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The Laying of the King Before the Altar: The Peng Challenge Sinks Gracefully Backward

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Originally posted by Lars:

Did I forget to mention the Key Lime White Chocolate Creme Brulee Cheesecake?

Why yes, I see I have.

Is that an actual dessert, or another of those revoltingly sweet alcoholic concoctions you've been know to suck down in and effort to make yourself look 'sensitive and caring' to the opposite sex?

[ January 27, 2003, 01:15 PM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]

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Originally posted by Egbert:

What is it with Minnie sotta...

This limey accusation affrontery shall not go unpunished.

Gads, how dreadful. Having a longer post to work with fills the area with the unmistakable stench of 'the South'. And here I thought some of your other lengthier posts simply indicated you were drunk.

You probably were, of course, but now I can see that the awful word usage, awkward sentence structure, and general lack of coherence is the result of your Southern 'heritage' (for want of a better, single word that carries with it the image of tarpaper shacks, cataclysmic inbreeding, and a level political boorishness not seen since feudalism went out of style).

I shall carefully consider your challenge. If I can cast it back into English, I will see if it merits further action on my part.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Is that an actual dessert, or another of those revoltingly sweet alcoholic concoctions you've been know to suck down in and effort to make yourself look 'sensitive and caring' to the opposite sex?

See? This is why you're single. You just don't know.

Well, that and halitosis. And dandruff. And your choice of haberdasheries...

Now go find out. Chalk it up as research. We'll work on the other things later.

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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Egbert:

<font size=-1>Wouldn't make a spot o' difference Oh, smelly one too tied up in details to see the forest.</font>

<font size=-1>I knew it. Like Pondscum, you're a secret Limey, aren't you?</font></font>
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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Lars:

See? This is why you're single. You just don't know.

Well, that and halitosis. And dandruff. And your choice of haberdasheries...

You forgot poor social skills, the dining habits of a barbery ape and that powerful bodily funk he generates. </font>
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Originally posted by Lars:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

Lars and Boo, I would have thought this sort of shallow, venal attack upon my person was beneath you.

Sadly, I see that I was wrong.

Oh yeah, that reminds me.

You're not very bright either. </font>

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Going on the run with the Justicar is looking more and more appealing. Better than staying around here to be mocked and denigrated by bumpkins like Boo, and drunken louts like Lars (although he has a very nice boat...)

Pity Shaw and I are now sworn enemies for his statements belittling my Honour.

[ January 27, 2003, 05:50 PM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]

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With the possible exception of Boo and Lt Hortlund, the rest of you wankers sending me turns have a lot to chew on.

My ISP found out what caused your emails with game file attachments to go walk-about.

You lot are purveyors of filth, the Guccione's of the Cess, the PBEM versions of dirty old men leering at young ladies. That's quite enough about your redeeming qualities. Where were we?

Ah, yes - your text attachments filtered out your emails, banishing them to the File of No Return. The anti-spam program in use wisely deemed them "Adult, Severe", and refused to deliver them.

Now that's an unbiased opinion confirming something long suspected; your tactics and game play are the equivalent of a poorly air-brushed centerfold! And if you happen to be winning at the moment it speaks volumes to my prowess, much to my chagrin.

Bah! Resend your latest turn zipped (and all future ones for a bit) and you can avoid the clever program saving me from your amateur efforts.

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Originally posted by Lars:

You're not very bright either. [/QB]

Speaking of which, I thought I would find the mighty Dane here in the ham of Peng.

Curious how the turns have trickled to a halt my friend. This doesn't have anything to do with me smashing the spearhead of your attack does it?

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

How's he do that? You have little enough honor (lose the u, pommie bastard) as it is.

I'll have you know my leige has plenty of honour. I bought it for him myself at the last Ames 3-day sale. Bulk lots, extra discount because of the pommie labels on the package.
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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by Snarker:

<font size=-1>your tactics and game play are the equivalent of a poorly air-brushed centerfold!</font>

I've always thought that centerfold tactics were very passive. I mean, they look nice and everything - all units arranged just so, a perfect setup (sometimes too perfect, ifyouknowwhatimean) - but then they just sit there. And where's the fun in that? Where's the preparation, eyeing the lay of the land? Where's the sneaky decoy move, feeling along the flanks? Where's the advance by bounding overwatch, one move covering the next? And where's the final, massive, overpowering central thrust? Nurse, where are my meds?
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Originally posted by Seanachai:

No doubt you will soon be welcoming in other lowbrows, and high-fiving with them over your favourite flatulence jokes.


Woo hoo!


[ January 27, 2003, 07:48 PM: Message edited by: dalem ]

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Boo you simp, stop picking on poor, lame, senile, impotent dotards like Seanachai, you brutish, egotistical, undersexed cad. I've got more respect for a common garden slug than I have for idjits like you, preying upon the elderly and infirm.

Send a setup, you Ohioan pillock (yes, yes, I know, extremely redundant, but stick with me here), and prepare to meet your maker.


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Originally posted by tigger:

Speaking of which, I thought I would find the mighty Dane here in the ham of Peng.

Curious how the turns have trickled to a halt my friend. This doesn't have anything to do with me smashing the spearhead of your attack does it?

It was mere diversionary feint. Yeah, that’s it, a diversionary feint.

At least I don’t tip off my QB buys with my screen name.

All turns are up and out, including the one for the Refugee from the Hundred Acre Woods here.

So if you didn’t get one, guess what?

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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

Boo you simp, stop picking on poor, lame, senile, impotent dotards like Seanachai


See, gentlemen? This is all I ask. A little respect, a certain amount of fairness, a bit of fair play.

(I just told a friend of mine what MrSpkr had to say, and she said "My God! Why do you go to that site?! Why do you let people say things like that about you, even in jest?!"

I told her "well, actually, I got the better end of that exchange. See, he's a lawyer, and there's no way he can bill me for the time he spent insulting me. I know that must gall him.)

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Originally posted by Seanachai

Pity Shaw and I are now sworn enemies for his statements belittling my Honour.

I wouldn't think anything as miniscule as your "Honour" could be made smaller by any means.

Perhaps a good slapping with a carp could bolster your flagging self esteem.

[ January 27, 2003, 09:12 PM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]

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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

Boo you simp, stop picking on poor, lame, senile, impotent dotards like Seanachai, you brutish, egotistical, undersexed cad. I've got more respect for a common garden slug than I have for idjits like you, preying upon the elderly and infirm.

Send a setup, you Ohioan pillock (yes, yes, I know, extremely redundant, but stick with me here), and prepare to meet your maker.


Oh, you'd like that now, wouldn't you, you blimp-headed, knock-kneed, shiny-suited, bolo-wearing, Boss Hogg wannabe!

Wattsamatta? Lack of clients giving you more time than you know what to do with? Did one of the other lawyers down in YeeHawville take over your street corner?

Well, you're gonna have to wait a bit, Bubba. Let me clear off a couple of other vacuum packed nimrods from my dance card and THEN we'll see whom meets whoms...whose...wait, who meets whoms...whatever maker.

Yes we will.

We certainly will.




Justicar, Justicar, drinking way to much.

Told his date at a fine restaurant, that they'd be going Dutch.

She punched him in the eye, yelling

"What a cheap guy!"




This is fun!

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by MrSpkr:

Boo you simp, stop picking on poor, lame, senile, impotent dotards like Seanachai


See, gentlemen? This is all I ask. A little respect, a certain amount of fairness, a bit of fair play.</font>
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