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Those That I Taunt I Do Not Hate, And Who Hates the Peng Challenge I Do Not Love

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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

Ladies and gentlemen, Boo, the master of failure, proudly presents his rendition of "Sorry... you are trying to acces an image from outside of ImageStation.com."

Next week, Boo will attempt to walk AND chew bubblegum AT THE SAME TIME!

Don't miss it!


So what you're spraying, Steve (You don't mind if I call you Steve, do you? Good.), is that I can post a picture which you can all see, but it takes some intelligence and work for someone else to then repost said picture? Is that it, roughly, in a nut shell, there, PunkinHead? I got no problem with that, seeing as how the majority of the posters in here would have trouble outwitting mold on a daily basis. Have all the sheer mental prowess of a lump of coal (bituminus) and make the Monty Python "Gumby" characters all look like Rhodes scholars.

Nope. No problem at all.

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Dear Unwashed,

I asked Peng how the Springsteen concert that I missed the other was an receivedbthis response. Since much of it concerns our High School days I can only assume that he wrote it for someone else. So here it is:

"Emilio Carranza died in a plane crash in 1928 in the New Jersey Pine Barrens. I know this little tit-bit of information because there is a concrete and cinder block memorial to him near the crash site. It is just a few miles off of route 206 on, appropriately enough, Carranza Memorial road.

My friends, all members of Deviates Ltd, and our associates used to drive to Carranza in caravans of two or three cars with coolers of beer, more dope than you could possibly smoke in one evening and enough teenage testosterone oozing from every pore to turn an army of women into an army of sasquatches. If you rode in Doug's 69 Camaro convertible you listend to Springsteen at maximum volume the whole way. Carranza was off the beaten path, usually unoccupied at night, and we could be noisy, rude and howl at the moon if we wanted and no one would bother us. Or so we told ourselves.

A few years after we had Graduated high school, we were all together again and someone suggested a road trip to Carranza. There were manly grunts of assent and shouts for blood and beer and dope when a lone voice, Tigger's, said "NO! something BAD always happens when we go there!" It wasn't true of course, something bad only happened three out of four times we would go there. A DUI, a flat tire, a lost ounce of reefer, a night in the drunk tank, or a couple of hours grunting and sweating trying to get a car out of a ditch or a sand pit or a giant puddle that Doug insisted was not too deep to go through.

Springsteen was the soundtrack to our lives back then, we were living in his music, from getting stuck in the mud somewhere in the swamps of Jersey, to racing in the streets, he was our muse, our voice and We howled along with the dogs on mainstreet. Mr., I aint a boy, I'm a man and I believe in a Promised land.

So seeing him in the year 2003, 27 years since the last time I saw him live, on stage, I felt a bit odd singing "Baby this town rips the bones from your back, its a death trap a suicide rap we gotta get out while we're young..." at the top of my voice while I bounced around in a throng of similarly old, balding, thick in the middle men, and thier saggy breasted, wider in the tail wives. I felt silly. No. I felt FRAUDULENT. (and maybe a little flatulent. it happens when you get old...). Sure, Born to Run is a fabulous song: When I was 17 I sang "I want to die with you Wendy, on the streets tonght in an everlasting kiss" and I MEANT IT. But last night, while the song still gave me chills, there was a certain sense of guilt for being alive and kicking at the ripe old age of 41. After all, Talkin bout my g-g-g-generation I was supposed to DIE before I got old.

But I am alive, and it is hard to feel anything but good when you are at a Springsteen concert. After all these years he looks like he is still having fun - bold, underlined, all caps, italicized fun - and only the chronically self absorbed like me can think about things other than dancing and singing and enjoying the show. The crowd was different, this time, The old fans like me are actually old people, and new fans bring their cell phones and talk on them to their friends in section 23 between sets instead of meeting them in a stall in the men's to spark up a doobie (The war on drugs has taken its toll).

Something is crawling up the back of my head and telling me that I saw Springsteen when he toured "The River." (OK so maybe the war on drugs is a good thing...) Maybe. I stopped caring when "Born in the USA" came out. over the years Bruce went from being at the front of my mind and the soundtrack of my life to the back, musty corners. I changed. I got married got children got a career and got older.

The new stuff from "The Rising" was great, even though I went to the show unprepared. There's no excuse for that in this day and age when I could have downloaded the album on P2P and burned it to a cd and been listening to it in my car every day. But. I am a slacker. Always have been, and always will be. If Ihad been with Doug, I would have at least heard the Rising in its entirety with commentary, criticism and backstory on the ride to the stadium, but I was with my dear wife, who also enjoyed the show immensely. We were close enough to the stage to be hit by sweat, and she swears that once he was looking right at her and pointed to her and smiled. I believe her because Patti did the same thing to me! Although my wife claims Patti was really looking at her.

On the way to our Minivan after the show, we were conducting the post mortem: what song did you like best? what was the highlight of the show? which one could you have done without and what song did you want in its place? When Debbie said, "Do you think that Bruce thinks of me as just another fan?" I laughed, "of course not! He knows you're his biggest fan!"

I hope you enjoyed this.



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Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

But then I am such a dunderhead.

Yes, you are. And don't you forget it. I ended up behind yet another of your brethren this afternoon and wished I had a LAW on me. Danged Floridiot couldn't figure out how to speed up enough to be traveling the speed limit, nor how to SIGNAL! when they were going to change lanes...

If this keeps up, I may have to pay a visit to the Goodale/Waffle monstrosity just so I can blow something up!!!

Or...you could hurry up and come within my LoS in our little entanglement so I can blow YOUR stuff up. Yeah...that's the ticket...

And the reason for questioning your italicizations (no - I don't care if it's a word or not) is because you italicize the oddest words in your sentences sometimes. Looks a bit odd, reads a bit odd, sounds a bit odd when read aloud. Guess that means you're a dunderhead AND odd.

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So, I get home and log onto Battlefront and what do I see? That even in my initial post, the image is missing. So what does that tell me? That the image can only be seen by the computer from which it is posted. Isn't that just ducky?

I hate computers.

Not as much as I loathe and despise each and every one of you (excepting the Ladies, of course), but they run a close second.

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Do not quail or gnash your teeth. Be joyful! The ill-fortune that would have confronted you would have consumed your very being.

The frenzy that overcomes one, when one learns how to post pictures, can be very harmful and destructive.

My good Liege lenakonrad is possessed by these very demons and look at the swath he has cut with his digital imaging! Sad it is, I tell ya.

Now think of yourself, with the ability to actually post pictures. The horror of this thought gives me pause.............

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

off-topic babbling

The damage has already been done. Haven't you noticed my good Boo, that currently the most excellent Lady Moraine has become somewhat displeased with me. It is your fault!!

Hiram keeps sitting in front of that picture of Shemp that you posted, waiting for him to speak and reveal his secrets. Why hasn't that picture vanished? Do you understand the forces you have awakened?


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Originally posted by Leeo:

The following slack-jawed idjits (otherwise known as Knights of the Pool) owe me turns.

OGSF: I just sent him a turn many moons ago. He's likely too involved with his new virgin wool-lined kilt to pay me much attention.

C'mon chaps, send me a frikken turn!

Didnae call mae a "chap", ye watery bowl o' sicked oop pooridge! An' af'n ye saint mae a stankin' turrrn, Ah didnae rrrrecive at, sae saind at agin.
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Originally posted by Leeo:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:


You're a furball. I hope that helped. Are you going to send a frikken turn, or are you still using the "I've managed to find a (Very Fine) Lady who'll put up with me" excuse? </font>
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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

So, has anybody heard if Oddstralya has sunk into the ocean?

Just curious.

Actually a bit afraid to look ... afraid that it WON'T be true and then my hopes will be dashed.

Speaking of OGSF, had any of you lads realized that he's so desperate for a win over me that he's refused to convert to V1.03? That's right, he conceived of a QB that would take advantage of the monstrous bugs and quirks in V1.02 and now refuses to convert. It's working too, I was amazed that he had enough foresight to pull it off. I'm too big a man to complain of course but I thought you lot should know.


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I have returned.

Boring canoe trip. No storms, no rampaging rapids, not even a rabid moose. Best I could scare up was a p.o.'d pine martin and a slightly annoyed bittern. Did manage to peg a red squirrel with a rock. Some good eating on a red squirrel.

Only fun I really had was emptying the leech bucket at the bottom of the portage.

Turns out tonight.

Seanachai, we'll do another boat outing in August.

OGSF, you'll get your 700 pt. doom.

And Lady Moraine, I feel your pain. Actually saw a gal from Florida on the first portage out in HIGH HEELS. See above, heh heh heh...

SSN Hint Of The Day: Put rocks in Duluth packs.

Now sod off.

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Time to peg that nose and step on the plane.

That's right, folks. I'm off to the bog of eternal stench that is the land of Aussie. I'll be in the Gold Coast for the next few days, where I will try to understand just what it takes to turn a Rugby World Champion team into a bunch of overgrown brainless koalas that allow an underperforming All Black team to drive right over them and score 50 points in one test match, much like a T-34 drives over a rotten Volksgrenadiere corpse.

Unfortunately I will hardly have any free time, so it will be but a glance at the land that spewed up such TV atrocities as Steeeve Erwin - Crocodile Hunter and Big Brother Australia.


[edited to say that the Peng thread has been slipping down the post list lately and someone should do somefink and that I edited this post]


[ July 29, 2003, 08:33 PM: Message edited by: v42below ]

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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

<font size=-1>It's always great when mother nature provides lunch, isn't it?</font>

Boo, you hopelessly muddled tactician, if you've got time to contemplate Lars' lunch pail, you've got time to SEND ME A TURN.
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Originally posted by v42below:

Time to peg that nose and step on the plane.

That's right, folks. I'm off to the bog of eternal stench that is the land of Aussie.


I didn't realise there were Kiwis still living in New Zealand!

[bolded in respect to our fellow Anzacs]


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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Lars:

Only fun I really had was emptying the leech bucket at the bottom of the portage.

It's always great when mother nature provides lunch, isn't it? </font>
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Originally posted by Lars:

... Lady Moraine, I feel your pain. Actually saw a gal from Florida on the first portage out in HIGH HEELS. See above, heh heh heh...

Now why does this not surprise me...

But I must admit, that particular idiosyncrasy is not limited to Florida women.

Unfortunately, 'frou-frou's exist everywhere. I can't speak for Northern women, but having grown up in Georgia, lived in Florida and Tennessee and fishing in all three states as well as parts of Alabama as well as North and South Carolina, I've seen this all too often...Women who get 'gussied up' to go fishing or boating.

I never understood why a woman needed heels, a skirt, long manicured nails, tons of makeup, an upswept hairdo and loads of jewelry to go catch a fish. A man - yes...a fish? - no.

THEN, they don't want to touch the bait nor any small fish they manage by luck to hook. And heaven forbid they should be fortunate enough to land something other than a 4-ounce Bluegill! THEN they hand it over to someone else to land the fish.

What a waste...

That reminds me...I've got vacation coming up next week. That gives me little time to convince this one over here *points over left shoulder* that fishing is a worthwhile pasttime. I need to go waste a couple days sitting round a body of water with various creatures and simulated creatures on the end of a hook trying to lure a denizen of the deep to the shore...

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Originally posted by Moraine Sedai:

I never understood why a woman needed heels, a skirt, long manicured nails, tons of makeup, an upswept hairdo and loads of jewelry to go catch a fish. A man - yes...a fish? - no.
The answer is quite simple Dear Lady. Men like to fish, and they usually do it unaccompanied by the fairer sex, if a women really wants to catch a man, she needs to go to places where men congregate, i.e. the stream, or the boat, but in order to stand out and distract said man from his pursuits, she must make herself look as if she is going to dinner at the Waldorf Astoria. After all what man is going to notice a women, in a flannel shirt, floppy hat and waders?
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Originally posted by Moraine Sedai:

I never understood why a woman needed heels, a skirt, long manicured nails, tons of makeup, an upswept hairdo and loads of jewelry to go catch a fish.

I'm sorry, but I thought all that was a requirement down there.

At least the hair part.

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