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Riding the Range with Peng, Challenged by the Whispering Wind

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Originally posted by Nidan1:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by mike_the_squire:

Does any fine gentleman, or one you other types, know where one can find when each unit type is available? Seems like someone with a lot of time on their hands would have put this together as a tool for scenario designers, no?

Try the Strategy Guide...then shoot yourself. </font>
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Originally posted by mike_the_squire:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Nidan1:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by mike_the_squire:

Does any fine gentleman, or one you other types, know where one can find when each unit type is available? Seems like someone with a lot of time on their hands would have put this together as a tool for scenario designers, no?

Try the Strategy Guide...then shoot yourself. </font>
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Hey mike_the_squire

Here's an idea. Start a new game of CMBB, a QB. Make the first one in June 1941. Make it Hot seat so you can see both sides. Review the available forces. Press "ALT A" to exit, then repeat for July 1941, August 1941, etc.

I realize this could take a very long time and you will be gone from the board while you do it, but then again that's the point.

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Originally posted by: Mike_the_Idjit

Nidan1, you twit, although I apprectiate the attempt at a response, a viewing of the "Stragety Guide" sample page ..........
I said The Strategy Guide , not the Stragety Guide , you massive festering pustule. You cant get the info from the sample, you need to shell out the bucks for the real thing. Wait a minute....shoot yourself now, do yourself a favor.

BTW, what is "apprectiate", does that have something to do with Colon and Rectal Surgery?

[ October 03, 2003, 02:57 PM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]

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Originally posted by mike_the_squire:

As to far more important matters. The fair dame YK2 once fancied me and now...not even an empty flung at me for weeks. What have I done to offend? Perhaps a bottle of Howard Park (yes, it is Ooze-tralian) opened tommorrow's eve will be enough to lure the fair lady back. Shall it be the '97 or '99, milady?

Not offended... I've just been busy moving into my new home and got so carried away with furnishing and decorating it that the time just flew by.. And what with the partying and my new swimming pool being installed, well I didn't get time to pop in here...

Thanks to Berli, Seanacoochie, Mace, Mensch, and Peng for all the nice messages and for helping me settle in... Although a note to Mensch: I now have a lock on my bedroom door...

Ohh and Elvis the pics are indeed digital if you follow the link then you will see I have pinned them to the wall.

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Dear Pusbags

Yeah Hiram beat...it took song long to play the feekin thing I almost forgot we had a game going.

Noba and I played to a draw in a nifty I must go to the despot and post a review tank battle. He did some really neat stuff but would have fallen if the game hadn't ended when it did. Sour grapes here but at least the bastard has never beaten me.

Peng...getting overrun by conscripts.

Berli....he is the Devil.


Ms. Sedai...see Hiram notes.

Thank you all for letting me bore you.



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Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

My Dear Lady, I would speak on behalf of the newly arrived mike_the_squire.

The hell you say. The day I let a Floridian speak for me is the day I quit drinking.

It is certainly not for any lack of effort that he has not offended you. I can honestly say that in re-reading the posts he made while you were away, that I personally was offended many times.
Coincidence? Nope, that was intentional.

I would go so far as to say that he is charming.
Thanks butterbean.

Therefore I would beseech the Fair Lady to reconsider and give the poor lad the credit he is due.
Yes, please reconsider. Look at all the pain I cause this imbecile. Was this effort for naught?

BTW, it will be the '99 Howard Park this eve...that was the closest to the door.

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Originally posted by Moriarty:

And if you take up smoking, I think I can arrange a little fire for you.

You've had me smoking for 3 minutes now. Bastige.

[Edited in an attempt to more closely emulate the light of all reason, Andreas]

[ October 03, 2003, 10:45 PM: Message edited by: Leeo ]

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

Just wanted to mention that Marlow and Her Oberst have my permission to go drown themselves. I just opened the file for my battle with Wild Thang and it's even uglier than Hiram (and the crowd gasps...)

It's so bad, it makes Crodaburg look like CandyLand.

We aim to please... not your sorry behind, but the rest of the 'Pool. It does my heart good to hear you piss and moan about the map, although I must be getting soft in my old age. I had considered giving the both of you nothing but ATR teams to duke it out, or on-board mortar teams, but pity stayed my hand.

I'll have to correct that fault in the future.

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Nidan1 finally overcame his pain and sent a turn. Well-done sir! Did it hurt much? I would think you would be used to your de feets by now. Tight shoes is a mother f@@ker brother. Put a pair of tight shoes on a brother and he will tell you anything!

“Where are your T-34’s?“

"No, don’t do it!!! I’ll tell, I’ll tell"!

(edit.. Axe knock it off. Elvis has left the building. Besides we would rather have Germanboy so we can get our facts straight.)

[ October 04, 2003, 10:43 AM: Message edited by: Abbott ]

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Originally posted by Abbott:

Nidan1 finally overcame his pain and sent a turn. Well-done sir! Did it hurt much? I would think you would be used to your de feets by now. Tight shoes is a mother f@@ker brother. Put a pair of tight shoes on a brother and he will tell you anything!

“Where are your T-34’s?“

"No, don’t do it!!! I’ll tell, I’ll tell"!

(edit.. Axe knock it off. Elvis has left the building. Besides we would rather have Germanboy so we can get our facts straight.)

How do you know I have any? Oh sorry, I forgot you designed the scenario.

Can I expect my armor to start self-destructing, by turn 10. Gamey bastiche.

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I have decided that I shall now post a SERIAL AAR on my battles underway. Yes, normally I just post them ALL in one post but in this case I feel that the GAWDS are with with ME! Those would be the digital Gawds of War of course, those other pillocks either send odd, sporadic pains to bedevil me or work issues that are equally difficult to track down. I keep trying to explain that it's not EASY to conduct a proper chicken sacrifice in suburbia but do they listen?

For my first AAR I present the man (he must be a man, he has a Social Security Number) who is the namesake of the thread (oh sure, he'll CLAIM the thread is HIS namesake but we know the truth) Peng!

HAH! I've just completed the plot for turn 8 of 20 ... he may as well surrender NOW! Rarely have I seen a single turn plot so well planned, so carefully examined, so inclusive of all possible contingencies as MINE on turn 8. It was a thing of beauty and will , BY ITSELF, cause his troops to turn tail and run. Yes, they'll see the brilliance of my plot ON THIS ONE SINGLE TURN and realize the futility of their efforts ... wouldn't surpise me if they don't come over to my side and turn dedicated Soviet Communists solely based upon that plot.


p.s. I'm off to Colorado this next week. Grand Junction followed by Colorado Springs.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Elvis:

Berli....he is the Devil.

Don't you mean... 'he is the Devil sitting atop that freakin' mountain with machineguns and mortars and things that go boom, oh my' </font>
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Originally posted by Marlow:


I see your stalker is loose on the forum again ( in the follow roads command thread). Maybe you should go say hello.

I'm in mourning. My Mortal Enemy just got a warning, and the thread was locked because of him. Well, and us. Grammont even said he felt all dirty after wading in there to lock it.

Our work there is done! Let's ride!

[ October 04, 2003, 12:13 PM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]

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