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Peng, why hast thou forsaken my challenge?

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The once and future MEEKS wrote:

And dammit, there are no archdukes left.

In fact, there are several Austrian Habsburg Archdukes still living. Not much power but they still have the floofy, hyphenated names. Perhaps you should invite a few to your coronation party.


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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by dalem:

Slipping in a tub of wrestling jello and being unable to unfasten one's bondage harness in time to prevent oneself from suffocating is dumb.


Yes, and we all are aware of how narrowly you dodged that particular bullet. </font>
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Originally posted by Bone_Vulture:

It's a "peng" thread full of "peng" residents. Do I need to draw you a picture?

WRONG ANSWER Bone_Vulture!!! Peng thread or not what you said was shameful and disrespectful to this mans pain and situation.

If you didn't like what was being said then you should have just kept your damn mouth shut!

The Pengsters are a community every bit as much as the rest of the forum, if not more so, and when something in real life affects a member it is the strength of that community that people come to together to offer support and prayers and help if they can.

What possible purpose did your posts serve? Is your time so damn important that you can't allow this man to grieve a little and to be comforted by those that care for him as a person?

Maybe I should just ban you now so you can have the extra time you seem to cherish so closely to continue to be selfish and self absorbed somewhere else?

Combat Mission, the forum and the MBT are just "things", diversions if you will but they are supported by REAL PEOPLE with REAL LIVES and REAL PROBLEMS.

Real life trumps a "diversion" everytime Bone_Vulture,EVERYTIME.

I feel you at least owe Aussie_Jeff an apology. Wheter you are man enough to do that is up to you.


[ February 13, 2003, 01:48 PM: Message edited by: Madmatt ]

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Vadr vs Mcgillicutty, The Opening....

Oh my Liege, the flying lead and bloodshed are exceeded only by the high humor...

Eschewing any pretense at tactics (or perhaps he studied at Balaclava), my opponent has elected to fearlessly charge the mighty Matilda. Just as it did in North Africa, this immediately led to dead Italians everywhere.

Ah well, perhaps he will have learned from his first-turn foolishness and will actually try to do something constructive with remainder of his forces (doubt it tho).

Mgivner is tricky however, slippery like an eel; "I need to send this move in two parts" and "Ummm...I need you to send these to a different E-mail address", those sorts of pillock tactics.

More to follow as the slaught...err battle develops.

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Originally posted by Vadr:

Vadr vs Mcgillicutty, The Opening....

Oh my Liege, the flying lead and bloodshed are exceeded only by the high humor...

Eschewing any pretense at tactics (or perhaps he studied at Balaclava), my opponent has elected to fearlessly charge the mighty Matilda. Just as it did in North Africa, this immediately led to dead Italians everywhere.

Ah well, perhaps he will have learned from his first-turn foolishness and will actually try to do something constructive with remainder of his forces (doubt it tho).

Mgivner is tricky however, slippery like an eel; "I need to send this move in two parts" and "Ummm...I need you to send these to a different E-mail address", those sorts of pillock tactics.

More to follow as the slaught...err battle develops.

Well, squire I can't help but wonder how you would do with these rattle-top tin cans. I'm not saying your top- er, leige selected a one-sided scenario, I'm just pointing out that this scenario demands about as much skill as flipping a coin.

Well, given a OPEN MAP with the Matilidas on a SLIGHT RISE, I had 3 choices.

Attempt to engage at long range. Die gloriously.

Charge. Die gloriously.

Frantically sacrifice a few tanks while the rest run and hide. Die gloriously.

Notice a trend?

Edit: you can send that turn along any day now.

[ February 13, 2003, 01:57 PM: Message edited by: mcgivney ]

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All my turns are out. If you think you need one from me and don't have one, then I'd suggest opening your skull, taking out your brain, washing it vigorously under warm water, tumble dry warm, place it back in your skull when done (resealing optional), then stick a thumb in your nose and sod off.

Or you could just re-send whatever you think you need to. Your choice, really.

[ February 13, 2003, 02:09 PM: Message edited by: dalem ]

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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by dalem:

<font size=-1>Or you could just re-send whatever you think you need to. Your choice, really. </font>

Resent. It's ok, mon petite general, you can admit it - this Rune map is too much for you, isn't it?
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Originally posted by Nidan1:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by dalem:

Slipping in a tub of wrestling jello and being unable to unfasten one's bondage harness in time to prevent oneself from suffocating is dumb.


Yes, and we all are aware of how narrowly you dodged that particular bullet. </font>
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Originally posted by mcgivney:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Vadr:

Vadr vs Mcgillicutty, The Opening....

Oh my Liege, the flying lead and bloodshed are exceeded only by the high humor...

Eschewing any pretense at tactics (or perhaps he studied at Balaclava), my opponent has elected to fearlessly charge the mighty Matilda. Just as it did in North Africa, this immediately led to dead Italians everywhere.

Ah well, perhaps he will have learned from his first-turn foolishness and will actually try to do something constructive with remainder of his forces (doubt it tho).

Mgivner is tricky however, slippery like an eel; "I need to send this move in two parts" and "Ummm...I need you to send these to a different E-mail address", those sorts of pillock tactics.

More to follow as the slaught...err battle develops.

Well, squire I can't help but wonder how you would do with these rattle-top tin cans. I'm not saying your top- er, leige selected a one-sided scenario, I'm just pointing out that this scenario demands about as much skill as flipping a coin.

Well, given a OPEN MAP with the Matilidas on a SLIGHT RISE, I had 3 choices.

Attempt to engage at long range. Die gloriously.

Charge. Die gloriously.

Frantically sacrifice a few tanks while the rest run and hide. Die gloriously.

Notice a trend?

Edit: you can send that turn along any day now. </font>

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Originally posted by mcgivney:

Well, squire I can't help but wonder how you would do with these rattle-top tin cans. I'm not saying your top- er, leige selected a one-sided scenario, I'm just pointing out that this scenario demands about as much skill as flipping a coin.

Well, given a OPEN MAP with the Matilidas on a SLIGHT RISE, I had 3 choices.

Attempt to engage at long range. Die gloriously.

Charge. Die gloriously.

Frantically sacrifice a few tanks while the rest run and hide. Die gloriously.

Notice a trend?

Edit: you can send that turn along any day now.

Listen macguyver -- if that is your REAL name -- if that scenario is in ANY WAY unbalanced it is for the Axis. Y'all have at least three times as many points, and eight times as many vehicles as the ALlies, and no mistake.

Don't blame your tactical ineptness on the scenario, laddie.


[ February 13, 2003, 05:07 PM: Message edited by: MrSpkr ]

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Joan and I offer our heartfelt thanks to all of you who have expressed your sympathy towards her father and ourselves. It's never easy to put these feelings into words.

Some might offer that their 'words are meaningless' in this situation, but I can assure you that your words of sympathy mean far more than I or Joan can say. Don't feel bad if you think your words were inappropriate or "not enough". I know that each of you has a caring heart and a willing mind. That is enough in itself.

PS: And at the risk of annoying any Official Cesspool Official for this comment, I would like to say that the persona called Bone_Vulture HAS sent a personal missive apologising for any mis-interpreted offence caused and also offering gracious and sincere sympathies for our family situation. I accept that communication fully, with absolutely NO hard feelings attached. There's certainly hope for this one beneath the gruff and ascerbic exterior!

Jeff (and Joan)

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Originally posted by former Leutnant Hortlhund:

Draw your own conclusions from that.

I concede defeat in all my pbem games.


Reveal'd in all 'is 'glory' tha Frenchness of this fellow. Twere not enough t' subject us to 'is filibuster and 'is moonin' o'er some dockyard doxy. Now he takes a change in tha wind and cravenly skulks back inta port.

Aaarrgh! Belay that scurvy skulkin' For 't seems this Hortlhund be by nature French and lubber. Afore ye cut n' run ye must answer t tha Rat.

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Originally posted by aussiejeff:

Some might offer that their 'words are meaningless' in this situation, but I can assure you that your words of sympathy mean far more than I or Joan can say. Don't feel bad if you think your words were inappropriate or "not enough". I know that each of you has a caring heart and a willing mind. That is enough in itself.

Jeff (and Joan)

I am an AVID reader of these juvenile jousts. To realize that behind the monikers are real people is sometimes forgotten. My wife and I both offer our sympathy and sorrow for you and your wife.
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Originally posted by BilgeRat:


Reveal'd in all 'is 'glory' tha Frenchness of this fellow. Twere not enough t' subject us to 'is filibuster and 'is moonin' o'er some dockyard doxy. Now he takes a change in tha wind and cravenly skulks back inta port.

Aaarrgh! Belay that scurvy skulkin' For 't seems this Hortlhund be by nature French and lubber. Afore ye cut n' run ye must answer t tha Rat.

I want to see this guy debate OGSF sometime. Topic: "Unbelievably bad erzats accents."

AJ can be the moderator.


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Originally whimpered by Boo_Radley:



Thaar he blows!

Well now Mister Boo_R 'tis not tha habit o' 'is Majesties Navy to go whalin' but ifn one gets in tha ships way tha Rat will happily employ tha bow chasers. An 18 pounder roun'shot should silence yer blowhole which ye seem eager to vent without duly considerin' tha foul stench o your wind.

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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

Don't blame your tactical ineptness on the scenario, laddie.

If what Vapor has to say is true (and I begin to suspect that every word out of his mouth is a filthy lie) then my poor Italians have been slaughtered on turn one.

Which makes sense, as the map has about as much useful cover as a drunken playboy bunny.

Of course, I don't know any of this as Vorpatril has yet to mail the turn. I've carved working computers out of wood (gears, y'know) using nothing more than a leatherman in less time.

I suspect that my supposed oppenent is spending more time composing mash notes to his, er, 'leige', than he is dutifully e-mailing turns.

Edit: MrSqueaker seems to know a hell of a lot more about this scenario than I do.

[ February 14, 2003, 12:50 AM: Message edited by: mcgivney ]

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