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An Ale, 2 Waffles, some Good Cheer, and threats for all

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Dear Becket ,

Death and destruction received. I see that you and Dave H were the only ones capable of putting down the cheap domestic beer, Ritz crackers and Cheez Whiz long enough to send me turns. Mind you, the completion of this colossal achievement in no way diminishes the fact that you are both idiots. It just shows that you are more productive idiots than the rest of these ham-handed, mindless trolls. Once back from the store to replenish necessary supplies of beer, I will send turns to you both. Lots of molten, streaming bit of TNT.

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Halfway down page 2? This is Inconceivable! Almost the equal of getting involved in a land war in Asia. Back into the sunshine, little thread. And don't come back! GRRRRRRRrrrrrr!!!! :mad: :mad:

FYI, it was gratifying to see the title of Lt. Hortlund's thread. Master AleWaffle has had such a positive impact on players' vocabularies. tongue.gif We're so proud of him.

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Waffle this: this thread is sinking lower and lower on page two. As an emissary of lurker nation, it is my duty to tell you that the lurkers are very disappointed. If you do not resume taunting and injuring one another immediately, the lurkers will have no other option than to POUR GALLONS OF MOLTEN TNT ALL OVER THE SHATTERED REMNANTS OF YOUR MISERABLE SQUADS ARGHARGH GRRGRRGRRGRR :mad: :mad:

By the way, does anyone else find it strange that Master Goodale has a name that sounds like a hobbit's?

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Originally posted by Ostrogorsky:

By the way, does anyone else find it strange that Master Goodale has a name that sounds like a hobbit's?

Not "strange" so much as, well, appropriate is the word that comes to mind. ;) Not that that's a bad thing. His Russian troops all love him, and they die like flies for him.
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I swear to the god whom slathered my bald red head with TNT the day I was born if this thread slips to page two ONE MORE TIME I will chuck, slather, spew, sling, toss, throw, spit, or by whatever means available propel so much bitter, furious, angry, mentally deranged, kruat-hunting, kraut-hating molten TNT in all your general directions you will wish CMBB was never creaaaaaaaaaated!!!!!! :mad: :mad:

There's a whoooooole lotta molten misery flowing your way tonight maggots!! :mad:

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Originally posted by BasticheBlowHard

I swear to the god whom slathered my bald red head with TNT the day I was born if this thread slips to page two ONE MORE TIME

Glad to see that you have been able to set down your 40 oz of Hill-Billy Malt Liquor and move aside that pickle jar of moonshine to get back to your keyboard. You giant sack of toad-testicles, if it weren't for you lack of posting in the first place, this wouldn't be on page 2.

Now for updates:

Becket has proceeded to flame anything around him. Losses are great on both sides but I have finally defeated his invulnerable SP..I think the shield wore off. It is ugly and getting worse. There are more flamers on the map than a San Francisco bath-house.

Dave H has taken to cowering in his corner. Mumbled something about Russians and submachine guns. Methinks that the dolt forgets that you have to SEE the enemy to kill them. As the fog and night prevent this, I am forced to stumble around looking for that rat in his hole.

Soddball has done nothing, as have I. It will get fun soon, I hope.

The wanker Spanklord, formerly known as Tanklord, owes me turn in the all-armor-rally I am attempting to complete.

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Turns out for you that sent them. Old turns out to those louts which haven't sent me a turn since my glorious return from the money-sucking capital of the universe.

If anyone is interested, Las Vegas casinos got $60.00(US) and I got free drinks. I still consider it a win. :D

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My update is short and sweet.

Wallybob and I are slowly wrestling over a small village in a 800 pt. QB.

Although truth be told I have not seen any of his mincing, vodka-swilling cannon fodder for some time. Probably hiding in all of the little houses wondering how to re-assemble their comrades torn apart by mortar fire :D

I owe Becket a setup, but work has been insane I didn't see the point of starting something I won't have time to attende to for anohter week or so. Then again, I need to relieve a little stress. Hmmm. Perhaps on Monday....

Other than that, I bite my thumb at you all.

Oh, yeah, and GRRRRRRRRRAAARRRGHHHHHH!! :mad: :mad: :mad:

[Edited because I have apparently developed a stutter when I type :rolleyes: ]

[ February 28, 2003, 09:36 PM: Message edited by: Sgian Dubh ]

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Originally posted by MasterGoodale:

I swear to the god whom slathered my bald red head with TNT the day I was born if this thread slips to page two ONE MORE TIME I will chuck, slather, spew, sling, toss, throw, spit, or by whatever means available propel so much bitter, furious, angry, mentally deranged, kruat-hunting, kraut-hating molten TNT in all your general directions you will wish CMBB was never creaaaaaaaaaated!!!!!!

So I bump and bump and bump this topic back to page 1....a preventive bump, so to speak.

Edit: :mad:

[ March 01, 2003, 08:32 AM: Message edited by: Keke ]

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Hey maggot lips I had ISP problems followed by PC problems so turns are late but you'll be glad they were so shut your chicken hole. :mad: :mad:

Snarker I have been trying to send you a file maybe it will go through this time but it was getting rejected. :mad:

Maggots. :mad:

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Originally posted by MasterGoodale:

Hey maggot lips I had ISP problems followed by PC problems so turns are late but you'll be glad they were so shut your chicken hole. :mad: :mad:

Maggots. :mad:

Yeah, right. ISP problems. Riiigggghhhttt.

I have enjoyed this PBEM game. I am learning more excuses that I thought possible.

What would maggot lips look like anyways? I could take the lower moral path and say that it probably looks like Frau Goody, but that would be wrong. So I won't. I think maggot lips look like MasterGoodys troops 4 days after I have killed them. Yeeha.


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Actually maggot, maggot lips look like an anus with little teeth. The little maggot mouth is round and the lips are kind of brownish and leathery with little flecks of **** all over them from eating all of the garbage and rotten chicken. The breath that spews forth from the abominations is extremely foul and has even been known to kill my troops from time to time. When a creature with maggot lips speaks the flecks of **** spew into the face of his victim. :mad:

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Originally posted by MasterGoodale:

Actually maggot, maggot lips look like an anus with little teeth. The little maggot mouth is round and the lips are kind of brownish and leathery with little flecks of **** all over them from eating all of the garbage and rotten chicken. The breath that spews forth from the abominations is extremely foul and has even been known to kill my troops from time to time. When a creature with maggot lips speaks the flecks of **** spew into the face of his victim. :mad:

It's just a shame a whiny fagboy like you can spend 2 days composing waste-of-space crud on the forum, using that little metal straw sellotaped to your forehead to tap out commands on the dribble-proof keyboard, instead of sending me my DAMN TURN!!!!!
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