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The PENG Free Challenge Thread Turns Over A New Leaf.....

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:


I see your photo and I see ... nothingness ... nothingness and a very angry cat.


What's your issue Joe? That photo certainly speaks to me... A fine image it is...

There's nothing in the world that looks better than a dripping wet pussy


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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

OK, so I am always into trying new things, see. I like to keep open to new ideas, keep my mind expanding.

... blah blah blah...

And there you have it.

If you're going that route, you have to watch Ghost in the Shell before you give up on anime totally.
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One thing to remember about the Japanese, and I guess you could include Boo_Radley as well; they hate EVERYONE, (not bad thing, I'm sure), far more xenophobic than even the Chinese.

Anything they export, including movies and cartoons intended for Gai Jin (that's us), will no doubt be confusing, imponderable and lacking in anything that a westerner could fathom. They do this on purpose, and claim that we do not understand because we are too immature and lacking in culture. It is a gigantic Japanese private joke, and they make millions on it, because we eat all this stuff up. Go to a book store that caters to Japanese living in America, or better yet take a trip to Japan. The action comic books are filled with rape, sadism, murder and dismemberment, all things that political correctness has long since eliminated from public display in this country, they think nothing of it. They view things from a different social perspective based on their mores and culture.

They are very nervous with Americans or anyone who can speak Japanese, because to know a language is to know the culture. As much as I have tried I cannot get into those Japanese fantasy cartoons, they are just too far out, and they dont translate well into English. (Neither does Boo_Radley for that matter, which is why I suggest he commit SEPPUKA with a toenail clipper, I would even second him, just for the pleasure of watching him writhe in pain.)

But I digress...... The Kurasawa movies on the other hand are more understandable, because they deal with simple concepts of good an evil that all cultures can relate to,(except maybe Boo , because the understanding of even simple concepts requires some intelligence...at least above the level of an arthropod...perhaps up to the development of a prehensile tail . Thusly the discovery of remains of early Ohioans in the tar pits. )

I am constantly distracted, I apologize... The Japanese tend to apply spirtuality and deep thought to everything. (I'll explain this later Boo ) They really work at it, imagine being a "salaryman" in Tokyo, you commute three hours a day to work, so most of the week you live in the city, and sleep in one of those "rabbit hutch" hotels, kinda like the living quarters for the workers on IO in the movie "Outland", or a typical Ohio suburban community. (Why does that keep happening?) You're jammed into the Metro with 4 million other people to get to your office, your boss requires you to go out drinking every night to at least two AM, so you have only 4 hours of sleep. You withdraw into yourself for some peace and quiet, you only hear your own breathing, and you visualize an open landscape, with solitude and peace, unlike the hustle and hurry, pollution and noise of Tokyo, or say Akron, for that matter.

You can do this at will, because to display distress or annoyance in public or at work, will surely cause upset to your team and a loss of face for you. (Get it yet, Boo ?) So you are talking about an entire culture (the men and the women have different methods) that is able to control all emotion and outward expressions of negativity in public in order to live in harmony.

Yet they are capable of expressing themselves in the lowest human terms in books, magazines and movies, that would make even Larry Flint shudder.

(Sort of like "monsters from the ID")

wakari masu ka? Boo, Panzer Leader?, et al.?

[ May 16, 2003, 08:41 AM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]

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Is Olde Fowl Joe on holiday ? No, then he has not been up to it lately - applying the rulz, that is. This mouse poster is not displaying an e-mail addy in his thingy lists. Rules Schmoolse.

Shame Joe.

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Originally posted by Noba:

Is Olde Fowl Joe on holiday ? No, then he has not been up to it lately - applying the rulz, that is. This mouse poster is not displaying an e-mail addy in his thingy lists. Rules Schmoolse.

Shame Joe.

I thought it might be Emma again, but the last post threw me.
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Originally posted by Noba:

Is Olde Fowl Joe on holiday ? No, then he has not been up to it lately - applying the rulz, that is. This mouse poster is not displaying an e-mail addy in his thingy lists. Rules Schmoolse.

Shame Joe.

Noba-dy knows the trouble I've seen...

Noba-dy knows such sorrow...

IIRC the rules say that you must have an address, like a physical location, so we can make fun of the Aussies and Ohioans... and New Yorkers from er... New York, and Surf Dudes from California, and schmucks from Pennsylvania

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And an email address, so we can sign you up to all the latest in Japanese pornographic anime spam.

So, last night I met R_Leete for drinks in Waco. He said something about being in town for a spiritual reconnection and the world ending, but I ignored that prattle as best I could, made sure we stayed in crowded areas, and that I always had my 9mm (thank God I live in Texas) and cell phone handy.

In any event, he was actually a decent sort of chap -- let me bum cigarettes all evening, lacked a prehensile tail, and, contrary to popular belief, wore shoes and pants (rather than bib overalls). He did bear an uncomfortable resemblence, however, to a certain Austrian corporal we have all come to know and love (Hey, without him, we wouldn't have this game, and therefore no vehicle with which to taunt). Thankfully, R_Leete has all the motivational drive of your average domestic roadkill, so there is no need ot break out the brownshirts at this point.

We spent the evening drinking various microbrews and deciding that all of you were pillocks of the first order. Except Boo -- we determined that he didn't even rank THAT high.

Now, on to business: Persephone, Dame Emma, as part of the new website, I would like to include some of your favorite pictures -- a personal photo album, if you will. Please send me a zipped file of any and/or all of your favorite pix, allong with descriptions/captions, for inclusion on the new web page.

Also, for you idiots (and that is most of you) who haven't yet EMAILED me your family lineages, get crackin'. I want to get on this by Monday.


P.S. Malapropski, since when did you start collecting pictures of Porky? That is illegal in some states, you know.

[ May 16, 2003, 09:54 AM: Message edited by: MrSpkr ]

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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Is anyone else (besides Boo, I mean, not me)poring over Mrspkr's posts with breathless anticipation as they wait for The Link?

I didn't think so.

PL, you will be happy to know I am going to devote a special page to you and your, err, infatuation with young teenage girls.

Of course, you will need an AdultCheck ID to log in . . .


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Right then ... NO MORE FERRINER LANGUAGES ... and that includes Australian.


p.s. I LIKE postscripts, they allow you to add stuff, ya know?

p.p.s. The RULE Blouse, is that your profile must contain an EMAIL address. This is done so that, in the unlikely event ... in YOUR case the event most likely to occur AFTER the second coming ... that we DO choose to challenge you, or have some lickspittle Squire challenge you more likely, we know WHERE to send the challenge. This is, after all, the Peng Challenge Thread.

In light of the above, please don't respond to ANY posts made by Blouse unless / until an email address is included in the profile.

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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Is anyone else (besides Boo, I mean, not me)poring over Mrspkr's posts with breathless anticipation as they wait for The Link?

I didn't think so.

It is rather nice that currently he's The Missing Link, isn't it?
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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Joe, could I get a Rule Blouse? Do they come in lavender, or just the periwinkle you're always traipsing around in?

P.S. Could someone please define "mad props" for me, including etymology?

Glad you asked the question Panzer Leader and rest assured that I'm here for YOU pal.

Mad Props are those propellers that get annoyed with you ... can you blame them ... and chop you into little Panzer Leader pieces when you walk into them. As opposed to Happy Props which don't.

Nest week ... The Black Death, not so much black as just really, really dark.


p.s. Part of What You're Looking For

[ May 16, 2003, 10:26 AM: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]

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Dear Nebbiolo,

I can handle many games at once. I currently have 5 going (this does not include those punks Hiram and MsSedai because they are too cheap to download the beta patch). I am certainly willing to smack you around like the little welp that you are. I've got chunks of guys like you in my stool. (I haven't used that in a while...damn it feels good.) If you have the courage to send a set up file then so be it. That silly King of the Hill scenario seems to be the one everyone sends me but I have been stuck in the middle of it with MsSedai forever (see above).



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Thanks, Joe, and one more thing, this one goes out to all you horse lovers out there:

What's with the whole "Rubbing the horse down thing" going on? Seems like whenever I'm reading a story about a guy on a horse, they always have to give it a good rub-down afterwards. What's up with that?

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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

Oh, and you pillocks butchering foreign languages: it has long been the rule here in the MBT that we conduct taunting and discussions IN ENGLISH.

Get with the program, sodding pillocks.


Hey, far be it from me to go against the language police whenever they reach their sticky fingers into their pantaloons and pull out another of their "conveniently" unwritten rules. Have no fear, no longer will I post anything in a language you can't understand (other than English, that is). I can't stand the thought of you worrying that I might be talking about you, saying rude things, that you can't pick up on.

I mean, if I say something like, "Tengo este deseo de perseguirle alrededor del patio trasero en mi cortacéspedes del montar a caballo, apenas como las contiendas de Cathy Bates hice en 'Miseria'."

It might not mean as much as if I just say, "I have this desire to chase you around the backyard on my riding mower just like Cathy Bates in 'Misery'."

Gosh, when you guys are right, you're soooo right.

(And everybody who believes that can now stand on their heads.)

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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Malakovski do you have some sort of one-freaking-track mind??

Nope. Just wanted to hound you until you caved in and responded.

Now, about that totally unrelated-but-thanks-for-sharing anime post, let me help you show you how to make such drivel relevant.

A long time ago I was forced to watch this anime film, in Japanese with no subtitles, with someone who kind of knew what was going on, kind of narrating when he felt like it.

I don't remember much about it, but it had a strange WWII feel melded together with all the usual anime crap. There were these huge planes with ball turrets and some tanks, in addtion to lots of silly swords and big-eyed, huge-chested chicks speaking Japanese.

I'd still kind of like to see it, with subs, but have no idea what it is. Anyone know?

Oh, and you're a feckless git.

There...vaguely WWII relation, insulting.

That wasn't so hard, was it?

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