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Single worst-ever turn of CMBB

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Happened this morning. I was advancing a platoon of Tigers across fairly open terrain. I remember thinking: I really ought to spread these vehicles out a little more in case of an air attack...

Sure enough, Russian bombers appeared and scored a direct hit. Two Tigers were knocked out, the other two suffered gun damage...

Scratch one Tiger platoon.

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Hmm, worst turn I ever experienced was me playing TCP/IP with EFOW. I advanced a company against a un-identified Russian tank. I was thinking it was a light tank, I already knocked out all of my opponents T-34s and SU.

So I sent a company of troops in it's direction to try an assault it. So I have them ready in some woods, ready to jump off. All of a Sudden the tank opens up and BOOM! 3/4 of the company gone. It was a SU-152. YAY!

I was winning too, after that, I could not make anyheadway. Ended with a tactical vicotry for me.

Btw, I still killed the SU-152 with my Tiger.

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Rushing 3 whole companies of men across open ground towards what looked like the safety of a shady wood. Needless to say, one turn later my men had been slaughtered to the last man by what turned out to be a full compliment of crack SS Pz Grenadiers (w/heavy mg support) waiting just inside and along the treeline.

Come to think of it, most of my worst moments seem to happen on open ground. Strange that.

[ June 06, 2003, 12:22 PM: Message edited by: Manx ]

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I defended a small village with a infantry platoon a mg 42. It was night and I a sight of about 175 meter. To hold that position I set up a strong point behind it on a small tree covered hill with a AT 50mm canon, 2 mg 42, Hq, sniper and a arty spotter. It was possible from that position to support the infantry platoon. I really had the idea that this village was unbeatable.

Well in turn 5 suddenly a T-34 stood if front of my strongpoint... and fired 1 single shot canister. And not a single unit was able to fight that battle anymore.

And yes this was my first experience with canister and night fighting.

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Hi all,

after loosing against the formidable Rhudat on a specific map, decided to play the same map again.

Setup a devious plan to outflank his forces with six platoons of T34/85. He never would expect that !

After moving my tanks across one third of a map, I ran in a Sturmkompanie ( the one with LOTS of the 75 mm ATG ).

Six turns later my eighteen tanks have been reduced to ONE.

Arrggghhhhh ....

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My usual technique for advancing infantry to contact is to send half squads forward under "Move to Contact," followed by the rest of the platoon under "Move." Doesn't work so well when you run into a body of SMG infantry hidden in woods... :eek: The SMG devils pop up when the half squads are ~20m out, and annihilate them, then I get to watch the rest of my platoon trudging mindlessly toward their doom... :mad:

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Losing a bunch of armor one turn is obviously awful.

But in one occassion I recall was seeing my retreating Pz.Grenadier ragtag company's last escape route to other friendlies get blocked by a platoon of T-34/85's and a IS-2. Oh, and the Russian infantry of course was close on the rears of my infantry :(

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Once my advance in Stalingrad was held by a concrete bunker with gun. Since the bunker was located adjacent to a building, I decided to send a squad, platoon HQ, and a flamethrower to tackle it. All went smoothly. My flamethrower aimed precisely at the door of the bunker and ready to pull the trigger. At the moment, my reinforcement came.... a Stuka. The pilot did want to take the bunker out, and dropped a bomb onto the adjacent building :mad: Result: All of my men dead (except the pilot, of course), and the bunker still intact! :rolleyes:

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Scenario spoiler:












Playing into the void as the Germans. Shot a T34 in the flank from approx. 800m for a kill. Normally, that is a good thing. This time, however, the 34 was smack dab in front of the only ford over the stream. Later in the game, its presence there caused a traffic snarl of humongous proportions, resulting in a loss, as I could not exit over half of my force in time. Thus, making that "good" shot, the worst turn in CMBB for me....so far....

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