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It's a Challenge to tie a Pengeroo down, sport !

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Originally posted by Lord Harmes:

I don't suppose any of you guys are willing to teach this "newbie" some respect on the battlefield? eh? eh? PBEM??? eh? toughnuts???


This...is just awful. Now look here, this will never do. As Seanachai is on "vacation", I shall fill the role of "the nice one". Properly annointed by MrPeng himself. Well he didn't say "nice one" but it was close enough.

This Thread is about splodey things and clankety things. LOTS of em. It doesn't matter if you win or lose because your opponent will lie (Joe Shaw) or whine about not having enough troops (Boo). So you have been warned.

Now then, you are saying "But there's another Thread that does this." And you would be right. But here it's different because of The Ladies of The Pool.

Because they are staunch supporters of the arts, they indulge certain amongst the Group to have Jolly Sing Songs and do versification. And The Ladies ensure that there will be no mocking of the would-be poets and bards.

Never, I say, never, incur the wrath of The Ladies of The Pool!!!

If this should occur, you will find they are quick to forgive a sincere apology.

Now then Lord Hormone, if you truly feel you have the "Right Stuff", go off and Put Some Effort in Your Challenge!!

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The other one, the one Mace deigned to speak to (lowering his standards something awful these days ... mind you HE'S pretty awful these days too),
Its Mace...would we expect anything less? Of course, we always do, and he never disappoints. He has mastered the fine art of rising to the lowest common denominator. BTW, mentioning him and standards, lowered or otherwise, in the same sentence, seems like a terrible misuse of the word and faux pas of the highest order.
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Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

This Thread is about splodey things and clankety things.

And, the ocassional babe in tight leather. Tastefully presented, of course. C'mon, even Himmler would have given pause at that pic.

Originally posted by Aces_and_8's

:...and faux pas...

Isn't that the stuff Lars sprays all over himself before going out on the town?
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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

I note with Justicariate disapproval that one of the SSNs ... Cpl VileJewelry or something ... has no email address in his profile ... we hereby shun him.

Speak for youself, Joe. Sgt. Viljuri will always be spelt and bolded in my posts for his valour on the battlefields of Crackdom and his support of the Queen the MBA and the Waffler Alliance in the fight against the CB. I also note that, the way I see it, he was merely passing through and was not drawing attention to himself like the other idjit.
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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

I'm sorry did ... did someone say something ... anyone ... anything ... leather, uh I mean whatever.

I note with Justicariate disapproval that one of the SSNs ... Cpl VileJewelry or something ... has no email address in his profile ... we hereby shun him.

The other one, the one Mace deigned to speak to (lowering his standards something awful these days ... mind you HE'S pretty awful these days too), HAS an email address, albeit a Hotmail account and he may be addressed.

You don't see any Justicariot Explodius (whatever) handling THOSE details with that kind of flair and panache! THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE AND IT AIN'T GONNA BE HIM!



Had you bothered to read through the posts that didn't feature your name in them, you MIGHT have noticed that I had already addressed the SSN named Lard Ham, earlier. As to the other nitwit, Cpl. VoleJunkey, I believe he was a favorite of Kitty or the Queen, and had been in the MBT (It's Beige!) long before I had stole...er...absconded wi...ahh...rightfully taken (yeah, that's the ticket) AND modified the title of Justicarious Expialidocious of The Peng Challenge Thread.

And since that means he showed up during YOUR watch, I guess that means YOU fumbled the ball!

See what I mean, good...er...people? The man's totally lost it. Sad, really.

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

I'm sorry did ... did someone say something ... anyone ... anything ... leather, uh I mean whatever.

I note with Justicariate disapproval that one of the SSNs ... Cpl VileJewelry or something ... has no email address in his profile ... we hereby shun him.

The other one, the one Mace deigned to speak to (lowering his standards something awful these days ... mind you HE'S pretty awful these days too), HAS an email address, albeit a Hotmail account and he may be addressed.

You don't see any Justicariot Explodius (whatever) handling THOSE details with that kind of flair and panache! THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE AND IT AIN'T GONNA BE HIM!



Had you bothered to read through the posts that didn't feature your name in them, you MIGHT have noticed that I had already addressed the SSN named Lard Ham, earlier. As to the other nitwit, Cpl. VoleJunkey, I believe he was a favorite of Kitty or the Queen, and had been in the MBT (It's Beige!) long before I had stole...er...absconded wi...ahh...rightfully taken (yeah, that's the ticket) AND modified the title of Justicarious Expialidocious of The Peng Challenge Thread.

And since that means he showed up during YOUR watch, I guess that means YOU fumbled the ball!

See what I mean, good...er...people? The man's totally lost it. Sad, really. </font>

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Originally posted by Aces_and_8's:

.would we expect anything less? Of course, we always do, and he never disappoints.

Well of course (the royal) WE do deliver less!

If cesspoolers started expecting more of His Royal Highness, We would have to try harder now, wouldn't WE?

And Berli forgive, that would involve some form of work.


Now excuse me, my five course meal has just been delivered, and the stenographers are ready to hand feed me.

KING (your taxes not at work) MACE

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

So, you admit that Cpl. Veal Cutlet was your responsibility and you screwed the pup on that job, right?

Just so we understand each other.

As much as I care to, that is.

You are such a loser ... and in celebration of that fact, soon to be immortalized in your very own sig line as a result of your upcoming loss to Jim Boggs (who, I might add, I beat like a cheap rug, but then that's me), I have been retained by that selfsame Jim Boggs as a consultant for Sig Line Composition.

You may rest assured that said sig line will contain NO reference to Justicars or anything remotely LIKE Justicar ... in fact I'm working on variations now that don't even have the letters J, C or R in them.

Something of a laudatory nature that emphasizes MY greatness and my continuing contributions to the MBT whilst, at the same time, denigrating your very existence comest to mind ... oh ... it will likely have something in it about Jim Boggs, it needn't be much, he's pretty happy just to have his name in print without the usual IS SUMMONED TO APPEAR after it.

As to the miscreants you mention, what role did YOU play in nipping the Fluffdom invasion in the bud? None? Not too surprising of course, to be expected.

I STAND FOR THE CESSPOOL ... unlike some Boo-Come-Lately's who would trade on MY record of success and hard work to STEAL a title.


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Ahh...no, Joe. You have no idea how much it pains me to inform you, but the entire challenge between Mssr. Boggs and myself, stood with the understanding that The Olde Ones (specifically Berli and Seanachai would be crafting our sigs.) Seanachai would be bestowing one on me in the event that I suffered a loss. If, my worthless opponent gave you any other information or offered you any incentive, then he did so outside of the rules we had agreed on.

If you care to take it up with Seanachai, then that is your perogative and I will, of course, abide by his ruling.

But only by his ruling.

Joe, aren't you a little old to fall over every squire who offers you a bit of candy?

Once again, people, the guy's just a doddering wreck. Let him retire with whatever dignity he can attempt to muster.

p.s. Oh, and once again, Joe. The whole Fiefdom debacle happened while you were still allegedly in charge. So, your little attempted slam falls squarely back in your lap.

Remember the old adage, Joe. "People who live in glass houses shouldn't model their new clear plastic teddies in the middle of the day."

[ April 10, 2004, 12:16 AM: Message edited by: Boo Radley ]

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Lord love a duck. Sit down Bauhaus, it's just an expression. What? Oh, of disgust. No, not like those cross-dresser pics, that's revulsion. Yes, kinda like how Mace smells. Now stop interupting.

Will you two just-a-carrots get a room or somfink? Listening to you biddys bickering is like watching two women in a shoe store. "No, I saw the brown pumps first, and besides, they go with my purse." "Yes, but you put them down, and now I have them." "But they're just like the other shoes I had before." Oh, no, these are the new version." Enough to make you want to take your illegally converted full-auto AR-15 downtown and ventilate the whole farkin' store.

Except that I don't have a converted AR-15. No, siree, not me. That would be against the law. Never bought those parts at the gun show, honest. The 100 round drum magazines are just for hunting.

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Originally posted by R Leete:

Will you two just-a-carrots get a room or somfink? Listening to you biddys bickering is like watching two women in a shoe store.

Remarkable... its like one Justicar has divided to produce another of equal Justicar... erm... proportions.. 'cept one cann't hide the Ohio mutation.


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Originally posted by Nidan1:


Excuse the interruption, Miss Leather Wrapped **pant** **pant** Prime Minister Kitty , I hate to break up the party, but don't you owe me a turn or somefink. After all you should at least give me the honor of allowing me to give up.
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Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

And you would be right. But here it's different because of The Ladies of The Pool.

Because they are staunch supporters of the arts, they indulge certain amongst the Group to have Jolly Sing Songs and do . . . *SOUND OF RECORD SCRATCHING*

I've got your "jolly sing song" right here:

White Zombie, "More Human Than Human"

I am the astro-creep a demolition style hell American freak - I am the crawling dead - a phantom in a box shadow in your head say acid suicide freedom of the blast read the fecker lies - scratch off the broken skin - tear into my heart make me do it again Yeah more human than human

I am the jigsaw man I turn the world around with a skeleton hand say - I am electric head a cannibal core a television said yeah, do not victimize read the motherfecker-pyschoholic lies - into a psychic war I tear my soul apart and I eat it some more. More human than human.

I am the ripper man a locomotion mind love American style Yeah I am the nexus one I want more life fecker I ain't done - yeah More human than human!


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Boo Radley I find that I've misjudged you ... I THOUGHT you had at least an OUNCE of common sense but I see that I was mistaken.

Is it completely unreasonable to expect that someone who ASPIRES to the office of Justicar of the Peng Challenge Thread to show a LITTLE appreciation of the TRADITIONS of the CessPool? Others have taken up the challenge and berated an SSN for failing to show an email address, for example. Some have challenged those who would show disrespect for the Ladies of the CessPool.

But what have YOU done? NOTHING! You've sat in your One and Half Wide and you then expect to gain the office most critical to the sacred traditions of the CessPool with as little personal effort as you expend getting another discount beer (in YOUR case you just tilt the Barcalounger in the living room back another two inches, reach behind your head and open the refrigerator door in the kitchen.)



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Originally posted by R Leete:

Watch as one shopper tries to use diversions (beer) to distract the other from grabbing the prize (shoes). Remarkable!

Shut up R Leete, this is official CessPool business. And you should watch yourself lad, the Justicariate of the Peng Challenge Thread has long had it's eye ... eyes ... on you. You're ... you're not from Ohio are you?


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Joe, come now, where's your compassion, your sense of fair play? Clearly Boo is deserving of some title, what that is I have no idea, but hear me out.

Joe, look at your titles, all fairly pai....earned and then look at poor Boo.

Nothing. Well except for Oaf, which was earned by the way. Think of his shame, his humiliation.

"Hi Mom...yeah I'm still in the MBT....no, I haven't got a promotion....well I do have the title of Oaf!....right Mom, I know....but I'm trying...etc., etc.

Therefore I think that the time has come for ALL the members (regardless of length) of the MBT to place before their compadres a fit and proper title for Boo Radley.

Something that is highly rank, that will give the lowly Ohioan a fitting place in the line to use the bathroom, something that will fit his non-existant talents and complete lack of personality.

Come on lads, come up with a title for Boo!!

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