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Originally posted by Seanachai:

There are any number of people on this Forum, and even in this Thread, that would delight in seeing me have to acknowledge that I was wrong about your wittiness.

Are we never to see the day? Are we to pass through our days waiting only to be denied in the end? Oh the injustice! 'Tis but a simple thing... (Bauhaus...)

a small thing... (sit down)

Will Seanachai never learn to spell witlessness?

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Originally posted by YK2:

GO JOE GO..............

And I know it's not quite the same, but I'll even take notes and wear that little Stenographer skirt if only you will play this GAME.

Errrr. [Clears throat:] Fair Lady. I have saved a space on the bench, over here, next to me...."move over you lot, make way....."

Thats right... I have a cushion for your "delicate derrier".

Just kick that spaceman of a Kiwi...yes, yes. The one that looks like a twisted ORC. Kick him again. He likes it.

Oh MY ! But that IS a SHORT SKIRT !!!!!

Harrruummmph, Cough !?

Now if we can get this Coronation finally organised, PLEASE. MY stenographers are fed up with keeping their pencils wet.



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Thanks for the offer, but everyone Knows I have my own rather splendid chair in which to seat my derriere.

Not that I am opposed to sitting amongst the Knights and Squires, it's just that my usual place is so much more near the front of the room and well away from draughts.

That said, do feel free to sit yourself beside me, and bring some refreshments, this is gonna be a long haul.

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So, it's come to this has it? The Olde Ones are met and call the Defense of the CessPool ... A REVOLT? How can any movement which seeks to preserve the Sacred Peng Challenge Thread be called a revolt? Surely a revolt is a conflict aimed at upsetting the current order. But now ... oh wait ... yes I see it now.

They would claim that I am in revolt ... aginst THEM! Against their tyranical and ill judged attempt to install Meeks (nb) as King AFTER his long absence, after his Apostasy. For no one, NO ONE can deny that I ever been FOR THE CESSPOOL. None may claim that I have ever worked against the greater good of the MBT. No calumny may be uttered that I have EVER turned my back on the Peng Challenge Thread. No, my "revolt" is not against the body of the CessPool but, I suppose, aginst THEM! I who have ever championed their right of place. Put not your faith in princes ... my friends.

And so they would claim, I suppose, that THEY are the CessPool. That whatever pleases THEM is pleasing to the CessPool. That whatever THEY wish to occur shall occur simply because THEY wish it and none may gainsay them.

So Seanachai ... how much did he pay you then, eh? For how much silver can the soul of the CessPool be bought? I expect nothing of Berli of course, ruin, pestilence and suffering are his trade. Peng ... is not here. Hasn't been for some time. The only bit of Peng left is the title of the thread. And now the others are gone as well. The Olde Ones are not the Olde Ones of Olde.

For a Seanachai who abandons the precepts of the MBT is a Seanachai in name only.

Not On MY Watch! I'll bring them to their senses so I will. I and the other loyal Knights of the One The True CessPool shall defend it to the end.



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Ah stand wi' ye Joe!

Ah feckin' HATE Meeks - tha rat bastarrrd gi' mae stankin' CONSCRIPTS ain mah squire battle agin Hiram Sedai all those years agoo! Ah hated tha wretch thain, an' see noo reason tae change mah stance noo.

As fer Seanachai *patooie*, thus as tha same psychotic bag-lassie tha were tried fer ainvitin' tha entire stankin' Oooterboard tae post ain tha Wun Troo Thraid!

An' Berli tha giblet-faced creator o' "Lonely Country" as a part o' thas.

At's fortunate tha' none o' these feckless bastarrrds can stand agin mae ain tha time honoured QB. Ah've slaughtered each wun o' thaim afore noo, on more than wun occashun as waill. Sae thae prance aboot lak a wee gaggle o' BIG GIRL'S BLOUSES, playin' dress-oops an' titterin' tae themsailves baheend thae lilly-white blue veined hands - or rat paws as tha case mae bae.

Tha Clan OGSF wi' noo recognize any puppet bastarrrd king (excaipt Mark IV or Lord Lorak) unlaiss tha snot-gobblin' illeteratin' patch o' span'l pee kin baist each an' every Kanniget ain tha 'Pool ain a 100% random settin' QB!

Tae mak tha process shorrt an' swift, Ah'll stamp on tha Pretender's haid firrst, af'n hae has more an' a hamster's stomach fer tha fit!

Wha' aboot tha raist o' ye gutless toady bastarrrds? Wi' ye noo stand wi' tha Clan OGSF an' tha Hoose Shavian??

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Originally posted by OGSF:

Ah stand wi' ye Joe!

Ah feckin' HATE Meeks - tha rat bastarrrd gi' mae stankin' CONSCRIPTS ain mah squire battle agin Hiram Sedai all those years agoo! Ah hated tha wretch thain, an' see noo reason tae change mah stance noo.

As fer Seanachai *patooie*, thus as tha same psychotic bag-lassie tha were tried fer ainvitin' tha entire stankin' Oooterboard tae post ain tha Wun Troo Thraid!

An' Berli tha giblet-faced creator o' "Lonely Country" as a part o' thas.

At's fortunate tha' none o' these feckless bastarrrds can stand agin mae ain tha time honoured QB. Ah've slaughtered each wun o' thaim afore noo, on more than wun occashun as waill. Sae thae prance aboot lak a wee gaggle o' BIG GIRL'S BLOUSES, playin' dress-oops an' titterin' tae themsailves baheend thae lilly-white blue veined hands - or rat paws as tha case mae bae.

Tha Clan OGSF wi' noo recognize any puppet bastarrrd king (excaipt Mark IV or Lord Lorak) unlaiss tha snot-gobblin' illeteratin' patch o' span'l pee kin baist each an' every Kanniget ain tha 'Pool ain a 100% random settin' QB!

Tae mak tha process shorrt an' swift, Ah'll stamp on tha Pretender's haid firrst, af'n hae has more an' a hamster's stomach fer tha fit!

Wha' aboot tha raist o' ye gutless toady bastarrrds? Wi' ye noo stand wi' tha Clan OGSF an' tha Hoose Shavian??

Well said Sir OGSF ... I think ... the CessPool needs every TRUE SON (and Daughter too) in her hour of need. Pull the Claymore from the wall, beat the plowshears BACK into swords, wedge the helm atop the hair grown grey in the service of the CessPool and don again the mail that clad the shoulders when the CessPool was young. Yes it may have rusted a bit (particularly in the crotch I see ... hmmmm) but rough usage will make it shine again.

We fight not to overthrow the Olde Ones but to help them regain that which was lost. We shall smite the pretender Meeks (nb) and all those who cravenly crawl to his standard (buzzards with piles sinister, Cheguy improper ... not that there's anything wrong with that).

Let each Knight, each Squire, yea even each Serf who would protect The One The True CessPool fight, each in his own way, to protect that which we hold sacred.

We shall fight them in the MBT, we shall fight them in the Outerboard, we shall fight them in the email and in PBEMs and TCP/IP ... WE SHALL NEVER SURRENDER! And, if this CessPool and it's future incarnations shall last for a THOUSAND THREADS, PEOPLE WILL STILL SAY ... So ... what's with this Peng thing anyway?

The Shavian House and Clan OGSF ... ARE CALLING IN THE CLANS!



[ January 18, 2003, 01:05 PM: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]

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Originally posted by OGSF:

Wha' aboot tha raist o' ye gutless toady bastarrrds? Wi' ye noo stand wi' tha Clan OGSF an' tha Hoose Shavian??

I, Boo Radley of House Morse-Croda-Whatever do pledge my sword and shield and likewise my two squires, Nidan1 and Lurker, (which, truth be told, are two of the best specimens of cannon fodder you're ever likely to run up against.

We will stand, or hang (Down, Bauhaus!) with you.

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by OGSF:

Wha' aboot tha raist o' ye gutless toady bastarrrds? Wi' ye noo stand wi' tha Clan OGSF an' tha Hoose Shavian??

I, Boo Radley of House Morse-Croda-Whatever do pledge my sword and shield and likewise my two squires, Nidan1 and Lurker, (which, truth be told, are two of the best specimens of cannon fodder you're ever likely to run up against.

We will stand, or hang (Down, Bauhaus!) with you.</font>

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Oh, the quandry. Do I follow my liege lord Seanachai, and accept Meeks (bolded to cover all the bases) as King of all and sundry? Back when I was but a lurker in the MBT, I watched in wonder that he dared to defy the Olde Ones, and was cast out as the defiler. Now he is to be welcomed, nay, embraced (not that there's anything wrong with that...) as the sovereign monarch of Cess by the very ones he had opposed.

Or, do I stand with OSGF and Joe Shaw in defense of traditions? Does the lowly squire have the right to oppose his own kniggit (not that I've been that loyal to begin with) and risk losing (or even loosing) any hope of obtaining that lofty status himself? We all know how far Benedict Arnold advanced his career after switching sides.

Personally, I'd be more than happy to support the self-proclaimed lord Lorak, but he's been M.I.A. for ages. So many of the original cess dwellers have passed into oblivion as to make traditions themselves a fleeting thing. Were MrPeng himself to make a proclaimation, the decision would far less arduous.

On the other hand, we all know that any squires are just going to be used as gamey, last-turn-flag-rushing cannon fodder. Might as well stand on the sidelines and watch the slaughter.

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Ye gads!!!!! All this bloody talk of war is bringing on one of my headaches and I haven't had one of those since the time when....... well, that's another story.

Sir Joe


If you don't mind I will just sit here in my nice comfy chair with my glass of wine and watch the proceedings.

After all, it's not for us Ladies to take part in any war. So I shall await for you to return on your shield.

That of course applies to all concerned..

As for sewing a banner, well I will try and run up a little something, as long as the LADY PERSEPHONE helps out, as sewing reminds me of the days when I was a nurse and I had to "Stitch up" all the injured Knights, Squires and serfs after their last battle.

Black Velvet I have none of though, and it's too expensive to buy at a time like this. I do have a nice "Blue Velvet" gown which I no longer wear.. It has this rather ugly stain on the bodice which refuses any attempts of removal (another long story) so I shall use that.

A banner of "Blue Velvet" will you help with this request Persephone ?

That reminds me.

A song for the upcoming Battle.

She wore blue velvet

Bluer than velvet was the night

Softer than satin was the light

From the stars

She wore blue velvet

Bluer than velvet were her eyes

Warmer than May her tender sighs

Love was ours

Ours a love I held tightly

Feeling the rapture grow

Like a flame burning brightly

But when she left, gone was the glow of

Blue velvet

But in my heart there'll always be

Precious and warm, a memory

Through the years

And I still can see blue velvet

Through my tears .....


[ January 18, 2003, 02:10 PM: Message edited by: YK2 ]

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Black Velvet I have none of though, and it's too expensive to buy at a time like this. I do have a nice "Blue Velvet" gown which I no longer wear.. It has this rather ugly stain on the bodice which refuses any attempts of removal (another long story) so I shall use that.
Oh ... oh my!


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Originally posted by Persephone:

Yes Emma, I will help....I'm not very good at sewing.....but I do have some glue and glitter and felt....

But I will need a glass of wine before I get started.

A simple request.....

Here ya go then.

\_/> ((((((((( CHEERS))))))))))

I wish someone would invent the sewing machine, it would be so much easier...

Oh well.. maybe some day...

[ January 18, 2003, 02:27 PM: Message edited by: YK2 ]

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The Justicar trumpeted:

The Olde Ones are not the Olde Ones of Olde.

See! Thas 'xactly what I been Sayin'!

Never fear noble Champion, I stand with {behind} you with the Terrible Triple-Tined Trident of the Shavian House and I'm not afraid to use. I got a bag of horse chips for that Meek fella too.



If you guys don't have this all worked out by Wednesday, I'll put these various pretenders in their places myself. I mean, if they can't defeat a lowly Serf...

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Originally posted by Vadr:

The Justicar trumpeted:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr /> The Olde Ones are not the Olde Ones of Olde.

See! Thas 'xactly what I been Sayin'!

Never fear noble Champion, I stand with {behind} you with the Terrible Triple-Tined Trident of the Shavian House and I'm not afraid to use. I got a bag of horse chips for that Meek fella too.



If you guys don't have this all worked out by Wednesday, I'll put these various pretenders in their places myself. I mean, if they can't defeat a lowly Serf...</font>

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Originally posted by Vadr:

{bows deeply}

You wrong me Lady. I speak of cowardice, and of nothing else (not there there's anything wrong with that).



Impaled upon the spear of innuendo, first to fall in the fight

Stand up straight man.. If you are to fight along with the best of them, then I expect you to do so in a way that would befit any true follower of the Cesspool.

Now here, take this armour it should just about fit you, and go forth like a true warrior.

Long Live The CESSPOOL

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I call upon my Leige Boo_Radley for guidance in these troubled times. Where do we stand oh Booness? I am just a Squire and as such cannot decide where to place my fealty in this matter. (Although drawing Fair Emma's bath seems like a good place )

I have sent a set-up to Meeks (spelt no bolded until everything shakes out), which I expect him to ignore, but beyond that, I don't know what to do. Please guide me Knight Boo . My fellow Squire Lurker is also among the missing these many weeks, we need a ruling here,

I throw down the red bean-bag of review, What are we to do?

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