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Cheery Waffle v1.03 patch, molten TNT now available

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Originally posted by Dave H:

<font size=6 font color=green>Good Friday Morning, Waffles!!</font>

Mace, you really scare me sometimes. Where's Kitty to keep you out of trouble?

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Soddball:

I have an awesome photo of my game against Snarker that I'll get posted here - of one of his teensy, tinsy stuarts being targetted by twenty Panzer IVs. Seriously :mad: !

If your tanks shoot as accurately as mine did in that abomination of a scenario we just finished, Snarker's "teensy, tinsy" Stuart will probably take out at least half of your Pz IVs. If that happens, I'm sure Snarker will post that photo, too. :D:D

Good news on the raw sewage front. All of the plumbing is completely replaced. The city building inspector ordered the tenants out of the house, so no eviction is needed. I have one prospective buyer who is offering substantially more than we sold the house for 3 years ago, and a second buyer considering a cash offer. It looks like a win-win for everyone but the people who trashed the house in the first place. Anyone looking for some neighbors? </font>

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Originally posted by Axe2121:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Soddball:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Axe2121:

I'd post a picture of what you're into, but it would break several international decency standards.

Go on. Post it. You're just trying to turn me on.

How's Cheery Waffles, by the way? Sufficiently :mad: ? </font>

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Originally posted by Soddball:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo Radley:

You simps do realize that by renaming the .exe file prior to patching, you can have both versions on your computer and so play patched and unpatched PBEMs?

Or, actually knowing this lot, I'm surprised you haven't tried installing the patch using Bondo and a putty knife.

:mad: :mad: :mad:

You're a big, puss-filled wart on the scrotum of an elderly vagrant. :mad: :mad: </font>

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Soddball:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo Radley:

You simps do realize that by renaming the .exe file prior to patching, you can have both versions on your computer and so play patched and unpatched PBEMs?

Or, actually knowing this lot, I'm surprised you haven't tried installing the patch using Bondo and a putty knife.

:mad: :mad: :mad:

You're a big, puss-filled wart on the scrotum of an elderly vagrant. :mad: :mad: </font>

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

QUOTE]I know you are, but what am I?

Walks in through hole in wall, looks down at the piles of rotting trash, half-eaten limp leftovers, pools of lumpy vomit and partially crushed cans of cheap lager…

“I see the Cheery wafflers are keeping their place in good order”

Notices his liege across the room taunting with incredible skill some kind of mushroom…

* 37mm coughs*

* Boo turns around*

“Err Lord what are you doing in here, its not good for your skin you know? Any way its time for your weekly bath, I’ve made it nice & bubbly just as you like.”

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Originally posted by Soddball:

Do you find four-year olds easy to relate to or is their complex discourse and worldview baffling to someone with so much airspace inside their cranium?


I don't really think so. I mean, I have no problem relating to the likes of you. All I have to do is go without sleep for a few days, medicate myself with a few bottles of bad Muscatel, massage my skull with a ball peen hammer for an hour or two, deprive myself of oxygen for a half hour and VOILA! I'm just slightly more alert than a <small> chirping wiffler</small>.

Any other questions, Sparky?

I've picked scabs with more personality than you, Bore Badly.

I imagine that's a favored hobby of yours. Right next to picking nits off yourself.

If you want some TNT-laden action MAGGOT you only have to ask!! :mad:


You challenging me, Spudball? Would we be playing v1.03, or do I have to wait for you to figure out how to upgrade, twit-boy?

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:


You challenging me, Spudball? Would we be playing v1.03, or do I have to wait for you to figure out how to upgrade, twit-boy?

Alright then, you long streak of widdle. You want some? YOU WANT SOME SERIOUS DERANGED, MOLTEN, FACE-MELTING TNT CARNAGE?? :mad: :mad: :mad:


I challenge you to a Sig Match!!! :mad:

I want the world to know what a fat, sweaty, rub-my-genitals-on-a-piece-of-sandpaper ponce you are.

I'm going to grind your pitiful, whining face into the mud, you pestilent streak of dog poo. :mad:

My conditions are: 1500 pts, infantry only QB.

Winner puts a line in the loser's sig for 90 days.

And yeah, you can fecking wait. I've only got Wallybob left to finish off, and we're on turn 9 of 10. Should be done by the end of 2006.

Setup when I'm back from a weekend of dull stuff. I've got so many games going, my box is going to be packed more full than Boo Radley's mums'. Although it probably won't earn me as much money. :mad:

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Originally posted by Soddball:


Well, Boo, there's an offer you simply can't refuse.

However, please note that we might be a tad uncomfortable if you choose to post the pictures. :mad:


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Originally posted by Dave H:

Where's Kitty to keep you out of trouble? :D:D

errr, Dave, it doesn't quite work like that.

Kitty and I are more your Bonnie and Clyde of cyberspace, if you ken what I mean.

You know, the couple that pay you a visit and outstay the welcome by some considerable time.

The sort of people that say something that causes an uncomfortable silence, killing the conversation completely.

I think you now understand what I'm talking about?


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Originally posted by 37mm:

Notices his liege across the room taunting with incredible skill some kind of mushroom…

As much as I hate to admit it, that is funny. Probably because it describes Soddball so well.

So Soddy -- any customers tomorrow or are you free to roll in your own vomit and feces tonight? :mad: :mad:

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So, I joined a gym six weeks ago. At one time I was an athlete, playing rep softball (big in Australia -- I know a couple of guys who went there to play), basketball and I would run to burn off whatever depression/anxiety/stress was left over.

So that was in my teens and 20s. Now I'm 32. At 20, I was 5-8 and about 155. At 25, I was about 160. At 30, I was 170 pounds. Then, about six weeks ago, I was pushing 190 and I knew something had to be done. I eat well (hardly any junk food, no fast food) but my exercise regime was zilch.

So the first day in the pool, I did 10 laps. I had to take about 30 seconds between laps and by the 10th I was ready to puke, both literally and figuratively.

Well I kept at it. Three times a week -- Monday, Wednesday and Friday -- and I'm happy to report I'm up to 30 laps without stopping. I've dropped a couple of sizes in my waist (I was a tight 34" but can now fit easily into a 32"). My weight has stayed about the same.

Anyway, thought I'd share 'cause I'm proud (and vain, of course).

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Originally posted by Axe2121:

So, I joined a gym six weeks ago...

So that was in my teens and 20s. Now I'm 32. At 20, I was 5-8 and about 155. At 25, I was about 160. At 30, I was 170 pounds.

Well I kept at it. Three times a week -- Monday, Wednesday and Friday -- and I'm happy to report I'm up to 30 laps without stopping. I've dropped a couple of sizes in my waist (I was a tight 34" but can now fit easily into a 32"). My weight has stayed about the same.

Anyway, thought I'd share 'cause I'm proud (and vain, of course).

And because now your wife's panties don't chafe as much when you wear them to work on cross-dress Fridays???? :mad: :mad: :mad:
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