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Has the Challenge Replaced Peng in CMBB? Who to Blame for the Death of the Cesspool

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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

Why does this, disturb me so?

Do you think that we're unmoved? Sometimes a short, sharp shock is the best solution to a larger problem...

Sigh. Oh yes, Seanachai, if you have time for this you have time to send me a setup so that I can thrash you once more (and this time with feeling).


Tomorrow. I will deal with you tomorrow.

Now, I must go to the Temple of the Knights Cesspooler, and pray for guidance...

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Well, it still seems like we should discuss some means of hitting him with a taser if necessary...especially after the whole 'massive pepper spray, waiter bring me salad to go with this chemical attack' incident.

Weeeel, there is always the Holy Brick of Antioch

So, who do we send to tell him he's been...er, 'elevated', and request his presence here for the investiture? And what if he should refuse?

Or, even more likely, what if he doesn't comprehend what's being said to him?

Should be someone expendable... that doesn't really narrow it down much. I suppose Lorak would be appropriate, if he hadn't abandoned his post. OGSF seems a likely candidate... he's so incomprehensible that HRH might actually understand him. As for him refusing... who said we were thinking of a democracy? It is his divine right and responsibility to rule

[editted because U wasn't playing nice with BB]

[ January 11, 2003, 04:21 AM: Message edited by: Berlichtingen ]

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Oh, and Berli, what about Peng? Have you spoken with him? I know he's busy coughing up the jellied remains of his lungs, again, but there's no way the Ceremony could take place without all the Olde Ones.

Hmmm... I suppose I could give him a call. Maybe he can be bothered to climb up off his death bed for this

And what of the Justicar?
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Originally posted by Stalin's Organ:

An interesting possibility - a lawyer brighter than an SSN...........

....got any evidence that it is so?

Well, as you know, all lawyers and all SSNs go to Hell (we find the SSNs are useful in tormenting the lawyers). So, I have had millions to compare. Lawyers tend to be brighter than SSNs... and used car salesmen
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And so Lt Hortlund set out on this, the most holy Quest for the Anointed Armored Car. Before long, he arrived at an old and stinking cave. The entrance was surrounded by half eaten rotting fish, and a handful of used rubber gloves...he had found his first victim.

Nidan1 where are you, you sorry excuse for a spineless goat. I have seen rotting jellyfish with more style and panache than you.

Nidan1you can expect a setup from me, unless of cource you want to prove to everyone in here what a gutless and whimpering wannabe goatherder you really are, and publicly in front of everyone admit defeat before my able armoured cars. You need only say the words "I surrender" (with an amusing French accent) and you will be spared the utter humiliation of being defeated on the field of battle by a scrabble of armoured cars driven by Italians, Romanians and Hungarians...but NOT FINNS.

Nidan1This is nothing personal you see, in fact I have to do this... even though I would much rather drive a rusty nail (sharpened at both ends mind you) through my kneecap using nothing but my own eyeballs as a hammer, than talk to you...as would any sane person...but alas, you must be punished, and I must dirty myself by being the one who deals you the thrashing you so richly deserve.

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Originally blathered by Berli

Oh look what chimed in from the bottom of the food chain. So absolutely insignificant that I almost didn't notice it posted

The fact that you did notice fills me with happiness, or revulsion, I'm not sure which. Hear that? Its the winds of change. :D

[Edited to make the following posts pointless. :D ]

[ January 11, 2003, 01:58 PM: Message edited by: Sgtgoody ]

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Leutnant Hortland blathered on and on:

blah, blah ,blah.....etc etc.

Whereas, I have never seen a more lame attempt at challenge from any SSN in the MBT (my own included), and because you are so obviously lacking any interpersonal skills, I accept your bleatings as some form of a cry for help.

In accepting your plea for recognition, and under the terms of this challenge, I will purchase a force of the most powerful, death-dealing armored cars in the Russian arsenal. With those aforementioned vehicles, I will blast your, Itlo-Hungomainian reptiles into a combination of goulash and marinara sauce. Their defeat will be so devastating that asylum in Sweden will be their only hope of survival.

Although, I believe that you can only be likened to an incarnation of Gaylord Focker , and thus to be dismissed as one would ingnore a small pimple on an arse cheek. There is the possibility that you could continue to fester, and cause considerable discomfort. Therefore as one would lance a boil, I will slice and dice you, and toss your entrails at the feet of the Olde Ones , and let them decide what to do with your remains.

[ January 11, 2003, 08:02 AM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]

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Guest PondScum

Page 2. PAGE 2. We need an outerboard cull.

In the meantime, I am informed that I am missing the Annual Convention of the Elk Breeders Association in Mankato, Minnesota ("well, see, when a daddy elk and a mommy elk love each other very much..."). I bet Lars is there with his fox piss.

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My PC is acting all funny. This may delay turns.

I am going to Vegas for a few days (Sunday to Wednesday) - this may also delay turns.

I think most of you should put buckets over your heads and let me play woodpecker with a ball peen hammer - this will definitely delay turns.

[ January 11, 2003, 04:15 PM: Message edited by: dalem ]

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

R Leete, is that you, my long lost Squire?



{snip}More long-winded ranting{/snip}

I suppose you have some explanation as to where you've been? And where the hell is Malakovski?

Yes, tis me. And am I not good enough for the brick, that you must sully your own hands in my disipline? No matter, it is but a minor distraction to be slapped with the force you muster.

I have no explanations that would be appropiate to post. Suffice to say that I have been ever dilligent, and have kept up with most of the clever posting on the MBT. Which is to say, not much.

As to my brother squire, I know not. And care even less. Maybe if you took a more active role in the care & feeding of your squires, we would show a bit more loyalty.

Not that I once again post, Boo, and still haven't sent a turn. Thpppp!

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Gamey updates:

Oh why bother. I'm winning everything against everyone all the time and if I don't I'll simply stop returning files.


Professor Doktor Hamster X: Has finally seen his Rohan cavalry come charging over that hill yonder while my little orcsies are busy annihilating his shredded infantry outside the city gates. High Explosives for everyone.

Satan: Is taking a break. Snap.

Moriarty: Sends me turns precisely every once in a while. Been a while as far as I can tell but what do I know?

The Bard: Has just received a setup. I expect an autosurrender by turn 10.

May the insides of your skulls fill with hungry angry maggots,


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