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Biltong's Campaign Rules goes 'GOLD'!!

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Biltong’s Campaign Rules goes ‘GOLD’!!!

41 South v2.1 now available!!

NEW: Beta of 42 South v1.0

NEW: Player Guide v2.1

A complete walk-through of the first battle, the more difficult rules explained in some detail and lots of lovely pictures ;)

More maps from Manstein!!

Map Pack 5.0 now out with 28 new maps.

Map Pack 2.2 has seen some revisions to the Poljegorod maps.

All of the above - Get it here:

SuperSulo's Site

or here

Scooby's Site - including PDF versions for the non-MS compliant individuals ;)

If this is the first time you hear about BCR… :confused:

BCR is a set of Campaign rules that enable you to play a series of battles from Barbarossa to Berlin.

BCR 41 & 42 South is the set of Rules covering the months June 41 to December 42 in the Army Group “South” Theatre of Operations.

Operation Barbarossa erupts on 22 June 1941 and you and your Battle Group storm through the Soviet ranks through the long months of summer in the steppe and the mud and rain of October. You take your men all the way to Rostov, Khar’kov and the Crimea before the incredible cold of November halt you in your tracks. Then the Soviet counter attacks start.

You are the commanding officer of a company of German Mechanized Infantry and some armor that you take through the whole CMBB time frame. As you lead your company and armor into Russia most of the parameters of the battles are dictated by historically accurate data, e.g. on the 4th week of October 41 it suddenly turns bitterly cold and the German advance freezes to a halt.

You, your men and armor gain or loose experience throughout the Campaign. You start off with Regular troops, but after a year it becomes obvious that the quality of your replacements are getting worse... How your men grow in experience will depend on how they fare in each battle… how many men did they lose; did they get rattled; did they take out a MG pillbox or maybe even a tank?

You yourself, as the CO, learn and slowly gain or loose Favor with your own commanding officer. If you screw up, you lose favor... Favor that you could have used to avoid launching an Immediate Assault straight after your last battle without even getting reinforcements.

You also get a Task Force to support your Battle Group: Infantry, Support, Vehicles, Armor, Arty or Air, depending on factors such as who assaults or attack who, weather etc.

With designed scenarios you quite often have ‘balanced’ forces, but with BCR you’ll get the real thing: Sometimes you know who your opponent is; sometimes you are facing unknown odds. Sometimes you have an easy go of it - hammering low on ammo and decimated green Partisans, but later that night you might face a counter-attack from 3 companies of Guards Mech, before you had chance to get reinforcements... You have to think on your feet and learn to retreat when necessary... no more heroic defenses or assaults till the last man!!

Your men's survival is of the utmost importance... even to the extent that you'll rather loose a battle than loose too many men! The objectives still matter – you still want to win, but not at the cost and risk of decimating your men. Here realism rules for the first time.

As a learning tool this is unsurpassed.... You learn to think and act like a real commander... If you think you’ve got your tactics down pat, :D – Think again… You will get into situations that you’ve never encountered before… and never will with normal scenarios and QB’s.

BCR is just for yourself… the battle is between yourself and an enemy who grows stronger every year… You will have to become a better commander for you and your men to survive till the end.

If you have any questions - post in this thread and I or one of the old hands will answer you within a day or 2.



[ February 23, 2003, 02:12 PM: Message edited by: Biltong ]

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Most of you won’t know this, but BCR was a team effort...

The Invisible Hero's of BCR :D

The BCR-Team contributed endless hours and without them

BCR wouldn't have been half as 'clean' and entertaining.

Apache - Feedback & Ideas; Contacts and more Ideas

Peter Molloy - Hundreds of City Battle Maps

Manstein22 - Endless Maps for all situations

Max BauHaus - Auto Parameters and logic

Scooby - Web Master & PDF provider

SuperSulo - Web Master and endless feedback

The Scalpel - Logic, Language and the Players Guide

Myself and the players can't thank you enough!!

I would also like to thank the Players. A large number of ideas and improvements

came from suggestions made on the board or via e-mail.

Thanx guys. smile.gif


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Please, Biltong, send me also the datas.

I want to play long time, but when I read the rules, they were not understable for me (my motherlanguage is not english..) I hope, this will be much easier to understand, and SS-Sturmbannführer Uhu can command his Kampfgruppe. smile.gif



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Got a question via e-mail.

"Got a question with the first battle. I followed the Rules for my first battle and at

#19 rolled to get Romanian nationality. I got to #27 Force Type and the notes say

the first battle has German/Mechanized and Regular. Where does my roll for the

Romanians come into it?

Will my first battle have both Romanians and Germans?"

Yes - The Task Force that will support your (German) Battle Group wil be Romanian


See Summary (A) in the Player Guide:

"At first you will use the Rules sheet in conjunction with the Random Die Numbers to determine parameters that you will fill in on the Parameter sheet. Using the Parameter sheet you will create two Quick Battles (QB’s). The first QB never gets played – it is only use is to automatically generate a Task Force that will help your Battle Group for just that single battle. The 2nd QB is the Real Battle where your Battle Group fights it out against the Allied enemy."

BTW - post all your questions here - then everyone can see the question/answer.

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Originally posted by uhu:

Please, Biltong, send me also the datas.

I want to play long time, but when I read the rules, they were not understable for me (my motherlanguage is not english..) I hope, this will be much easier to understand, and SS-Sturmbannführer Uhu can command his Kampfgruppe. smile.gif


Don't feel alone - this weird illogical language is not my own either ;)

Uhu/Blackhorse - check your inboxes.

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All guys above - check your inboxes ;)

Regarding the 'Non-German Task Force' question higher up:

I've just adjusted the Player Guide (p5)

"Axis Parameters - Game Page 2

From here... The parameters on this page are (mostly) used to determine what type of Task Force will support your Battle Group. All though your Battle Group is German, you might get Romanians (or other Axis forces) as a supporting Task Force. This is deliberate, so that you will have the opportunity to play with them as well."

Hope this will clear it up ;)

[ February 09, 2003, 10:28 AM: Message edited by: Biltong ]

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Hi Biltong,

I need another clarificaion of the rules. redface.gif

#28 Large Battle has notes which say:

"Multiply each Task Force Category below with the applicable Multiplier or use the Minimum points allowance."

If for a particular Task Force Category, say #29 Infantry, I roll a "1", this corresponds to "None" points for infantry/support. If in #28 I rolled a "10" and had the x5 multiplier, what will be the resulting points for the infantry/support? Strictly peaking the "Minimum points allowance" is zero and 5x0=0.

I also perhaps may have missed something else. redface.gif

When deciding the size of your Taskforce, you roll individually for how much infantry/support, vehicle, armor, arty and air points. All these points are added up and a Provisional Force Size is calculated from which you round up to find the Force Size (which is used in the QB Generator). You then go to the QB Generator to have it automatically select your Taskforce based on the parameters and Force Size rolled for earlier. However, the QB Generator does not spend the points according to the infantry/support, vehicle, armor, arty and air points you determined earlier.

eg. I may have rolled for 25pts of infantry/support and 500pts of arty (total of 525 pts) but when the QB selects the units, it selects ALL infantry/support.

How is this controlled?

One other thing is the use of the term "if the die result is an 'x'" in the notes.

eg. #33 "Large Arty - only if the die result is a 9 in the Arty/Air above".

Does this refer to the modified or unmodified die roll?


Lt Bull

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The new core sheet. Where Scrounged units are it's got section HQ and MG Team's 1 and 2. Where in the rules does it say scrounged units have to be MG's? I thought they could be anything which fit the unit profile of the core sheet and was to the value of the scrounged unit pts you had????

Don't say I can't have my lovely captured T-34 41 Model :(

My men fought hard for that and it took a bit of saving of pts to.

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I think that this campaign idea is one of the best to ever come out of the CM community and Im glad I checked out your posts =D

Also the opportunity you're giving everyone is great, and I love the scope of what you're offering... I downloaded everything at the site, and read the instructions - But at risk of sounding like a complete and total ass (that may not be too far off...) I only vaguely understand the rules, have only the foggiest idea of how to set up the spreadsheets, have no idea where to find the die, and am utterly confused. Is there another set of intstructions or could you help me out somehow? Ill read em again, and I appreciate the help... If you can offer me any assistance I'd be glad and you can reach me at Funnyhaha@comcast.net

p.s. any plans for a Soviet campaign in the future? Dont get me wrong though, stick with the Axis one, I cant wait to play some Stalingrad battles and the bitter defense of Berlin in the future will be excrutiating ecstasy.... ahhh fond memories (well.. some) of CC3 grand campaign multiplayer =D

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