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Those That I Taunt I Do Not Hate, And Who Hates the Peng Challenge I Do Not Love

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Originally posted by NG cavscout:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Nidan1:


I would love to add you to my trophy case of Squire heads, why dont you send me a setup. I have no preferences, other than make it something after 1942, I can also put a red pin in Wisconsin, as another location of a soon to be defeated opponent.

Setup is on the way to you, now, if you have trouble, remember, the computer has to be plugged in. </font>
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Now, now young NG Cavscout no need to feel defensive ... it's clear from the previous AAR that you CAN'T handle defensive very well so you'd probably best not even try.

I fully understand that while some are capable of taking the HARD but WORTHWHILE route to education, High School, Major Four Year University and Post Graduate Studies, others are not as ... gifted and must settle for the "degrees" printed at great expense from the local Kinkos. I'd be willing to bet that the diploma from the House of rune LOOKS impressive as hell. The fact that it represents not much more than a hefty disbursement of small unmarked bills to the FOUNDER of said house is a matter best left unsaid.

And, of course, for SOME it's the best they can do. Luckily the Shavian House is more discriminating in it's applicants and their path to Knighthood ...

We Few, we HAPPY few, we Band of Brothers.

For he who stands with us today shall BE our brother.

Be they ever so base born then today shall gentle their condition.

And Knights, yet abed in Chicago, shall curse their fate and hold their Knighthood cheap,

That they were not with the Shavian House today.

OR ...

Never, in the course of CessPool conflict,

Were so many, so awed, by so few.


Fighting Knights, from the CessPool,

Fearless men, all born to rule,

Men who aren't, a large girl's blouse,

The brave Knights, of the Shavian House

Aye ... it brings a tear to your eye.


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Originally posted by NG cavscout:

The difference oh great unwashed one, is that here in the house of Rune, we aren't in the remedial stages, our recruits aren't short bus rejects from SWEDEN... So, for overacheivers like us, an abbreviated course of apprenticeship is called for.

It would have to be, wouldn't it? I mean, if you actually set standards, you wouldn't have squires at all. Remember: No matter how low you set them, there's always be a maggot too fat to crawl under it, no matter how much slime and spittle is used to lubricate it.

About that paper on rune.

I think, in the name of all fairness, justice and Things That Are Right, Rune should be given an opportunity to display is unutterable lack of skill before I expose him utterly in that paper, my liege.

So, dear Prune, you have a short time (no, I'm not telling how short -- that would spoil the fun) to either tell me the conditions of your spanking or send me your preferred display gameyness. I will even dignify you with a taunt.

May your reproductive organs be devoured by frothing hamsters before they bring a plague on to the universe such that has never been seen before; and may Greenpeace cleanse you and your hovel afterwards so that the brave hamsters that consumed those vile appendages are properly avenged.


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For M'lord Rune:

Finally! A second game brought to its conclusion.

After a slow start wherein my forces were a bit unsure of themselves and cost them the initiative on the prize (read here as 'flag'), my boys rallied, found their spines and began their assault on Elvis' forces.

Though I suffered a minor defeat, I am proud of the men who fought the good fight in this battle. They fought (and some died) bravely attempting to roust the fascist hoard from the field of battle.

And now...we are to engage once again upon the field of honor and the glory shall be mine this time...(expect a return on your setup, Elvis, this evening)...

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Originally posted by SirReal:

So, dear Prune, you have a short time (no, I'm not telling how short -- that would spoil the fun) to either tell me the conditions of your spanking or send me your preferred display gameyness. I will even dignify you with a taunt.

{snipped like a dog being neutered}


*wipes tears of mirth from her eyes*

Oh my! You have gone and done it now, lad. Apparently you have no clue as to how evil, vile and corrupt my liege is to dare give him a chance to send you one of his scenarios.

Oh, should he take you up on your offer, I will gladly sit back and watch you first whimper, then cry openly, then claw your retched eyes out as you beg him to let you surrender just to put an end to the misery.

What a glorious day, indeed. I really needed that.

Thank you for making my day...

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Originally posted by Moraine Sedai:

Oh my! You have gone and done it now, lad. Apparently you have no clue as to how evil, vile and corrupt my liege is to dare give him a chance to send you one of his scenarios.

Why not? Even should he win, who would hold it against me, knowing what a craven cheater of a designer he is? No, he may win the battle, but he shall surely lose the war.

I'm happy to make your day anytime, my Lady. I'm not surprised to learn that Hiram obviously has failed to do so, at least today.


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Originally posted by SirReal:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Moraine Sedai:

Oh my! You have gone and done it now, lad. Apparently you have no clue as to how evil, vile and corrupt my liege is to dare give him a chance to send you one of his scenarios.

Why not? Even should he win, who would hold it against me, knowing what a craven cheater of a designer he is? No, he may win the battle, but he shall surely lose the war.

I'm happy to make your day anytime, my Lady. I'm not surprised to learn that Hiram obviously has failed to do so, at least today.

/SirReal </font>

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

... now apologize to Sir rune for suggesting that he cheats in his scenario designs. I've never heard the like ... he's not BRIGHT enough to cheat!

Sir Rune, I apologize for overestimating your intelligence. Never did I for a moment think that your stupidity was so boundless as to actually allow you to create such horrid scenarious by pure chance.

What am I doing? He'll never be able to understand that. Let me rephrase:

Me sad call you cheat, me not know you very dumb.


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Joebob ,

Your milktoast of a Squire dare address me? Has the House of Shaw no shame? Oh nevermind, of course it doesn't....it accepts Norwegians like SirReal.

Should I take a break from that which may not be named to play a mere Squire? What the heck....as long as the Madone does not use his whip.

Email on the way....


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Originally posted by rune:

Joebob ,

Your milktoast of a Squire dare address me? Has the House of Shaw no shame? Oh nevermind, of course it doesn't....it accepts Norwegians like SirReal.

Should I take a break from that which may not be named to play a mere Squire? What the heck....as long as the Madone does not use his whip.

Email on the way....


I have no idea if the House of Shaw has any shame or not ... the Shavian House, on the other hand (no idiot, the OTHER hand) has a great deal of shame ... we at times have to play fools and cretins from the House of rune. I can imagine no worse shame than that.


p.s. Nice apology SirReal ... especially the last part.

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Originally posted by rune:

Email on the way....


"Rourke's drift". With me as the English.

Suprised, anyone? I thought not. Well, then.

I will deem it a total victory to Rune if he manages to have my forces auto-surrender on turn two. For each turn thereafter, it will be considered one level of victory less, until a Total Defeat for him at turn 10 and onwards.

Very well. Man the stockades, here comes the horde! For the Queen!


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Originally posted by SirReal:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by rune:

Email on the way....


"Rourke's drift". With me as the English.

Suprised, anyone? I thought not. Well, then.

I will deem it a total victory to Rune if he manages to have my forces auto-surrender on turn two. For each turn thereafter, it will be considered one level of victory less, until a Total Defeat for him at turn 10 and onwards.

Very well. Man the stockades, here comes the horde! For the Queen!

/SirReal </font>

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by SirReal:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by rune:

Email on the way....


"Rourke's drift". With me as the English.

Suprised, anyone? I thought not. Well, then.

I will deem it a total victory to Rune if he manages to have my forces auto-surrender on turn two. For each turn thereafter, it will be considered one level of victory less, until a Total Defeat for him at turn 10 and onwards.

Very well. Man the stockades, here comes the horde! For the Queen!

/SirReal </font>

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IL Be Seeing You is in the continuing tradition of the CessPool, being sprung, so to speak, from it's sire Jabo! and a worthy heir to Let's Get Papa Khann Out Of The House Then.

Rorkes Drift is, I regret, just silly and has NO redeeming features at all. What redeeming features did IL Be Seeing You have you ask?

I thought it was funny watching your convoy dissolve like a bar of soap left out in the rain and that PE-2 carpet bombing was a thing of beauty.


[ July 25, 2003, 02:23 PM: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]

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I take it that "Il Be Seeing You" is somewhat like "Kursk You, Red Baron", yet another fine piece of gaming effluvia dreamed up by the goblins and toadstools laboring day and night in the bunghole that is Ker Dessel*.

Yes, MrSpkr, that esteemed clam of an attorney spewed that into my inbox one dark and stormy night. I eyed it with all the anticipation one might give a root canal administered by a rodeo clown and said, "This smells about as appetizing as finding a piece of cheese that had met it's maker long, long ago."

Other than this, what else do you reprobates do for laughs? Torture pets?

*Ker Dessel -- When you want to play CM in the worst possible way.

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Dear Alice ... you've dropped in (and then scurried out again in fright) often enough to know to read the rules ... specifically the one about not having an email address in the profile.



[ July 25, 2003, 10:31 PM: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]

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The following slack-jawed idjits (otherwise known as Knights of the Pool) owe me turns.

Boo: I just sent him one.

Nidan1: I just sent him one that had been lazying around on the beach of my hard drive.

OGSF: I just sent him a turn many moons ago. He's likely too involved with his new virgin wool-lined kilt to pay me much attention.

Moriarty: I just finished kicking his ass on a completely unfair QB map. I'll take it! He owes me a set up for a hot summer night with lots of flamethrowers. I can see his skull by the flickering firelight already...

Lars: He's pretending he has other things to do. He cannot shirk his duty.

Hiram: Apparently (and with good reason, as far as his instinctual understanding of reason goes) he's still twitterpated.

Noba: For some reason he thinks recreation is more important than CM.

<big>BURN HIM!</big>

C'mon chaps, send me a frikken turn!

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Dear Ms. Sedai,

You fought a fine fight. It was, of course, silly of you to imagine that ever had a chance against me. You did put up much more of a fight than Mr. Sedai puts up so the bonus points given to you for that create a draw in my book.

And rune, if it was you who designed this scenario , I am very disappointed. Unimaginative and crude. A silly little capture the flag nonsense that can be done the same or better with a QB. You are known for being almost as evil as Berli and are much more creative than that ....thing.....I just fished playing.



P.S. New Elvis line to be posted shortly but I hope you have all researched my current sig.

P.P.S A couple of months ago Peng purchased me 2 tickets for tomorrow night Springsteen show at the Meadowlands and I am having a hard time getting there. He will be there but not with my tickets. I anyone else can go PLEASE email me ASAP because I am about to eat $150 for tickets I can't use.

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Originally posted by Elvis:

Dear Ms. Sedai,

You fought a fine fight. It was, of course, silly of you to imagine that ever had a chance against me. You did put up much more of a fight than Mr. Sedai puts up so the bonus points given to you for that create a draw in my book.

And rune, if it was you who designed this scenario , I am very disappointed. Unimaginative and crude. A silly little capture the flag nonsense that can be done the same or better with a QB. You are known for being almost as evil as Berli and are much more creative than that ....thing.....I just fished playing.



P.S. New Elvis line to be posted shortly but I hope you have all researched my current sig.

P.P.S A couple of months ago Peng purchased me 2 tickets for tomorrow night Springsteen show at the Meadowlands and I am having a hard time getting there. He will be there but not with my tickets. I anyone else can go PLEASE email me ASAP because I am about to eat $150 for tickets I can't use.

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