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The Peng Challenge Thread - A Coalition of the Swilling

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Wo ist meine kleine lenakonrad?

I pine for the Polish Challenge.

I long for a setup that will open up for me a rebirth of wonder.

I need a good retriever, not gun-shy, who can mouth the bird without damaging it, is even tempered in an East European sort of way, and can be relied upon to show mettle where a more skittish breed might run yapping.

lenakonrad! Wo sind sie?

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Send me a set up, you scurrilous purveyor of tripe, trash and tabloid fodder. I'll soon sort you out, laddie.

As an apparent newbie to the great Art of the Duel , I will discuss briefly the proper etiquette and procedures.

1. You are the Carpetbagging Yankee Dog

therefore you are allowed to select any set-up and side that you desire. You may QB, you may Rune , you may create your own disaster:

It Does Not Matter

2. Send your (horrible piece of Tripe) set-up to my e-mail address which is proudly displayed in le profile du moi

3.Now this is the easy part. After a few turns of moving to contact, the battle will start. Every turn you will have fewer and fewer units that you have to give orders to. Soon you won't have to give any orders and won't even have to send a turn.

Well it don't get no easier than that.

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Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Send me a set up, you scurrilous purveyor of tripe, trash and tabloid fodder. I'll soon sort you out, laddie.

As an apparent newbie to the great Art of the Duel , I will discuss briefly the proper etiquette and procedures.

***snipped because I can***


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Originally posted by Abbott:


Please do not lobby for a sticky post for The Peng challenge thread until hostilities in the Middle east cease.

Oh and by the way…has anyone else noticed Peng kind of looks like Henry Kissinger?

What the HELL are you on about?

Seanachai STOP Email on way now re Coventry situation STOP Please advise.STOP


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Originally posted by Abbott:


Please do not lobby for a sticky post for The Peng challenge thread until hostilities in the Middle east cease.

Oh and by the way…has anyone else noticed Peng kind of looks like Henry Kissinger?

It wouldn't work here, in any case.

We are always attempting to move on. The Peng Challenge Thread is the Combat Mission Forum equivalent of Manifest Destiny.

An Epic that has an ending has failed, by definition.


Peng looks like a secret, wrapped in a dirty great beard and flannel shirt, dipped in drainage ditch outside Enigma, PA, girt about with a dozen swarthy drunkards relieving themselves.

He is unknowable, his plan ineffable, his smell...indescribable. For everything else, there's the General Forum.

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I say let Bone_Vulture in....that being said, I'll say this, Boggs, if your set up from Boo_Radley appears on a tiny map, and you are given indefensible terrain to defend, you are looking at what one might call " The Boo-Radley impossible mission no matter what you do " set up. You will know for sure when the first Brumbar rumbles into view. He's a gamey bastiche, and in spite of all of his sweet talk, a slithering viper....watch him!!!

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Originally posted by Lars:

Sorry for the slow turns this weekend lads, but it's been a busy one.

First it was off to a fine Italian restaurant for several bottles of their finest. Then, the next night, the GF and I decided to go in search of my long lost Squire, Hanns.

Yes, Hanns, he of the enormous size and a generous way with pitchers of beer. Turns out he still is working as a bouncer at Ground Zero (our local den of S&M perversion). He's now also running the data banks at the U for a little extra leather money and just doesn't have time to indulge in the perversion of the Cess when he's up to his neck in perversion down at Ground Zero.

And Ground Zero is a very perverse place.

Actually, the GF just wanted to dress up. Or down. Or just not wear very much at all, in this case. Nothing wrong with that. You should see the pictures. To bad I have no way to post them. Can't send them to Persephone, she would have to find a way to keep them out of Berli's hands.

Maybe I should just send them to Seanachai, he knows what pictures from Hanns are like. Might just finish him off.


SSN Hint Of The Day: Talk with your mouth full.

Now sod off.

Lars, send me a piccy!!!!


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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Call Coventry if you will, Gentlemen. But does not Bone Vulture rather deserve our pity than our hatred? Should we not extend to him the (suitably gloved, as I'm sure the little rodent is crawling with vileness) hand of understanding, and give him another chance to prove himself of some worth to this community?

For once Coventry is called, he becomes less than nothing. An Outerboarder who can never rise beyond that level. Not merely history, but evolution itself will have left him behind, and all hope of redemption fled.

How speaks the 'Pool?

I think we should give Bone Vulture another chance. Remember, he did post his piccy, so he is brave....er....he's not a Wuss.


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Originally posted by Nidan1:

I'll say this, Boggs, if your set up from Boo_Radley appears on a tiny map, and you are given indefensible terrain to defend, you are looking at what one might call " The Boo-Radley impossible mission no matter what you do " set up. You will know for sure when the first Brumbar rumbles into view. He's a gamey bastiche, and in spite of all of his sweet talk, a slithering viper....watch him!!!

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The rules of Coventry are quite simple ... as are all who are sent there. There must be no dissenting votes to the call for Coventry or the call is rejected.

In this case we have two calls to rescind the sentencing and so ... it is DONE! Bone_Vulture may be responded to in any fashion you choose, keeping in mind that he IS an SSN and all that that implies.

On a personal note ... Stoned_Culture if you post ONE MORE PHOTO of that washed up, drugged out, no talent wannabe (I'm referring to your hero, not yourself though your resemblance to that description is uncanny) I will personally call for Coventry to be reinstated time and time again if necessary. DON'T GO THERE LAD!

[sERIOUS]On an another note, you were originally sent to Coventry for appearing to troll. No challenges were made and you seemed to hold the MBT in NO regard whatsoever (i.e. This thread is a joke). Someone who wants to JOIN a group would be well advised not to appear to disrespect that group.[/sERIOUS]

Mind you disrespecting the INDIVIDUALS is pretty much a prerequisite.



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Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

As an apparent newbie to the great Art of the Duel , I will discuss briefly the proper etiquette and procedures.

1. You are the Carpetbagging Yankee Dog

therefore you are allowed to select any set-up and side that you desire. You may QB, you may Rune , you may create your own disaster:

It Does Not Matter

2. Send your (horrible piece of Tripe) set-up to my e-mail address which is proudly displayed in le profile du moi

3.Now this is the easy part. After a few turns of moving to contact, the battle will start. Every turn you will have fewer and fewer units that you have to give orders to. Soon you won't have to give any orders and won't even have to send a turn.

Well it don't get no easier than that.

(Begins to drum fingers against top of desk.) Anybody else noticing that this recent crop of SSN's, Fluffies, Serfs, Squerfs, Smurfs, Surf & Turf's are getting even more dense, and even as we speak, are running the risk of having their own heads collapse in upon themselves, not that there's anything wrong with that?

Or is it just Floridiots? Comes from having a shrub for Gov., I guess.

So tell me, Sparky. Which part of "send me a set-up" went right over that large, bulbouse object which is creating it's own gravity well, that you might (if you were very, very kind) call a head?

Is it all the Salsa music you listen to? Maybe the endless susurration coming from the billion or so shuffleboard games going on around you. Are the Palmetto bugs controlling your brainwaves? Good grief, why can't we just cut the whole damn state loose and let it drift down to Suriname? Not that I have anything against Suriname, with it's smiling peoples and white, sandy beaches.

Tell ya what, Bub. You want me to send you a set up? No problem. I understand how creating a set up might be difficult for you, what with lacking higher brain functions and all. Or, should I say, lacking all brain functions.

But, I was always taught to help out those less fortunate than myself, and as the offspring of siblings, you meet all the requirements.

Expect pain in the next day or so.

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We see our hero sitting dejectedly in front of a smoking monitor. He wears a torn and bloodied set of tanker coveralls and smells as though he hasn't had a bath in days. A dinged and pitted CVC rests on the floor next to him.

Man, that is the last time I check out the General Forum.

Gamey updates:

vs my leige Nidan1 my forces are being soundly pummeled as is proper. Nuff said.

vs Sir lincoln'scrabs his pitiful force has finally decided to make an appearance. Little does he know that I have two Finnish 12 year olds guarding that flank. It goes without saying that it will hold.

vs Leftenant Hortense my panzers are gleefully watching him scramble to deal with my massive flanking attack. He now wishes he hadn't complained so much about my rate of advance.

vs javaslinger (hasn't earned a name parody yet) his forces voluntary panic has left my men with little to do but mop up. Undoubtedly what little tactical sense he has is straining to deal with my simple manuevers.

[serious] If anyone has had trouble emailing turns to me you can thank Bill and that monster we all know as Hotmail. My alternate address is sgtgdy@netscape.net.[/serious]

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

You want me to send you a set up? No problem.[snipped to remove irrelevant Ohideous rantings created by the removal of the "I lost because your set-up was unfair" excuse]

My dear Boocephous :

Your sense of honor is....(okay forget that)...

Your sense of pride......(nope).......

Your sense....(Damn!).......

Never mind!

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

In this case we have two calls to rescind the sentencing and so ... it is DONE!

I blame Seanachai (THE Idiot) and his sidekick Persephone (THE Witless). </font>
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Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

LOVE rules!


uh... Joe , this was from a post that You made earlier in this thread.

If you go all soft and mushy, there will be no holding back the "good vibes and huggy/kissy" crap that will start appearing.

Buck up Lad! </font>

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