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Using Canister on the Peng Challenge: Too Hollywood or just a Good Idea?

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Originally posted by dalem:


I was at a dance

when she caught my eye

She was all alone

looking sad and shyyy-eye-eye

We began to dance

swayin' to and fro-o-oo-whoah-whoah

And soon I knew

I just had to let her know

Blame it on the Aussie Noba!

that she did so well

Blame it on the Aussie Noba!

with its magic spell

It all began with just one little dance

But soon it ended up a big romance

Blame it on the Aussie Noba!

The dance of Love!

Thank you, good night!

Aussie Noba!

Excellent my good dalem

By the way it's 1:30 IN THE AFTERNOON

but don't let that concern you.

Good Night!

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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by dalem:

<font size=-1>Bottom of the page? What's wrong with you people?</font>

We plucked out our eyeballs after the last two pages of Hiram's idea of sweet sweet lovin'.

Boy, that still stings.

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I think that we should start a new Thread soon.

All that back and forth stuff involving Hiram and Moraine made me feel distinctly unclean.

How can I send my teenage nephews in here if they're going to read things like that?

I want them to realize that the human sexual experience is stimulating, fun, and enjoyable, not some sort of raree show involving mutants, which is the impression they're going to get from Hiram's recent series of posts.

I'm with Shaw on this one.

Hiram, and, for that matter, Lady Morraine:

In the future, know that we are...er, well, 'happy' for you, and that the knowledge that you have 'found each other' fills us with joy. And a certain amount of relief, because if we can keep you concentrated, then the worst that can happen is a genetically unviable union. But please refrain from 'finding each other' in this Thread, as it is starting to put some of our readers off their food.

In particular, please cease the use of descriptive terms that sound like they were lifted out of Penthouse Forum columns from the 1980s.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

In particular, please cease the use of descriptive terms that sound like they were lifted out of Penthouse Forum columns from the 1980s.

Penthouse included words? I must admit I never noticed.


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Dear Mr. and Ms. Sedai,

I am not inclined at this time to dig up the last file you sent and hope that it is a plot file so that I can convert it for you. You are both old enough to convert the last file I sent you. It was sent a month and half ago and I have heard not a peep. Convert the files yourseleves if you have plot files and if you don't feel like it then piss off.



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I got home last evening with every intention of checking my E-mail and returning moves from you louts, but when I attempted to log on, my computer told me that it couldn't detect a dial tone. I checked the outlet. I checked the cord. I checked everything I could check. I rebooted, even. No dice. So, since the system couldn't detect a dial tone, I am of the opinion that the problem is internal rather than somewhere within the confines of MSN (may they eternally rot). This also makes sense when you realize that I got a three year warranty on the machine and bought it...(wait for it)...in July of 2000.

So, you all shall have to wait a bit until I can continue to beat you about the head and shoulders with monotonous regularity.

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Thanks for the visual lenakonrad....not.

And Boo, I know you never pick up the phone to talk on it because you have no friends and even your mother doesn't call anymore, but don't forget to check the actual phone line.

SSN Hint Of The Day: When it says “Reserved Parking”, that means you.

Now sod off.

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Boo try re-seating your modem card. Open the PC case, remove the mounting screws, and pull the modem out, then put it back in and try it again. You could also remove and reinstall your modem drivers. I know this sounds like a big task, and with your limited abilities it might semm very daunting, but it really is pretty simple.

Edit: You could also spend a few bucks, you cheap bastard ,and get a high speed cable modem or DSL service, get with it its not July of 2000 anymore.

[ July 09, 2003, 01:51 PM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]

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Originally posted by Nidan1:

Boo try re-seating your modem card. Open the PC case, remove the mounting screws, and pull the modem out, then put it back in and try it again. You could also remove and reinstall your modem drivers. I know this sounds like a big task, and with your limited abilities it might semm very daunting, but it really is pretty simple.

If it doesn't seem to fit, push harder.

If it slides in easily, it probably needs a support mechanism. You can spend a lot of money for one at your local tech shop, or you can simply wrap the entire card in a double layer of aluminum foil, then wedge it in.

The foil will not only hold the card in place, but also will give the added benefit of improving the quality and quantity of your posts on this forum.


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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

If it doesn't seem to fit, push harder.

If it slides in easily, it probably needs a support mechanism.


Livin on the edge eh MrSpkr?

Speaking of Senachai, what is he thinking letting his teenage nephews read this Thread?

[ July 09, 2003, 02:17 PM: Message edited by: Jim Boggs ]

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Originally posted by Nidan1:

Boo try re-seating your modem card. Open the PC case, remove the mounting screws, and pull the modem out, then put it back in and try it again. You could also remove and reinstall your modem drivers. I know this sounds like a big task, and with your limited abilities it might semm very daunting, but it really is pretty simple.

Yeah, I figured I'd try that when I got home this evening. As for finding the modem drivers, wouldn't know the first thing about that.

Oh, and MrSpkr? If I do have a need of some tinfoil, can I borrow some from your hat, you left-wing conspiracy mental case?

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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by dalem:

<font size=-1>I can upgrade to 1.03 if it's a big deal.</font>

And lose the tactical advantage of my unkillable dug-in hull-down anti-tank guns? Hell no...
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Originally posted by dalem:


I was at a dance

when she caught my eye

She was all alone

looking sad and shyyy-eye-eye

We began to dance

swayin' to and fro-o-oo-whoah-whoah

And soon I knew

I just had to let her know

Blame it on the Aussie Noba!

that she did so well

Blame it on the Aussie Noba!

with its magic spell

It all began with just one little dance

But soon it ended up a big romance

Blame it on the Aussie Noba!

The dance of Love!

Thank you, good night!

I think the worst thing about this is that I can imagining you murdering a quite love-erly song... and probably in your bath as well....You damned hippies sure know how to ruin an image.

Ewwww. My ears !


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To all my unworthy opponents: You suck.

Also, you still won't be getting any moves from me as I am still at square one with my inability to log on from home. I contacted MSN, but I did it from my computer at work which is a Mac and for some reason they thought the problem was with my Mac, so they sent my message to the wrong department. Well, what can you say? They have people like PondScum working there and I know how hard it is getting anything accomplished when you've got a bunch of people with the mental acuity of doorstops wandering around.

Interesting side note. I checked my warranty to see when I actually bought the computer and it was July 9th, 2000. Three years ago yesterday. How do they do that? Do they have tiny time capsules filled with explosives that go off exactly when your warranty expires? Amazing.

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Interesting side note. I checked my warranty to see when I actually bought the computer and it was July 9th, 2000. Three years ago yesterday. How do they do that? Do they have tiny time capsules filled with explosives that go off exactly when your warranty expires? Amazing.

Believe or not, they do have teams of engineers whose job is exactly that. Figuring out just how long the little bugger is going to last.

Then legal writes the warranty.

Then advertising sells it to a Boob like you.

I'd say this is a perfect example of capitalism in action. Glad you have been repressed and downtrodden by the system.

SSN Hint Of The Day: Pad your expense account.

Now sod off.

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I am shocked, shocked and dismayed, shocked, dismayed and disappointed too might I add and I think I will.

I was IN, physically IN mind you, the ManyAppleLess airport on BOTH Tuesday AND Wednesday and ... wait for it ... NOT A SOUL WAS THERE TO GREET ME!

No Lars, No dalem, No Papa Khann and No Seanachai! Damn, you know re-reading that last sentence just really feels GOOD you know?

Oh sure, they'll CLAIM that they didn't know I was going to be there ... what kind of a crappy excuse is that? I even called Seanachai. He CLAIMED that he was fresh back from Canada ... HAH! As if U.S. Immigration would let him back in the country once he'd left. John Ashcroft isn't THAT stupid ... pretty stupid but not THAT stupid. And then he had the nerve to claim that he couldn't get there in time to see me ... hell I had a whole thirty minutes before my flight.

Some people just have no sense of THE RIGHT THING TO DO!


p.s. dalem, lovely song concept, Blame It On The Aussie Noba ... then you ruined it by NOT using original and topical lyrics! Hell man I'd have helped you and we could have had a CessPool classic ... it's too late now.

[ July 10, 2003, 10:38 AM: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]

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