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Riding the Range with Peng, Challenged by the Whispering Wind

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Lars is a no-game-having-panzy, Turn 6 of 20 and the lad is all ready squeaking "uncle". Gawd, if I wanted to play such a blouse-wearing nong I would have played Seanachai.

How about Boo? You have been seen lurking in some of the seedier parts of the forum, with that coy "come-hither" look in your eyes. How about a real blood bath. 1500 points. ME. Inf only. Huge map. VLs be damned, game to be decided on bodycount alone. Care to rack em up, laddie?

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Originally posted by mike_the_squire:

Lars is a no-game-having-panzy, Turn 6 of 20 and the lad is all ready squeaking "uncle". Gawd, if I wanted to play such a blouse-wearing nong I would have played Seanachai.

How about Boo? You have been seen lurking in some of the seedier parts of the forum, with that coy "come-hither" look in your eyes. How about a real blood bath. 1500 points. ME. Inf only. Huge map. VLs be damned, game to be decided on bodycount alone. Care to rack em up, laddie?

I may be losing to a nancyboy like you, but at least I’m not so pathetic as to consider a mere 1500pt battle a “bloodbath”.

Besides, it’s all rune’s fault anyway. All you’re doing shooting over wide open fields and sitting in your foxholes, and trenches, and bunkers, and, and AT gun emplacements, and {sob..} feckin tanks....

{sob... I can’t go on, I need a hug...CatWoman?...}

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Originally posted by mike_the_squire:

How about Boo? You have been seen lurking in some of the seedier parts of the forum, with that coy "come-hither" look in your eyes. How about a real blood bath. 1500 points. ME. Inf only. Huge map. VLs be damned, game to be decided on bodycount alone. Care to rack em up, laddie?

And you are a fey purveyor of slightly enhanced Welch's Grape Juice products.

Infantry alone? Throw in some ht's and I'll consider it. Otherwise, I find your suggestion pale and wan, not unlike your allegedly more "robust" vintages.

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by mike_the_squire:

How about Boo? You have been seen lurking in some of the seedier parts of the forum, with that coy "come-hither" look in your eyes. How about a real blood bath. 1500 points. ME. Inf only. Huge map. VLs be damned, game to be decided on bodycount alone. Care to rack em up, laddie?

And you are a fey purveyor of slightly enhanced Welch's Grape Juice products.

Infantry alone? Throw in some ht's and I'll consider it. Otherwise, I find your suggestion pale and wan, not unlike your allegedly more "robust" vintages. </font>

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Good morning, ladies and germs....for your consideration, I present one Lars the loser. He sends a setup....typical Rune affair, no cover, no concealment, ice and snow, looks like a pool table painted white. Nearly 700 meters of open, flat terrain to cross in the face of dug in and mobile T-34 and KV monster machines.

Being the diligent tactician that I am, I plan my assault with maticulous care. So what does Lars the loser do? He complains loudly about being bored. I of course ignore all of his churlishness, and continue my planning.

Contact is made!! a desultory tank exchange...I lose a tank..he thinks my assault is broken...foolish man....several turns later all my units arrive at the jump off point, all have LOS to his armor, everything that can be seen is hit.... Lars the loser becomes aware of his error of false pride, and begins whimpering.

The time has come to grind his pathetic Russians into dust!!!!!

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Originally posted by Noba:

Geeze Radley you are easy....don't you owe me a turn ?


Aleph: Yes, I'm easy. But I'm not cheap. Understand the difference.

Beta Carotene: No, in fact, I do not owe you a turn. You owe me a turn. If you sent a turn sometime in the last 10 hours. I haven't seen it yet as I am at work.

Be patient. Your daily dose of arse-whup will proceed on schedule when I get home.

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Originally posted by mike_the_squire:

Ah, the poor lass, er, lad...homonid? Whatever the feck you are, stop your sobbing. Want another piece of me after this go-round? 1500 points not enough? Let's go 3000, fog, 50+ turns, all other parameters the same.

Something of the sort will be considered. Perhaps not the fog...

SSN Hint Of The Day: Make the same mistake twice.

Now sod off.

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Originally posted by Nidan1:

Contact is made!! a desultory tank exchange...I lose a tank..he thinks my assault is broken...foolish man....several turns later all my units arrive at the jump off point, all have LOS to his armor, everything that can be seen is hit.... Lars the loser becomes aware of his error of false pride, and begins whimpering.

The time has come to grind his pathetic Russians into dust!!!!!

And you, you malodorous tit, have not yet destroyed all my armor.

Besides, there's still 700 wide open meters of lovely snow you have to cross.


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So here I am (over there), minding my own business, whining about stuff n things, and Berli gives me an idea. Well, maybe not just Berli, possibly Seanachai and his Eastern Canadian Mortal Enemy were in my brain (not literally) at the time also.

But anyways, I decided I should probably stalk someone this winter. Not a lot of course, just enough to give me something to do and make sure that the victim keeps his doors locked and his gun in his hand (no, not that g...nevermind).

I asked Rune, but he claims to have his own Personal Stalker already (where does JoeBob go on these "business trips"?). So then I thought maybe Seanachai would like a new Mortal Enemy for a few months. Seeing as 6 Carbohydrates (per serving) has gone AWOL, I figure he should have first right of refusal.

So I'll ask you, you Canuck lovin' Olde One, the same thing I asked Rune...Waddya think Seanachai? Looking for a Mortal Enemy for the next few months?

I eagerly await your reply.


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Harv, you ignorant slut! You owe me a set-up!

Now that you have brought the latest harvest of dirt home I expect, nay, demand to die lots, and horribly at that!

As to the rest of you blaggards, a minor mix-up with my account prevented me from posting in the last few threads. It was a simple matter to fix, but it put me in the difficult moral position of having to go out of my way to post with...you. After exhausting every credible task and diversion and several fairly implausible ones I have finally attended to the matter and once again find myself knee-deep in your company.

Not that I didn't think of you from time to time. Once, while watching The Best Years of Their Lives, that masterful telling of decent men making the difficult adjustment from war to peace, I was reminded of just what an incredible waste of hateful, gibbering humanity the lot of you are, ladies excepted of course.

In Gamey Updates:

SirReal and I are just starting to die on a landscape bereft of a single identifying characteristic, save the beginnings of a pile of bodies.

I am nearly concluded with my engagement with Lady Morainne. She has held bravely to a daring plan, and while not successful, she certainly inspired a profound loyalty in her men. I have never seen soldiers so willing to die for their leader. Of course, given her proximity to the Hirsute One it may have been mass suicide by 88. Who can tell with those soulless, Bolshevik hoards?

Simon Elwin and I are exchanging turns at the breathless pace of about once a month. The match is 6 months old and it's still to early to say how it's going.



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Lurk Thats because I'm doing something else at the moment, but since you are so impatient I'll send you the next turn soon. I like the cardboard men you have. Lars will get a turn too, soon.

Love to the Ladies of the Pool as usual I will be opening fine Cotes de Rhone on Friday evening if you wish to join me in a drinkie, that would be lovely.

Hi to Mace too from your ex squire.

Dalem is it you on the Remarker thread?


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Originally posted by MrPeng:

Worthy Adversaries (and Joe):

Effing computer took a nasty stinky dump in the middle of downloading files. None are on the mail server and none made it to the HDD. Please resend any files sent today.



GentleKnights (and Peng), I have returned and yet I shall leave. I am home and yet will be away. I post and yet shall not post. It's a mystery wrapped in an enema I think.

I'm going to be gone ... a LOT! I shall be absent most of most weeks for most of October and most of November ... mostly. This will delay turns but it's not as if you're not used to that now is it?

I'd post my itinerary so that you could have a chance to Meet The Justicar but as Seanachai put it in the opening post I'm just a stern taskmaster and no one likes me anyway ...{sniff} ... there, I'm all better.

Seanachai it is by RULES that we can function as a society ... a severly disturbed and almost pathologically disfunctional society but a society nonetheless. It's MY suspicion that your diatribe against the rules was simply because ... YOU COULDN'T REMEMBER THEM! What matters it what it USED to be about lad, all that counts is what it is NOW! And rules are part and parcel of that.

To those to whom I owe turns, would you have me wrench the bread from the mouths of my children so that YOU could have a turn?

To those who exclaim with sudden insight,

Wait a minute, WAIT A MINUTE, if he's got time to post at THIS length then surely he has time to play a turn!
I say ... {Pffffttttttttt}!

To my former Squire Harv I say ... <font size = 5>HARV!</font>.


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Originally posted by Harv:

Seanachai and his Eastern Canadian Mortal Enemy were in my brain (not literally) at the time also.

As you are an offspring of the Shavian House then I am sure that like the Shaw himself, you wish to always be correct in everything you say or do.

It is for this reason and none other that I step forth and bring to your attention that Seanachai's now long departed, but not unloved (see Bearlickthatagain), mortal enemy was by all rights, accounts, and indeed self-proclaimed, a Mexican-Canadian.

I would imagine someone needs to take a trip to the stenographer's office in order to update the ledgers in the Hall of Records. As Joe will be gone, that would leave........

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Lurker? You're still here? I figured by now you would've taught your cat to play CM so you might actually have a chance to win a game. Do you still have that sticker on your bathroom mirror that says "Caution - Losers In Mirror Are Closer Than They Appear"?

But, if you still want me to (insert verb) you around like a (insert noun) again, I challenge you to a U-Pick pure armor QB in North Africa, 1940, with me as the Allies. Everything else will be set to random. Sound good? Good.

But more importantly...JOE!!! You're leaving again? Excellent. Look me up when you get back. I won't be here, but don't let that stop you.

And to all the rest of you lewsers, slackers and lowlives...Bite me. But not there, I'll need that for later.

Harv66 - Order your own personalized Deranged Canadian Stalker today. Supplies limited...Don't Miss Out!!

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