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Guest konrad
Originally posted by Lars:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

my hands are tied.

Quick boys, get him!!!

***WHAP*** </font>

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So, I was cleaning the stables at Chez Croda when Boo summoned me.

"Lurkur my lad, do something useful, anything. Try your hand at one of those überbabe thingies that you do"

So I wandered off to the attic studios (with the good light) and contemplated the times: The outerboards are full of neocons, defcons, and now we face the Rubicon. Militant idiocy rampages everywhere. And yet it barely creates a ripple in the 'pool.

What the times call for is a pool-centric image for all right-thinking pooligans to rally around, an icon that all of us, regardless of where we come from or what we believe, can proudly thrust into the face of grogdom, whingers, and polito-baiters of all persuasions.

Then inspiration struck. The room spun and went black. When I regained consciousness, my head hurt, my wallet was gone (inspiration was apparently low on cash), but I had my image:


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

{Re: Elevation of Lenakonrad to Kanniggethood} - Furthermore I see no After Action Reports which are really the most critical aspect of your judging. Finally, and most importantly, it cannot be the supplicant who provides this information but the Liege.

Were I you I'd email AussieJeff once every five minutes asking ... nay lad, DEMANDING that he provide all necessary information so that you can be confirmed in the rank you deserve.


p.s. Make that an email every TWO minutes, just to be sure he get's the message ... and be sure to put a bit of fire into the message, he likes that.

What a load of old BOLLOCKS Joe!! Since when did you introduce THAT rule?? How come I don't see other "Lieges" having to do cartwheels through your SWAT training course just to promote a Squire who THEY deem worthy of elevation. You're making this CRAP up on the run to feed your own particular brand of megalomania!

All that Outlaw Joesy ****e has gone completely to your head. You are sounding remarkebly MEEKSIAN. Are you wearing a crown of thorns?? He IS you isn't he??

Let ME remind YOU, Mr Justicar, that MY LIEGE who just so happens to be THE MOST IMPORTANT OLDE ONE OF ALL - ie Berli, gave not ONE WORD OF AN AAR TO YOU AT ANY TIME. He took my word as an HONEST MAN that I had played the requisite games. NOT THAT HE COULD GIVE A FLYING FIG FOR THAT "RULE" IN THE FIRST PLACE AS HE HAS STATED TO YOU IN A PREVIOUS MISSIVE!

In this case, I TOO, TAKE THE WORD OF AN HONEST MAN, SQUIRE LENAKONRAD, AS THE TRUTH, THE WHOLE TRUTH AND NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH, SO HELP ME BERLI!! You can ignore that sworn oath at your peril, you old gum flapper.

Now pull that bloody rubber stamp out of yer drawers and GET ON WITH IT! That's my final offer.

Or you can shove this bloody forum up your backside. I've got better bloody things to do than spend endless hours JUSTIFYING your whimsies.

To hell with it. PUT IT TO A DEMOCRATIC VOTE for all I care. All those in favour of Sir Lenakonrad?


Sir Aussiejeff

Just .. One .. More .. Push .....

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[sERIOUS] Oh hell, AussieJeff ... I was just trying to have some fun. Not a good night for fun it seems ... understandable under the circumstances.

Here's hoping the bloody war ... isn't.

But I do know that, regardless of politics or the right or wrong of the thing, we of the United States thank the United Kingdom ... and Australia, for their support. It's fairly easy for a nation to SAY that they support us, it's another thing entirely to offer their sons and daughters in support.

Sorry lads, I'm far too morose for the CessPool tonight. [/sERIOUS]

Sir LenaKonrad, welcome to the CessPool lad. May you never get more wet than you are now.


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Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

My girl friend has dumped me for some hunk in Florida so I got all this CASH and nowhere to spend it. Send it to Egbert , in Richmond, Va."

Boggs looks up to the heavens and says a silent prayer of Thanks.


Death of a Salesman , it's not , I subtract 1/2 point for bolding my name and detract twice the same for not noting, it's my wife that's the doctor, you have the story reversed.

I noted you have corrected the Yankee animadversion and thus have been removed from the list of those below consideration for the mint julep soiree, and you seem to profess that despite your FL location, you are still unreconstructed.

The spats, yes, they match the Haw.. Haiwii... Hawiia... tropical shirts.

<font size = -1> edited 'cause a little birdy told me Vadr was lonely.</font>

[ March 19, 2003, 03:29 AM: Message edited by: Egbert ]

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

My AAR with Aussie Jeff

On the battlefront, here.

Oh, now that was fine form



With Pantameterousness, classic cinamatic reference, and a major win besides.

The fear, the drama, the alliteration to man's wrestling with his inner demons, of heaven and hell.

I can't contain it....

By living God ... the DRAMA

<font size = -1>

I'm exhausted and now I have forgotten the punchline. blast.</font>

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Originally posted by Lurkur:

My wife likes my new wallpaper. Thanks. What took you so long?

<font size = -1>

edited 'cause sometimes a well placed "s" will fool the casual onlooker into thinkning you are a bit literate. Not that I can pull that off.


[ March 19, 2003, 03:45 AM: Message edited by: Egbert ]

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Originally posted by Egbert:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

My AAR with Aussie Jeff

On the battlefront, here.

Oh, now that was fine form



With Pantameterousness, classic cinamatic reference, and a major win besides.

The fear, the drama, the alliteration to man's wrestling with his inner demons, of heaven and hell.

I can't contain it....

By living God ... the DRAMA

<font size = -1>

I'm exhausted and now I have forgotten the punchline. blast.</font> </font>

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Guest konrad
Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Sir LenaKonrad, welcome to the CessPool lad. May you never get more wet than you are now.


Well ,thank You , Joe (I mean it).

And sure ,I will never do.

Sir Konrad

Faithful Squire To SIR AUSSIEJEFF

PS:We of the Poland thank the United States ,United Kingdom ,Australia and many others

for offering their sons and daughters in support against mutual enemy in WW II and Cold War times.

But not now.

Now I'm terribly sorry.

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Originally posted by AUSSIEJEFF:

The sweet, tasty cream topping was mine. Easy to spot the difference.

Sir AJ

Blood Pressure Falling To Relatively Safe Levels....

Never heard the bitter taste of defeat referred to as, sweet, tasty cream topping.

Sorry for the slight misunderstanding.

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

[sERIOUS] Oh hell, AussieJeff ... I was just trying to have some fun. Not a good night for fun it seems ... understandable under the circumstances.

Here's hoping the bloody war ... isn't.

But I do know that, regardless of politics or the right or wrong of the thing, we of the United States thank the United Kingdom ... and Australia, for their support. It's fairly easy for a nation to SAY that they support us, it's another thing entirely to offer their sons and daughters in support.

Sorry lads, I'm far too morose for the CessPool tonight. [/sERIOUS]

Sir LenaKonrad, welcome to the CessPool lad. May you never get more wet than you are now.



Bugger! I can't remember the infra-red code to stop that Mk III P.B.E.M. {P.ost B.laster E.mail M.issile} I sent in a moment of acute pique from blasting Joe's inbox to smither-eenies! Not that there's anything wrong with THAT!!<BIG>

PS: Chin up old feller. We are all frazzled out with warspeak and spin. It will only get worse over the coming days. The propoganda war has only just begun.

Pray that this latest blot on humankind's history book is over sooner rather than later and pray for those innocent Iraqi children who will pay the ultimate price of "being in the wrong place at the wrong time" of their soon to be shortened, already brief lives.

Sure, I will be saddened to hear of any military casualties for our lads and the US/UK forces et all, but THEY know the risks and have lived at least a half decent life. It is those Iraqi babies and young children who surely will die as a direct result of this war and who will never get the chance to experience life in the coming prosperous, booming Democratic Republic of Iraq {isn't that what the war is ostensibly about?} that I will pray for.

The General Forum threads are running hot at the moment with for/against arguments, but what a lot of people seem to lose sight of - or shut out of their thoughts because it is too painful to think about - are the tiny babies, toddlers and little kids who will have their guts blown open, their brains splattered in the dust, their flesh scorched or blasted from their tiny bodies. Too horrible to think of the reality. Easier to just talk blandly about "colateral damage" or "casualties of war".

Well, whether as a result of Saddam's sadistic, murderous regime or this "War of Liberation" to topple it, it is THOSE CHILDREN who shall suffer the most. As usual. We've come a long way since the days of the Cave man, haven't we?

May their God grant them a quick and merciful death when the time comes ...


<small>[ March 19, 2003, 04:26 AM: Message edited by: AUSSIEJEFF ]

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Hola! Congratulations, Sir Konrad!

Let's piss off to Lar's pub and see if he has a keg of "GROLSCH SPECIAL MALT BIER" on tap.

The silly sod owes me after I kicked his buttski back to the Baltic in our last byte battle.

"Dzien dobry!" and "Ves heil!"

Sir AJ

Proud as Punch...

[ March 19, 2003, 05:07 AM: Message edited by: AUSSIEJEFF ]

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Guest konrad
Originally posted by AUSSIEJEFF:

"Dzien dobry!" and "Ves heil!"

Sir AJ

"Serdecznie dziekuje ! Jestem gleboko wzruszony i zaszczycony! "

"Na zdrowie " and "Prost!!"

Sir Konrad

Faithful Squire To SIR AUSSIEJEFF

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The news last night said that Austrailia will be sending troops to the Gulf as well. What is it about English speakers that makes them so pugnacious?

Well, God belss them all, the long and the short and the tall.

Welcome Sir Konrad to the ranks of ignominy.

[ March 19, 2003, 06:37 AM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]

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lenakonrad of course fails to mention the first battle we fought, where my forces suffered one (1) casualty while destroying 30 of his/her tanks. He/she/it did not have the common decency to formally surrender, merely sending a note "Let's say I withdraw". Cowardly pillock.

So, my record vs the squire to AJ is 1-1, with the 3rd game in progress. (note: killing a HT does not put you in the driver's seat when I have tanks).

Delta Dalem defeated me in our first battle, but I daresay that unless something drastic happens in the last 2-3 turns, I will be revenged on the Helen Reddy fan. Record: 1-1

I spanked Hortlund quite badly in the streets of Buda (or Pest, or somefink), and he is now having fun at my expense in Royal Opponent. it's early yet. Record: 1-0

Nidan1 slew my pixeltruppen in our first game. Of course, it was a Berli scenario and something of a laughingstock as far as play balance goes. We are now working through a Boots & Tracks design which is far superior and quite interesting. Record: 0-1

Gitlord Focker is nothing but a gamey little bastige and he's darned lucky he got a Draw despite his tactical timidity. Record: 0-0-1

I of course slaughtered mgivnicutty in a Ker Dessel* scenario, offered him a rematch, and the twit vanished. Record: 1-0

So there, you can all just go back to Sodding Off. Roight.

*when you want to play CM in the worst way

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Guest konrad
Originally posted by Vadr:

[QB] lenakonrad of course fails to mention the first battle we fought, where my forces suffered one (1) casualty while destroying 30 of his/her tanks. He/she/it did not have the common decency to formally surrender, merely sending a note "Let's say I withdraw". Cowardly pillock.QUOTE]

First battle "von Lauchert" ,I'm Russian , Vadr did agree for my withdraw.

Next battle ,"My city of ruins" ,I'm German , Vadr - unconditional surrender (he simply quit without warning)

Anyway,thanks that you remind me.

Sir Konrad

Faithful Squire To SIR AUSSIEJEFF

PS:Nothing is true.Everything is permitted.

[ March 19, 2003, 08:17 AM: Message edited by: lenakonrad ]

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Originally posted by AUSSIEJEFF:

Let's piss off to Lar's pub and see if he has a keg of "GROLSCH SPECIAL MALT BIER" on tap.

Hmm, let's see what we have on tap...

Grain Belt?

Special X?

Schlitz Malt Liquor?

Billy Beer?

SSN Hint Of The Day: Don’t make up your mind.

Now sod off.

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Originally posted by Vadr:

Delta Dalem defeated me in our first battle, but I daresay that unless something drastic happens in the last 2-3 turns, I will be revenged on the Helen Reddy fan. Record: 1-1

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Originally posted by Lars:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by AUSSIEJEFF:

Let's piss off to Lar's pub and see if he has a keg of "GROLSCH SPECIAL MALT BIER" on tap.

Hmm, let's see what we have on tap...

Grain Belt?

Special X?

Schlitz Malt Liquor?

Billy Beer?

SSN Hint Of The Day: Don’t make up your mind.

Now sod off. </font>

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