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I tried to challenge Peng, but all I got was an indecent proposal...

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Guest konrad
Originally posted by Leutnant Hortlund:

Maybe they are deep on some level for you or your artist friends, but we dont care about that deeper level.

So much noise Hortlund about nothing...

Get rid of that "we" ,and no ,I don't really like red wine.

With the rest ,stop being silly.

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Originally posted by Marlow:

Boo Boo – The’ve all left. Doesn’t really matter since the booze is gone as well.

Lard – NOOOOoooooooo. [collapses on the floor]

Boo Boo - So are the inflatable sheep.

Mace - NOOOOoooooooo. [collapses on the floor]

I would have collapsed the first time too.


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Okay, here goes.

I've decided, after a lot of thought and significant amounts of single-malt scotch, that it is time for someone to picj up where Lorak left off (no, Joe, not THAT, you prevert).

For those of you who've been here long enough to know what I am talking about*, send your input/ideas/scotch to my email this weekend. Hopefully, I will begin having more time to dedicate to this project next week.

If you're too new to know what I'm talking about, Sod Off!


*Yes, P.L., Berli, et al., this includes you!

[ May 09, 2003, 09:43 PM: Message edited by: MrSpkr ]

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Some updates of reprobates and their travailes.

Boggers is feeling a little bit under presure in our grim fight. Four assault guns at point-blank ranges are making his pixilations quiver mightily. You can feel the quiver in his bottom lip from a thousand miles away as he contemplates his doom.

Mala-koffskii is camping on a hill with his gamey German TD's. So original, so optimistic. Meanwhile his so-called tactics of 'tanks holding hands' as they motor around the map makes death by clumps much more probable. His infantry charge into a largish clump of trees, get stonked and curse their master for his incompetence. I wonder why he didn't see that coming....

MrSparkler has gone awol of late. Still posting, forgetting to send turns. Perhaps that bottom lip is still quivering as he views our last turn. Love those burning BT's, and the roasting infantry as they charge the galant defenders of the surrounded factory. Not to mention the wiped out platoon that got too close to our clever ambushers.

Ahh yes, I love it when a plan comes together - or somefink !

Dear OGSF , the knock-ed-kneed kilt defiler (he doesn't use toilet paper) has had an interuption to life. Apparently he's been looking for one for most of his breathing time on the planet, when one just got up and smacked him in the face. Turns are not forthcoming.

SpeedBump is motoring along large open maps, huddling his troops together for fear of somefink thats not there. It's an operation we are playing, and probably be finished in time for the new game.

None of the above are making the loath-meter creak. But most of them will register as a blip one day.


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I'm a fair man, simple in my wants, and democratic in my approach to the fact that a bag full of lemmings contributes as much to humanity as any single poster here, or any three posters on the General Forum.

So let me simply state that the next arsehole that posts a picture that makes me scroll back and forth endlessly simply to verify that idiocy isn't in short supply, will find that I can, if required, forego being the Nice One, and be a right nasty bastard instead.

Pictures have gotten out of hand. This has nothing to do with the Peng Challenge Thread. This affects the Board in general. Traditionally, threads that have excessive picture hosting tend to crash, cause overflows, and generally make UBB unhappy.

Practice restraint.

Now, please lay off lenakonrad. I do not believe the Dutch Pole is attempting to be disruptive. I am almost certain that we are seeing a new attempt at non-verbal communication from a sentience that is simply to 'other' for us too be completely comfortable with them.

Either that, or the bugger is so bloody whacked that he's channeling Nixon reading Carlos Castaneda books in hell.

Either way, there may be a message there that might be important for humanity to try and grasp. Unlikely as that may seem.

So, please cut the Pole a bit of slack while older, wiser, and more enlightened minds attempt to decipher his message. Minds, for example, that may have once climbed up into the mountains of Big Sur while on LSD. This despite the fact that said minds may have had an almost pathological fear of heights. And that, contrary to expectations, the LSD did notsmooth out the fear response.

Seriously, as soon as we find a mind that meets these criteria, lenakonrad's message of doom and/or hope will be revealed to the World. Or rather, to the Peng Challenge Thread, which is a bit like the world, in that it is a nasty, brutish place filled with egocentric lost souls, but differs in that none of them, so far as we can tell, actually hold public office or can commit a nation to war.

Seriously, people, the Olde Onesof the Peng Challenge Thread are attempting to decipher the pictograms of the lenakonrad, but it's more than a bit like attempting to decipher the Book of Revelations as barked by Lassie.

Now, I have further things to say to this exalted...that is, I have more to tell you lot of gibbering pillocks, but I've found that much more than half a Thread page is beyond the attention span of a lot of the 'raised on Ritalin' descendants of cocker spaniels, so I'll wrap this first communique up and move onto the next point.

[ May 10, 2003, 02:42 AM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]

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Originally posted by DUNDROY:

Who's hiding?

I may be a new member

But I only have one ID.

Yes indeed, lad, and its behaviour has so embarrased your Ego and Super-Ego that they've written to your folks for train money home just to get away from you.

We do not regard the Peng Challenge Thread as an 'infamous' place. A place where infamy dares to speak its name, certainly, and a famous place where only the yapping small dogs of no particular intellect attempt to stand out by acting out, but not an 'infamous' place.

The most commonly made mistake is to come in and hurl your own feces around like a dervish with no interest in achieving a higher state of consciousness.

These people are regarded as 'poseurs'.

For one thing, hastily and indiscriminately flung feces all too often end up in the beer of someone who's made a far greater contribution to the Peng Challenge Thread than you have.

It is this that serves as the basis for our rule:

Pick out an individual, and challenge them to a game by means of taunting, abuse, and good natured impugning of their very existence.

It's not that we don't want to experience every shade of your soul, nor explore the rich schema of your imagination, nor even forego the vivid textures of your being.

In fact, that's exactly what we do want.

What we don't want is halfwits coming in here and hopping around with their pants around their ankles while explaining in post after post that they're actually the Weather Vane of the Future, and that we should be suitably awed by the fact that even the wind wants to blow them.

Really, lad. You want to challenge Peng? I challenged Peng. It's what led to all this.

And what was the result? A Thread where people like you show up and behave like the really, really annoying and pretentious peasant-wannabe-warriour from 'The Seven Samurai'.

Oh, and the fact that every weekend, regular as clockwork, I receive the most brutal, vicious, and psychotic emails from MrPeng telling me about how much he hates me, and what he'll do to me if he ever gets his hands on me. So it hasn't been a complete waste of time.

However, if you want to piss on the same stump as the alpha wolves, rend bark as high as the big bears, or even just not yap like a sodding toy poodle, then consider the Path of Manifest Taunting, and pull together whatever shot-glass full of wit the gods endowed you with, and toss it down in a toast to someone here as your Challenge towards getting a game, mocking your betters, and announcing your presence with a spray of urine that makes the collected idiocy of the Peng Challenge Thread say:

"Damn! Did you see what that useless little bastard just did to my shoes?

Hey, I can see myself in the shine!"

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Guest konrad
Originally posted by Seanachai:

Traditionally, threads that have excessive picture hosting tend to crash, cause overflows, and generally make UBB unhappy.

Well ,certainly We will not like that.

No more pictures then.

Clue:there is no message , and not everything is about drugs.

Hortlund is a idiot ( but you all know about that)

Now ,if you excuse me ,I rather come back to my friends , artists , actors and other prostitutes . We will have some very deep conversations ,while we will have some opium and some red wine.

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Originally posted by Leutnant Hortlund:

Mom says I'm special.

Indeed. The only child for whom she'd registered a 'do not revive for any reason, no matter how minor the ailment or physical damage' order.

lenakonrad, you are being too quick to assume that we are incapable of deciphering your message of Universal Love/Eternal Damnation.

Simply slow the stream of images until our non-Polish minds are able to perceive the pattern that will make all things clear.

We are more than willing to cleanse the doors of our perception...

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Guest konrad
Originally posted by Leutnant Hortlund:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by lenakonrad:

Hortlund is a idiot

Mom says I'm special. </font>
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Originally posted by Leutnant Hortlund:

We could not care less. Here they are just a nucience. I think I speak for all of us when I say STOP POSTING PICTURES IN THE MBT

Christ I must be bored this morning, for I just spent over an hour reading all this crap.

Nothing much to respond to, which I guess is the reason so many have dropped from posting on the MBT.

That said, I am, if very careful, able to read the thread from work. (more of a quick scroll through) as my new boss doesn't like or allow us to use the internet for any kind of interaction that's not work related.

While having my coffee just the other morning I decided to have a quick peek at the MBT


Here was I trying to be discreet, eyes moving from side to side without moving my head, (in case the boss was approaching)and my bloody stoopid comp was having a fit on me.

I could see immediately what was causing the problem, a great BIG MASSIVE PIC posted by Konrad. I panicked and clicked every bloody button possible to rid my monitor of that.

Would it budge? Would it hell as like.....

My screen had frozen and what's more so had I...

I could hear someone approaching from my left (which is the direction of he who should be obeyed' office).

So what did I do? Pulling the plug would have been the obvious choice, but in my panic and fluster I spilled my bloody coffee all over the place. I looked around quickly and could see it was indeed THE boss who was coming my way.

**** I thought, only my second week in the job and I'm busted, and for what..... checking out this bloody mess of a thread.

Thankfully the coffee spilling was probably my saviour... as Colin, the guy in the booth next to me could see my distress and quickly ducked under my desk and switched off my comp just as the boss approached.

I was red faced, (first time in years) and felt like a naughty schoolgirl, (not the first time in years) ;) ...

It all work out great really, as if it had not been for the fact that I spilled my coffee then I would have been hard pressed as to finding a reason (with only secs to spare) for shutting down my comp.

So, thanks to my colleagues quick thinking he got me off the hook (this time)....

So Konrad unlike Hortland my reason for scolding you is much more justified ;) Naughty boy!!!

I would just like to say that Konrads little penguin pics cause me no trouble at all, in fact I find most of them quite amusing, they tend to fit in with a previous posters mewlings, which makes me laugh...

So Hortland sir Knight or whatever of the MBT you are not speaking for ALL of us when you say "STOP POSTING PICTURES IN THE MBT" ....

Even with my narrow escape I could still see the funny side..

No more MASSIVE pics though Konrad or next time I may really get busted... :eek:

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Guest konrad
Originally posted by Seanachai:

Simply slow the stream of images until our non-Polish minds are able to perceive the pattern that will make all things clear.

I thought yours (mostly) Americans minds are capable of fast thinking.I'm sorry ,I didn't consider the age.

Its a quiet surprising childhood can be difficult in Sweden .

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Guest konrad
Originally posted by Leutnant Hortlund:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by DUNDROY:

So Hortland sir Knight...

Hmm, this one might have potential.

Send me a setup. Something smallish...500p, village, 1944. </font>

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Originally posted by DUNDROY:

I panicked and clicked every bloody button possible to rid my monitor of that.

Would it budge? Would it hell as like.....

Except, of course, for the button that would simply shut off the monitor.

Every time a Brit posts something like this, you find yourself understanding how even the most inane combination of circumstances could convince 600 of them to charge to their death against emplaced artillery.

"How shall we ever open the magical door," pondered the wizard. "Aha! The knob!" he crowed in triumph, after several hours of intense thought.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Except, of course, for the button that would simply shut off the monitor.

Every time a Brit posts something like this, you find yourself understanding how even the most inane combination of circumstances could convince 600 of them to charge to their death against emplaced artillery.

"How shall we ever open the magical door," pondered the wizard. "Aha! The knob!" he crowed in triumph, after several hours of intense thought.

Ah but you see dear Gnome I was completely mortified at the thought of being caught that all reason simply left me.

I was as frozen as my monitor, and just sat there looking like the right prat I was.

Thanks for the advice though, next time I will just reach for the little "Knob" and sit looking at a blank screen.

That should do the trick.. ;)

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