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Supertanks - Maus

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This is probably in the wrong forum (i dont recall any supertanks in Africa ;) ) but i thought i'd get more interest this way.

Has anybody ever done a mod that can insert a model of the Maus tank into CM? If not, can the modders or the game designers please add it as a patch or something.I know it was never in operation but i think it would be a good laugh to have in the right scenario.

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I've just read the other thread about this.The maus was scheduled to be in CMBB but the grogs caused such an uproar on the forum (gamey,non-historical etc etc) that the developers took it out.

I dont think the Sturmtiger or IS-3 ever really saw any much action either so why werent the grogs up in arms about that.Yes it would have made the game more obviously a game but it could be fun for the more casual player.Also they can add interest for your own personal/specialist scenarios (assault on a fortified line with sturmtigers etc).If only the grogs hadnt got too hung up on reality then we might have some really interesting scenarios available (last stand of the Maus anyone?).

Anyway, im just having a grumble.Hopefully the Maus will feature in CM2 along with some more obscure and interesting units (railways guns and armoured trains perhaps?).Even if not as functional units then maybe as mission objectives - defend the railway gun etc

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The Maus never saw any action, anywhere, ever, as far as documentary sources show.

By contrast, the Sturmtiger did see action.

You're complaining about people getting 'hung up on reality' but CM is meant to be an accurate simulation. Personally, I didn't miss the Maus from CM:BB. I had far more fun using 105mm HE shells against T-26s.

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The point i was making was that the inclusion of the Maus could have made for some fun during play.At the end of the day everybody here (except maybe JasonC :D ) plays CM because it is fun.

You are completely correct that the Maus did not see action. Yes the Sturmtiger did see action but from the sources i have read they saw no significant action and had no significant battlefield effect.Similarly with the IS-3, I thought it was introduced at the very very end of the war in Europe and quite probably saw no action at all.

Oh well, would have been nice to see it (imagine the points cost with rarity on though) and maybe the American T-28 experimental.

At the end of the day all i can do really is wait for CM2 and hope that my pc can run it well(otherwise i'll just have to upgrade :D ).Here's looking out for railway guns and heavy fortifications (entire fortified bases?, Maginot line?) as terrain features,Maus and multi-turretted tanks as units and maybe even individual soldiers shown on screen.

aaaaah the stuff of dreams smile.gif

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Granted, the Maus was never used. But in so far as it was designed and built, it's authentic. Not having the Maus included weakens, however marginally, the pleasure of owning the game. After all, if the Maus concept was good enough for the Germans to develop in the hopes of rushing it into production in time to make a difference, surely it's not far fetched for us to want to play it? No more farfetched than the Maus itself I'd say.

I don't have any flying games, but if I did, my dream game would include every aspect of the airwar in Europe, PLUS the aircraft the Germans had on the drawing boards at the end of the war. Would really like to try Vampire jets vs Flitzers, for instance. An example of what I'm talking about.

WWII is not just what happened, but also what the participants intended or hoped would happen except that things didn't work out as planned. CM, in that it allows players to modify & create scenarios, is open-ended. I should think the concept would leave room for what-if equipment.

Or how about this? I'm sure everyone had lots of nifty stuff on the drawing board at the end of the war, not just the Germans. How about a CM game covering WWII from Spring 1945 to, say, Fall 1948? Based on certain assumptions, like a German Victory at Kursk, Normandy invasion defeated, US atomic weapons delayed, etc, etc. Any excuse just to portray what a prolonged war in Europe would have been like.

I know, straying into science fiction or fantasy here, but I think it's a nifty idea.

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Making CM a better game is not about adding units that never existed. I know that there are people who only play CMBB with Jagdtigers and IS-3's, but I much rather play with something more commonplace. Such as infantry. It is a game of tactics, after all, and for a fun tactical game you wouldn't need more AFV's than T-34 and Panther in the game.

"WWII is not just what happened, but also what the participants intended or hoped would happen except that things didn't work out as planned."

To me WW2 is about what happened. I like to recreate things that happened 60 years ago, feeling the stress and burden of the commanders. If you start adding Secret Weapons of Wehrmacht and busty chicks in lederhosen, it somehow doesn't remind me of WW2 and thus doesn't interest me.

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There is a very interesting programme on the History chanel from time to time called Luftwaffe 46 which deals whith this "what if" scenario, looking at the state of the german airforce if the war had dragged on another year and they had been able to produce me262's in significant numbers.

I would like to see the inclusion of some of these wierd, late war and experimental things. If you want a simulation then dont pick them in the scenarios, all it needs is a "realism" filter on the unit selection, hang on, dont they have one already.....

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Actually, one Maus *was* shipped to the desert war, but it promptly settled into the sand and was never seen again. The tank specialists involved were flabbergasted, and of course the Fuerher was not pleased--reports of the incident were sealed and the technicians handed over to the Gestapo.

The Bedouins still tell tales by firelight of the "Mouse that Roared," a massive beast slouching towards Bethlehem dripping blood and leaving wide tracks in its wake. Anthropologists dismiss these narratives as fanciful expressions of tribal rivalry. But some nights, when the moon is full on the desert wadi, and all but the houris are quiet, you can still hear a "Clank--Clank--Clank" of thick metal on sand, the sound carried on the winds of the high Sirocco, while round the decay of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare the lone and level sands stretch far away.

And that's why it's not in the game.

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Originally posted by Little Pete:

This is probably in the wrong forum (i dont recall any supertanks in Africa ;) ) but i thought i'd get more interest this way.

Has anybody ever done a mod that can insert a model of the Maus tank into CM? If not, can the modders or the game designers please add it as a patch or something.I know it was never in operation but i think it would be a good laugh to have in the right scenario.

Since your premise for the Maus is what if anyway, why not use the JadgTiger and pretend it's a Maus? Then you'll be set. There wasn't that much difference in them and what little there was wouldn't matter at the CM level.

BFC has to consider who buys their game. Is it folks that want revisionist history or all the what if's that could come out of WWII? Or do the people that study what happened in WWII buy their games? The answer is some of both but which group do you suppose is larger? There in may lie the answer to your missing Maus.

Panther Commander

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Originally posted by Little Pete:

True but including 'what ifs' as an OPTION surely should keep both sides happy.The realists simply take the options off their lists and the others have them there if they choose to use them.

Roll on CM2 i say, hopefully it will be even more of a revolution smile.gif

I would imagine that there are only so many slots available for equipment, terrain tiles, etc.

If this is true you can understand why the grogs got bent out of shape, with your wanting one of those slots, for a weapons system that wasn't operational vs one that was.

Panther Commander

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The topic here is really a non-issue atm, since Maus won't be added to the existing games. Still, I don't see why, in the beginning, maus (along with propably tons of others "non historical" units)was not added just for the funk of it. Having an unit in the game, as opposed to not having it, doesn't take anything away from the game, or does it?

Unless of course there was a hardcoded limit to the number of units that can be added to the game and it just wouldn't fit in. I know, I know, production team is also very small, might've been also a time issue.

Still I'd been even more happy with the game, had maus been in it. IMHO

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