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Strategy? No, Luck? No, Stupidy? Hell Yes!

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Ok guys. Lets be men here (and if you are a girl, give me your number and a picture, hehe, what a guy!) Sometimes you just get out played in a battle but other times it seems like the other guy just gets lucky. His tanks kills yours first, even though you have stronger armor and devoted all your points to this one tank and really bet your life on this tank and now you lost your job because you lost the tank in the first move. Really, what im getting at, is how much of the game do you think is skill and how much luck? For example, before my one year off from cm, I played Swamp (remember him, he was very very good) I would always get into a good position and be about to pound his no good behind, when bam, I got wasted and he pounded me. Granted, I bought the wrong infantry and he had very strong infantry and i got raped. So it seems that really, im one of the best players, just am kinda dumb.

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Despite the fact that you are mocking yourself smile.gif , there is truth to Lady Luck in CM. Somedays you are up, somedays you are down. I have never been in war, but from the stories I read, Lady Luck works the same way in the real world. Just read some of those medal of honor stories and you will be well versed in the reality of luck.

And just so everyone knows, Lady Luck must support gay marriages because she never shows up for my battles on MY side of the field just because I dont support them!


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Originally posted by Michael emrys:

[QB] Who is General Goerge?

Dude, you must think goerge is spelled wrong and that I cant spell. Well for your information, im in college my friend, majoring in (well damn, i forgot) Goerge is like batman, he is a hero but does not exist. Goerge Pottan. Im not breaking any trademarks here. Im so clever.....dude get a job.

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Originally posted by Patton21:

even though you have stronger armor and devoted all your points to this one tank and really bet your life on this tank and now you lost your job because you lost the tank in the first move.

There is ur problem, right there. If you trust ur one "uber" tank instaed of getting several medium ones, well.. u deserve what u get.

BTW, going for the uber armour is typically a newbie thing.

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

I seem to play in cycles. I'll win a series of battles, no matter how well or poorly I'm playing. It's like I can do no wrong. Then I'll lose all my battles, as if I can do no right. Then I win again. It's very odd.

I always suspected you had a cycle.

You've been rather cranky lately, dear.

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Originally posted by Lars:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

I seem to play in cycles. I'll win a series of battles, no matter how well or poorly I'm playing. It's like I can do no wrong. Then I'll lose all my battles, as if I can do no right. Then I win again. It's very odd.

I always suspected you had a cycle.

You've been rather cranky lately, dear. </font>

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Since, even after nearly three years you are still a pathetic newby (as well as an abominable speller), I will pass on a couple of hints in the interest of making it a trifle more challenging for your opponents to beat the living crap out of you.

Just as in real life, there is a fair amount of chance in CM. That doesn't automatically mean that skill is irrelevant, just that you need a larger skill set, one that takes chance into consideration. As you have already been admonished, buying a single tank is like flipping a coin to decide whether or not to hang yourself this afternoon or buy a pizza. You place yourself at the mercy of chance, which may very well go against you. Or to put it another way, in CM a platoon of tanks can be very useful. A single tank is most often merely a large, expensive target. If you can only afford to buy a single tank, you would probably be better off getting more infantry or an FO (but don't, fer crissake, put him where he can get shot!).

In any game where chance plays an important role, including life BTW, you have to know what the odds are and try to arrange the odds in your favor. That doesn't guarantee you will always win, but you'll win more often than not. Buying one of anything and staking your strategy on it, means that you will be up the creek if anything bad happens to that one thing. And remember, your opponent will be trying really hard to arrange for something bad to happen. That's his job and he might be good at it. Or he might just get lucky. The point is, you have to have something in hand in case luck turns against you. If this were a real fight, you would want at a minimum to be able to extricate your force reasonably intact. In CM it means pulling off a Draw instead of a Total Defeat.


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To answer an above question about aggressive players.

I think it has alot to do with how you define aggressive play.

Simple aggressivness is bad.

Mindful and coordinated aggressivness can be good though. Instead of trying to explain this go to CMHQ and read some of Fionn's AARs. He successfully combines an aggresive stance in his mindset and tactics to create confusion and hesitation in his opponents. As I have played him I understand how dangerous this can be.

I do think aggressivness does introduce more dangers than a more passive approach but if you can recognize that and integrate those risks into your battle plan they can be overcome and accounted for, although there is a line between aggressive and just plain dumb.

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I tend to use a lot of infantry in cmbb, not much armor. The use of light machine guns right up with your infantry is key in cmbb, as well as some light support vehicles. In actuallity armor does not do much against infantry in cmbb, which is very nice as tanks only accounted for, if I remember right, 5% of WWII casualties. However, buying of one strong tank can indeed turn luck onto your side by taking out the enemy armor before he has a chance to take out your light support vehicles. As for saying heavy armor is newb, i think saying newb is newb. A heavy tank bought on the right map can do some major good. But, I agree, i would go with infantry and light on the arty, as in cmbb arty does not seem to play as much of a role as in cmbo.

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No such thing as luck.

Just laws of physics and being in the right(wrong) place at the right (wrong) time to take advantage of them (be taken advantage of).

If you leave your uberpanzer on the hilltop because you think that those (20-76)mm shells will just bounce off, then you deserve to get a "Gun Hit" and effectively lose it for that battle.

Conversely, if you use Shoot-n-Scoot, limited lanes of fire and good manuevers, you'll be in a position to get better shots off and foul up your oppenents defensive/offensive plans.

Like I said before, no such thing as luck. If you let yourself put in a position to have something bad happen, even if it's a .001% chance, it WILL happen.

Just don't be at the wrong place at the wrong time...

My $.02

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I disagree, even string theory claims there is some inherint randomness in all motion in space/time. These motions can be quantized and formed into formulas, but there is always so uncontrolled variable. So take it up a notch, tank combat does involve luck as it does involve nuclear particles. So there is "luck" involved. The whole point of this post was to get people thiking about how chance works in this game. Not about if I choose to by a large tank or not. You silly guys.

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Originally posted by Patton21:

Note to Michael emry, you are a bitter little man. Have we known each other for three years?

Considering your atrocious behaviour in the "gun hit" thread and the disgusting display of bad manners and immaturity you treated Bastables to, I think Emrys let you off easy. Certainly better than you deserve.
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