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Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by rune:

Yeah, I HATE it when I hide something in the open like that. Did you think it was a crop circle? Perhaps the town center? Perhaps a Boo was here sign?



It's now sitting plainly underneath a German Flag!!!!!


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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by rune:

Yeah, I HATE it when I hide something in the open like that. Did you think it was a crop circle? Perhaps the town center? Perhaps a Boo was here sign?



It's now sitting plainly underneath a German Flag!!!!!


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Originally posted by dalem:

I'm STILL High

Thank Gawd for dalem. Like a rock, I always say. Well, I don't actually say that, but he is kinda dense, ya know, like a rock. As opposed to Boo, who is dense like concrete.

[edit]-I needed a new sig line.

[ March 26, 2004, 02:31 PM: Message edited by: Jim Boggs ]

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Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

That's YOUR TRP??? No way, if I can see it, it's mine, smart guy. Unless rune put two TRP's on one target. HA! Even rune ain't that evil!



You want the town that badly, Laughing Boy?

You can have it. I'll just beat feet and 47...46...45...44...43...

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Originally posted by rune:

my free time is also taken up by testing Joint Operations from Novalogic.


Finally, a game about knee, elbow, wrist and ankle surgery. Something we've all be waiting for.


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I was afraid to check the glorious thread of all threads for fear it had died a thousand deaths..

Not only is the MBT alive and *kicking* but MrBoggs is posting again...

I knew the perfume I had for my birthday would work on someone... So pleased you are back amongst us Jim.. I know Seanacoochie will be beside himself...

Once again, thanks for all the Birthday wishes .. and thanks to all who give me the strength I so need, to go on, and on, and on........

Special mention to Berli.. you're a good and loyal friend and I hope you know just how much I love you... I have no Idea if it's more than I love Peng, Seanacochie, Joe, dalem, Leeo, Boo, OGSF, Rune, Soddball, Axe, V42, Sturmie, Lars, Elvis, Mace (sorry Kitty but I can't leave him out he's always been a good friend ) and Stickie infact... every single one of you..

Apologies if I missed someone out.. I know some people mail me, message and post...who may not be uppermost in my mind... but that doesn't mean I don't appreciate your friendship just as much..

Joe and Berli please come back...

We need the Justicar and we need you Berli........

P.S. Lars and the MBT ALLIANCE *Kick Ass*



[ March 26, 2004, 05:32 PM: Message edited by: YK2 ]

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*SPLANK* *ka-pow*


Dalem ye bloated bison belly ain tha blisterin' blaze o' a midday sun! Where's mah feckin' setoop??? Ye're a furry bummed toucher o' small animals, ain't ye?? (Akin tae tha bastarrrd Hiram ain many respaicts).



*kick* *kick* *VRRRIII-IIINNNNGGG*



*Wing-ning-ning* *Sput* *Sputter*

*spack* *poot* *sputter* *sput*

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OGSF ye bloated bison belly ain tha blisterin' blaze o' a midday sun! Where's mah feckin' turrrn frrrom that feckin' Runish battle that you've been holding back on for lo these many years??? Ye're a furry bummed toucher o' small animals, ain't ye?? (Akin tae tha bastarrrd Boo ain many respaicts).

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Originally posted by Moriarty:

OGSF Where's mah feckin' turrrn frrrom that feckin' Runish battle that you've been holding back on for lo these many years???

Ah didnae knoo laddie! Ah looked fer at an' tha file hae gwin awah! Kin ye noo saind at agin, mon? SAE AH KIN MOCK YER USELESS TOADY ARSE WI' THA RESULTS!!!!

Ah think at were called "OGSF40s.zip", but there as a red "x" through tha wee icon noo. Sae, ye clump-footed triple-jump pit-raker, saind tha feckin' file agin, or tha wee span'l gets at!!

[ March 27, 2004, 01:18 AM: Message edited by: OGSF ]

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[... and as the Spring mists begin to clear to reveal stagnant puddles and a freshly savaged duck by the pet pond great white, the Paddock is welcoming a new friend. With scaley tail, upright on hind legs with short and spindly welcoming open arms, mad mad, starey eyes and a mouth agape showing very sharp teeth; a new rubber toy pushed by a dew-ridden snout - Godzilla]

*stomp* *stomp* *stomp* *stomp* *stomp* *stomp* *stomp*

*stomp* *stomp* *stomp* *stomp*


*stomp* *stomp*


[ March 27, 2004, 01:50 AM: Message edited by: Yeknodathon ]

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Originally posted by stikkypixie:

I thought there was only 1 Loch Ness monster!!!!!

*stomp* *stomp* *stomp*

[... pauses to rotate an ear sideways]

Eh? *sniff* Well, me little stikkypixel one really can't be too sure...

[... looks at the pond, suspiciously, and carries on...]

*stomp* *stomp* *stomp* *stomp*

[... and then the little rubber Godzilla stops mid-way to thrust its bulky thighs downwards into the soft ground, raising its mad mad, starey eyes to the sky while its short, spindley arms flap around with lots of drama to herald its curdling primeval hunting cry...]

*yaddayadda* *yap* *yap* *yadda* *yadda*

*stomp* *stomp*

[... and then continues its steady march across the Paddock]


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Ladies en gentleman and apparently several Nessies too, you'll be glad to hear that i have set up filters in my email account. Your turns will from now on be automatically processed.

The system will detect from whom the turn is and whether i should bother to plot the moves myself or leave it to the computer depending on the incompetence of the sender in question.

For example turns from v42below will be taken care of autonomously (i mean seriously just pushing go doesn't take that much skill).

The goal is to maxisimize my efficiency, so that i can on as many of you lot as possible, and making you feel miserable in general knowing how inferior you all are.

Although this system works 98% of the time there are exceptions, the borderline cases, these problems will be looked into in the next upgrade, untill then Nidan1 i'll still do our turns manually.

[ March 27, 2004, 12:36 PM: Message edited by: stikkypixie ]

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