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Originally posted by Axe2121:

[/if by "game" you mean "massacre of your feeble forces", and by "me" you mean "foppish sheep shagger" then by all means let's have at 'er.



P.S. This was my first public calling out of an opponent. How did I do? While not in the league of either Soggybottom or Mastergoodexcuses, I'm pretty happy with it.

I thought you did a really great job. Using both "feeble forces" AND "sheep shagger" in the same sentence was almost poetic. Don't worry about comparing yourself with the Soddmeister or with Moldydale. You don't ever want to be in the same league with those guys. :D:D
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Originally posted by mike the wino:

Soddball sent me two turns today. One was right and the other was from last week. Are you requesting a do-over there Soddy?

The day I need a do-over turn from you, you sad weasel-beating wanker, is the day I need my head examined through being a remedial ****wit. What turn was it?
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Ok mikethehomo your scenario is o the way tonight as a TS you crusty maggot queen! :mad: I hope you get slathered and spewed with so much psychologically disturbed ex-con TNT2 that you beg the nearest enemy officer to slice up your eyeballs with razor blades dipped in maggot fesces!! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

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Originally posted by Soddball

the day I need my head examined through being a remedial ****wit.

I scheduled your appointment for 10am on the 25th. Hey Soddy did you like that last round? That's some the most gruesome molten-TNT this game has seen yet. And now you know why your silly socialist tin cans should park with a space between them when having a picnic. BTW it was file 36, I think.

And, no, I don't think you are through being a remedial ****wit. You have been at it so long, you might as well see it all the way to the end.

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Originally posted by mike the wino:

Originally posted by Soddball

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />

the day I need my head examined through being a remedial ****wit.

I scheduled your appointment for 10am on the 25th. Hey Soddy did you like that last round? That's some the most gruesome molten-TNT this game has seen yet. And now you know why your silly socialist tin cans should park with a space between them when having a picnic. BTW it was file 36, I think.

And, no, I don't think you are through being a remedial ****wit. You have been at it so long, you might as well see it all the way to the end. </font>

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Originally posted by MasterGoodale:

Ok mikethehomo your scenario is o the way tonight as a TS you crusty maggot queen! :mad: I hope you get slathered and spewed with so much psychologically disturbed ex-con TNT2 that you beg the nearest enemy officer to slice up your eyeballs with razor blades dipped in maggot fesces!! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

I suppose I am the one who is supposed to be doing this? Consider it done :mad:
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Becket you skirt-wearing, cross-dressing, J. Edgar Hoover wannabe. When the missus sez it's ok do you think you could take the time away from origami and carpet-humping to get me a feckin' turn?

Since you asked, Soddball collapsed some fine warhouses, ko'd a Panther and scratched the paint on another. In return a [snicker] tank hunter [/snicker] died as well as the MG in a house along the river. I do appreciate the whole death-from-above, raining-molten-TNT, theme you have going but with only a few fires on the map something is lacking. Let's see how much more stuff blows up before the end.

Dave H ...why?

BeoWolf get out yer clean pair of absesto knickers, and no not the ones with all the pretty lace that make you feel more....um, well whatever it does to you I don't want to know. NastyGoatBalls has promised much in the way of flaming-all-cleansing-city-leveling-TNT. Don't give me one those namby-pamby games with "tactics" and "manevouring", just plain ole TNT and make it extra molten with Super-Sized chunks.

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I await your reply. *removes gauntlet* Or have I overestimated the courage of those who call Finland home? *throws down gauntlet*


P.S. GARGAGGARARRAGAGAGARAGAGGGGARAA!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

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Originally posted by mike the wino:

Since you asked, Soddball collapsed some fine warhouses, ko'd a Panther and scratched the paint on another. In return a [snicker] tank hunter [/snicker] died as well as the MG in a house along the river. I do appreciate the whole death-from-above, raining-molten-TNT, theme you have going but with only a few fires on the map something is lacking. Let's see how much more stuff blows up before the end.

Hee hee hee. And here I was worried that the Soviet side would be too strong. smile.gif
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Originally posted by Axe2121:



Or have I overestimated the courage of those who call Finland home?


Is that possible? :confused: It was my understanding that in Finland all the boys start shaving at 5 and join the army at 10. I thought I had read on this very forum they are armed with only bare knuckles, an anti-tank toothpick, and (thanks to info from Paddington here) a genuine Nokia cell phone. :D

Paddington, I have to give a lot of credit to somebody who casually dismisses 2 meters of snow in the garden. Like I told you, around here that much snow would mean the end of the world as we know it. :eek:

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Originally posted by Paddington:

Calm down sheep-shagger (Jason)

A mail has ben sent...

Yeah there is absolutely NO one whitout a mobilephone in Finland, sounds weird but thats how it is. =)

Whoo hoo! The challenge has been accepted.

Hmmmmm. Now I'll just have to use some Ubertanks, lose and then complain about how (insert AFV) isn't modelled properly.

Then I'll summarily dismiss the years of work Steve, Martin, Charles, et. al. have put into the game thusly -- "It sucks."



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Originally posted by mike the wino:

BeoWolf get out yer clean pair of absesto knickers, and no not the ones with all the pretty lace that make you feel more....um, well whatever it does to you I don't want to know.

All talk, eh? I haven't gotten anything yet! Sure, I know you will try to make excuses of how you don't have it yet, but I know the reason! Your frantically playing CMBB trying to get your skill level to compete with mine! :mad:
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Come on Master MoldyWaffleDale, send me your next turn. Since almost all of your few remaining Russians are in a panic anyway, it shouldn't take you very long. :D

Have you lost interest since you ran out of TNT to chuck? :confused: My Germans are anxious to deliver some molten, furious TNT to your guys. That is, if the TNT can reach your men before all the lead does. 12 German heavy machine guns can make life pretty rough (and short) for Soviet infantrymen who leave their foxholes. GRRRRRRRR!!! :mad: :mad:

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Well now, WeeWolf I am still am waiting for MasterGoodale to send me that scenario, I am terribly hungover, can't find my pants and whole slew of other excuses. When I can stop the trembling of alcohol soaked limbs I will send you the all new and improved Soddball scenario, now with more monkey vomit.

Now I am off to lay my throbbing head down. Turns received from the usual collection of half-wits and twits. Tunrs out later today.

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Wonderful. Paddington's computer is broken, mike the wino has been living up to his name (so where did you find the stuff), and Goodale has turned back into some kind of mold. No turns from anyone this weekend. I actually had to go outside instead of sitting all day at the computer. This lunacy has to end!! GRRRR!!! :mad:

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Turns should out to all. But as previously mentioned I got pissed as a goat yesterday so if I missed anyone let your whining begin.

Dave H thanks for asking, I have to smuggle all the decent adult beverages in and hide them so that unwashed masses don't covet the slew of beers, liquors and wine that take up all of one closet.

BTW, the "one for you, one for me" philosphy doesn't work well when pouring at a wine tasting.

[ March 17, 2003, 11:28 AM: Message edited by: mike the wino ]

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LOL! DaveH. . .I mean Angry Out Loud!! :mad:

Mike you wine-sipping, ass-wagging, bootlegging TNT-Chucker Wannabe!! Ya know why I haven't sent you a scenario yet!!?? HUH!!?? You really wanna know!!???? :mad: Because it has taken me this long to determine that you are just barely worthy of my new and improved TNT2 by a pube!! :mad:

I'll send it today after work you maggot-mouthed, tequilla drinking, ameoba-breeding sack of rotten goat cheese! :mad:

I bet when you drink tequilla you bang the worm after don't ya!!?? :mad:


Turns coming out tonight ladies!

ps: I really have been busy and I had to add a few "extra touches" to the "Mein Kampf" scenario for the drunk. And yes, I am turning into some kind of mold. Maybe it has something to do with my reading "Dream Catcher" by Stephen king?? Also my Daughter is sick AGAIN so I've been catching buckets of puke while shouting "Fire for effect!!!"

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Originally posted by MasterGoodale

much gnashing of teeth and wailing like a little ole lady

Yea, yea. Got the scenario I will judge on the TNT content of said scenario. Feel free to get back to fellating the neighbor's dog, brushing your single tooth, giving yourself a home tattoo or whatever else you inbreds do.

Beowolf I hope you have taken this brief pause to grow yourself half-pair so that I may kick them straight through your thick skull. Email out tonight.

See Becket, Inferno is a REAL-TNT-CHUCKING-MASTERPIECE. Crap there is hardly anything left that's NOT on fire. Take those 2 tin cans you got hovering near my flag...let's see how they burn.

Dave H I completely misunderstood, I thought a "Meeting Engagement" meant we both move towards the objective not that you start out in the middle of town shooting at my fine socialist forces. No bother your gameyest tactics will save you not. Germans to the front, Stalin to the rear...forward it is then.

[ March 18, 2003, 12:06 PM: Message edited by: mike the wino ]

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Originally posted by mike the wino:

See Becket, Inferno is a REAL-TNT-CHUCKING-MASTERPIECE. Crap there is hardly anything left that's NOT on fire. Take those 2 tin cans you got hovering near my flag...let's see how they burn.

YOUR FLAG? YOUR FLAG? I think not. Besides, I think it's time this abomination came to an end. With a major victory for me, of course. :D
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Becket I will believe it when I can't deny ever have recieved the file. Please send via certified email.

Dave H is on the receiving end of hordes of Russian tanks. Some whining about the failures of "German uber-tanks" when confronted with superior tactical acumen (mine). Suck it up junior, you never heard the brave Nazis send snivelling little notes back to Berlin.

"The '42 German armor is obviously modelled wrong as evidenced by the numerous lifeless hulks on the icy Russian steppes.

Der Fuehrer, please fix or do somefink"

Beowolf is probably taking today and tomorrow to set up his forces in MasterGoodale's latest offering. This one may take awhile.

Tanklord is back. Had to remind him that turns need to be SENT for gameplay to continue.

*pats the dim lad on the head*

"That's a good boy"

mcgivney is being given the boot for failure to respond within 2 weeks. Too bad I really wanted to destroy his forces. :(

I have a couple of untested scenarios from none other than


*pause for cheers*


Well then, which one of you mother-humping, limp-wristed, low-IQ-having nit-wits is up for a game?

:mad: :mad: :mad:

[ March 18, 2003, 03:47 PM: Message edited by: mike the wino ]

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