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Moving in snow with Goodale -- ridiculously Cheery Threats and Waffles

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I believe this is the same scenario Axe and I are currently fighting.
Yes sir, it is. Axe mentioned an AAR from your contest that Ed was going to host at his site. Your battle is close to the finished version of the scenario. MG requested a 3,000-point version, which beefed up both sides, which I am sure turned it into a slugfest. The finished version is approximately 1,800 points per side .

[ September 20, 2003, 10:39 PM: Message edited by: Abbott ]

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Originally posted by Abbott:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr /> I'm quite annoyed that MG has disappeared in our current game. Abbott put together what has turned into a helluva scenario.

I am pleased you enjoyed it Becket . It is in final play testing currently. I also am awaiting the AAR from Ed's website . A few small changes are noted and it will be released as "Road to Moscow" to The Depot hopefully late next week.

I have enjoyed this one tremendously fighting PBEM from both sides with Grog Dorosh . I would certainly appreciate a note on how your playing went with Mr. Goodale . I also would enjoy very much challenging you to a PBEM when the final is released sir? </font>

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Originally posted by Abbott:

Yes sir, it is. Axe mentioned an AAR from your contest that Ed was going to host at his site.

Morning fellas,

When Axe is finished honeymooning (congratulations, old chap), if he'd like to get in touch we'll work out exactly what he's got and what needs sorting out.

I'm happy to stick anything up there (as long as it's good, clean family fun...) and as far as I can tell I've got another 40MB or so to fill (I'd like to host a little CMAK stuff too).


Battle updates:

Getting to grips with Dave's remaining forces in BDLRM is proving surprisingly taxing ... I'd probably have more success nailing jelly to a ceiling :mad:

My epic encounter with Mikey is staggering to a close. The writing has been on the wall for the last few months and if I'd had any sense I'd have surrended about 30 turns ago. My stiff upper lip can be a terrible burden :(

The puss-sucking maggot AKA MasterGoodale AKA the Vomit Encrusted Ant Shagger AKA Skunknad's Love Bucket has gone to ground and is still maintaining radio silence. My deranged TNT is close to boiling point and is in danger of going off in my hand if I don't get a turn soon :mad:

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Originally posted by Dave H: So, Cabron66, up for a short PBEM?
Only if you really mean it, Dave. I don't take kindly to jokes. You know, the whole "no sense of humour" thing.

The truth is that I have a great sense of humour, but am extremely self-deprecating and a touch masochistic. Which would of course explain all of my behaviour and not just parts of it. But (voice lowers to a whisper) you won't tell Seanachai will you ? I don't think he likes me very much and the other kids say he's mean.

Let me know when and where.

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Originally posted by Abbott:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr /> I believe this is the same scenario Axe and I are currently fighting.

Yes sir, it is. Axe mentioned an AAR from your contest that Ed was going to host at his site. Your battle is close to the finished version of the scenario. MG requested a 3,000-point version, which beefed up both sides, which I am sure turned it into a slugfest. The finished version is approximately 1,800 points per side . </font>
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Originally posted by Seanachai:


What's that ? Don't tell me you're learning the Dutch language now heh ??? Is that the way to show seanarchizm ?

I don't think that hating others will help you be to be the most hated person of this forum. It's clear you can't stand it that somebody else may be hated to. We can observe again, that your sister-mounts-anything-but-me syndrome comes floating on the surface of your incestual childish mind. I insist that you get some treatment for that. I didn't sent any nickel yet to the 'Save Seanachai' fund because there wasn't any good purpose for that money given. But now I can see one. I'm willing to make a contribution to the doctor's bill.

Laat je behandelen ! (Dutch)

Godverdamme tering tyfus takkezooi :mad: :mad:

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Originally posted by Dave H:

So, Cabron66, up for a short PBEM? :D

Dave you ignorant slut. What is this? Have you reduced yourself to batting your eyes and shaking your tush to every limp-wristed, no-TNT-chuckin, PENG-humping, knuckle-dragging, skirt-wearing, fake-Spanish-accent-lisping-queer-as-hisself(not that there is anything wrong with that) nong that prances in here? And the intro by Sirnachos doesn't play, or pay for that matter. I have said it before, and obviously must say it again, "Render unto Peng what is his, and leave it the hell out of here". Hell, render the whole stinking lot of 'em into soap for all I care, let us get back to the matters at hand, i.e. you being a no-turn-sending-Goodale. That's right, I didn't stutter. It's Sunday, I am sober, there is no football game on yet and no turns. Now I really hate you lot.

Sackless Hoors that Owe Turns:

*Prinz Eugen-Surrender, you pseudo-Finn, you know it is inevitable

*Jimm Boggs-What sez you daddio? We just to good part...you know that part...lots of your troops dieing whilst my swill vodka and laugh

*Platcmdr-Well we are playing the beta-version of "Cheery Waffle" so I can understand the lack of attention to this matter.

Chip, Chip, Cheerio and all That Rot

This is a new feature that features things British. Those things being Soddball and Teddy Windsor. Who knows what will become of my match with Soddy but either way it has been long enough and I am changing sig when I get around to it. Teddy you probably shouldn't wear white if half of what is written on bathroom walls is true. But I will let the "lady" decide what she wears on her wedding day. :D

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Dave you ignorant slut. What is this? Have you reduced yourself to batting your eyes and shaking your tush to every limp-wristed, no-TNT-chuckin, PENG-humping, knuckle-dragging, skirt-wearing, fake-Spanish-accent-lisping-queer-as-hisself(not that there is anything wrong with that) nong that prances in here?
OK THAT'S IT!!! Now you have gone to far! You didn’t even mention the fact that Oh Cabruono mentioned in the CAS thread that he is a masochist, in a funny sort of way (he has since edited it I believe). Hmm, kind of messes up the whole “don’t ask, don’t tell” thingy, but anyway, where is BFC’s e-mail address, don’t tell me! I will find it myself, then, THEN you will pay!
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Originally posted by mike_the_wino:

Chip, Chip, Cheerio and all That Rot

This is a new feature that features things British. Those things being Soddball and Teddy Windsor. Who knows what will become of my match with Soddy but either way it has been long enough and I am changing sig when I get around to it

Long enough? You can't shake off that sig until you gain a well-earned victory over me, puss sac! :mad: :mad:

I'm going to give you such a crispy reaming, you'll have to borrow nappies from David Blaine to keep the leakage in. :mad:

I hate this scenario. It's goat-backside-rimmingly-****e.

I look forward to the pleasures of CM:AK.

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Originally posted by Soddball:

You can't shake off that sig until you gain a well-earned victory over me, puss sac!

Rules?!? Are ye at rules again? Egads you Brits are dense as blackholes. Logic bends in space to get AWAY from you lot. The general understanding, as I interpret it, is a win or 90 days. As such, it has been about that time, so off it comes. I shed the stank of Soddball like a cheap liesure suit after a night of clubbing.

BTW, Go Bucs.

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Boo! (No, not you Radley.)

I'm back and full of TNT and vinegar.

Just a quick hello to you louts before a full-on battle update later tonight. Wedding/honeymoon AAR to follow Tuesdayish.

Turns out to Dave H, Snarker, Becket, Keke and Crow.

Robohn, ng cavscout and 86smopuim: would you gentlemen be so kind as to resend your last turns?

Thanks for all the kind words everyone. We made our one-week anniversary. Next stop, 50 years. :eek:

Jas :mad: n

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Originally posted by Axe2121:

Sloped armor or sloped foreheads -- which is the greater danger?

Armored, sloped foreheads. Most of you lot see one every morning. :mad: :mad:

Axe, good to have you back. I'll toast to your 50th here and now.

While the rest of you sat and were miserable watching football and drinking beers, I was sipping Diet Pepsi with Elmo, Big Bird and their buds at Sesame Place. Except for the Pepsi and the water park, I could've sworn it was the Waffle incarnate.

Maggots. :mad: :mad: :mad:

[ September 21, 2003, 08:11 PM: Message edited by: Snarker ]

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Originally posted by Becket:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Snarker:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Axe2121:

Sloped armor or sloped foreheads -- which is the greater danger?

Armored, sloped foreheads. Most of you lot see one every morning. :mad: :mad: </font>
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Well, it's been a while, but I'm back to chucking TNT.

Let's see....

Becket's Russian troops are acting like they're on a hotplate, thanks in no small part to my gamier-than-gamey flamethrowing HT. We're just ending the first battle in our operation. My Pumas have done well against his sardine cans on tracks.

Snarker and I are groping about in the fog. He has drawn first blood and routed some of my Russian troops. They were weak and needed to be cleansed in the fire of battle. And then some.

P.S. I hate assault boats. :mad: :mad:

Sneaky Keke is taking pot shots at my hapless tankers. I will have my revenge if I can climb those damn mountains he's sitting on like some sort of guru waiting for me to come ask him the meaning of life. I already have the answer -- chucking TNT! :mad:

Dave's two immobile T-34s, sitting side by side, aren't listening to the polite summons from my meter maids. They keep knocking to tell the drivers the area is a no-parking zone, but they refuse to open the hatch. Mwahaha!!

Crow and I are now taking long-distance shots at each other over the endless, endless, endless snow. All my guys are either losing limbs to frostbite or are snow blind. :mad:

More updates as turns come in.


Jas :mad: n

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Originally posted by Axe2121:

Dave's two immobile T-34s, sitting side by side, aren't listening to the polite summons from my meter maids. They keep knocking to tell the drivers the area is a no-parking zone, but they refuse to open the hatch. Mwahaha!!

My tank crews have a better idea - instead of opening the hatch, they'll open some cans of seriously disturbed MG-brand TNT for your meter maids. Lots of it will be filled with small steel balls, for punching your meter maids' tickets. How did you lay a minefield behind my lines in a meeting engagement, anyway? That's pretty embarassing, getting two tanks immobilized by your infantry in what I thought was a safe area. Looks like the only safe area for me is the town with all the VLs!! Married maggot!! :mad: :mad: :mad: tongue.gif:D
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Originally posted by Axe2121:

Three words, Dave.

Look behind you.

Yeah, yeah, I've heard that line in too many movies. :D:D

No thanks, I'm using the Satchel Paige philosophy. What was it he said, "Never look behind you because you don't know what might be catching up". Since you have panzers literally falling out of the trees, you could have a horde of German armor surrounding me. Maggot! :D:D

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Hordes, Dave. As in plural. :mad:

By the way, very happy to see you MasterGoodale-free in the sig department.

What if he has abandoned us for good? Cheery Waffle will still continue, if I have anything to say about it. Which doesn't count for much. That, and $5, will get me a cup of coffee in Seattle. :mad:

Jas :mad: n

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