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The Peng Challenge Thread and Minnesota's Ice Holes

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Papa Khann:

Hey Boo, how about taking a short break from disseminating your resort porn and sending me a freaking turn? Pillock.


...I'm sorry, did you say something? Whenever you begin speaking, I just sort of zone out. But I imagine you're used to that...

On another note (B-sharp), my wife's car was totaled in an accident this last Thursday by a gimboid who felt that 4-wheel drive gave him authority over "black ice". Not to worry, though, no one was hurt, just some metal got bent. I bring this up merely to point out that the accident happened on Thursday and by Friday we had gotten letters from no less than 5 different lawyers wishing to represent us.

Feeding frenzies always impress me. </font>

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Originally posted by dalem:

Hey Joe. Since you have time to disconnect the O2 tank and wave your cane around at the crowd in here, why don't you send me a turn? Or surrender? Or get a lobotomy?

Golly dalem I'd love to help you out buddy ... OUT INTO LAKE MANYTONKATOYS ... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Boy I crack myself up.

Seriously though, I'd thought I was all caught up with my turns except for the ones I hadn't completed. Can't imagine how YOURS could have slipped my mind .... HAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA! There I go again.

But really, I can't help you out right now because I'm off to Denver early tomorrow and I just popped in here to make that announcement. So you'll just have to wait won't you bucko!

Of course in the time it took me to type this I could have played the turn ... how long does it take to just hit the "GO" button ... no, really dalem how long DOES it take ... HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA!


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Originally posted by YK2:

The life and times of the poor wee haggis:

aldossantosAs you can see the Haggis is a lovely wee thing, full of the joys of spring.....

haggis.jpgThere is of course his poorer cousin known as Horribilis McHaggis...

haggis.jpgAnd I must mention "Wee Bagpipe McHaggis", very much the life and soul of the party...

And so it all began......

Then along comes this famous Scot, known to some as "The Bard"

imagesSuch a bonnie wee laddie, dont you think?

Anyway, he took it upon himself to put his quill to ink and write a little ditty, here is an extract...

And as she wept her son was seen,

To eat his head his heart his spleen

And there he lay, a boy no more

Just a stomach on the floor

None the less since it was his

They ate it - and that's what haggis is..

(oops, sorry getting my Burns mixed up with my Python)

Goes like this...

His knife see rustic Labour dight,

An' cut you up wi' ready sleight,

Trenching your gushing entrails bright

Like ony ditch;

And then, O what a glorious sight,

Warm-reekin', rich!

Well, what can I say.. after reading that we Scots couldn't figure out what the hell this Burns guy meant. So... we decided he must have been referring to that cute little McHaggis Clan, and that they might taste quite edible with a wee dram of Scotlands finest..

So, from then on, the poor Wee McHaggis Clan could be seen heading for the hills...


Of course they were eventually found, and before long they were caught, butchered, and ended up looking like this..

uncooked.jpg not a pretty site eh?


There was much rejoicing, and to ease the guilt of killing those poor wee McHaggis's the Scots decided to make the upcoming feast a grand occasion with pipers and all.. Now referred to as "Piping in the haggis"



And to this day, the more canabilistic of our Clans still go through with this age old ritual..

Boy... Rabbie Burns sure has a lot to answer for.

(This poetic piece of verbosity is dedicated to

poor wee Angus Mchaggis and his Clan. May they R.I.P.)

Dated this 9th day of March 2003 YK2 MCHAGGIS


Awwww! Sis, they's so cute! You sure you didn't sneak-a-peek into Seanachai-coochoo's fluffy pink toy box?

SquIReless AJ

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Originally posted by AUSSIEJEFF:

Awwww! Sis, they's so cute! You sure you didn't sneak-a-peek into Seanachai-coochoo's fluffy pink toy box?

SquIReless AJ

Jeffrey, what have we told you about reproducing the entire bloody post, with pictures, just so you can post a nonsensical, two sentence comment on it? Wasn't it something along the lines of:


Remember that? Including a comment from the original post, or such, would surely be enough, now don't you think?

Endlessly reposting pictures and nested quotes is one of the things that pretty clearly causes the Thread to crash.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by AUSSIEJEFF:

Awwww! Sis, they's so cute! You sure you didn't sneak-a-peek into Seanachai-coochoo's fluffy pink toy box?

SquIReless AJ

Jeffrey, what have we told you about reproducing the entire bloody post, with pictures, just so you can post a nonsensical, two sentence comment on it? Wasn't it something along the lines of:


Remember that? Including a comment from the original post, or such, would surely be enough, now don't you think?

Endlessly reposting pictures and nested quotes is one of the things that pretty clearly causes the Thread to crash. </font>

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Sir AJ

If you are quite through with downloading "mp3s (is that what they call jellyfish porn down under?)" send me an email with your new address or respond to my bloody turn. You inflicted this monstrocity you call a battle on me, the least you could do is finish it.

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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Moraine Sedai:

But where are Elvis and MrSpkr?

Get off yer butts and send me turns!!! Or rather, get ON yer butts (in front of the computer) and lets get on with it already.

It's much easier for me to send a turn when you do your part and return the last one I sent you.

If that is too difficult for your Georgian-on-my-mindlessness to understand, may I suggest you send a letter to Slapdragon? He could probably suggest one of his inbred, family-tree-ain't-forked-in-six-generations cousins to explain it to you.

Steve </font>

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Quest for the King.

Part 3:

We see our young, dashing, svelt, and athletic, hero (ok, middleaged, sloppy, pudgey, and lazy, hero) gazing out over the waters of the stormy Atlantic.

Wow, I didn't think that thing was so big.

Quickly our hero comes to what he feels is the best course of action for rescuing the captured king.

From the desk of James Goodman, aka SgtGoody, serf of the MBT, squire in waiting to Sir Nidan.

In concert with representatives from Germany, France, and Russia, I issue this resolution of protest to the Heavily Outlined, Out of Focus, Pseudo-dogs who are responsible for the capture of HRM MEEKS I. Your actions have left us no choice but to demand that you comply with UN and other applicable resolutions and release said king to his subjects. It is with unshakable determination that we release this statement and warn the HOOFPDs that failure to comply with this declaration will result in the issuance of further declarations. Do not underestimate the power of these decarations as they will be quite strongly worded and very declarative.

The HOOFPDs are hereby advised that they will be held to a strict deadline by this body to comply with these demands. If word is not recieved by the time the sun expands into a red giant then the HOOFPDs will be judged to be in material breach of their obligations under this declaration and it will force this body to issue another.

For the Pool and the king.

There that should do it.

[ March 10, 2003, 08:12 AM: Message edited by: sGTGoody ]

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Originally posted by sGTGoody:

Quest for the King.

Part 3:

Good work lad, lot's of BIG words, lots of meaningless and ambiguous phrases, designed to confuse and obfuscate.

If anyone gave a damn about the whereabouts of Meeks , they will certainly be less interested now. Huzzah!!! Huzzah!! ***burp***

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Update From The Front:

Just in from the latest dispatches!

The brave Finns, led by our own Bard of the MBT (and it will always be there), have been repelled by a band of untutored, illiterate peasants dressed in browns sitting in the hunting shacks of Vipurii swilling vodka and laughing at the feeble attempts of the Finn's commander to flog them forward. Pay attention lads, if you want to be a Great Captain, don't start by putting your own troops to sleep with Skaldic poetry readings. Save that for afters.

The score:

Seanachai: 8

Lars: 92

The uberGnome has suffered a TOTAL DEFEAT!!!


tsk tsk, he didn't even make it to the minefields and my reserves never had to leave the barracks. I didn't even get to shoot off the AT gun. BTS, fix or do somfink.

SSN Hint Of The Day: Ask for a rush job except when there is a charge.

Now sod off.

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Originally posted by Papa Khann:

Hey Boo, how about taking a short break from disseminating your resort porn and sending me a freaking turn? Pillock.

Boo must have thought that was funny.

But then, he's never been to The Chainsaw Sisters Saloon.

Now, THAT'S a Northwoods Bar. If you ever get there you are a very, very, very long way from anywhere. Only a 20 rod portage up from the creek. But trust me on this one, just leave your gear down there and make a run for it. TIP - it also helps if you place the canoe sideways across the trail to slow down the rest of the party.

And believe me, nothing, but nothing, tastes as good as a cold beer after two weeks in the boonies. If you're coming down from Atikokan, Canada, why end up at a empty trail head when you can end up at a bar?

[ March 10, 2003, 10:52 AM: Message edited by: Lars ]

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Guest PondScum

By George, I think they've got it! From another question about the MBT: "Think Monty Python meets the Young Ones in a seedy Balkan bar in a city being put to the sword by fundamentalist Huns".

And now for some Gamey Updates:

chrisl is still AWOL. He is thus avoiding being put to the sword by my fundamentalist Italians. How gamey is that?

Noba is wheeling some stinkin' great gun across an open field to blow up my poor little penal battalion. How gamey is that?

dalem has got Panthers. This wouldn't be so bad, except that he's the Communists. How gamey is that?

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Originally posted by PondScum:

By George, I think they've got it! From another question about the MBT: "Think Monty Python meets the Young Ones in a seedy Balkan bar in a city being put to the sword by fundamentalist Huns".

Actually, I think Peterk had it right:

You see...the problem is...that FAQ is _funny_. Funny enough to lead newbies into thinking the current Peng threads are funny as well. But they're not....not even close. They're bitter, angry, cryptic, senseless places so awful that they may even turn newcomers off the game entirely should a visitor happen to venture in there on a first visit to our site.

Ruminate on this, newcomers. It captures perfectly the essence of a conversation that Seanachai and I were having this weekend. The Muthah Beautiful Thread has sunk into a long decline, a Dark Ages of sorts, and now sits, decrepit and lame, awaiting a Renaissance.


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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

Ruminate on this, newcomers. It captures perfectly the essence of a conversation that Seanachai and I were having this weekend. The Muthah Beautiful Thread has sunk into a long decline, a Dark Ages of sorts, and now sits, decrepit and lame, awaiting a Renaissance.


We could try a topless revue for the lunch crowd.
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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

The Muthah Beautiful Thread has sunk into a long decline, a Dark Ages of sorts, and now sits, decrepit and lame, awaiting a Renaissance.

If we're waiting for you to turn the lights on it's going to be a bit longer...
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Guest konrad

Life in the trenches of hyperspace

Anyone who cannot cope with Pool while he is cess-poo-led needs one hand to ward off a little his despair over his fate...but with his other hand he can write down what he see among the ruins ,for he sees different and more things than the others;

after all,he is dead and the real survivor.


(always) Faithful Squire To SIR AUSSIEJEFF

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

So, we're like the "Magnificent Ambersons"?

Isn't that the movie, with Yul Brynner, James Coburn and Horst Bucholz (who died last week), oh and Charles Bronson too, about the cowbys who help out some Mexican villagers? You know the one that is a take off on the "Seven Samurai", I loved that movie. Whats wrong with that?
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Originally posted by Nidan1:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

So, we're like the "Magnificent Ambersons"?

Isn't that the movie, with Yul Brynner, James Coburn and Horst Bucholz (who died last week), oh and Charles Bronson too, about the cowbys who help out some Mexican villagers? You know the one that is a take off on the "Seven Samurai", I loved that movie. Whats wrong with that? </font>
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