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Peng Eye For the Challenge Guy: The Grog Makeovers

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Originally posted by Wildman:

Micheal you riduculous Grog you,

While I applaud your attempt at humour (spelled for our Euro friends), I see that the upper limit has been reached. One liners are the sole province of Berli the Evil One (who owes me a rematch I think after our CMBO draw).

Here let me translate the post. {GROG SPEAK}

Sure there are mild impurities, while above the six sigma deviation, and the base material should be considered nominally "pure"; never the less, still holds errors that cannot be ignored. Every molecule has an outrider called "humor". While this molecule has no known benefits, its effects far outweight the magnitude of its total mass.

True, you might say, but about its half-life?

Well, this molecule when combined with the extensive carbon-chain widely recognized as Grog the half-life is 3.5632 posts, Std Dev. of .25678 to a 95% significance. Which confirms prior observations to the fact.{/GROG SPEAK}

Pshaw! No, not Joe Shaw, it's pshaw. Kinda like Pffft! Neither here nor there. Of little worth or significance... Hrmmm... well, maybe it is Joe Shaw...

But back to Wildman's post...

Your reputation for groggyness is underserved. Oh yes, you are quite good at quoting half-life, standard deviations, and significance, but what about the distribution that these numbers are based upon? Surely you don't expect us to place any weight on your numbers without a notion of the underlying distribution, do you? Is it normal? One-tailed? Chi-Square? Poisson? (Only a Frenchman would have a last name like that, and worse, be memorialized for it in mathematics books) What about the modality? Leptokurtic? Platykurtic? (Note to Cesspoolers: this does NOT mean that if you chart a platykurtic distribution that the chart contains the outline of a platypus). Clearly Wildman, you are holding back, not wanting to be identified as 100% grog, but perhaps a half-grog talking about half-lives. Which in retrospect might be appropriate for this lot, who clearly have not completed getting a life...

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Well, well. I come home the last two nights dead dru - dead tired, and unable to post, and what do I find when I come in here?

Right now, the Grogs are clearly ahead on points. This even with taking into account that Andreas and Bastables are already Knights of the Cesspool. You useless, limp, palsied lot are being shown up by a lot o' Grogs!

I'm after thinking we keep the Grogs, and send the rest of you excrement fanciers off to discuss Close Air Support, and Bren Tripods, and NaverFionnsGeburtsfehlerWaffen.

Really, reading a lot of the Cesspooler posts has been like reading a technical paper on Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

Come on, people. How are we going to lead the humour-challenged into a Brave New World, when you lot are so sodding dim?

For all those interested (all TWO of you, I suppose), THIS is what Seanachai finds so humorous:


Originally posted by Mouse:

Originally posted by Wildman:

Micheal you riduculous Grog you,

While I applaud your attempt at humour (spelled for our Euro friends), I see that the upper limit has been reached. One liners are the sole province of Berli the Evil One (who owes me a rematch I think after our CMBO draw).

Here let me translate the post. {GROG SPEAK}

Sure there are mild impurities, while above the six sigma deviation, and the base material should be considered nominally "pure"; never the less, still holds errors that cannot be ignored. Every molecule has an outrider called "humor". While this molecule has no known benefits, its effects far outweight the magnitude of its total mass.

True, you might say, but about its half-life?

Well, this molecule when combined with the extensive carbon-chain widely recognized as Grog the half-life is 3.5632 posts, Std Dev. of .25678 to a 95% significance. Which confirms prior observations to the fact.{/GROG SPEAK}


Pshaw! No, not Joe Shaw, it's pshaw. Kinda like Pffft! Neither here nor there. Of little worth or significance... Hrmmm... well, maybe it is Joe Shaw...

But back to Wildman's post...

Your reputation for groggyness is underserved. Oh yes, you are quite good at quoting half-life, standard deviations, and significance, but what about the distribution that these numbers are based upon? Surely you don't expect us to place any weight on your numbers without a notion of the underlying distribution, do you? Is it normal? One-tailed? Chi-Square? Poisson? (Only a Frenchman would have a last name like that, and worse, be memorialized for it in mathematics books) What about the modality? Leptokurtic? Platykurtic? (Note to Cesspoolers: this does NOT mean that if you chart a platykurtic distribution that the chart contains the outline of a platypus). Clearly Wildman, you are holding back, not wanting to be identified as 100% grog, but perhaps a half-grog talking about half-lives. Which in retrospect might be appropriate for this lot, who clearly have not completed getting a life...


Ah yes, Seanachai,I can understand why you think it's such a thigh-slapper.

It goes on and on and doesn't really say much of anything, does it?

I shake my head at you, for I finally see you for what you truly are. You cast aspersions and asparagus upon the flower of the MBT and elevate grogs.

You, Sir are a grog-wannabe.

It wasn't enough that you never sat at the "cool kids" table. It wasn't enough that you sat with the social outcasts. The pocket protector, night-brace wearing, Scotch-taped glasses, pimply, scrofulous masses. Oh no. All that time you secretly yearned for something even more outre. You yearned for groghood.

And now you want to throw us all over in the hopes that even if you can't achieve it, if you ingratiate yourself enough with them, they'll accept you like some kind of grog-groupie.

These are dark days, indeed.

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Seanachai you are wrong ... WRONG, WRONG, WRONG, WRONG, WRONG.

There are CessPoolers ... and NOT CessPoolers. Trying to equate Grogs with some OTHER form of lowlife just to insulate them from the OTHER outerboarders is as useless as ... well, Grog Dorosh trying to get a date ... without paying for it.

No Seanachai, SSNs they are and WILL BE ... mind you some of them DO sound promising but, being Grogs, do they have the sticking power, eh? Time will tell.


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Seanachai you are wrong ... WRONG, WRONG, WRONG, WRONG, WRONG.

There are CessPoolers ... and NOT CessPoolers. Trying to equate Grogs with some OTHER form of lowlife just to insulate them from the OTHER outerboarders is as useless as ... well, Grog Dorosh trying to get a date ... without paying for it.

No Seanachai, SSNs they are and WILL BE ... mind you some of them DO sound promising but, being Grogs, do they have the sticking power, eh? Time will tell.


Joe, It seems to me that maybe you are jealous of the Grogs.

Could it be that you are a Grog-Wannabe-Justicar?

Go on.......admit it Joe.........You want to be...............

..........the GROGICAR!


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Originally posted by Persephone:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Seanachai you are wrong ... WRONG, WRONG, WRONG, WRONG, WRONG.

There are CessPoolers ... and NOT CessPoolers. Trying to equate Grogs with some OTHER form of lowlife just to insulate them from the OTHER outerboarders is as useless as ... well, Grog Dorosh trying to get a date ... without paying for it.

No Seanachai, SSNs they are and WILL BE ... mind you some of them DO sound promising but, being Grogs, do they have the sticking power, eh? Time will tell.


Joe, It seems to me that maybe you are jealous of the Grogs.

Could it be that you are a Grog-Wannabe-Justicar?

Go on.......admit it Joe.........You want to be...............

..........the GROGICAR!

Persephone </font>

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Originally posted by Persephone:

Joe, It seems to me that maybe you are jealous of the Grogs.

Could it be that you are a Grog-Wannabe-Justicar?

Go on.......admit it Joe.........You want to be...............

..........the GROGICAR!


I don't know, Persephone, I'm pretty sure that it's Seanachai who's the Grog Groupie. He's the one who wants to be grogalicious, grogacious and groggerific.

Unseemly is what it looks like to me.

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Persephone:

Joe, It seems to me that maybe you are jealous of the Grogs.

Could it be that you are a Grog-Wannabe-Justicar?

Go on.......admit it Joe.........You want to be...............

..........the GROGICAR!


I don't know, Persephone, I'm pretty sure that it's Seanachai who's the Grog Groupie. He's the one who wants to be grogalicious, grogacious and groggerific.

Unseemly is what it looks like to me. </font>

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Originally posted by Axe2121:

Wank on wankers, wank on. :mad: :mad:

*Grue wanders in

Looks at list of Grogs, and doesn't find Axe2121 listed.

Grue then Picks up Axe2121 and rams him into a discarded and empty soda pop can.*

Grue likes clean cesspool!

Cesspool and mad faces and waffle people clash.

Grue do cesspoolers community service and return animals back to the wild.

Grue will pay wild a visit.

*Grue trundles off*


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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

Ah yes, Seanachai,I can understand why you think it's such a thigh-slapper.

It goes on and on and doesn't really say much of anything, does it?

I shake my head at you, for I finally see you for what you truly are. You cast aspersions and asparagus upon the flower of the MBT and elevate grogs.

You, Sir are a grog-wannabe.

It wasn't enough that you never sat at the "cool kids" table. It wasn't enough that you sat with the social outcasts. The pocket protector, night-brace wearing, Scotch-taped glasses, pimply, scrofulous masses. Oh no. All that time you secretly yearned for something even more outre. You yearned for groghood.

And now you want to throw us all over in the hopes that even if you can't achieve it, if you ingratiate yourself enough with them, they'll accept you like some kind of grog-groupie.

These are dark days, indeed. [/QB]

Boo, you festering boil on the tushi of the Donkey's, well ass. Redundent I know, bear with me.

I was not, nor ever will be a Grog. Don't care about the penetration values of a tank long since gone...while penetration itself is not a subjuct worth despariging, I will not bring it UP, (so to speak) in front of the Ladies of the Pool.

I merely provided Babelfish services for the many Grogs our dear Uncle Seanipoo has seen fit to drag off of the street.

However, perhaps if your two synopisis were firing today you'd notice, you pathetic sheep-shagging haggis, your post contains little spite, no humour, and no vigor.

I detest your limp wristed sytle and call for your sig line. Joe a Blood Hamster match has been called for. I place it upon you to scare up a scenario worthy of me beating the bleeding beJezzus out of Boo Radley, whatever a Radley is anyway.

Boo, your pathetic skills and limited lingual gymnastics will be fine grease for the treads of my UberHordes. You will be mine!

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Originally posted by Wildman:

Boo, you festering boil on the tushi of the Donkey's, well ass. Redundent I know, bear with me.

I was not, nor ever will be a Grog. Don't care about the penetration values of a tank long since gone...while penetration itself is not a subjuct worth despariging, I will not bring it UP, (so to speak) in front of the Ladies of the Pool.

I merely provided Babelfish services for the many Grogs our dear Uncle Seanipoo has seen fit to drag off of the street.

However, perhaps if your two synopisis were firing today you'd notice, you pathetic sheep-shagging haggis, your post contains little spite, no humour, and no vigor.

I detest your limp wristed sytle and call for your sig line. Joe a Blood Hamster match has been called for. I place it upon you to scare up a scenario worthy of me beating the bleeding beJezzus out of Boo Radley, whatever a Radley is anyway.

Boo, your pathetic skills and limited lingual gymnastics will be fine grease for the treads of my UberHordes. You will be mine!

You want my sig line??? Well, sure...you can have it if it'll make you stop yammering away like the little, flowered blouse wearing schoolgirl you sound like. Is this some kind of pale hold over from the goddam thread? Something you guys do, not unlike wearing each other's class ring?

Wow. Cute, I guess.

And you want to fight me, too? Well, OK, I suppose. That is, if you don't mind me laying waste to you faster than a speeding bullet stuck into the backside of a bat out of hell, that is.

Name your poison, Wild Thang.

(Edited to ask, what exactly is a donkey's well ass???)

[ September 26, 2003, 09:53 PM: Message edited by: Boo Radley ]

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Boo you ignorant twit....now THAT does have a ring to it.

Have you no sense of history, of lore, of smell...damnit who died in here.

A Blood Hamster is a call for control of a miscreant's signature line for 30 days, both players, (in this case the winner Me and the loser Boo you ignorant twit), place their sig line up as a side bet so to speak.

I can only assume your Berli's ex-squire, because only his distain for all thing pompous would allow your heinous lapse of tradition. I wouldn't be suprised if the Justicar starts the Inquisition on you and your former Kniggit. Then you'll have paid the piper for sure on that one, eh!

Now in true Blood Hamster tradition I call on a Knight of the Pool for a map, and a second Kniggit to place forces on said map for me to lead Boo (you ignorant twit) by the nose and kick him in the arse.

[ September 26, 2003, 10:31 PM: Message edited by: Wildman ]

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Originally posted by Wildman:

Boo you ignorant twit....now THAT does have a ring to it.

Have you no sense of history, of lore, of smell...damnit who died in here.

A Blood Hamster is a call for control of a miscreant's signature line for 30 days, both players, (in this case the winner Me and the loser Boo you ignorant twit), place their sig line up as a side bet so to speak.

I can only assume your Berli's ex-squire, because only his distain for all thing pompous would allow your heinous lapse of tradition. I wouldn't be suprised if the Justicar starts the Inquisition on you and your former Kniggit. Then you'll have paid the piper for sure on that one, eh!

Now in true Blood Hamster tradition I call on a Knight of the Pool for a map, and a second Kniggit to place forces on said map for me to lead Boo (you ignorant twit) by the nose and kick him in the arse.

Dear Waldo-Man,

Yah, I know about Blood Hamster matches, but it's so much fun listening to you expound on everything and anything that I couldn't help but play the scamp.

Tell me again why the sky is blue?

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Originally posted by Herr Oberst:

Oh this could be just the thing to get me out of retirement... send me that map, so that I might put vile units upon it, all the better to watch Boo and Wildman writhe and thrash and gnash teeth like Gollum with an Elven rope about his neck...

On the way, enjoy.
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Originally posted by Herr Oberst:

Oh this could be just the thing to get me out of retirement... send me that map, so that I might put vile units upon it, all the better to watch Boo and Wildman writhe and thrash and gnash teeth like Gollum with an Elven rope about his neck...

Now that's something to look forward to.

LOTR Grog!
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