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Peng in the New Year With A Resolution to Challenge Peng!

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Originally posted by Mace:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by athkatla:

dyslexic Aussie moron like 'NOBHED' Noba have to spell it out for you in block capitals.

Allow me to spell it out for you.

K.N.O.B.H.E.A.D.....Knob head!

Oh and 'block capitals' is not necessary as 'capital' suffices.

I am now content as correcting those who accuse others of dyslexia fills me with glee.

Almost as much glee as stealing a Peng thread and moving it to Australia, thus pissing off Geier no end.

Actually the more I think of it I think pissing off Geier is one of those life fulfilling opportunities.

Mace </font>

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Originally posted by athkatla:

FYI K.N.O.B.H.E.A.D is no more a valid word than KNOBHED is, it was my choice to use a word not in the dictionary but one used widely by illiterate sheep shagging, Fosters swilling, Sheila slapping dome brains!

Your welcomed.

I knew you were struggling with the spelling of Knob head and I just had to help you out.

Normally I shoot poor struggling critters to put them out of their (and my) misery, but I thought I'd show some compassion in your case....besides I was out of rounds.

Oh, and btw, Aussies don't drink Fosters. That's why we export it.


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Originally posted by Mace:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by athkatla:

FYI K.N.O.B.H.E.A.D is no more a valid word than KNOBHED is, it was my choice to use a word not in the dictionary but one used widely by illiterate sheep shagging, Fosters swilling, Sheila slapping dome brains!

Your welcomed.

I knew you were struggling with the spelling of Knob head and I just had to help you out.

Normally I shoot poor struggling critters to put them out of their (and my) misery, but I thought I'd show some compassion in your case....besides I was out of rounds.

Oh, and btw, Aussies don't drink Fosters. That's why we export it.

Mace </font>

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Originally posted by Mace:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by athkatla:

FYI K.N.O.B.H.E.A.D is no more a valid word than KNOBHED is, it was my choice to use a word not in the dictionary but one used widely by illiterate sheep shagging, Fosters swilling, Sheila slapping dome brains!

Your welcomed.

{Snipped silly Aussie waffle}

Oh, and btw, Aussies don't drink Fosters. That's why we export it.

Mace </font>

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Originally posted by Noba:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Mace:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by athkatla:

FYI K.N.O.B.H.E.A.D is no more a valid word than KNOBHED is, it was my choice to use a word not in the dictionary but one used widely by illiterate sheep shagging, Fosters swilling, Sheila slapping dome brains!

Your welcomed.

I knew you were struggling with the spelling of Knob head and I just had to help you out.

Normally I shoot poor struggling critters to put them out of their (and my) misery, but I thought I'd show some compassion in your case....besides I was out of rounds.

Oh, and btw, Aussies don't drink Fosters. That's why we export it.

Mace </font>

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Originally posted by Speedy:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Noba:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Mace:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by athkatla:

FYI K.N.O.B.H.E.A.D is no more a valid word than KNOBHED is, it was my choice to use a word not in the dictionary but one used widely by illiterate sheep shagging, Fosters swilling, Sheila slapping dome brains!

Your welcomed.

I knew you were struggling with the spelling of Knob head and I just had to help you out.

Normally I shoot poor struggling critters to put them out of their (and my) misery, but I thought I'd show some compassion in your case....besides I was out of rounds.

Oh, and btw, Aussies don't drink Fosters. That's why we export it.

Mace </font>

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Originally posted by athkatla:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Mace:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by athkatla:

FYI K.N.O.B.H.E.A.D is no more a valid word than KNOBHED is, it was my choice to use a word not in the dictionary but one used widely by illiterate sheep shagging, Fosters swilling, Sheila slapping dome brains!

Your welcomed.

{Snipped silly Aussie waffle}

Oh, and btw, Aussies don't drink Fosters. That's why we export it.

Mace </font>

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by athkatla:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Mace:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by athkatla:

FYI K.N.O.B.H.E.A.D is no more a valid word than KNOBHED is, it was my choice to use a word not in the dictionary but one used widely by illiterate sheep shagging, Fosters swilling, Sheila slapping dome brains!

Your welcomed.

{Snipped silly Aussie waffle}

Oh, and btw, Aussies don't drink Fosters. That's why we export it.

Mace </font>

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Originally posted by Herr Oberst:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by athkatla:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Mace:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by athkatla:

FYI K.N.O.B.H.E.A.D is no more a valid word than KNOBHED is, it was my choice to use a word not in the dictionary but one used widely by illiterate sheep shagging, Fosters swilling, Sheila slapping dome brains!

Your welcomed.

{Snipped silly Aussie waffle}

Oh, and btw, Aussies don't drink Fosters. That's why we export it.

Mace </font>

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Noba:

... and don't have the brains to play by themselves.


Not quite sure what you mean by this... (a phrase that could be used regarding almost all your posts.)

Is this more of that Onanism stuff? </font>

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Right I don’t mean to raise a stink and all (unlike that despicable [and not in the Pengful sense] v41lowshmuckface [interestingly enough I came across this web page which reminded me of the little cockroach] who can’t help but raise one heck of an an odour) but I’m greatly disappointed by the rate of turn return… return of turns… turn giving by some here in my ongoing PBEM.

Some here are beyond criticism, my liege obviously and even that Nobahead Oddstralian (and under normal circumstances I doubt I’d ever have said that a filthy Oddstralian was beyond criticism)… but others, well others deserve (or more correctly ‘are now more deserving’) a good old kick in the nads for the way I’ve been strung along (except the dear lady… she deserves a nice cup of tea & a sponge biscuit or some such).

I expect now a bunch of slimy apologies to make their way to me…

“I’m sorry oh blessed one but my wedding wa… blah blah blah”

“I’m sorry oh immaculate doorknocker but the operation left me in consi… blah blah blah”

“I’m sorry oh leading light but there was this fricking Swede on the Peng thread & his words induced a coma… blah blah blah”

Well I tell you now… I don’t want to hear some inevitably pissed paddy or some pointlessly pointless Belgian or some… some other feckless sort boring me to tears with flimsy excuses… I want a full inbox and I want it now…

Sheesh I’d almost believe that you were all deliberately trying to slow down my ascension to Knighthood

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Originally posted by Herr Oberst:

oh, and who the hell would name a town Geelong... is that supposed to be a play on words by the local constabulary to keep the streets clear of rabble???

[drunk Aussie]: Oi! Where am I?

[constable]: Geelong ya drunken sod!


This from someone who's town is named Vienna because some founding member was too bloody lazy to come up with something original.


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Originally posted by rleete:

Joe, in the illustrious words of our immortal dalem...

More rightly to have said: "In the illustrated words of our immoral Dalem', that putting everything on a footing that made sense, don't you see.

Which moves me to this:

The Song of the Dalem

The night was old

the moon was pale

I fell into a sort of dream

the air was cold

I drank some ale

Afar, I heard a mongoose scream

And then before my eyes arose

A being from the depths of hell

who murdered verse, and mangled prose

A worthless fool, an empty shell

His mouth gaped wide

He gibbered long

On any topic came upon

All reason died

While he pushed on

He whored like any neo-con

And when he reaches out to you

you'll dream of hell, and wish you'd died

All hours of life you'll quickly rue

When you've heard Dalem versify

And so at last

The monster stands

A megalith of solid sick

You'll stand aghast

Throw up your hands

At what a useless, vulgar–

One, two, three, twirl! Everybody folkdance!

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What the ****?! I sign on to this damn board night after night. I read the egregious droppings of you gang of flightless halfwits over and over again, I post even while I'm coughing my own, rotting lungs out, and then sit here, night after night, waiting for some sign that I'm getting through, like I'm actually reaching someone, as though my goddamn posts were being received by actual humans, rather than some aimless signal shot into fecking space to be eventually processed by some Alien version of the Seti@Home Project, and now, in the space of the last fecking hour or so, I see you all posting like a pack of stoats that were being carried in the same pocket as the methedrine?

I hate you bastards.

Night after night, I go to bed wondering where you all are. And now you're here. What a bunch of Very small rodents known for their tendency to lick each others bottoms as a prelude to mating.

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Originally posted by MrPeng:

After all these years The Bard still thinks a little recon before sending in the armor is too much work. He's got one less tank than that with which he started.

Here's a post by The Bardian Mastermind (Page 3 of The Original MBT):

Well, I'll grant him this: He's right, the horrible, dung-eating, cat-loving stooge, in that he did in fact kill several...er...numerous, of my light reconnaissance vehicles.
That's four and a half years ago. He might be learning, the only question is what, exactly?
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Originally posted by Geier:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by MrPeng:

After all these years The Bard still thinks a little recon before sending in the armor is too much work. He's got one less tank than that with which he started.

Here's a post by The Bardian Mastermind (Page 3 of The Original MBT):

Well, I'll grant him this: He's right, the horrible, dung-eating, cat-loving stooge, in that he did in fact kill several...er...numerous, of my light reconnaissance vehicles.
That's four and a half years ago. He might be learning, the only question is what, exactly? </font>
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Originally posted by Seanachai:

I piss on you from a considerable height.

Alrighty then. Setup is whinging it's way towards your lofty eyrie, you bitter and twisted little man. Mind you, if I were you I'd clear out all the albatross droppings but who am i to tell you what to do? Heh, just kidding.

It's time this thread started dealing with The Game again. Or not. Lars, Noba, Berli Send me some fecking files. It's all your bloody fault that i have to lower myself to play (I inhabit a yet loftier eyrie, y'see. Free of albatross droppings too.) The Bloody Useless Bard

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