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The Peng Challenge Thread - A Coalition of the Swilling

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Yes, yes, fine, but Lars ... what of my GrandSquire Hanns? The poor little tyke has been gone and his GrandLiege is missing the little fellow. Tell him GrandLiege has a whole dollar for him the next time I get to Minneapolis.

He screamed something about "bad touch" and ran away when I mentioned your name.

Kinda strange behavior for a bouncer in a S&M club, don't ya think?

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Originally posted by Lars:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Yes, yes, fine, but Lars ... what of my GrandSquire Hanns? The poor little tyke has been gone and his GrandLiege is missing the little fellow. Tell him GrandLiege has a whole dollar for him the next time I get to Minneapolis.

He screamed something about "bad touch" and ran away when I mentioned your name.

Kinda strange behavior for a bouncer in a S&M club, don't ya think? </font>

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Originally posted by Persephone:

I feel a jolly Gnomish singsong coming on....

Well, I see you got your brand new leopard-skin pointy hat

Yes, I see you got your brand new leopard-skin pointy hat

Well, you must tell me, SeanyBabe

How your head feels under somethin' like that

Under your brand new leopard-skin pointy hat...

My Fair Lady Persephone

I have read and reread the above verse

I have practically got it memorized. Coming home from work tonight, I couldn't get it out of my head. Over and Over, relentless in it's message "brand new leopard-skin pointy hat".

This vision was dancing before my eyes, I knew there was only one thing to do.

You guessed it!

If only I had a picture I could share with you...*sniff*......

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I do believe I'm caught up in turns. AJ, Croda, Hiram, Joe all owe me turns, but that's to be expected as they are right gits. Just finished a PBEM with my ex-squire Nidan where I had thirty or so Elefants and he had a kazoo. Final score on that was something like 77-23, I think.

Oh, and for those of you who haven't guessed it by now, Lars is a gamey so-and-so who probably dances like Frankenstein's creature.

But, so what else is new?

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You Australians ... you make me sick you do. From Mace the most seniour to the newest, rankest most junior Ozzie you all make me sick.

And I'm not talking about just a wee bit ill, not just a touch of the queasy stomach, not the odd rumble of the tummy, oh no, no I'm talking about hurling uncontrollably and painting the walls sick, I'm talking about hunching over the porcelin goddess until death would be a welcome change of pace sick, I'm talking about dry heaves from hell with thin little threads of yellow bile dripping from my chin and beads of cold sweat rolling off my brow to mimic a hard driving rain sick.

But what to do about it, that's the question and that's the rub.

Nukes come to mind immediately of course but it would take too many to turn the entire continent to glass and we'd have to do that to be sure we didn't miss any.

Conventional forces are out, rumor has it they're busy right now and anyway I can't imagine sending our brave lads and lasses to that Gawd-forsaken, blighted landscape ... speaking of Blighty the Pommies aren't a lot better are they. And don't get me started on the Canadians, Swedes, Dutch or Poles ... all goober nations and no error there.

I'm open for suggestions ... anatomically possible ones will be given preference.


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

I'm open for suggestions ... anatomically possible ones will be given preference.


Obligingly, Boggs dusts off the old Sacred Scrolls and reads as if in a trance:

If you go outside and look between your legs you can see Uranus

Closing the book, Boggs silently leaves.

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Hmmm...guess I need to post some game updates before m'lord Rune decides to *boot* me...

Boo and I appear to be clicking "Go" quite a bit, waiting for the other to move. My men are blundering about in the dark trying to find his troops, it seems.

Lurkur is having ENTIRELY too much fun destroying my tanks...damn him to all hells.

killing me softly with his tanks...killing me softly....with his tanks...ruining my whole game with his armor...killing me softly....with...his...tanks....

Konrad and I have decided to switch sides in our original battle and have another go. So now I'm trying the Bum's Rush approach. Let's see how HE likes being overwhelmed by a huge number of Russians!

MrSpkr is evil personified. Taunting me while his bazillion tanks try to overrun my position. The bastiche. But though he's knocked out some of my tanks and guns, I blasted some of his, too. I just hope he doesn't have a bunch more in reserve....*looks around in paranoid fashion* This is a scenario from hell itself! Did Rune make it??? I'll bet he did...but I can't remember. My head is still spinning from trying to keep track of all that's happening in this game.

I'm slowly killing off Elvis' infantry, but I don't know how long that will last. It's taken me forever to get as far as I have and he's still got quite a few more crosses sitting behind that building. So we'll see....

And I think Hiram grew bored of my first attempt at making a scenario. I shall strive to come up with something particularly sinister for our next game...

[ April 03, 2003, 12:30 AM: Message edited by: Moraine Sedai ]

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

You Australians ... you make me sick you do.


Mission accomplished!


Sir Flamin' AJ

Justicar, Justicar, sick now becoz

he feels really woozy when mentioning Oz

Grand names such as Mace, Speedy and Noba too

Give Justicar Joe a case of the f'loo.

Justicar, Justicar, Justicar.


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:



Joe. Trolling around, showing your gums is very funny. It's a pity that trying to play you is a totally, manifestly BOORING waste of my time due to your incontinence getting in the way of sending regular turns. (Or would that your "irregularity" in the other place, "runs" your whole of life time-table...and THAT gets in - oh...you get my drift)

Other than the above, PLUS the fact that you only play eensie-weensie-teeny point games, makes it pointless (gedditt ! hahaha) to issue a challenge based on your pointless (again !) remarks.

See what you nearly did. Made me forget why I was replying to a post of yours.


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

You Australians ... you make me sick you do.

How now?

So, what brought on this little untimely tirade, Josephus? Are they not our comrades in arms? Are they not part of the brave Coalition? Should you not be welcoming them with open arms, crying openly on their lapels, buying them endless rounds of drinks, while screaming in a beer sodden voice that, "I really love you guys!" and then wandering off to the bathroom to drive the porcelain bus until you pass out?

Shouldn't you be asking if any of them would like to date your sister?

I mean, sure we all rightly despise them, but don't you think you should try to disguise your hatred? Try not to hate so openly?

You've lost all sense of proportion, man.

Oh, and send me a turn, ya dork.

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It is Yeknodathon's birthday then? So in donkey year's he's what ... hang on ... take away the four, carry the 1, divide by pi ... or cake if you prefer ... damn, you're old!

Oh well, happy birthday, Sir Yeknodathon ... even though you're a pommie you're an ass too and that's ... just right somehow.

As to the rest of you, mostly Australians and wannabes (if I was in Chicago I'D wannabe someplace else too I suppose), it's not that I HATE you, witness my habitual bolding of the name! I bold the name out of gratitude for the support ... of course I should also be bolding The Solomon Islands since they're coalition too. Bet the Iraqis were shaking in their boots when they heard that eh?

No, it's really that they actually, physically make me sick ... maybe it's a virus or something ... SARS ... Sudden Australian Repugance Syndrome .

Still don't know what to do about it thought and YOU clowns are a fat lot of help.


p.s. Noba ... grab a platapus by the rear leg, tease a tai-pan, poke a funnel web spider with your finger, go swimming with a great white or something equally useful ... Gawd ain't Australia just a wonderful place.

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Originally posted by Persephone:

donkey_animated.gifHONK! HAPPY BIRTHDAY YEKNOD!

This might be the one time I actually enjoy playing "Pin the Tail on the Donkey"

Who's got the hat pins?

SSN Hint Of The Day: Keep a store of wisecracks for tense and serious occasions.

Now sod off.

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[Deep in the paddock, where the morning dew never dries, something grey and heavy nibbles the edge off a cherry Starburst wrapper... ]

Oh, my birthday... *sniff* I almost forgot...

[peers down at the wrapper]

I'd always wanted a wrapper even if red is a bit bright and doesn't quite match me eyes... and if I *snniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiif* very hard I can just smell the scent of cherries and when I swing me tail...


... I imagine it containing something... sweet... juicy... and just the thing for a birthday... so it doesn't really matter if its empty... or says cherry when carrot would have been more to me appetite... or brussel sprout... or thistle... or twig... no it doesn't matter, much.

[gives the wrapper another thorough peering...]

Not that I'm complaining, see, 'cause I suppose an empty Starburst wrapper...

[tugs gently at the corner...]

... might wrap a Jim Boggs...

[studies the surroundings carefully and with some suspicion...]

... and have some to spare for a stray Nobbit.


[ April 03, 2003, 11:50 AM: Message edited by: Yeknodathon ]

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Happy Birthday, Sir Yeknod!

Do not despair over having only the scent of a cherry starburst to mull upon. Oh, and by the way, they have starbursts in England? When I was there in my youth, the ****e the English ate and described as 'candy' was some of the vilest stuff I've yet encountered on this earth. The English have a postitive fixation with ginger, and for some reason believe that a primary ingredient in Asian cooking should also be bunged into 'candy' in quantity to cause perforations of the stomach.

The Gnome feels your pain, Yeknod. Or, rather, he feels his own, which currently includes only being allowed a 'clear fluids diet'. There is nothing about this that resembles eating, and jello is the most 'food-like' thing to enter my system these days. From my pain, I extend my sense of empathy to try and comprehend yours. Of course, my initial reaction is that I would probably eat the damn starburst wrapper just to have something solid enter the system.

Oh, well. Felicitations, in any case.

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Originally posted by Lars:

The Good News is that the ice is going off Lake Minnetonka even as we speak.

The Bad News is a couple hundred tons of it just smeared my dock all down the shoreline.


This won't negatively impact taking your fellow Minnesota Cesspoolers on drunken parades around the lake, will it?
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