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The Replacement Thread for Master Goodale's Potty Mouth Cheery Waffle

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Good evening, Maggots.

Miss me? I thought not, you lot do have some common sense.

Originally posted by Seanachai:

Bah! Putting knowledge and facts in the Goodale thread would be like putting Michelangelo's David in a dog kennel. After they found they couldn't eat it or fight with it, they'd simply lift their legs on it.

So did you pee on poor Seanachai? After all, he's not edible and lord knows if MGA and Seanachai played a game we're more likely to see the Second Coming than an AAR.

In other news, Poor Ole Spike's spamming me, what a class act. Anywhoo, it matters not anymore, because he's "Junk Filed" and his missives are read only by my mail program as it passes them to oblivion...

Turns out to all of you soon. :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

[ August 18, 2003, 10:19 PM: Message edited by: Snarker ]

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Turns out to all. It's looking a mixed bag at this stage ; there are battles that are going nicely for me - Dave , and, and... Erm... :mad:

Then there are some that aren't going my way at all . Snarker, mike_the_wino, Axe2121... redface.gif :mad:

Edited for poor choice of words due to insufficient sleep, my being suomalainen and :mad: in general

[ August 19, 2003, 07:34 AM: Message edited by: Prinz Eugen ]

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I hate the Sturmtiger, you button them, but somehow they use their crane to reload.
The Strumtiger loads with a winch and pulley system that hooked to the roof inside the super structure. The external crane was used to re-stock ammo, not to load the breech.

[ August 19, 2003, 09:25 AM: Message edited by: Abbott ]

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Originally posted by Prinz Eugen:

Then there are some that aren't going my way at all . Snarker, mike_the_wino, Axe2121... redface.gif :mad:

Now, now -- no need to be embarrassed. Lots of my opponents have been in your bullet-riddled shoes before. Just ask the ants at MG's house. :mad: :mad:
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Turns out tonight puss munches. I angryolize! :mad: There's gonna be some furious TNT and puss flying through the wire tonight munch nuts :mad:

Prinz Eugen I better see your turn in my hot, blistering Inbox tonight maggot. I got some anger for you puss flask. :mad:

And I would crush Seenachai or whatever his maggoty little name is any day of the angry year. He's nothing to me but a Pouch of Peng Puss. :mad: This threads' occupants are WAY too angry and skilled for the likes of Peng. That's why they fear us. :mad: We're dirty, mean, and we don't bring a comb into battle!! :mad:


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Ah, nothing like waking up to see two more of Axe's T-34s blasted into oblivion. That brings the current number of dead and burning t-34s to 6, while only 2 Panzer IVs have fallen. (And I haven't even mentioned the T-34 that ran off to hide behind a house.)

Today's post brought to you by the Society for the Overwatch Platoon: saving more tanks everyday.

[ August 19, 2003, 10:56 AM: Message edited by: Becket ]

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I done reckon it's time for a puss infested, tnt-slathered full update for you maggots on all of my current battles ( silence overcomes the thread and every ear in the thread turns toward MasterGoodale - Jewel Crowned, GrandMaster TNT Chucker, hanging on his every word like a glob of puss hangs from an infected bullet wound )

Edward Jizzm Hands (aka Edward Windsor) - This flask of festering skunk nads hasn't returned a turn in EONS. He disgusts me. :mad: But don't worry maggot, I bottled up all of the anger in our battle in a leak-proof container and put it on the shelf for when I finally get that turn.

Uxvblah blah _ whatever - God I hate your gamename puss munch! Get a life and while you're at it get some nuts and send that cannon fodder on in! I got a whole tub a' whoop ass for em. :mad:

Snarker - I finally received his setup and I assume his Krauts are marching cowardly my way. This young man is going to learn a very serious lesson about what happens when you treat MasterGoodale - Jewel Crowned, GrandMaster TNT Chucker with such disrespect as he did in our last battle. I had to assign an entire division to this battle for the sole purpose of picking up Kraut Limbs. The 4th Limb, 2nd appendage - experts on Kraut Division) :mad:

Mike The Whiner]/b] you don't even deserve mention for your lack of turnage. I know the fact that you'll soon be wearing my sig hurts. You're not alone. Just ask DaveH. :mad:

86Smopuim - You're about to find out where the skunks piss in the woods scum pod. How dare you come into this thread thinking you're all bad and gonna beat MasterGoodale - Jewel Crowned, GrandMaster TNT Chucker!!! :mad: You're a green troop maggot. You've yet to experience what happens when the limbs start flying and the lips start getting crispy. Have you ever seen the horror on a Krauts' face when he hears a loud noise and looks down to see he has no limbs??!! Have ya!!?? You better think long and hard about it before you step onto my battlefield boy, cause you're gonna have to deal with a whole lotta angry krauts rolling and thumping their way back to the rear with you at the top of their most wanted list! (just above "1. new arms and legs") :mad:

WallyBobber - this guy thinks he's bad, but the only thing bad about him is the stench I have to deal with from his rotten corpses :mad: He may have a tank or two left, but I hold most of the flags and still have plenty of angry troops and ammo in position to unleash my fury on command. I beat you to the loot puss munch! :mad: "nananaananananananananaaaaaaaa!!"

Cpl Carrot - this battle is pretty even as far as I can tell, but it's coming to an end. I have no idea who will win. All I know is we both blasted each other into a state of shock with so much angry TNT that our troops are stumbling around like zombies bumping in to each other trying to bum cigarettes

Fall Out ameoba bangers! (mad)

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Originally posted by Soddball:

Goodale, you WANKER. You left me out.

He's still in denial about his impending loss, hoping you'll go away. :mad: :mad:

I count on you not to cave like Dave H. The fact MasterGoodale has the gall to brag about his victory against Dave — someone who was beating him and yet surrendered because of the Chinese-water-torture-like rate of turns — speaks volumes to his maggotiness. :mad: :mad:

Jas :mad: n

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MasterGoodale and Master Becket The map for your 3,000-point Meeting Engagement is complete, with force selection. 3 Russian Infantry companies with KV I's and II's verse a German security detachment accompanied by Panzer II's.

Just kidding.

The map and force selection is complete.

[ August 19, 2003, 11:44 AM: Message edited by: Abbott ]

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Originally posted by MasterGoodale:

Prinz Eugen I better see your turn in my hot, blistering Inbox tonight maggot. I got some anger for you puss flask.

Your maggot fueled anger is nothing compared to my postal-act ! Talk about fury ! :mad: I've spared all my other opponents from the purest form of hate, but since you had the fool's courage to even speak of my name, I will give you the most complete, utter spanking that leaves you begging for mercy for decades to come. I will prove your worst nightmare you pile of maggot feces. :mad:

When you mentioned turn I suppose you were talking setups ? What it is you have in mind, you pile of rot ? Speak up, so that I may create the exact opposite to your foolish desires. :mad:

Originally posted by Snarker:

Harumph! PEu, my turn is bouncing back fro the "suomo wrestler" address. No email owning maggot.

I suppose my email client has detected an incoming defeat and refuses to accept anymore turns from you. :D I don't understand what's causing it. Either keep trying, or send to the old walter_of_81@hotmail.com, which isn't my official pbem address though.

Axe2121 : suffice to say that I hate this sensation. :mad: It's all Soddball's fault, who created a nasty scenario for the German player to fight on. Nothing to do with my skill. Never. :mad:

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Originally posted by Axe2121:

I count on you not to cave like Dave H. The fact MasterGoodale has the gall to brag about his victory against Dave — someone who was beating him and yet surrendered because of the Chinese-water-torture-like rate of turns — speaks volumes to his maggotiness.

Jas :mad: n

Axe, as much as it pains me to admit this, I was in serious trouble against the maggot. Although I still held some of the dozen or so flags when I surrendered, he simply had too many Russians. Instead of putting all his 4,500 points into expensive armor, as I expected from his earlier games, he bought four M-17s, two JS IIs, and infantry. Crowds of infantry. Mobs of infantry. Hordes of infantry. :eek:

Oh yes, and one airplane, which dropped one bomb and damaged the gun on my single Tiger on turn 2 or 3. :mad:

I had based my defense on facing a charge of Goodale's massed Russian armor. I had purchased one 88 PAK and two 75s. I also had a lot of AT mines to hide in front. When I saw the map I knew I could be in trouble; it was heavily wooded and hilly. My HMGs and AT guns and FOs could only see two or three hundred meters at the most. The German advantages in long range fire and artillery evaporated. Also I had sacrificed mobility for static defensive weapons.

When his infantry arrived and I kept pulling my defensive lines back further and further, he was still attacking single squads with one or two platoons. I pulled my infantry back from their foxholes to trench lines, but we were about out of ammunition, with additional fresh Russian infantry still moving up to the point of contact.

So my deteriorating tactical position, coupled with other factors, caused me to throw in the towel. I have to admit, if we had continued I could easily have been wiped out. Which doesn't make it any easier to see that obscenity of a sig line. I suppose it makes the maggot happy. tongue.gifredface.gif

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Originally posted by Dave H:

Which doesn't make it any easier to see that obscenity of a sig line.

Dave H: Let it be known that you have my deepest sympathies. You carry a heavy burden, and I can only hope that agony will not prove unbearable.

Turn sent to Axe2121. You can take out my halftracks, but you will never have my freedom !!11! Or somfink. :mad:

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Originally posted by Dave H:

...Instead of putting all his 4,500 points into expensive armor, he bought four M-17s, two JS IIs, and infantry. Crowds of infantry. Mobs of infantry. Hordes of infantry....

...So my deteriorating tactical position, coupled with other factors, caused me to throw in the towel....

Sounds like MasterGoodale has become an experienced player.
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MasterGoodale and Becket's3,000 point Meeting Engagement (fictional) has been T-saved and sent to MasterGoodale.

(snip)...The Road to Moscow.

September 1941

It is cold, windy and damp. The leaves have turned and snow is beginning to fall. Moscow lies 40 kilometers to the east and resistance to take the Capital has been stiffening greatly along one of the only paved highways for hundreds of kilometers. Battle is expected again, with the coming dawn….


Good luck gentleman!

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Originally posted by Abbott:

Sounds like MasterGoodale has become an experienced player.

Yeah, who could have foreseen that happening?? :rolleyes:

I figured by this time he's have moved on to something else, like pulling the wings off of flying ants, instead of sticking with Combat Mission. Looks like we're stuck with the fury maggot for a long time. GRRrrrr!!! :mad: :mad:

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