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So you want to be a Beta Tester? SC v1.07 Beta Released!

Hubert Cater

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As a unexpected surprise/service we are releasing (with limited fanfare) the current beta version of the SC 1.07 patch to the public. This Beta patch is for the full version of SC only.

This patch is being offered AS IS so you should be sure and backup your copy of SC before applying the patch. The patch is just over 3 megs in size. It includes a new executable and some new BMP files.

The purpose of this beta release to the public is to test the listed fixes (see below) and ensure no major lingering resolvable issues remain. Once we have confirmed that, patch 1.07 will be released as a full (non-beta) patch.

If you encounter issues with this patch related to the listed fixes below please post to this thread detailing what you see. If need be I will reply to the message and possibly request pictures or a save game file which demonstrates the issue.

BE ADVISED, there will not be any other new features to 1.07 so please refrain from asking for new stuff, rather we just want people to look over the patch and confirm that what we say is fixed is fixed. [smile]



Note: This patch announcement is intentionally being kept low key. Once the final 1.07 is released more widescale announcements will be made. Consider this the Mother of All Bones for our Forum Regulars...

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >

Strategic Command: European Theater Public Beta README

Since this release is a PUBLIC BETA release it is STRONGLY suggested you backup your current SC.exe file before applying this patch!

To install this self extracting patch just doubleclick the sc_patch107beta.exe file. The file defaults to install into C:\Program Files\Strategic Command. If that path is not correct you may browse to the current Strategic Command game directory. The patch will automatically extract and copy over the old files.

Changes Made For v1.07 (June 9, 2003)

- fixed Vichy France surrender issue after Paris falls

- fixed rare port control issue after the surrender of a country

- fixed DirectX compatability bug with newer Video Card drivers, newer drivers didn't like the previous implementation of DirectX within SC, caused some flickering/blackouts when traversing through various game screens/menus

- fixed Carrier intercept bug, defensive bonuses no longer affect losses

- fixed country surrender bug that would not recognize enemy unit control of resources like ports etc., i.e. should remain in enemy control instead of automatically being assigned to conquerer (as noticed by allied players after the fall of France)

- fixed sub spotting bug during AI and TCP/IP games

- fixed MPP bug for Usa and Italy when they are declared war upon, previous bidding would be overwritten

- fixed strength of Soviet Shaumyan Cruiser for Barbarossa, corrected to start at 10

- Yugoslavian Coup now has a greater link to Axis actions taken against Greece, can still happen if Greece not invaded but less likely

- US interest in war tweaked to also take into greater account attacks on Portugal and Iraq on top of the previous settings for Vichy, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland

- Spain tweaked to react to an Allied invasion of Portugal, may now join Axis

- slightly higher disinterest for US war entry when Allies attack neutral minors

- changed income for minors once either Germany or UK fall, minors will still collect for any remaining resources available

- added a 2 city supply system for the UK (London and Manchester) similar to 3 city supply system added in v1.06 for the USSR, counters gamey cutoff of London during Sea Lion

[ June 24, 2003, 01:10 PM: Message edited by: Hubert Cater ]

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You just can't imagine how overjoyed I was to see this post.

Ten thousand thank-yous!

BTW, I created a medals mod (it's on the SCHQ web site: rab_medals_mod.zip), and I thought you might be interested in using it, officially.

<sly Grin>

I've noticed that when the medals are altered during reinforcement, the new graphic simply over-writes the old one. If you would please, in the final release of 1.07 have that changed so that the old one is erased before the new one is writen?

I hope that it isn't a big deal. If so forget about it. Only if it wasn't too difficult.


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PATCH 1.07:

added a 2 city supply system for the UK (London and Manchester) similar to 3 city supply system added in v1.06 for the USSR, counters gamey cutoff of London during Sea Lion

Well, we've just finished a TCP/IP game iron ranger and me and in a Sealion Op. i cut london off and he said that he couldnt buy in manchester or in any city, only in london, he will send u the save. Is this a bug?

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Originally posted by Rabtherab:

BTW, I created a medals mod (it's on the SCHQ web site: rab_medals_mod.zip), and I thought you might be interested in using it, officially.

<sly Grin>

I've noticed that when the medals are altered during reinforcement, the new graphic simply over-writes the old one. If you would please, in the final release of 1.07 have that changed so that the old one is erased before the new one is writen?

I hope that it isn't a big deal. If so forget about it. Only if it wasn't too difficult.


Took a look at your medal mod, it's really nice :) Not sure if I'll have the chance to make the change you propose but I'll take a quick look and see what's involved.


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Originally posted by Codename Condor:

Well, we've just finished a TCP/IP game iron ranger and me and in a Sealion Op. i cut london off and he said that he couldnt buy in manchester or in any city, only in london, he will send u the save. Is this a bug?

Not a bug, part of the design. As you noticed in your tech post it is more or less to allow for a secondary supply source but not for production. I'll answer the tech question in more detail.


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My favorite correction in 1.07 is that the carrier/port/intercept bug is fixed. IMO the carrier/port bug was gamey, and I for one am glad to see it's history.

Experienced carriers are still valuable units when enhanced by long range air and jet advances, but they are no longer the super units of 1.06. The Allies will find they must now develop a long range strategy, rather than capitilizing tactically on an unintended flaw in game design.

Most games will now be decided in Russia, as they should be!

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Just took advantage of the patch this evening and the carrier bug was first on my list as well. Was very clean to be able to fight a true airwar without that interrupting. It kept Brest a contended spot all the way to the ocean and regular cruisers,Battleships and subs played their own role and the plot thickens! <also carriers are still very powerful! with tech>

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Just played patch as Allies vs AI. Invaded Portugal as normal with two US Armies supported by battleships and two carriers to conquer Portugal in one turn and gain the VP.

Spain joined the axis the following turn, in the past they never reacted, and Germany sent an air unit to Spain. Then Axis/Spanish forces waited while I landed more US units 3 turns later.

In multi-player games this change will surely liven things up.

All in all - a most welcome improvement.

[ April 13, 2003, 05:36 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]

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Thank you Hubert for the continued improvements. I've released my aggressions by wiping out the Allies a few times using the new patch and Bill Macon's "revised" 1939 scenario.

Here are the observations from three games as Axis vs. AI:

- fixed Carrier intercept bug, defensive bonuses no longer affect losses

>Yes, as far as I can tell.

- fixed country surrender bug that would not recognize enemy unit control of resources like ports etc., i.e. should remain in enemy control instead of automatically being assigned to conquerer (as noticed by allied players after the fall of France)

>Yes. I let the Canadians have the mine until post-surrender to test this. (They came all that way, after all).

- fixed strength of Soviet Shaumyan Cruiser for Barbarossa, corrected to start at 10

>Yes. Dammit...needs several air units to kill him off properly now.

- Yugoslavian Coup now has a greater link to Axis actions taken against Greece, can still happen if Greece not invaded but less likely

>Didn't invade Greece, Yugo still couped on schedule; but not enough data yet...

- added a 2 city supply system for the UK (London and Manchester) similar to 3 city supply system added in v1.06 for the USSR, counters gamey cutoff of London during Sea Lion

>Marginally more difficult to finish off Britain. But I've always just invaded in the south and slogged forward.

The AI also seems to be somewhat more aggressive/intelligent (though that may come from the different scenario or random factors.) He was very persistent about trying to invade France when the Russian battle was at its height--three attempts; on the third he kept sending in ships and transports as fast as I could air them into oblivion. And lots of Allied air support, too.

The Russians also seemed more intelligent about the Siberian army: Instead of frittering away the reserves piecemeal, they massed for a counter-attack. (Though in these games I attacked Stalingrad instead of heading to Rostov).

The overall strategy would have defeated the Axis if it had been timed a little better--the invasion of France actually started after the Russian counter attack had been got under control.

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So far, all v.107b changes and fixes seem to work as advertised. My favorite is also the fixed carrier-in-port bug.

The reduced chance of a Yugoslav coup does appear to apply if Greece is not attacked. I have encountered one case where there was no coup yet on the eve of Barbarossa.

Suggest that some fix for the "Italian Gambit" might be appropriate. My main problem with this gambit, as opposed to the Dutch gambit, is that there is very little counter-strategy available to the Axis against the 1st invasion turn devastation of the Italian Navy. A skillfully applied Italian gambit often results in the destruction of the entire Italian Fleet[minus a badly damaged ship or, at most, two ships}. Typically, the Italian Navy takes 1-2 hits on each of it's in-port ships from the invading, fully supplied, Allied corps, along with multiple ship attacks on the out-of-port ships. Further, the Italian Fleet survivors (if any) can only withdraw to Albania or Sicily, if they are lucky, since these ports may well be cut off by Allied ships.

If the Allies perform the double gambit, Axis diversion of forces counter the Italian invasion, can result in failure to crack the french Dyle River line in Belguim. Even if the Axis choose a massive response to retake the two Italian ports, these ports are out of commission as supply/repair points for at least 2 or 3 more turns.

By way of a fix, perhaps an increase in Italian DOW readiness to 100% could apply immediately after Allied transports appear on coastal hexes within invasion range of Venice and/or Bari? This proposed "fix" would not require additional Italian forces, however, I have no idea how difficult it might be to program.

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I would like to add my thanks to you Hubert for continuing to improve an excellant game. In the last few months I've spent too many nights trying to rewrite history instead of getting some much needed sleep for the next day of work. smile.gif Keep up the great work and I look forward to your future offerings.

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Interesting AI action with Neutral Yugoslavia declaring coup after Germany is at War with Russia, possibly due to no invasion of Greece?

Just played 4th game with 1.07 patch as Allies vs Axis.

Yugoslavia was neutral.

Germany positioned troops on German/Russian Border and had most minor Axis allies troops along with a few german troops on Yugoslavia border.

Russia mobilized for war.

Turn 1: Germany attacked Russia with troops on German / Russian Border.

Axis Troops on Yugoslavia border did not move.

Russia invaded Romania and took positions in mountains and held Russian/German border against weak german attack.

Turn 2: Germany continued attack in north but only moved 1 HQ to block advancing Russian army.

Other Six Axis troops on Yugoslavian border did not move.

Russia surrounded German HQ in Romania and advanced on capital of Romania.

Turn 3: Germany moved to counter Russian advance into Minor countries by creating corps and operating units to oil fields preventing Russian capture of capital, Yugoslavia coup occured.

With the Yugoslavian coup delayed in the new version perhaps, the AI should:

1) Invade Yugoslavia after neutrals have declared for Axis without waiting for coup after Russian readiness exceeds 80% or

2) Keep only 1 unit on Yugoslavian border after Russia mobilizes or Russian readiness exceeds 85% if Yugoslavia is still neutral.

PS: In this game by June 1942 Germany had Industrial Tech 3 and Italy had Anti-Tanks 2.

[ April 16, 2003, 12:39 AM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]

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