up & Phoebe hugged Brad because… well just because.

And finally I think you got the order wrong on your last line. Biscuits and Chips are COOKIES and FRIES in that order, not the other way around.
That’s quite good for a Yank… I doubt you read that in your Mormon bible, so where did you learn it from?

From below...

Why am I not bolded all of a sudden? I request, nay demand an explanation. I will not be bolding Shaw until a suitable explanation is provided
The reborn Justicar is clearly acting in a most righteous manner. As I’ve said before even that pile of decaying faecal matter stickypiss is infinitely more deserving of his squireness. You’re lucky you’re even spelt properly o’ farbelowpar.

And another thing; do not try to talk directly to Peng it is not only deeply insulting but liable to end up with you having to eat your own whatsydoodahs, if you must communicate to him you can do so through I.

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Originally posted by rune:

Better yet, challenge Meeks . This I got to see...

Are you aware that you actually signed his death sentence?!

I´d love to show Meeks :mad: how inferior his mental capabilities are, when confronted with someone...like me!

Mumpfelfrumf officially challenges Meeks :mad: !

I therefore request a scenario, in case he is willing to get slain.

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On an unrelated note (c flat for you Joebob, after all, I have heard you screech...err....sing]

Anyone living in or around Hadley, Mass? I am flying there Sunday and training some dbas until Friday. Let me know ASAP.


[ January 21, 2005, 11:57 AM: Message edited by: rune ]

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Bah! and a Fey! to you sir. You have to show wit, panache, humor. get under his skin, insult his family's honor, lay waste to his home and cattle. You need a little backbone there.

Meeks, I know he is below you, but can you give him a demonstration. Let him live slightly so he may learn from his errors.


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Originally posted by Mumpfelfrumf:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by rune:

Better yet, challenge Meeks . This I got to see...

Are you aware that you actually signed his death sentence?!

I´d love to show Meeks how inferior his mental capabilities are, when confronted with someone...like me!

Mumpfelfrumf officially challenges Meeks !

I therefore request a scenario, in case he is willing to get slain. </font>

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Lady Moraine,

Bows, You may want to say your fare thee wells to your husband, he left me no choice but to send him a Rune Scenario. Once the scenario is done with him, he will be no more then a quivering mass of gelatine, Yes, yes, I know he is that now, but with even less spine.


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Originally posted by rune:

Lady Moraine,

Bows, You may want to say your fare thee wells to your husband, he left me no choice but to send him a Rune Scenario. Once the scenario is done with him, he will be no more then a quivering mass of gelatine, Yes, yes, I know he is that now, but with even less spine.


Oh dear. *sigh*

Thank you for the warning. I shall be sure to place the bucket next to the chair so that carrying him away from his demise will be that much simpler...and less messy.

Now that I'm feeling a bit better, I owe some turns myself. I shall be sending turns forthwith to those I owe them...uh...to...to whom I owe...oh, fugettit! Y'all will git yer turns soon!

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