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An Ale, 2 Waffles, some Good Cheer, and threats for all

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Let's sum things up, shall we?

I don't think mike has any forces left. Dear, dear lord but the M17 is a powerful unit in low visibility conditions. Mine has now knocked out 6 vehicles (4 HTs and 2 Marder IIIs) in addition to 16 infantry kills.

As for Goody, he apparently just likes sitting in a marsh. That's fine, we're drinking all the wine in town and there'll be none left for you.

Goodwhale's forces teeter on the verge of collapse, as I now have free run over the map. I just keep watching the movie where the PIII smashes the KV-2 over and over and over again.

Sgian Dubh doesn't really have the game. Else he would've sent me a setup by now.

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Becket you also failed to mention that you are an giant turd and I hate you.

BTW, Soddball and I have found little molten-TNT in that abortion you call a scenario.

An all armor encounter with Tanklord has led to nill as of this morning. But he is the filthy Ruskies and will die shortly.

Dave H decided to take most of the weekend away from CMBB. Probably attending to his family, that narrow-minded-non-prioritizing-idiot.

Spent yesterday drinking heavily so turns not out to all. If I haven't responded by 6pm PST feel free to mew here.

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Becket: I've been up against major deadlines at work, you impatient marmont. :mad: :mad: :mad: Who will rid me of this troublesome priest????? :mad: I shall. :D

I finally had to flip a coin because I couldn't decide which map I wanted to use. I think I'm going to edit in a little bit of of extra TNT for both of us (equal points and good stuff) and then make my setup. I could really uses some massive TNT chucking - work is major stress right now.

You will get a setup tomorrow even if I have to attach wild weasels to my wedding tackle in order to stay awake! :D

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Originally posted by Soddball:

It's just a shame a whiny fagboy like you can spend 2 days composing waste-of-space crud on the forum, using that little metal straw sellotaped to your forehead to tap out commands on the dribble-proof keyboard, instead of sending me my DAMN TURN!!!!!

I'll give this post 5 * :mad: out of 5 :mad: s.

:D :mad:

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ORiginally posted by Becket

Dear, dear lord but the M17 is a powerful unit in low visibility conditions. Mine has now knocked out 6 vehicles (4 HTs and 2 Marder IIIs) in addition to 16 infantry kills.

Must be a bug....yes, a bug...has to be a bug.

BTS please fix or do somefink.

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Originally bellowed by Becket

GOODWHALE!!!!! Whar be my turn????

Now ,now glass houses and all. Don't you, in fact, owe a turn to moi? As I really want this awful experience put behind me let's get those turns flowing.

Dave H has announced his gamey intention of an end of game flag rush. What a gamey-limp-wristed-half-sack-having-reprobate. And this was after I clearly claimed that right as gamey-end-of-game-flag-rusher. A complete win is not enough after this affront. I want his computer to explode, hopefully removing a digit or two in the process, and for his hovel to burn to a pile of smoldering embers. Barring that I will stomp my feet, make loud noises and be an all around pain in the arse. In short, I will continue doing what have been doing up til now.

Soddball are you sober enough to send turns or should I wait a few days for your government check to run out?

Various un-mentionable maggots should be sending me turns.

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Originally posted by mike the wino:

Soddball are you sober enough to send turns or should I wait a few days for your government check to run out?

I have a metric buttload of work to do at the moment. All you hoors waiting for turns can wait a little longer until the insanity subsides.
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heheheheheh. . .let's just say I'm sitting back fat and happy with a big, ****ty grin spreading ever-so-slowly across my grabby, tnt-slathered jowels satiated in the knowledge that I recently sent out a whole slew of TNT-Splashed turns to all of you MMAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGOOOOOOOOOOOOOOTTSSSS!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:

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One can only be stunned that mikey whiney is complaining about only getting 2 turns from me a day instead of three.

On the other hand, we're (hopefully) two turns away from the end of this debacle, so I understand his sentiment.


That is all.

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Originally posted by Becket:


On the other hand, we're (hopefully) two turns away from the end of this debacle, so I understand his sentiment.


That is all.

If I have EVER heard someone asking for a gamey flag rush, this is it!! M_t_w, it's up to you. ;)
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Per Dave H suggestions and Becket near crying out for it....GAMEY FLAG RUSHERS INTO THE FRAY!!!

[dramatic music]

No, the fray is this way...that way leads off the map. NO, stop, stop now...oh well, at least the game will end soon.

[/dramatic music]

Thanks to Dave H for sending along a little ditty to enjoy with my turn last night. You may want to send that to Soddball and see if he can incorporate into the briefing. You know, set the mood and marshall the troops for the upcoming battle.

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Originally posted by mike the wino:


Thanks to Dave H for sending along a little ditty to enjoy with my turn last night. You may want to send that to Soddball and see if he can incorporate into the briefing. You know, set the mood and marshall the troops for the upcoming battle.

He may already have it. Soddball, the song I sent to m_t_w was "Fire" by The Crazy World of Arthur Brown. Are you familiar with it? It just seemed to fit your Inferno scenario perfectly. Maybe you could add it to the briefing?

"I am the god of hellfire, and I bring you - FIRE!"

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Originally posted by Dave H:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by mike the wino:


Thanks to Dave H for sending along a little ditty to enjoy with my turn last night. You may want to send that to Soddball and see if he can incorporate into the briefing. You know, set the mood and marshall the troops for the upcoming battle.

He may already have it. Soddball, the song I sent to m_t_w was "Fire" by The Crazy World of Arthur Brown. Are you familiar with it? It just seemed to fit your Inferno scenario perfectly. Maybe you could add it to the briefing?

"I am the god of hellfire, and I bring you - FIRE!" </font>

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Soddball you are a sick and twisted man. As far as this scenario goes I am starting to like it more now that my Junior Girls Flambe team just waxed Becket's uber-M17 that was tearing my defenses to hell. I call this game a victory just for this single act of heroism regardless of what lies Becket tells. I am sure he is in cahoots with the devil himself.

My predictions: A horrific loss to Becket and most likely some lame-ass draw with Dave H (despite my brilliant tactical genius working overtime on this one).

{editted to add that maybe my "brilliant tactical genius" is only capable of a draw, even when working overtime.}

[ March 05, 2003, 07:57 PM: Message edited by: mike the wino ]

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Seriously girls, you aren't even trying. Look at the time between posts.

PAH! And only 2 turns from Dave H . Maybe the collapse of 2 buildings is taking its toll?

Soddball stop browsing the net for goat porn and send my turn. Uh, you may want to wipe the man-glue off your hands before you make the keyboard all sticky. "Busy at work". PAH! That may work with your mother and your boss but these lies don't go here. Send the turn and stop lamenting my brilliant tactical deployment.

Becket for the love of all that is decent let's end this thing. Do I owe you a turn or vice versa? What's the hold up?

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Sowwy, work has been killing and, to top it off, Freelancer came out yesterday, so my meager game time last night was locked up with that bundle of joy.

But I'll deal the death and destruction tonight!

Note: MG, this doesn't apply to you, since you STILL HAVEN'T SENT ME A TURN.

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All my turns have gone out this morning. I am back in the 'CM Zone' after having a loony few days. Early next week will also suck in terms of getting any gaming done, but I shall continue to try.

MostlyGangBanged has lost yet more tanks in his "Slaughter the Camping Germans" QB. My anti-tank guns have now picked off 3 of his T-34s with little effort, although they are becoming a little distressed at the SU-152 type molten TNT being chucked in their direction. Luckily, they are in groovy 'hull down behind a hill' positions.

Jussi Kohler and I are continuing to mash each other in my Inferno scenario. Yuck. This turn has cost him a pair of light tanks and an SU-76, dealt with harshly by a Panzer III, an infantry gun (HE round in the arse) and a Brummbar respectively.

MikeT and I are continuing to beat each other up on our infantry-only scenario, where machine guns and mortars are making life unhappy for everyone. Groovy fun.

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You sorry sacks of bloated maggot innards! :mad: I sent all of my turns out a couple of days ago! :mad: I've been sick (AGAIN! :mad: ) and very busy patching a leaking crack in my foundation to do anything since then but believe me you rotting pouches of anal leakage hot fury is in the mail this weekend!! :mad:

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Originally posted by MasterGoodale:

You sorry sacks of bloated maggot innards! :mad: I sent all of my turns out a couple of days ago! :mad: I've been ... very busy patching a crack in my ... pouches of anal leakage d!! :mad:

Master Goodale's post, edited for clarity.

You seem to be sicker than Johnny McSick. If you spent less time licking your own sphincter, you might be healthier.

How are those tanks coming on? I feel the urge to barbecue.

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The long awaited re-match of Parabellum vs. MasterGoodale is in the works! The scenario is beginning play testing this morning and will pit Parabellum in the role of conducting a local counter-attack as the Axis in a late 1944 setting.

MasterGoodale will have the job of defending with a mix of prepared defending units with follow on reinforcements. I expect to have the finished scenario available within the next few days to one week.

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