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Biltong's Campaign Rules goes 'GOLD'!!

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Originally posted by Sublime:

I was wondering if you could add extra experience to a unit for a ridiculous amount of kills? My PZIV E got 50 infantry casualties! lol

50? Pfff that's nothing, my PzIVE once got over 200 kills. smile.gif But it do get an extra exp point. Look at Note 5 on the Battle Group sheet: "Armored vehicles with armament larger than 50mm: 10+ / 30+ Casualties"

That means: if your PzIVE (larger than 50mm main gun) do 10 or more casualties, it gets one exp pt in the "Casualt." column. If it do 30 or more (as in your case), it gets 2.

Originally posted by Sublime:

I ended up rolling 0 Infantry, =(, 0 vehicles =(, 150 armor... 150 arty, no large battle... so I got a 300 provisional force size and rounded it up to 700 (ok so far?)

Uhm no... Those 300 isn't your provisional force size. First you get your Purchase Point Total by adding your rolled up points (300) with your battle group size (653) to get 953, rounded up to 1000. So you should have had a 1000 pts battle, and you would only be allowed to buy your Battle Group (653 pts) and 150 pts armor and 150 pts arty.

If it had been an axis assault, attack or probe OR if you had any casualties, you would have to do some more calculations to get the correct Provisional Force Size. See Note 10 on the Rules sheet for more info.

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Originally posted by JigVictor07:

I may try that last option where you use the scenario editor. I don't know, but maybe one could do so that the "extra" arty worth 200 points enters the battle as a reinforcement with a certain chance (50% perhaps or maybe I roll the dice again :D ), so it wouldn't be automatically available...?

Yes, that would work too, having it as reinforcement. But don't tell Biltong you did it like that, he gets very angry when someone breaks the rules... ;) As you now know, you really should lose those 200 pts, according to the rules. But what you do in the privacy of your own home, Biltong will never know. ;)
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Thanks for answering the questions I had Biltong. Things are becoming much clearer. smile.gif

Originally posted by Biltong:

Your actual purchase points per category will (normally) only allow you to buy 1 or 2 PLATOONS of inf - so counting how many companies there are is a waste of time. Even in your case you had 500 points for Inf/Support That's one company and a platoon or 2 - so all you need to note is what type of campanies were generated.

So really, what the Auto QB does is select a " pool " of units to choose from as opposed to literally being "the" Task Force. Even the Player Guide notes say:

"49 Generate Task Force using Auto QB: Now you quickly roll up a QB with the sole purpose of automatically generating a Task Force."

This by itself sounds like all of the units selected by the Auto QB will make up the actual Task Force that will be used in the Real Battle.

In the same way, I do think that Note 12 is somewhat ambiguous and confusing:

Note 12 Generating the real Battle:

"Buy the Task Force Units generated by the Auto QB (49) with the points generated in the sections (29 to 35). You must buy as many Task Force Units as you can (within a category)."

This can be taken (as I did) to mean "buy all of the Task Force Units generated by the Auto QB with the points generated in sections (29 to 35)".

Would perhaps the following be more clear: "You must now buy a Task Force, selecting from the pool of units that were previously selected by the Auto QB (49). You may only select units that were also selcted by the Auto QB (49) and from each unit category to the value of the points determined for each unit category in (29 to 35)." I do understand that there are special cases when it is possible to also select units that were not slected by the Auto QB (49) so an exceptioon note might want to be in there as well.

Originally posted by Biltong:

I don't know if the Auto gave you any armor - If it did: buy 500 points worth of those generated - if nothing: you are lucky and get to chose 500 points worth yourself as long as they are less than 40% rarity....

The QB generated no armor. So I can pick up to 500 points of armor of my choice as long as they are <40% rarity. Cool.

Originally posted by Biltong:

The Auto generated:

1x81mm FO

3x75mm FO

4x105mm FO

+- a 1000 points worth that you have to buy first.

The rest you can choose and since you were lucky enough to get Large Arty, Rarity falls away:

So: a plane or 2; some rockets; a handful of 150mm FO's BAROOOM!!!!!! See why I'm jealous ;)

OK. I am looking forward to blasting my enemy to pieces with the extraordinary amount of ary/airpower I have. tongue.gif

Originally posted by Biltong:

Now for some hints:

The task force is cannon fodder - You don't know these guys (ever watched Band of Brothers?) - they tend to crap in your foxholes!

LOL!!! Yes I know who you are talking about :D

Originally posted by Biltong:

You send them ahead to find and suppress the enemy so that yuor Battle Group can advance safely and do the killing (to get favor and experience) ;)

OK. I haven't come to the AAR part yet but I would still think carelessly getting casualties amongst the Task Force "fodder" units will still count against my overall campaign score/rating (though not as much as casualties to my own Battle Group).

Originally posted by Biltong:

Hope yuo get it right - ask if something's still not clear - I'm sure some of the guys appreciate your questions to clear up their own doubts ;)

Thanks for your patience in answering my questions. I am just about ready to blast the enemy away. :D


Lt Bull

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> Peterk, that sounds great! You're making it

> very customizeable, right?

Within reason, yes. You can start at whichever date you want - you can start with whatever core force you feel like just as long as there is a company HQ. The tables won't be customizable in the first version but they will be eventually.

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Originally posted by SuperSulo:

Biltong, I'll keep my eye open for newbie questions, no problem... I'll even answer "by the book", maybe with just some anarcistic tendensis. ;)

Thanx SS ;)

... this new Force Mix setting, "all armor" or something like that. Maybe we should include that one too?

Will have to look at it 1st - what will happen to the Battle Group Inf Co for that battle - Off for a refit? Just the battle Group Armor + Task Force armor?

n da list ;)

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Originally posted by SuperSulo:

.... As you now know, you really should lose those 200 pts, according to the rules. But what you do in the privacy of your own home, Biltong will never know. ;)

I knew it!! :mad: I knew it!! :mad: I knew it!! :mad:

Seriously Jig:

See No 5

BCR’s Goal is to:

1. Enable players to play a Campaign from June 41 through all of the CMBB terrain until the final day of battle in Berlin.

2. Make sure that the Campaign never becomes Boring – the difficulty must increase, it must be varied and the Campaign must end in a climax.

3. Keep the Campaign as Historically accurate as possible.

4. Keep it short and simple enough to allow most players to understand and use it.

5. Enable anyone to Expand or Modify BCR to his own taste.

6. Provide Excitement, Tension and just good old-fashioned Fun!


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Originally posted by Lt Bull:


Would perhaps the following be more clear: "You must now buy a Task Force, selecting from the pool of units that were previously selected by the Auto QB (49). You may only select units that were also selcted by the Auto QB (49) and from each unit category to the value of the points determined for each unit category in (29 to 35)."...

Yes - you're right - that sectionn can be misunderstood... I changed it using the Task Force Offerings refered to in 49.

49 (2nd to 5th rows) now reads:

"Note that this is NOT the battle that you play. The only purpose of this QB is to generate the Task Force Offerings from which you will be able to buy some units for your Task Force. You generate the Real Battle in the following parameter (50).

Choose Axis and 1 Player and make a summary list of all the units on the map using the box Task Force Offerings at the start of the Parameters Sheet.

You will find that the QB generates a wide range of Experience for the Task Force Offerings. Ignore this. When you buy your Task Force for the Real Battle, you use the Experience that you rolled earlier while determining Quality (21)."

Note 12:

"Buy the Task Force Units out of the Task Force Offerings generated by the Auto QB (49). Do not exceed the points generated in the sections (29 to 35) for each category, but buy as many Task Force Offerings as you can.

The examples further down in 12 should make it clear as well.

Thanx for pointing out the ambiguity... This is how BCR got where it is - everybody piling in ;)

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Just got this from Blackhorse redface.gif

...I just downloaded your “gold” version, and am very happy with it. I have found one recurring problem in your rules though and since you’ve made this a gold version I’m thinking you haven’t noticed it yet. It’s really a very small problem and doesn’t really affect the game at all, but it does bug me. smile.gif

In your rules for the very first battle you tell the players to mark day 2 of week 3 of June stating that this would be the 22nd of June. That’s not right actually. This would be the 16th of June. The 22nd of June should be day 1 of week 4. You can see this in the following explanation: Wee 1 begins on Day 1 and ends on Day 7, Week 2 begins on Day 8 and ends on Day 14, Week 3 begins on Day 15 and ends on Day 21, Week 4 begins on Day 22 and ends on Day 28.

Again I realize that this is an insignificant item, but if you’re going to make a great package as you and your team have done, might as well squash all the problems. J

Thank you and you team for providing such a great item to expand the CMBB possibilities.


Hundreds of downloads and no-one (incl myself) ever noticed that LOL!!!!

Quite right! & Fixed

Can't believe it ...

I'm taking your mail to the board ;)


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Originally posted by Peterk:

... You can start at whichever date you want - you can start with whatever core force you feel like just as long as there is a company HQ. The tables won't be customizable in the first version but they will be eventually.

A rubber Auto - Bring it On!!! :D
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I have a question about "item 21- Axis Quality" on the Parameter Sheet, where you must select Low, Medium, or High. You make your selection by rolling in "item 58 - Normal Replacements", but this gives you the choices Green, Regular, or Veteran. Should we equate Low with Green, Medium with Regular, and High with Veteran? I suspect it does not really matter what you pick for item 21 since the instructions say to ignore the experience of the units generated for the Task Force inventory; you just put what you rolled in 58 into the "Experience" box at the top of the game page where you buy your actual Task Force. However I want to make sure I understand the instructions.

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Oops, it doesn't always pay to be quick. smile.gif I've added the correct v2.0 of Apache's variant to my page.

shadow376, yes, low, medium, high = green, regular, veteran. At least for now, I think for instance in 45 low will be conscript (ewww!).

So when you generate the real QB (the second one)you will set quality to "unrestricted" and buy the correct level.

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I'm currently trying to implement Biltong's rules in Visual Basic...now I am on Parameter 3...if I succeed in finishing the work before CM3 ;) I'll let you know.

Anyway is there some guy, more skillful than me, teying all this?

It would spare a lot of Rolling Stones...err...rolling dice, I mean!

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The race is over. The loyal men of the Reich under Hpt. Rausch fought there last action on the 2nd week of December Day 3, 1941. With a month seperating them till there next battle which will be in Jan 1942.

Stats : (Note, the same company was taken through a number of versions of Biltongs, so a few inequalities have probably arisen).

Favour - 87

Force - Standard Rifle 41 Company, with 3 Panzer IIIH's in support.

(Unit "Number" is exp rating).

CO Company HQ 17

Platoon HQ (1) 15

Squad 8

Squad 20

Squad 15

Squad 19

50mm Mortar 8

Platoon HQ (2) 17

Squad 20

Squad 19

Squad 20

Squad 20

50mm Mortar 16

Platoon HQ (3) 18

Squad 20

Squad 16

Squad 18

Squad 22

50mm Mortar 10

T1 Panzer IIIH 49

T2 Panzer IIIH 21

T3 Panzer IIIH 54

Scrounged / Attached Units

(I got rid of my T-34).

(T1)MG34 LMG 11

So there you have it, the first men to end the year, celebrate x-mas in the freezing russian winter wearing womens clothing. BCR 41 South is a blast for everyone who is sick and tired of reg QB or unbalanced scenarios. Cheers Biltong.

Notes - Winter Scenarios seemed one sided. The handicaps were a real killer especially when your on the offence. Maybe the handicaps should be toned down a touch if your attacking cause the comp AI makes an alright defender in most cases.

Handicaps or no handicaps, the computer still sucks as a partisan attacking force.


PS - If you really want me to start testing 42, you know my email but if you don't, don't worry cause I'm back at Uni on Monday and I doubt I'll finish 42 first tongue.gif

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And dont forget Max' Auto parameters (only works in excel though...).

History Buff, good job! smile.gif You guys' experience rating is a bit... uhm low imho. Not a single squad is vet! Did you lose alot of guys during the winter? What was your experience level just before winter? And your favor? I've just entered oct and my guys have around 35-45 exp and I have over 1000(!) favor pts. But then I don't play Biltong's sadistic rules but my own sissy rules...

I've also noted handicap seems a bit off during Axis attacks. The AI is alot better defending than attacking, as we all know. I "solved" it by having two different handicap tables, one for Axis attacks and one for Allied attacks/meeting engagements. I will be very interesting to see what will happen to my guys during the winter...

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Originally posted by shadow376:

I have a question about "item 21- Axis Quality" on the Parameter Sheet, where you must select Low, Medium, or High. You make your selection by rolling in "item 58 - Normal Replacements", but this gives you the choices Green, Regular, or Veteran. Should we equate Low with Green, Medium with Regular, and High with Veteran? I suspect it does not really matter what you pick for item 21 since the instructions say to ignore the experience of the units generated for the Task Force inventory; you just put what you rolled in 58 into the "Experience" box at the top of the game page where you buy your actual Task Force. However I want to make sure I understand the instructions.

Ahh - yes.. One of those 'unclear instructions' that slipped through, because you don't look at it anymore once you've played a couple of games.

The only effect that Low/Medium/High has when generating the Task Force Offerings is the number of units generated... Low = a lot; High = few. So - you hope for high, because with less you have a better chance of getting to choose your own. tongue.gif

I've changed the Green, Regular etc in all 3 boxes (58) to show:

5 experience - Green / Low

10 experience - Regular / Medium

25 experience - Veteran / High

and the 1st paragraph opposite the 58 heading now reads:

"For Task Force Quality roll up Low, Medium or High. For New Attached Units Quality roll up Green, Regular or Veteran. In both cases ignore the following notes and modifiers."

I've also adapted the Guide to make this more clear:

"Parameter 21 (Quality) Go to Parameter 58 and use the first set of die ranges (June to Aug). Ignore the rest of the Notes and do NOT modify the die at all. Note that there are a number of options available for the die roll. What you are concerned with here is just Low, Medium or High. The other options are used when you roll up Attached Units or Normal Replacements.

June to Aug

1-3 5 experience - Green / Low

4-9 10 experience - Regular / Medium

10 25 experience - Veteran / High

You will use this Quality parameter: Low, Medium or High later: 49 - Generate Task Force Offerings using Auto QB."

Hope this is better ;)


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Originally posted by History Buff:

The race is over.

G-Damn!! I was wondering if you'll be pulled out of the line for a refit :(

Congrats HB!! 1st one through!! Hope you'll be followed by many smile.gif

The loyal men of the Reich ...

Favour - 87

... BCR 41 South is a blast for everyone who is sick and tired of reg QB or unbalanced scenarios. Cheers Biltong.

This is great news - really great news!! The experience levels is exactly what I hoped for; favor good... Only the Vet/Crack players will get through with vet or better troops. What did you have your Player exp set at?

Notes - Winter Scenarios seemed one sided. The handicaps were a real killer especially when your on the offence. Maybe the handicaps should be toned down a touch if your attacking cause the comp AI makes an alright defender in most cases.

Sorry my friend - Reality Bites ;) That first winter was an enormous shock for the Germans... One line that sticks im my mind is the number of Germans that died because when the went for a crap their arses froze :(

It's meant to create the same shock in the players and prepare them for what's to come... They/you will have another break in the coming summer months (42), but then things get even worse. Much worse... The bottom line is that you the CO will have to become extremely good; extremely tough to survive this campaign through to Berlin... Winter 41 is a wake-up call that this is serious :D

I suspect that a player who makes it through to 45 will have doubled or trippled his capabilities.

I find that when playing old opponents I still instinctively look after my men and now I'm hammering opponents that used to be on par with me.

This is a great learning tool.


PS - If you really want me to start testing 42, you know my email but if you don't, don't worry cause I'm back at Uni on Monday and I doubt I'll finish 42 first...

Great!! - I'll mail you what I have so far, so you can start - give me a couple of hours.


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Originally posted by SuperSulo:

History Buff, good job! smile.gif You guys' experience rating is a bit... uhm low imho. Not a single squad is vet! Did you lose alot of guys during the winter? What was your experience level just before winter? And your favor? I've just entered oct and my guys have around 35-45 exp and I have over 1000(!) favor pts.

The reason I have a low favour is that I used quite alot to get my boys out of an axis assault during the winter months. I had one very bad experience battle there. Double the points of defenders at night with a blizzard. So I didn't mind using favour to get my lads out of a battle. Secondly my troops favour is low I know for three reasons. - Had some bad rolls on the replacement chart.

-I tried to keep my troops alive, so when possible I put the Italians and Hungarians up front :D

-I liked the 1.3 exp chart where you got one exp point for each casulty caused, but since the campaign is set to go through till May 45, then by then I should be vet. I'm only just under vet on most squads, and hey two of my Panzer III's are vet!

Question : If I want to change my Tanks for 42 to one which has a different amount of crew, how does exp change for that unit? Roll on the replacement chart? Say I got a 5 man crew, and am planning on getting some vehicles with 6 men, do roll on the replacement chart for that extra crew man?

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Originally posted by Biltong:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by SuperSulo:

.... As you now know, you really should lose those 200 pts, according to the rules. But what you do in the privacy of your own home, Biltong will never know. ;)

I knew it!! :mad: I knew it!! :mad: I knew it!! :mad:

Seriously Jig:

See No 5

BCR’s Goal is to:

1. Enable players to play a Campaign from June 41 through all of the CMBB terrain until the final day of battle in Berlin.

2. Make sure that the Campaign never becomes Boring – the difficulty must increase, it must be varied and the Campaign must end in a climax.

3. Keep the Campaign as Historically accurate as possible.

4. Keep it short and simple enough to allow most players to understand and use it.

5. Enable anyone to Expand or Modify BCR to his own taste.

6. Provide Excitement, Tension and just good old-fashioned Fun!

;) </font>

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I thought i was done too...put in the fork..im done. But I WON! A TOTAL VICTORY! I had a large map,for a village. And a Allied Assault.

I had a 236 men vs 1300 men! and I dont know how many tanks. I killed 46 tanks. Most of them BT 5, BT 7 you know, that crap like that. Im not kidding..The russian tanks about..100 plus! BUT thank goodness they had conscript. I have normal stuff. And i had 5 Panzers(PzIIC,PzIIIG,PzIVE,and 2 StugIIIB)

tongue.giftongue.gif HURRAH!! For Biltong...Hurrah! tongue.giftongue.gif


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I'm wondering whether some kind of 'extraction' type battle may be possible. Perhaps a 2000 point Axis defence against a Soviet attack or assault with a Combined arms outfit with the axis limited to spending 1750 or so. Would need a large long map with perhaps a cut off company well forward with axis armour/support placed at back, perhaps not able to move until turn 5 - 7, racing to come get them out. Perhaps obtaining a tactical defeat could be the object. Not really thought it through yet. Just something I'm toying with.

You'll see that I added a Pure Armour version with BCRAV merely by rolling again if Armour is rolled for either side. A score of 9 or 10 gives that force Pure Armour.

Also, I added a TRP rule under arty which you may find useful for defensive battles.

Not sure if you'd want to consider the game length system either. It still gives turn lengths based on a die roll but the numbers of turns differ dependant on size of map?

just some thoughts.

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I run Win XP Home. Should your die app. run on that OK? I have DL it a couple of times and, each time I go to the zip folder I open it up and see what looks like an auto-exec type file. When I double click it I get 'This application has failed to start because vcl60.bpl was not found. Re-installing may solve the problem'.

Am I doing something wrong? I do use the die sheets but it does seem to have quite a lot of the same number, especially high ones. I may even try to dig out one of my old ten sided die :(

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