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Master Goodale vs ParaBellum AAR

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Originally posted by AndrewTF:

So... who do we talk to about purchasing the movie rights? :D

I'm currently in negotiation with several big Hollywood companies.

One of the scripts sent to me is indeed very good. Of course the plot will be a bit 'straightened' for the masses, but it sounds totally sweet so far.

There's this young US pilot who falls in love with his best friend's fiancée as his friend is reported missing from hauling spam to Russia on a lend-lease mission.

He decides to look for his friend but gets lost and arrives in Rome just in time to rescue a female partisan from the SS. They then decide to fly to Russia together to recover a secret artefact that could change the outcome of the war.

During their Adventure our hero finds the artefact (a rather phallic statue modelled after the Führer), his lost friend, destroys the 6th army in Stalingrad and manages to smuggle the secret plans for the death star back to his superiors.

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Turn 21:

Lt. Stroyev rolls his lumbering beast around the second to last bend at the southern edge of the village. As he rounds the corner he hears a fanatical screaming coming from the south, very close to the tank! TOO CLOSE!! It's an anti-tank team! "Infantry south-west!!" the commander yells! He opens the hatch and reaches for his pistol. Just as he draws the weapon he sees a large metal object careening toward the tanks lower hull! "Miiiine!!!!" The crew hits the hard metal floor and braces for impact. Lt. Stroyev opens fire on the infantry in the trees not 10 meters from the tank! Suddenly he hears more screaming, this time from the North!! He wheels around in horror to see another infantryman charging the tank like a Spaniard charging the Alamo! Knowing such close quarters combat against infantry was hopeless Lt. Stroyev shut the hatch and weathered a barage of mine attacks. After 2 more rounds struck the tank the men had all they could take and bailed, hitting the dirt face first just 10 meters from the attacking infantry! These brave Russians refused to surrender though. They ran desperately for their lives, hoping to make it to safety, but as they ran they were cut to shreds almost instantly by the filthy krauts. Bullets ripped through the backs of my virtually unarmed men and soon the last one fell. Lt Stroyev lay breathing heavily, blood filling his lead-riddles lungs, and as an act of final defiance turned and emptied his pistol into the direction of the enemy. . .

The infantry in the north-east woods are kicking kraut ass and taking dog tags! The germs are fleeing amidst the horror that is my daily hell. Their setup like a fire line passing the cans of bitter TNT up to the front to get chucked with all the hatred they can muster!! Krauts are dropping, flying, splattering, and screaming! They're literally coming apart at the seams! We have this forest. If I can just get that other KV-I in a safe spot to supress! Iushkevich's tank is at the north-west flag trying to get an angle on the infantry approaching from the west hill. There's a whole gaggle of them and my men can't hold them off without some heavy firepower.

To the East the PIIC wasn't satisfied with having destroyed the T-26 on the hill. It continued to rape the crew with bullet after hot, bitter bullet until they crawled bleeding into the safety of the woods. The remaining T-26 to the south east began it's trek back up the east hill to exact some symbolic toll on the panzer.

The southern surprise attack force moves out to the north on their way to the village. "It's now or never men" the platoon leader mutters. "Get out your angriest TNT" "But Captain. . ." protests one of the men. Just do it.". They all know the consequences of this. They all will have to live with them. . .

As they move out suddenly they are shocked by the rapid machine gun fire of not just the HMG they knew was over the crest, but that damn immobilized PIV-E on the hill!! "Hit the dirt maaaggoooots!!" The men take the prone position and try to get the situation under control. They have taken one casualty and are pinned down in the open with little hope of support for a while at least. This is not good. . .


Turn 22:

Iushkevich area targets a small building in the southern edge of the village suspected of harboring at least one tank hunter team. Sure enough the large blast from the tank's HE rounds send the team scurrying to the rear for cover. The infantry assault continues from the west hill, intermittently disrupted by well-placed bursts of HMG fire from the Russian held flag building. The KV-I is right next to them and must find a better spot fast if he's gonna stop those grunts! My men in the east woods are literally blistering the krauts every time they dare stand up! No sooner do they see the sky and their faces are on fire from theemotionally disturbed lead that his screaming their way! The PIIc to the east is making his way to my rear, but I don't yet see it as a threat. If he gets close enough to my men in the woods I'll molotov his ass. To the south the surprise force is still pinned and is now splitting up for survival. The T-26 crawls up the hill, practically useless at this speed, while the remaining mortar team tries to sneak up the gulley towards town and take up a suppressive firing position. But wait! A halftrack spots them just across the lawn of the church!! It must be that pesky HT that was on hill 230 slaughtering my infantry! The HT opens fire and knocks my mortar team to the ground. Damn. . . .I needed hime to take out that HMG if my men were to safely cross that field!

Turn 23:

Iushkevich turns his turret toward the tank hunter team to the south that has apparently decided it didn't get enough TNT the last time. After just a couple of rounds their faces are slathered and blistering. The infantry assault from Hill 230 continues with my last inhabitants fo the flag building barely able to keep them hitting the dirt now and then. I have to get that KV-I out of there, but where to? The PIIc has circled around to my rear flank almost and is pelting one of my HMG teams into submission. I'm winning the "War of the Woods", but have taken heavy casualties. There are still enough men to take this village if I'm careful and use sound tactics. A halftrack rolls back into town, the same one that was suppressing my mortar team to the south! Iushkevich spots it and gives the command to take it out at all costs!!

To the south my surprise attack team is in shambles. The casualties are light but reality has seperated the men from the pussies and some push forward while others flee to the safety of the woods. The mortar team is afraid to get up, not knowing whether that HT is still there or not, and the T-26 on the east hill finally starts to supress the HMG nest just south of the church.


Turn 24:

Iushkevich moves south slightly to get a better angle on the fleeing halftrack, when suddenly the most horrific thing that could possible happen right now happens! The tank is struck by a mine or anti-tank projectile of some type and the KV is knocked out immediately!! All but Iushkevich, legs blown off and bleeding profusely, paint the inside walls of the tank with their guts. The infantry assaulting my flag building from the west push furiously toward their objective and have decimated my HMG squad in the building! Nothing but a crack HQ squad and a 4 man crew hold the flag now. They return fire as best they can but I fear it won't be sufficient. Now that I lost my last heavy tank I have only 5-6 infantry squads, all weary from battle, and a mortar team to hold at least one flag in this village. My men continue to push the krauts out of their woods amidst HT and tank fire from the PIIc! Their fiesty and mad. Nobody will take these woods from them. My HMG team to the far north surrenders to the PIIc. They had no choice and this will not be held against them.

To the South the surprise attack force has rallied and is making their assault on the HMG nest that is under fire from my T-26! Grenades are flying along with hot lead. The lead spitting from the mouth of that machine gun is some of the angriest of have laid eyes on (or lost eyes to for that matter!). But my men don't stop! Comrades falling around them they continue to pummel the nest with everything they have! The mortar team is finally in position to be of some use and is ordered to rain down some hot TNT on top of the heads of the attacking krauts on Hill 230. The rounds will fall in a matter of seconds. That should stop them for a bit. . .

Turn 25:

Just as the PIIc in the north turns to head down the road into the village from my rear flank my HQ squad in the woods not 25 meters away tosses their only molotov cocktail at them panzer! The volitile mixture explodes right next to the panzer and starts a small fire, but it wasn't a hit on the tank. The PII will make it into the village and cause me more headaches if I can't stop it! The attacking infantry from hill 230 take the flag and slaughter my crack HQ squad. The tank crew flees in panic and the infantry squad dies fighting. My men have won the "War of the Woods" as far as I can tell, but must move into a building for safety and take out that panzer. I only have one squad of infantry in the center of town and the panzer has them zeroed in.

To the south my team advances slowly, desperately trying to neutralize the HMG nest. 2 of the squads have moved on toward the church. If I can just get them in that church we will own the flag and have fire superiority as well as height advantage over most enemy infantry in the village!! The loss of my KV-Is weighs heavily on my mind. . .

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Originally posted by ParaBellum:

There's this young US pilot who falls in love with his best friend's fiancée as his friend is reported missing from hauling spam to Russia on a lend-lease mission.

He decides to look for his friend but gets lost and arrives in Rome just in time to rescue a female partisan from the SS. They then decide to fly to Russia together to recover a secret artefact that could change the outcome of the war.

During their Adventure our hero finds the artefact (a rather phallic statue modelled after the Führer), his lost friend, destroys the 6th army in Stalingrad and manages to smuggle the secret plans for the death star back to his superiors.

Not "Raiders of the All Quiet on the Cruel Enemy Reaching for the Sky at the Gate of the Empire - Part II" (this time it's personal)?

I can't believe they're remaking it - who are they casting in the John Wayne role?

At the risk of stating the bleeding obvious, nice work chaps.

As you were...


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There I was, reading and enjoying the latest installment of this wonderful AAR, when I ran across this line from MasterGoodale: "The germs are fleeing amidst the horror that is my daily hell."

This is, to say the least, disturbing. It's so dark it sounds like a quotation from Poe or Lovecraft. MasterGoodale, after you finish posting the AAR, you might seriously consider getting some help. ;) But only after the final installment of this gem of an AAR. :mad:

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I find there is a dark and terrifying poetry to most of MG's work. We're just very fortunate to be able to witness him in such fine, flowing form. I think we will look back on this as his golden age. He's like the bastard offspring of Mary Shelley and Jack Kerouac, who was read The Naked Lunch as a bedtime story (I'm guessing he's a big fan of Steely Dan). I blame it on the oar across his skull ... so where's the next installment of this epic AAR?

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I find most AARs to an interesting read, if a bit dry. This gem however, is in a league all its own. I find MG's normal frothing, near incoherant style to be entertaining...scary but entertaining. For this AAr he has likely upped his meds( or lowered them, as the case may be) and the result is a leaner, more focused MG, still scary but with at least an fingerhold on reality. Parabellum, as always, delivers a quality product, full of description and detail. This AAR has everything, action, drama, pathos, tactics(nobodies perfect) and even pictures smile.gif I find myself cheering for the combatants on both sides. Great job gentlemen, thanks for the efforts

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And the next part:

Turn 26:

While the captured russian HMG crew is marched to the rear two of Lt.Becker's infantry squads take positions in the tall building.

The rest of the platoon is following them, with this force I should be able to secure the NW part and the centre of the village. There are another two there, both are under heavy fire from my infantry.

Two enemy infantry units are running towards a small wooden house in the centre of the village. One of them, a platoon HQ, gets cut down by accurate bursts of MG fire from Wittman's PzII, the other reaches the house.

Another russian squad dashes forward but again Wittman's PzII forces them to take cover.

In the woods to the east my men have recovered a bit. There are now 26 combat-ready men, commanded by Lt. Kinkel and Lt. Braunstein. Together with Schmidt's SPW 251/10 and Wittman's PzII I should be able to hold that position.

South of the village Obg.Pfeiffer is in a desperate fight with russian infantry. One is running towards the gully, under heavy fire from Pfeiffer's HMG 34. Suddenly another squad breaks out from the woods less than 60m away and charges towards Pfeiffer's position.

Their "Urrraaaaah!" battlecries soon cease as the MG salvos tear through them. Pfeiffer and his men are all veterans, having already participated in the campaigns in Poland and France, they won't be easily overcome by a single russian squad.

Meanwhile Lt. Schulmeister's PzII and Obg Probst's SPW 251/1 have almost reached Pfeiffer's position. With their arrival the russian advance there will be stopped cold.


Turn 27:

Lt.Becker's men in the tall building spot a russian crew north of their position and immediatly open fire on them. I really should tell MG that it is VERY costly to sacrifice valuable, trained men in such a manner.

In the center of the village I had ordered Unt. Günther's infantry squad to move to the tall building there, to support Obg. Hampel's PzJäger team already in position there.

As it turns out, they enter the building seconds before a russian squad breaks into the building from the north. Furious hand-to-hand fighting breaks out, the surprised Russians quickly suffering casualties.

Wittman's PzII routs the russian squad he spotted last turn. He's in a good position in the centre of the village to stop all major russian advances.

In the woods east of them a russian squad charges forward into my defensive line and within seconds kill the remaining five men of Unt. Fitzemeyer's squad without suffering even a single casualty! Even worse, next to them Lt.Braunstein's platoon HQ, already down to one man, gets killed by an unseen foe. The situation in this woods is very serious. From the 20 men I put into a devensive line only 9 are still alive one minute later... I can only hope Wittman's PzII and the SPW 251/10 can force the Russians back, my infantry surely won't.

To the south the Russians close to less than 20m of Obg. Pfeiffer's position despite suffering heavy casualties. Finally the Soviets panic and run for safety to the nearby cornfield only to be cut down by Pfeiffer's HMG34.

Lt.Schulmeister's PzII from hill 230 has arrived next to him and quickly engages enemy infantry advancing in the gully. There's a T-26 moving down the hill east of the village.

Schulmeister will take care of him next turn...

Turn 28:

Lt.Becker and two of his squads are still pinned down NE of hill 230 trying to get into the village. In a small building in the centre of the village is a russian HMG and an infantry squad, with another HMG outside in a small patch of light trees.

My men don't suffer many casualties, but they are exhausted and the constant incoming fire slows their advance down to a crawl.

In the large building in the centre of the village my men wipe out the russian squad without suffering a single casualty, good!

Now I can engage the Russians in the small building from two sides, and just in time my last SPW arrives to support them. The situation in the centre of the village seems quite favourable so far.

To the east the situation in the woods gets only slightly better as the russian squad is pushed back and withdraws after bloody fighting. Lt.Kinkel desperately tries to rally his men, only 12 men still able to hold a weapon in these cursed woods.

South of the village Lt.Schulmeister quickly destroys the T-26 with his last AP rounds and moves forward towards the gully. I suspect there might be even more russian infantry...

Turn 29:

Under a hail of fire from Lt. Becker's platoon, Obg. Bernhoff's HMG34 on hill 230, Unt. Günther's squad and the SPW 251/1 the enemy in the small building in the centre of the village seems to have been pinned down. Both HMG crews are hugging the ground and the infantry squad is killed. With the rest of Lt.Becker's platoon continuing their advance I will destroy them within the next turns.

With this I should have pretty much secured the NW and center part of the village. Maybe I can switch some forces towards the woods in the eastern part of the village.

Under constant fire from Unt.Wittman's PzII another HMG crew surrenders. Looks like the Russian's globale morale is pretty low by now. At the end of the turn an enemy infantry squad again advances in the woods towards my men.

I can only guess that Master Goodale's lossed were very serious, too, otherwise I can't explain this un-coordinated attacks by single squads.

Just as Lt.Schulmeister's PzII reaches the gully south of the village they spot a russian squad advancing towards the church. Since the church and the VL is held only by some crews and a PzJäger team I have to stop the enemy before they get there.

With MG's vehicles all destroyed (at least I hope so) I can now use my remaining four vehicles as higly mobile reserve without the risk of getting them knocked out by enemy tanks. Since the russian squad's Molotov cocktails are not too useful there's not too much they can do if my vehicles stay at a safe range from them, usually 30m+.


Turn 30:

In the centre of the village one of the russian HMG's breaks and withdraws to the rear, under constant fire from the SPW 20m away.

I doubt they'll make it...

In the woods to th east Lt. Kinkel falls as he withdraws to the rear. Only the SPW 251/10 firing long MG bursts into the woods prevent the Russians from overrunning what's left of my positions there.

As Unt.Wittman orders his PzII as close as possible to the edge of the woods one of the soviet squads withdraws to the rear.

With the fire support from the two vehicles I think I'll be able to hold the woods but I've lost nearly 40 men there, including all officers...

South of the village Lt.Schulmeister from the cupola of his PzII gives orders to engage the soviet infantry that advances in the gully, as a bullet hits him in the right shoulder. With a cry of pain he slumps back into his seat! "Don't worry, it's only a flesh wound! There, enemy infantry right in front! Open fire!" Again the PzII's coaxial MG fires, first pinning down an enemy platoon HQ then switching fire to a russian infantry squad nearby.

From the gully another russian squad crawls out, having almost reached the church! I gotta act fast there, the few men that hold it will not survive a tough fight with enemy infantry for long. Hopefully Schulmeister's PzII will drive them back next turn.

...to be continued.

[ January 10, 2003, 11:47 PM: Message edited by: ParaBellum ]

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