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chrisl and Mace...I have been trying to get runes scenario pack #4 to send you both of you bitches set up files. The link to the site doesn't seem to be working. Each of you send me a set up from the pack ASAP. Just choose anything you haven't played yet be I have played none of them. And two things that can be said about rune scenarios are that they are evel and they are balanced.

In case you don't want to take the time to look at my profile for my email address it is declanmac@aol.com.

I was up till well after 3am playing TCP/IP with Peng so my alcohol soaked brain isn't working well enough to create a scenario...so send something cowards.


"When they finally put you in the ground..I'll stand on your grave and tramp the dirt down" Elvis Costello

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Originally posted by Elvis:

chrisl and Mace...I have been trying to get runes scenario pack #4 to send you both of you bitches set up files.

Roger Roger!

I know Rune's scenarios well as I'm on his "Who want's to be a mug and test a scenario for me" team, but there's a few in pack 4 I haven't been involved with.

I'll send you the complete set tonight if you like, and the setup later in the week as I'll be going interstate for a couple of days (until the heat dies down, and the police stop raiding me at home).

so send something cowards.

As far as sending you a coward, would Hiram suffice?

Oh and dont get the idea I'm trying to be nice!

No, no!!

I still hope your chooks turn into Emus and kick your dunny door in.


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++serious mode on++

lorak take my game with hiram as a win for him if you wish, if such a sad example of a person wishes to claim the win he can. All i can say if I want harrassment, I'll go find some local Neonazis here in hannover to insult me, This child needs to find out how to treat fellow human beings.

ya what ever.. as for the rest of you.. what ever.. I'm so pissed off from virbal abuse you can say what you fecking want.. this guy pisses me off so much he must be this SS Pipers little brother. fecker..

++ serious mode off++

on other side.. some people are beating me in pbems.. big deal.. and some I am slaughtering in my pbems.. again big deal... jeez makes me want to give up comming to this board. you suck I suck.. but the biggest suck is Hiram.

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Hey Mace I'm going to send elvis a setup of "alls quiet", so pick something else.

I appear to beating the snot out of morse in Rest of the Red Devils, but it's only the first battle of seven, and he'll probably get a couple battalions of reinforcements, while I get none.

Meanwhile, the worm is on the other foot in my battle with the Lobbyist. I've been hearing nothing but "Help, help, save yourselves" and "They're slaughtering us" from his troops as they run screaming from the buildings.


"If you can taste the difference between caviar on a cracker and ketchup on a Kit-Kat while blindfolded, you have not had enough aquavit to be ready for lutefisk." (stolen from some web page about lutefisk)

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Moriarty and I have played to a draw in "Walk in the sun".

It was ugly for the good guys very early on in the game and I feel fortunate to have snuck out with a draw. Moriarty sucks but he has my number. I think I am 1/1/2 against him. Correct me if I'm Moriarty ya hammerhead.


"When they finally put you in the ground..I'll stand on your grave and tramp the dirt down" Elvis Costello

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Ill tidings to you all.

I am back from my week of Purgatorio, and an entire week without the internet. Among my many and unpleasant Herculean tasks, I had to actually speak face to face with foreigners to a great degree, and may I say that y'all should stick to e-mail. Or at least discover barbers and breath mints.

I have reviewed the contents of this and the "other" thread and concluded that there is more wit, humor, and insight inscribed on the side of a No. 2 pencil. Therefore, I am now entering a permanent state of hostilities with everyone, which is probably indistinguishable from our previous arrangements.

Those of you clever enough to have sent turns will get them back shortly, and will be damned sorry you did. Among the rest of you, Geier is easily the most reprehensible and should begin watching his icebox for the Narwhal of Doom to appear.

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You've no idea how much I weep with pity when I communicate with you 'people'. I'll send some flowers on to your family afterwards, but here is my communique on this sunny Monday.

Friday: Met up with the imported London pond scum residue (me being the only native among us!) for a wee dram. God, did I weep. They all look EXACTLY the same as their communal photo on Lorak's site, except for the Chupster. He seems to have lost SO much weight that when he turns side-on he disappears. That could have been the only way he could have got in the pub, the others resorting to bribery as they are not quite so financially challenged as the student.

Saturday: None of your God damn business.

Sunday: Sent some files and received some. A summation of which follows:

Aguilera Pontefract: I'm winning.

Chupster: I'm winning, inspite of the fact that he's cheating.

Croma: I'm winning.

Margo: I'm winning.

Whelpman: I'm winning, even though he has just brought on an entire battalion of King Tigers.

I'm missing one but can't for the life of me remember who. Not important I suppose.

Mace, you git, when are you drongos gonna take back Rolf? We've had enough of that bearded pervert poking around animals. Enough is enough. You Aussies are all the same.

Now go rot, all of you.


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Originally posted by stevetherat:

Croma: I'm winning.


Unless you've instigated some hostilities that you've yet to reveal to me, I think this is a pretty tall claim. I hold all 3 VLs and can see your boys hiding in the undergrowth. So, good sir rat, if you would be so kind as to arrest your skulking ways, and advance forward so that we may engage in battle, I would be much obliged. As it stands now, I most certainly have more men on your side of the road than you do, and I eagerly await the chance to spill your entrails on the ground for carrion animals to feast upon while they squawk my triumphant name in the clear, crisp night.


The New CessPool




Damn Croda. That is one funny sig!!!

must suck to be you - Hiram Sedai

Croda, you rock! - Meeks

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Originally posted by Mark IV:

Among the rest of you, Geier is easily the most reprehensible and should begin watching his icebox for the Narwhal of Doom to appear.

I'm your little slime eel of love baby. Let's dance.

Preferably premade and not, I repeat not, above 2000 pts.

In other graves: Andreas: Is dying a whole lot and has a full division of infantry

to waste. He is very very dead.

Moriarty: Lots of pwetty splosions and as you all guessed he feels durn insecure unless he has some CRACK panzers to drive around in. Extremely and totally and utterly dead.

Ethan: We just started Kommerscheidt which none of us has played. Looks fun. Apparently he has a Gooseberry in his OOB. Sounds awful.

French: Doesn't return files. Probably off running backwards somewhere as the French are wont of doing.

Sheepshagger: Is a wuss. I sent him a setup with detailed and intricate instructions that even most slugs could comprehend. They (the instructions, that is)consisted of one three-letter word, starting with "d" and ending with "ie". So what does he do? Accepts the challenge like a Manly Man and buys some troops with his left hand while gulping down G&T's with the other? Nooooo. He sends a reply filled with anxious questions like "What twoops will I pway with?", "Is it dawk?" and "Will this huwt-a-lot?".

Proving once and for all that all zew neelanders{edited by the State for accuracy} are lilly-livered panty-wasters better suited to serving tea at little girls parties and saying "O I am sorry sophy, i seemed to have spilt some orange on your dress" instead of hanging out with men.

The days of spending the winter brooding on who to kill in the spring is over. And if that's not progress, then what is?

Sod off,


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Originally posted by Elvis:

Peng - win

Elvis - loser

I may be mortal after all.

Mortal - you are among the dead. You took quite a shellacking from me my old friend. Does the word "Autosurrender" have any meaning to you?

Yes worms and things, Elvis AUTOSURRENDERED thats auto - surrendered. The game decided for him that he had had enough. Too dimwitted, too slow, too stubborn or too damn something to quit like a man, Elvis had the computer decide for him, when his gumchewers were at 12% global morale.

We did stomp on the terra, and with the stomping drove his various pieces parts into the soft carpet of pine needles in which his boys hid.

I beat him like a plastic drum. Mr Big Fat "I'm Invincible" Swelled Chowderheaded Bastard had the crap kicked out of him so bad that any boast he makes hereafter will be even more laughable than before. He is a chump and a braggart and the worst sort of disease bearing vermin.

I strongly urge each of you to send him a set up and blast the snot out of him. He isn't that tough and he's got the creativity of a retarded gnat, so if you do anything non-standard, he doesn't have a slightest clue how to counter it. I'm not talkin gamey tactics here, just a little twist to a standard assault will have him digging in his nose for ideas and scratching his arse in bewilderment when you capture what remains of his boys.

Tear him up.



That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable

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Originally posted by MrPeng:

That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable

Love the sig. Still despising you, however, and Elvis as well, for even knowing you. And both of you for drinking with Hiram.

Perhaps I'll add you both to my Kill Everybody list. Perhaps not. I'll have to drink a bunch tonight and see what feels right.

Apparently Hiram and mensch have had some sort of tiff resulting in Hiram's demise, and an intensification of mensch's psychosis? Splendid.

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Originally posted by Mark IV:

Apparently Hiram and mensch have had some sort of tiff resulting in Hiram's demise, and an intensification of mensch's psychosis? Splendid.

hey markymarkIV.. how bout I take your kitty cat and ramm it up your pipe! You and your fish can go play with your little red wagon too! But I figured you could not punch your way out of a steam walled room...so figured eating cheeze will be hard for you.

go play in a plasma reactor will you. If I give you a condom go play with your pal Seanachai, will you leave me alone?

[This message has been edited by mensch (edited 02-19-2001).]

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OK, well this is good news. Gaia, Earth Mother has broken radio silence and actually flung a bit of goo. Poorly written, pathetically conceived and entirely without merit, but he managed to tap out a word or two with his tappity fingers for our reading pleasure. And what could be finer than that?

More about Elvis; in a private whine to me he complained bitterly that the game was obviously stacked against him and fraudulent because I set the parameters. To that I can only say that while many may see no purpose to his life other than to whine about CM and beg his good wife for food and favors, it is clear to me that its (his life's) purpose is to serve as some sort of warning to others.

I'll leave it to your various defective imaginations as to what the warning may be. Although I must confess that my favorite interpretation of Elvis' purpose is to serve as refutation of the Catholic Church's bans on contraception and abortion.



That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable

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Originally posted by Goanna:

Get on to the National Enquirer folks, because isn’t Moriarty the long lost love-child of John Wayne Gacy. Apparently old clown face was rogering more than just young boys in the basement.

I would just like to state for the record that I am not and never have been JWG's love child.

We were just friends.

And the photo that Slowanna refers to obviously was the result of poor image making with an obvious wide angle lens on the part of blousemouse. Photographers always are looking to show people in the worst possible way.


"Why don't you say something righteous and hopeful for a change." -- Oddball

"Crap." -- Moriarty

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Originally posted by Moriarty:

And the photo that Slowanna refers to obviously was the result of poor image making with an obvious wide angle lens on the part of blousemouse. Photographers always are looking to show people in the worst possible way.

We like to call it art.

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Umm where sould I begin...

Ahh yes,

It was a Dark and stormy night, and all of you really, really suck. Not in the friend inspiring "man, do you suck or what?" kind of way.. I mean "YOU SUCK !" as in the "I wish you were attacked by a crazy sick one legged man driving a lawn mower with a rusty chainsaw kind of suck". You are all worthless little gits without enough sense to pull up your pants as you shamble and trip overyourselves trying to run away from the neighbors dog you just took advantage of.

Damn sad really.

To top things off work sucks and they are forcing me to work 12 hour days for the next two weeks. This is not so bad in itself... but it does leave me more time to sit and thinnk about the rest of you, and how badly I want to see you ran over by a clown car running from a convience store hold-up.

Tome updates:







PeterNZ-3 wins

Mensch-3 loses



Now you can have a "warm glass of shut the hell up."

Lorak the loathed


"Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats



and for Kitty's sake


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Oh a friendly announcment.

I'm not sure how many of you are on the list for the Combat Mission Listbot.

But an e-mail went out today asking for comfirmation for the upcomming CMMC.

I would like to take this time to say that most of you should give this project a little bit of thought.

While the campaign is large and it does take a bit of time to get the hang of.. I think the project will be well worth it.

I'm not sure how many of you guys originaly signed up for it, or how many of you might have been involved with the CPX. Or have even followed it.

I just thought I would post here and give you my belief that most if not all of you would really enjoy this.

If you are interested you can send Matt Hyra and e-mail at citizen@wizards.com He is personal director.

If any of you would like a copy of the e-mail just drop me a line or reply here and I'll forward a copy to you.



"Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats



and for Kitty's sake


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Originally posted by mensch:

...go play with your pal Seanachai, will you leave me alone?

[This message has been edited by mensch (edited 02-19-2001).]

Madmensch, I feel that something is troubling you. Your recent remarks seem to indicate a less than jocular tone. Perhaps an email attachment of me singing a medley of Disney tunes would make you feel better? Confess, child, you are unhappy. But you are never alone, Mensch. We are always with you.


Tremble, tyrants and you perfidious opprobrium of all the parties,

Tremblez! your parricidal projects finally will receive their prices!

But these sanguinary despots, But these accomplices of Berli,

All these tigers which, without pity, Bauhaus the centre of their mother!

We will enter the career When our elder is not there any more,

We will find there their dust And the trace of their virtues

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I am slightly drunk again, and make no appologies for it and my errors in syntax and spelling since i spent the evening with someone cuter than any of you find in your bset porn mags. O, she of the tiny miniskirt and sexy legs who likes to cuddle. *sigh* Yes, even ChupaBoySlim who has, it seems, finally had sex with someone who was even willing, yes, she was cuter than anyone you've had and an evening getting her and me drunk was better than any night of random humping of passing simian descendents.

Well on to other news. I ask myself, why am i here? Is it because I seek some approval from that fawning fool Sneezy? I'm not sure if he plays games or simply masturbates over a copy of Eliott. I'd guess the latter from the slightly repulsive nature of his posts and the fact that I try and keep away from them and him as much as possible.

Perhaps it is because, Lorak, I have trounced Dalem in a battle, 87-13, or perhaps it is simply because your existence prooves my innate supperioirty (yes, I have also beaten Elvis and GermanGeriatric in my time).

Stevethehippie, what I 'smoke', as you put it, is simply no concern of yours. If you are really so inquisitive, I will tell you I gently roast new CMers over a slow fire and enjoy their screams, pathetic charges of my pickets and foolish use of Armor. As far as I can tell, I would enjoy smoking you. Meeting you was appauling, most farts I've had bring me more pleasure and satisfaction, even the wet ones. Please refrain from being a long-haired bum in the future. And pass your busty girlfriend to someone who can show her what a real man is like. Apparently Chupagit would think that's him since he finally worked out what his willy is for, (ie. sticking in women, not wall sockets, under the matress for a rainy day or in other boys bottoms).

While we're on the topic of StevetheGit I am pleased to declare he bought more than his share of of alcohol on Friday, which means I owe him jack and ****e, because he works in ADVERTISING! Yes, he is a complete bastard who deserves us in London to demand, weekly, at least two rounds in tax from him. Thusly, he shall always buy the first round from now on.

That being said, he is almost human, and so i think StevetheGit should be my squire and thus, proceed eventually to full knigithood. What say you idiots? I will of course, require a setup from the fool, assuming he is capable of diverting his mind from porn sites and Chupadork with whom he seems to have an unatural fixation. As in a lightbulb to it's socket. Yes, I think he needs to be screwed in to be turned on in his mind.

Dalem I believe that, as they say in your end of the world, "I own your ass". Now, calm down Croda, you're still my cupboard wench, I mean, I OWN YOUR SIG FILE! From now on Dalem's Sig shall read..




I hope you enjoy it Dalem it is most appropriate.

Damn, I have to talk about the swedes now. Damn you Geier, you are dull. Today I farted and gained more pleasure out of the exchange between my anus and the chair than I have out of any conversation with you so far. You are insipid and a worm. Why aren't you at the bottom of a tequila bottle where i can study you when smashed, pick your bloated corpse out and devour you whole as some kind of party trick? Instead you are capable of using a keyboard and like some sodden worm see fit to dribble a little and squirm. Your alcohol soaked and bloated corpse should be rolling between my teeth as I chew and gain party favours. Perhaps that is really your role in life, a brief star in a meaningless melodrama. Mr Worm. Please go away.

I tried the first time but you lost that game. The second time you send me a file with NO CLUE as to whether I was attacking, defending, picking my own arse (Which I am suspicious is the kind of battle you'd enjoy), and you query me for having you up about it? Well I am sorry Mr "Sweden really is a country, not a collection of drugged out Abba fans bent on converting the world to Social Justice", but SOME OF US KNOW HOW TO PLAY THIS GAME AND CHOOSE FORCES FOR A BATTLE. Others, like "o us swedes can drink more than insane tea party monkeys who after years of circus service seem more apt at throwing jis at the audience, aren't we clever", just seem to buy random stuff and chortle because it is hidden most of the game, and, therefore, implying a victory when we 'loose' the game file.

I spit on you and Sweden. What a silly country. Once it rulled Europe, now it is a country whose claim to Fame is poor pop groups and a snooty attitude at the UN. Please, get a decent flag, Every time I see the long yellow streak I feel like peeing. Soon I shall be, I hope, close enough to a Swedish flag to bring my loathing together and Pee on that silly yellow cross. Please hurry and make your country interesting. I fear the rest of the world will get as bored of it as I have and just remove it from the map lest it collapse in a black-hole of dullness and suck all the usefull tools like politicians and lawyers from our real countries. Then the rest of us will be forced to do those menial service tasks.

I feel, Geier I must hammer this point home some more. Otherwise, like CavScout, you may ignore the fact that you are a pillock. I have yet to be impressed with the swedes. Most are dull. Dr Alimanretardo avoids that by having a comic goatee which makes whatever he says slightly laughable. Since you are not comic or foolish, just dull like the rest of Sweden, I plead on behalf of the Peng thread to please, please be interesting! You are representing your country here. You lack the empty rugged manlyness of Norway and the insane drunked stop-tanks-with-a-toothpick nature of Finland. What are you? You are the New Jersey of Europe. Most people ignore you when possible. The rest of the time. They yawn.

Mr Peng what is up? You are being dull. Please stop. Every day respect oozes from me like the stuff from between the legs of Chupagits Miss Last Week. It's not pleasant. Could it be that people like Geier have bored you to death? Or that wadding through Sneezy's posts removes the will to live? If so, I understand your predicament and suggest getting drunk as the only means to escape The Droll.


This is a subsection of it's own. So Hiram was a nob by ICQ. I expect nothing less of the good boy. He is well trained by us poolers. Your lack of ability to 'DEAL' is disapoiting. What you should have said to him is "i'm going to slap yo byotch ass whitey!" and proceeded to best him in mortal combat. At least you had the grace to loose to me three times (maybe 4 soon) in a row.

In conclussion, god you lot are so disapointing. Not in the 'oo look yuo all are stink' manner as most of you post, but in the "what a waste of Peng" you have all become. Even Peng is a shadow of Peng these days, and God forbid I use the abomination that is Croda's attempt at a peng board. It's like taking ebola and putting it in a secure lab, where's the fun in spreading it around then? Which reminds me, please die some more Croda, I like gloating.

On that note

piss off



"What do I care, I got laid last week" - Chupacabra

"Bjorn again are really quite good!" - Germanboy

[This message has been edited by PeterNZer (edited 02-19-2001).]

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