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Battlefront, crank out some new games/patches/anything


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Hi Battlefront,

Hey, how about making some more online strategy games?

1) Take the original Squad Leader & just put it online. Should be rather easy. Turn based, with line of sight & combat charts.

2) Conquistador, another classic board game (well, paper board game). Very simple game, easy to write. With a computer, the players wouldn't have to roll 20+ attritions & count unit turn costs.

3) Civil War, you know the classic.

Anything, just transfer board classics into online fun! I don't understand why nobody can do this? SC is a classic, get SC-2 on the move. Heck, make something in a different genre.

Anybody got a classic board game brought to life for online play?

I hope SC-2 kicks ass. If you need some playtesting, let me know. I'll take the game to the limit.

Hubert, how about another patch? Fix the Suez one-way route. Allow online spectators, including a "smack" button smile.gif That should be easy enough. Call it the "Spectator Patch". If you're concerned about the cash, sell the patch! Pick yourself some cash on the way. Make some simple, online strategy games, crank out 3-5 of them in a year. Make some jack, that's what software is all about. "Other" gaming producer websites are overated! Korsun Pocket game of the year? Korsun Pocket should be called "took cash out of your Pocket". They didn't even make it live online play?

It's an amazing world. I've got a fancy computer, but the world makes 1st player junk, & strategy games that aren't even with online play. Come on Battlefront, make a half dozen online strategy games, just model after originals. Put some links online which say,"In development".

Hey, remember the Squad Leader scenario called "Hube's Pocket"?

Rambo needs REAL Squad Leader online >>>>> OUT

[ March 17, 2004, 01:57 AM: Message edited by: jon_j_rambo ]

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Ah good old Avalon Hill and Squad Leader - I've still got all the original SL modules and ASL. I'm with you on this one I would love to see ASL as a PC game.

Also how about Victory Games - Vietnam 1965-1975 and Pacific War (although I think Matrix games may have already got a version of this)

Hexagons rule OK.

Also I think anyone who read and understood all of the ASL Rules should receive a Diploma - if you have you'll know what I mean. smile.gif

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There are many classic boardgames out ...but i know only one simple one which is a PC Game..it´s axis and allies.

Similar games like Vietnam 1965-75 which is a great game ...if you catch up with the rules ;) is the "Operational Art of War I + II". This game can be played also PBEM and i think even online.

I know some others too but i dont have the name in my mind now....but i have them all :D

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The key is online play. This PBEM stuff is for the birds.

reiver --- Agreed about ASL, you need a lawyer, judge, & jury to figure stuff out. That's why it's a prime candidate for computer play, it takes care of LOS (Line of Sight). I live in Boise, Idaho, bring your game over & we can play a couple of games smile.gif Fun thing about SL, scenarios can take anywhere from 2 to 8 hours, allowing faster play. SC takes 20 hours in some cases.

DH --- Axis & Allies is a little too simple, there's no real strategy. Plus, the dice determine too much. But if you have any ideas, let me know.

I've got cash burning in pocket for whoever can get me online hex computer strategy games. What is wrong with this world? Fancy computers & nothing......fancy cable TV w/ 200+ channels, but garbage to watch.......can anybody bring back "real milkshaes" & country music?


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Prep Fire Phase. LOL

AH Squad Leader would rock for the PC. I got taken and bought a PC Game off Ebay that claimed it was Avalon Hills Squad Leader.

Was nothing like it. It was more like Victory Games Ambush. Which wasn't a bad game, but no squad leader. Of course the computer game was way too buggy.

Glad I only paid $10 for it new.

Sold all my squad leader stuff on ebay years ago. Never had time to play the table top games anymore. It was a huge collection.

If BF is looking for old board games to do for the PC, I think TSR/SPI's WWII European Theater game would be awesome. The revised edition.

That game made Third Reich look weak.

That was a great game. Perhaps BF should look at it, cause they could get some great ideas for SC2. EOT had everything.

Perhaps they already have. ;)

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Rambo ASL is already online, its played using the VASL software, if you have ASL, a computer and the interest, you are already all set, no need to wait smile.gif

Regarding making the SL game into an actual computer game, stop waiting, Hasborg won't let you.

Regarding other classic board games, Cyberboard and ADC2 as well as again VASL all allow these games to be played essentially speaking online against people.

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Rambonehead stop living in the past. Go with the future of wargames, HttR. Go to Battle HQ after you get the game and play TCP a guy named "Yakstock", he'll drum you like a stepchild and you'll like it. Better make sure you got a good graphics card and plenty of RAM though, hope you didn't scrimp on your PC purchase.

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I reviewed HTTR, it looks rather low end PentII 300 MHz type requirement.

Kinda lame boring 1 Battle game. Bahhhh. Where is a Grand Game with all the battles.

I also reviewed HQ, same as Gamespy and Zone. Bahhhh. Less players even...

Rise of nations is decent for a RTS... AOEConq2 is old getting boring. Empire Earth RTS has some amazing features, but don't buy the upgrades.

Europa Unversalis 2 is excellent and requires a lot of time, not RTS but runs very uniquely. Don't buy HOI or Victoria though, waste of cash, in fact any other Paradox game...

WW2online first person shooter beats out the dreadful battlefield 42 Packages that are so fake and gay you wanna throw up. There are several First Person Shooters out these days that are pretty good, but WW2online is massive and the #1.

There are several new RTS, no new War games or Board War Games, strategic games. The Old School still rules because Programmers are pretty gay. tongue.gif noone is making something for us old dogs aside from people like BattleFront. I shopped for nearly 10 years since COS for a game like that, SC was not just closest, but the only.

Of another 200 games I've demo'd or played, unless you like RP Games, the Market is Pathetic. I'm shocked some of us cannot program, we'd be rich on this this small 10,000 Fringe market. BF is really gonna pull in the cash if they do come out with several unique titles

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Les --- Yeah, I know that lame software is available, but it isn't the real thing. Thanks for mentioning it, but that is the point of computers, I don't want to own the physical board game.

Sea-Monkey-Spank --- I don't live in the past, I just demand what is good from the past. I'm a consumer who doesn't take garbage products & just smile. My computer rocks pal, 512 memory, 3.0 processor, 128 video card (not the onboard crap), & I have cable internet 1-Meg.

What website are you talking about? I did a search, not sure what you're talking about. What game? I'll play your little buddy & we'll see who has game.....what's her/his name? YanniYaz or whatever.

I've played all the new games by the way. Civilization, Civl War, Alpha Centuri, SimGolf or any other of those Sid Meier games. I've played the 1st player shooters....Medal of Honor (several versions), Call of Duty, etc.....I've played the Age of Empires series, America Old West game, whatever. Panzer General series is a bore. Axis & Allies is a simpleton game. Just a bunch overated games of who can click the fastest.

How about You & I in SC? "I want to know how "bad" you are. I want to know who tough you are. Just me & you" --- Principal speaking to Judd Nelsen in the movie Breakfast Club.

Rambo votes for some new games

Rambo votes for some SC-action against Spanky

Rambo votes with his cash as a consumer

Legend >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> OUT

[ March 17, 2004, 06:42 PM: Message edited by: jon_j_rambo ]

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Sorry you did not look closer. Of course this is an operational scale game in which the AI is very active against you and as your delegated sub-commander, hence the RAM. The map is a grid scale, imagine all the pixels with coordinates. One of the complaints is there is no campaign mode and hopefully that is being addressed. In the works is "Crete", "Battles from the Bulge", "Normandy" and then we turn East. The game flows very well with lots of units and optionally reduced micromangement and has a tactical feel with painfully realistic order delays. You really feel like a battlefield commander (Corps level is the highest), but if its not your cup of tea, sorry you missed it, to each his own.

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SeaMonkey, yeah I know there a couple Battle warfare games out there. One thing that interested me about Panzer General when I looked at it was the inclusion of so many battles in one, So that you get the feel of the War.

I always feel shortchanged from one battle I suppose. Very into full scale Fronts at the very least. Guess why I love Avalon Hill and SSI

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Agree with Skanvak. Then there are the microsoft series of games that are very similar to SL without ever saying as much. Those were good games in my view and I enjoyed playing them for a short period although I never did play against another human. Just the AI.

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As originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

Anything, just transfer board classics into online fun! I don't understand why nobody can do this?

Nor do I.

It's one of the truly great MYSTERIES

Yet unsolved

In the sacred Western World.

Why not?

ANY of those great old board-games?

ALL of that apparent brain-power.

ALL of the investment monies floating around

Out there, and... NO-ONE?? :eek:

Can re-turn to... the Classics?

For inspiration?

As we know, SC DOES indeed borrow a little here

And a mite there (... how could you NOT? It's

fairly limited just how far you might

stray from basic WW2 GS geographies)


It is also fresh and interesting and sound.

It's ALMOST as though... some game-designers

Are... AFRAID to center their Conquistadore

Quest for Oro opus Dei

Anywhere NEAR the old and golden Classics

For fear... they'll be accused of mimicry.


As with the situation involving Avalon Hill ... the old games are tied

In legalistic knots and/or hidden

Away by selfish patent-holders,

In the same way that wealthy patrons

Will "hide" fine art,

So that they ALONE can enjoy it.

Too bad.

But, surely there ARE some old board-games

In particular, that might indeed

Be translated to computer?

Yeah, there are a few companies, one in particular... Eagle Games that is putting

THEIR OWN board-games onto Computer,

Such as Age of Imperialism presently.

WHO! :cool:

CAN... no excuses, in the Excellence-demanding

rambo style... BUY

WHATEVER rights there are,

No matter how persistent you need be,

To... Advanced 3rd Reich

(... for example of only ONE

among MANY)...AND

Get that immaculate Classic

ONTO computer screen... please!

What's so hard? :confused:

[ March 18, 2004, 03:48 PM: Message edited by: Immer Etwas ]

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Two words: Civil War

Grand strategy using a system similar to SC.

Armies, cavalry, artillary, war ships, Generals.

Tech to improve any of the above or improve production. You have neutral states, foreign aid. This would work.

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There is a very nice series of tactical WWII games, similar to Squad Leader, by Talonsoft. They are: East Front II (1998), West Front (1998), Sea Lion (a West Front expansion pack), Rising Sun, (Pacific version 1999). They also made an Arab/Isreali version called Divided Ground (2001).

The units are platoon and section sized. There are leaders which affect morale, rallying and fire. The battles run from battalion sized to really large division sized. All major nations and many minor nations are included. There is practically every type of infantry, tank, gun, naval and air support unit included that ever did, or might have served.

There are campaigns in which you can have a personal leader that rises in rank, ability and can win medals, for as long as he lives. All of these games contain editors which permits the construction of new scenarios and campaigns.

Despite their age, they have good graphics, decent AI and run well on Windows XP.

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Originally posted by Dan Fenton:

There is a very nice series of tactical WWII games, similar to Squad Leader, by Talonsoft. They are: East Front II (1998), West Front (1998), Sea Lion (a West Front expansion pack), Rising Sun, (Pacific version 1999). They also made an Arab/Isreali version called Divided Ground (2001).

The units are platoon and section sized. There are leaders which affect morale, rallying and fire. The battles run from battalion sized to really large division sized. All major nations and many minor nations are included. There is practically every type of infantry, tank, gun, naval and air support unit included that ever did, or might have served.

There are campaigns in which you can have a personal leader that rises in rank, ability and can win medals, for as long as he lives. All of these games contain editors which permits the construction of new scenarios and campaigns.

Despite their age, they have good graphics, decent AI and run well on Windows XP.

Agree Completely the Talonsoft Campaign Series is one of the best ever.


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I liked the Talonsoft games, but what I'd really like to see Battlefront do is to use the Combat Mission mechanism to create games based on other periods of warfare.

How about using the mechanism to recreate 17th-19th century warfare. We could have the Thirty Years War, the wars of Louis XIV and XV, battles between the Turks and Christians in Europe, the American Revolution, the rise and fall of Napoleon, the Franco-Prussian war, etc, etc. (maybe not all in one game though!).

It'd be like transferring table top wargaming onto the computer (which is what I think Combat Mission has done for WWII).

I play table top wargames, and some of my fellow players have told me that they would be interested in computer games that have a stab at recreating history while being easy to play. A friend of mine recently bought Cossacks but passed it on to someone else pretty quickly, disappointed with its lack of historical accuracy. He had hoped for a game that would have allowed him to refight some of the battles and wars I've described above.

Turn based orders, with action packed videos, beats real time strategy any day of the week.

[ March 21, 2004, 03:37 PM: Message edited by: Bill101 ]

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Cometh the hour SCII (I am sick of seeing SC2, thought I would mix it up a little :cool: ) will be THE game. I live in a place called Patience and Hope.Yeah, it's a stange named town but it's a GOOD place. smile.gif

(Note to Self:Lurking for months on end may result in Immer Etwas style posts. Be aware of this. :D ).

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I'm all for some Civil War games. Ones that actually take in account some combat strategy. It seems the ones I've played lack strategy. Just click a clunk of guys in Virginia & see what happens (No flanking, no combination moves, no nothing). Or the other Civil War games are a bunch of clicking maintenance.

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