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To the developers of CM and the community / WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT??

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I think it would be a (very, very, very) good idea, to create a warfare-simulation with the perfect engine of COMBAT MISSION which covers the 17th, 18th and erly 19th century. Imagine You can do the great battles of the 30-Years War or fight on the fields of Lützen (Frederic the Great) or smell the smoke of the guns at Waterloo, with the great graphics and the realismn of CM.

What do You think about (question to the community and not at least to the makers of CM)

Greetings from Germany


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Originally posted by Trenck:

I think it would be a (very, very, very) good idea, to create a warfare-simulation with the perfect engine of COMBAT MISSION which covers the 17th, 18th and erly 19th century. Imagine You can do the great battles of the 30-Years War or fight on the fields of Lützen (Frederic the Great) or smell the smoke of the guns at Waterloo, with the great graphics and the realismn of CM.

What do You think about (question to the community and not at least to the makers of CM)

Greetings from Germany


Not that it's going to happen, here's my *YES* vote anyway ;)
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Originally posted by BulletRat:

I believe you've started another "what's CM3 gunna be?" thread.

My money is on (and I hope it's right) the desert war in Africa/Middle East combined with the 39-40 war in France. (French and the BEF vs early Axis - yeh baby!)

Why no add to that september 39'in Poland ,with realy early Germans and Russians ,(baby ,o yeah...), what about Norway ..,or let say France and Britain launching real offensive,say in october 39'.Why you want to loose all one year?


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I say this in every one of these threads. My biggest hope is that the folks at BTS don't limit the next game to just one area. I want an ubergame that can give the same level of excellence to every part of the ETO. I don't want to have to step down to play the Battle of Kursk or step yet further down to design a scenario for Normandy.

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And there should be horses, motorcycle troops, dismembered bodies, and hover-tanks..don't forget the hover-tanks.

Oh and power-ups, can't forget the power-ups.

And the whole thing has to run on my 486 w/ 1 meg of RAM.

But don't go cheap on the graphics like you did with CMBB.

And I want it by Q1 '04.

Now get to work boys. That 8 hours of sleep you take each night is getting any work done. Pah, 1/3 of your lives wasted. Just plain wasted. :D

Now as far as what I think about..cheese. I think alot about cheese. Did you all know that a really nice ruby port goes excellent with a great blue cheese?

[ February 23, 2003, 07:04 PM: Message edited by: mike the wino ]

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Originally posted by lenakonrad:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by BulletRat:

I believe you've started another "what's CM3 gunna be?" thread.

My money is on (and I hope it's right) the desert war in Africa/Middle East combined with the 39-40 war in France. (French and the BEF vs early Axis - yeh baby!)

Why no add to that september 39'in Poland ,with realy early Germans and Russians ,(baby ,o yeah...), what about Norway ..,or let say France and Britain launching real offensive,say in october 39'.Why you want to loose all one year?

konrad </font>

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Yes add in the Spanish Civil war. Very interesting little contest and the place blitzkrieg was worked out - and the only place a T-26 is king!

I would think a CM3 should cover the entire European war era from 1936-45.

However that would be a massive undertaking and I could see why BFC would like to do it in small pieces. I mean the energy they will expend to not laugh while doing the Italian army in North Africa may cause them to bust a gut or so....

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Good ideas should never be discouraged, but Trenck, we've chatted about this before.

Basically, a Napoleonic Era-type CM would require computers with abilities that simply don't exist today. They're getting closer all the time to what we need. We just have to remain patient. That's all.

Anyways, it still is a nice idea.

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You might want to check out "Shogon- total war" and the middle age version.

I think the CM engine doesn't really show its strength if you have it operate with point-like armies, e.g. practially no combined arms (in the range sense). Castles/fortifications are also not really a strong point in the engine.

[ February 24, 2003, 10:39 AM: Message edited by: redwolf ]

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Imagine You can do the great battles of the 30-Years War or fight on the fields of Lützen (Frederic the Great) or smell the smoke of the guns at Waterloo, with the great graphics and the realismn of CM
Yeah id love to take out the leading men with grapeshot and watch as thousands of jaws drop in unison with the words (who invited the prussians) .Watch the morale drop to zero and watch all the frenchies running about like headless chickens :D


Love the idea heres hoping

J Lad

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In the past I've imagined a CM-like engine powering an 'age of sail' wargame.

Imagine controlling the sails and rudders on a fleet of 3-D three masted man-o-wars in rough seas, trying to line up for a perfect broadside.

Scenario maps would have to be huge!

(No, I don't expect BFC to ever tackle it, but maybe someone will.)

[ February 24, 2003, 10:55 AM: Message edited by: MikeyD ]

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> That 8 hours of sleep you take each night is

> getting any work done. Pah, 1/3 of your lives

> wasted. Just plain wasted

I can see that you, my friend, have all the credentials required to be a top-notch manager in the software industry.

GIve me a call if you need a reference.

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Yes, I'd love to see a game of CM quality covering the subjects of the "battleground" series - and before it, the "Terrible Swift Sword" and "Wellington's Victory" series, on which those are based. No, it would not require uber computers. Nobody is talking about squads of men and tracking individual losses. The same sort of scale, one company-battalion-regiment per on map unit, as those games, would work fine. With step losses as they used, 25 to 100 men apiece. Turns would be 15-20 minutes, not 1 minute.

What would the CM innovations be, compared to the battleground series? The "we go" principle instead of phased movements or clumsy real time clicking. 3D immersion, LOS tools, waypoints and discrete distances, not "clumpy" hex ranges. Detailed terrain. A morale scale with states beyond "disrupted" or "routed". Varied movement types, with rates and disorder tied to formation and terrain. Double blind, fog of war, etc. Realistic fall of artillery shot (would be wonderful), with the kind of detail about gun types and ammo types and effects seen in CM armor modeling. Smoke and lots of it. Ammo tracking by unit, not by abstraction or "pools". An editor able to handle practically any Napoleonic era battle (for one game - another could cover the US civil war period. Another the era of musket and pike, say 30 years war to Frederick the Great).

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I'll give my 2 cents before it's being closed.

Originally posted by MikeyD:

In the past I've imagined a CM-like engine powering an 'age of sail' wargame.

Imagine controlling the sails and rudders on a fleet of 3-D three masted man-o-wars in rough seas, trying to line up for a perfect broadside.

Already done. The computer port of Wooden Ship&Iron Men from Avalon Hill.

"We go" system, isometric near 3D view. And yes, lining up ships to have a perfect angle was not easy. Reloading time and ammo type was also simulated.

For some 3D simulation of 19th century battlefield, have a look at :


French only I'm afraid, but you'll find your way to the screenshot. The first installment of this game system was La Grande Armée A Austerlitz, distributed by MatrixGames. Next one is under development.



[ February 24, 2003, 04:43 PM: Message edited by: JeF ]

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Originally posted by redwolf:

You might want to check out "Shogon- total war" and the middle age version.

I looked forward to "Shogun" for ages. I was disappointing as in my first fight I had a unit of Ashigaru Yari (if I recall) on a bridge, they were charged (head on) by mounted samurai and my poor ashigaru were annihilated without a single loss of a mounted samurai. Needless to say it was promptly unistalled. For a Feudal Japan grog I was bitterly disappointed. :(
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Wow. I have not seen Wellington's Victory or Terrible Swift Sword mentioned in quite a year. I'll have to go back into my wargame closet and pull out those puppies.

(As an aside, I have board wargames going back to 1958-60 with Tactics II and the original rectangle unit Gettysburg. Yep, I'm that old. :D )

I spent a zillion hours on both WV & TSS with a substantial edge on WV. In fact, I authored (with the great help of some friends) the major rewrite of the WV rules that premiered in Quatra Bras.

Yes, it would be great to have Civil War and especially Napoleonic and Seven Years War games brought to life on the computer with a CM type system. :eek:

I have to agree with Jason's observations regarding the features of such new games.

Indeed, the Nappy age need for 15 or preferably 20 minute turns would eliminate CM's wonderful 1-second-is-1-second play which allows each major round be visible from tube to target. However, one would have to suffer through such inconveniences. :D

Cheers, Richard :D

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Originally posted by Pud:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by redwolf:

You might want to check out "Shogon- total war" and the middle age version.

I looked forward to "Shogun" for ages. I was disappointing as in my first fight I had a unit of Ashigaru Yari (if I recall) on a bridge, they were charged (head on) by mounted samurai and my poor ashigaru were annihilated without a single loss of a mounted samurai. Needless to say it was promptly unistalled. For a Feudal Japan grog I was bitterly disappointed. :( </font>
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