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Achtung Hamster!!!

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Warning: If you go to the above link and have your sound switched on the tune may get inside your head.

There are still people in this office whistling that tune now.

I may shoot them soon. (Calm down, I mean the whistlers not the hamsters. smile.gif )

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>With a name like "I/O error" your chances of getting anywhere near my "pants" are slim (pun intended) and none.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Each to their own of course, but I fail to see how this could be construed as offensive. After I/O Error made a comment (in slightly bad taste) about "getting in her pants", he should hardly be surprised to have Kitty respond as she did. Actually I thought it was pretty clever, but then I may have been in the CessPool too long smile.gif

As to the original topic, not to worry Kitty, there are always fools out there and you know what they say ... "it's impossible to make anything foolproof because fools are so ingenious."

Finally, I'll take you at your word that you are female and, lacking evidence to the contrary, that the photo on your site is actually you ... which makes me wonder what you are doing hanging around this bunch of losers (I include myself in that category, of course) smile.gif


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Wargamers are not losers. We're the best and the brightest. Kitty is too. She definitely comes from a superior gene pool. She likes this site because she likes the game and us, in general. She probably likes interacting with men in a safe environment. She may even be studying us in an attempt to understand the male mind. Ain't that right, Kitty?

Shatter asks if we are just being nice to Kitty because she's a "babe". I don't think she's given anyone a reason NOT to be nice to her. Even if she did, I would still be nice to her. She IS a "babe" after all. smile.gif

Now Kitty, how about a PBEM game? I'm really interested in an intelligent female's grasp of WWII tactics. Be forewarned, I will not be nice to you on the battlefield. I will do my utmost to crush your cute little hamsters.


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It seems to me that if the hamster mods are too irreverent, then simulating WWII as a "game" would be just as irreverent.

Keep up the good work, Kitty, and let "Andy" stew in his own juices.



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Nice little train, there, Dar. (It took me a little while to see it though.)

And Kitty: in case I forgot to mention it to you earlier, your mods & site will be among those profiled in a "mods" article I am now finishing up for Bob Mayer of CGO. It'll be in a section called "The lighter side of CM." wink.gif

Bob himself heartily endorsed profiling your work. biggrin.gif

[This message has been edited by Spook (edited 01-04-2001).]

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Keep up the good work, Kitty, and keep the mods coming. I dig the hamsters and the Tiger is looking good!

I thank God every day that idiots like "Andy" are generally outnumbered by more reasonable (and less brittle!) people.

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Guest Lord General MB


Here we go again! Why can't you all stop flogging dead horses?

Sarcasim ON

Hamsters in CMBO has been discussed to death and I for one can't take much more of this! Kitty's work may be funny...(hehe)....but at the same time it is offence to me because I'm an uptight little prick. My ego is so huge I have trubble getting air properly. Listen to this sample of my breathing: "OOOOOOOOOH......HA! OOOOOOOOOH......HA!" I blame this on Kitty's web site! Lets get the virtaul mob together and burn it down!

Sarcasam OFF

Just go to the web site, have a laugh, then shut up.



Lord General Mr. Bill

Supreme Commander

1st Army

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I never had much simpathy for those that went around with corn cobs stuck up their asses anyway.


Hell, it's proably the same kid that started the recent (12-23-00) "Dead bodes" thread. What a hypocrit that kid was.

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Guest SS Peiper

Kitty I think your mods and site are great, smile.gif, Now how about talking to my wife so she will get into CMBO smile.gif Well on second thought never mind, if she starts to play I might not ever get to play smile.gifor use my PC

SS Peiper

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Spook:

Nice little train, there, Dar. (It took me a little while to see it though.)

And Kitty: in case I forgot to mention it to you earlier, your mods & site will be among those profiled in a "mods" article I am now finishing up for Bob Mayer of CGO. It'll be in a section called "The lighter side of CM." ;)

Bob himself heartily endorsed profiling your work. :D

[This message has been edited by Spook (edited 01-04-2001).]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Cool. =) He sent me an email a while back asking where he could d/l them. Thanks for including me. =)



ICQ 8273286


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I hope everyone got the sarcasm in my post on the guestbook. I am pretty darned sure that that King Tiger wasn't Brown Dye #23, probably a lot closer to #24 smile.gif . Alhough I don't use your Hampster mod, (because my opponents make me laugh enough when playing CM) I will definitely use your Tiger mod. smile.gif

I am pretty sure that all those loser 'delinquints' (ie. NON-CM delinquints that is!) who frequent your website are just pissed that the site was only about Hampsters crawling down foxholes, and not other oraphus'. The best way to get rid of these guys is to drive them out with ridicule, unless that's what gets them off, then you drive them off with police. redface.gif

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I mean, to make it clear, check out Vomitmeister's post up above:

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>originally posted by Vomitmeister:


In my opinion, you did nothing wrong. If anyone should get reemed, it should be Shatter for taking this topic back into the gutter with the sexist remarks. You were just responding to those remarks with what amounts to a "Who cares what sex she is?"<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

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Guest Andrew Hedges

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Tom Callmeyer:

Anyway - Andy can't spell<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I don't usually pick on people for their spelling, but his is sort of beyond the pale. I mean, if the point of his scribblings is that veterans would be offended by hamsters, you'd think he'd be able to avoid writing words like "verteran" and "hampster," particularly as the correct spelling of hamster is featured prominently on Kitty's site.

And what the heck is "comparisable?" Sounds like...Hamsterese. Maybe "Andy" is really a self-hating hamster. If so, he deserves our pity, not our scorn. Ahh, maybe not.

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I/O error;

Personaly I feel a lot of you here are in error. Maybe being a member of the cesspool has tainted my view of things...

But why did anyone get upset? Not one to speak for Kitty(she does fine on her own) but I think most of you missed all the humor and just jumped to conclusions.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>by shatter:

Are all you guys being so nice to Kitty, because she is one HOT BABE??? TELL THE TRUTH.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Obviously ment in humor, even if bad.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>by I/O error:

Considering I do not know her, have no idea where she lives, and only have third-party knowledge saying she is female, I can safely say that I was not simply being nice to get in her pants. biggrin.gif<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Obviously once again ment in humor, even attached a smilie at the end.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>by Kitty:

With a name like "I/O error" your chances of getting anywhere near my "pants" are slim (pun intended) and none. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Now this I found really funny! I believe what she was saying is with a name like "I/O error" you must be a geek. Hence you stand no chance with her.

Sadly You must really be a geek not to have caught on to that. I should know.. we can smell our own.

Sorry I felt I had to post this due to the fact that it seemed like people were getting upset over nothing. Go back and read the post again, I would think you should be able to see the humor in them.



"Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats



Lorak's FTX

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Vomitmeister:


In my opinion, you did nothing wrong. If anyone should get reemed, it should be Shatter for taking this topic back into the gutter with the sexist remarks. You were just responding to those remarks with what amounts to a "Who cares what sex she is?"<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


I said know such remark, I just happend to be complementing Kitty, for her looks.

Is there a problem with that. Can and man not complement a lady on her looks, without someone accusing you of sexual remarks.

A similar situation happend a couple weeks ago to me. I was at Home Depot, and a hottie walk by with a look in my derection. So I took it upon myself to introduce myself. So we are talking for about 10 mins. Things like, where do live, dating or married, were you go to school(college) and so on. About that time an employee comes up and tells me I have to leave. Some old bag (who can't get any, because she is nasty as hell) told the front desk that she overheard our conversation, and it was making her feel uncomfortable. I felt like an idiot, so left with out a seen. Now I am not saying to any above, this is your case. Just relax, Kitty did not seem to be offended, so why should you. Or is their something us men should know about you, just a joke biggrin.gif

[This message has been edited by Shatter (edited 01-05-2001).]

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