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The Master, Margarita and the Peng Challenge thread

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Lorak, please stricken the name of Juardis from your roll. MrSpkr, thank you for taking me as a squire. May you live long and prosper. Berli and bauhaus, I apologize for whatever I did to piss you guys off. Mensch, no need to return our battle. Lars, I already surrendered in ArtyFest 45. I have no desire to continue that particular battle. Good luck to you as well.

Mr. Shaw, I know you said stick around if you dare venture in here, but I no longer have the heart to continue abusing or getting abused in here. Thank you to you as well.

p.s., I don't hate signatures, I just don't use them.

Jeff Abbott

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Yes, I'm still here.

No, I haven't done your turn.

Yes, I know it's been my turn forever.

No, I haven't stopped hating you.

Yes, I hate you with a passion as fierce as the passion Mace feels when he sees a suggestively-shaped pile of cotton balls.

No, I'm not done with my grindingly-stupid scenario Croda's Escape.

Yes, it's based on the Sturmkompanie vs. 100 Bazookas thread.

No, you can sod off now.

Yes, sod off.

Agua Perdido

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Ok, correct me if I'm wrong, Seanachai recommended you, I said aye, and Peng said aye... what the Hell else do you want? A freakin' brass band?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Oooohhh, COULD I? No wait ... BAGPIPES! Yeah, Pipes and Drums ... Scotland Forever! It'll be cool, we can have a few beers and break open a watermelon or two, then you can introduce me to the Miss Justicar Confirmation Day (she's the redhead right?) and I'll take her aside and explain her ... uh ... duties.

{sigh nah, as Justicar Designate it would be inappropriate to do that before Lorak makes it official.


But maybe AFTER?


p.s. Juardis I'm sorry to hear that ... of course it means that my loyal and trustworthy squire Lars HAS TRIUMPHED! Say Lars ... does that make it FIVE? Is it now Sir Lars we need to be addressing ... well LORAK?


[ 09-14-2001: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]

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Juardis, sorry to see you go, but I understand how you feel. If it makes you feel any better, your last rocket barrage wiped out about a company and a half of troops.

Lorak, mark the tome if you have the time.

In other news,

CMplayer and I have converted our current game of ”A Long and Bloody Mile” to a Blood Hamster match due to MrSpkr’s stunningly poor grasp of operational intelligence keeping. Strike that. His stunningly poor grasp of intelligence. After this and the failure of your Squire, MrSpkr, you have moved up on the short list.

Stalin’s Organ is quickly closing in on the wire of ”Crodaburg”. The defenders are waiting to see if he can manage to handle a pair of tin snips.

Buzzsaw is slowly closing in on the wire of ”Crodaburg”. The defenders are waiting to see if he can manage much of anything.

Now, do any of you three want to surrender while there’s still time?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lars:

Juardis, sorry to see you go, but I understand how you feel<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I'll second that. Come back around later when your loathing of your fellow humans returns.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>CMplayer and I have converted our current game of ”A Long and Bloody Mile” to a Blood Hamster match due to MrSpkr’s stunning grasp of operational intelligence keeping.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Is it MY fault that your troops were too stupid to count the tanks that are . . . HELLO . . . all visible at the start of the engagement? Is it MY fault that you were dim enough to think that the German forces wouldn't have any AA or AT assets? Don't blame me for revealing information a halfway competent player should have learned . . . oh . . . I see . . . Well, no accounting for that, is there?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrSpkr:

Is it MY fault that your troops were too stupid to count the tanks that are . . . HELLO . . . all visible at the start of the engagement? Is it MY fault that you were dim enough to think that the German forces wouldn't have any AA or AT assets? Don't blame me for revealing information a halfway competent player should have learned . . . oh . . . I see . . . Well, no accounting for that, is there?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I'm the Germans.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>PawBroon wrote:

Does that mean we are no more under the threat of having to cope with Threads dealing with paved roads and lack of 6 liners in downtown Glasgow?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

It wasn't Glasgow, in the UK we say town centre not downtown, and I've no idea what a 6 liner is, but otherwise, yeah. Unless you stray onto my CM web page, where there is a link to the thread in question.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrPeng:


just take the damn title for chrissakes<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Ah, that sums it up then.

Joe Shaw, Ole Foul Joe, is the Justicar of the Peng Challenge Thread.

Lorak, use a nice font to note it down. There's a good chap.

Now, Shaw, get one of your justiciary lackeys on the hop and organize a round of homecoming beers for everyone.

One of the SSNs has been around while we were gone and cleaned out all the empties, doubtless in hopes of making some pocket change by recycling. Place looks naked without empties rolling around under foot, tripping up Serfs and such. Ghastly.

We should tip a few for being back, and, well, for 'Absent friends.' We'll let it go at that.

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Great, Joe Shaw has made as the orfice-al Enforcer of all things wholey,and partially Holy to the pond. What better choice? Joe Shaw will do a great job at making those that are innocent confess so that we might enjoy a hanging.

I offer my Piss-Boy Seal of Approal ,or PBSoP for short. Let the Witch hunt begin.

von shrad

(insert faith here) Bless America and Her Allies.

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Didn't Lorak say he was leaving the country for a week? Dare we hope that maybe he can't get back!!! And if Lorak doesn't get back, Tailgasser Joe doesn't get his ill-deserved new title!! Hooray!!

Also, as I recall, Panzer Leader promised to leave, and now he's back here talking about staying or somefink. And Agua Perdido, just follow poor Juardis on out the door. Thanks very much.

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yeah what the hell, why is that fartknocking ratbastard PL still hanging around? I am sick to death of having to scroll past his idiot drivel every damn day of my pathetic life. now scrolling past a Lawyer post is energy well spent, and I've actually paid several american dollars for the priveledge of scrolling past a seanachump or gassyjoepshaw post, but all this rolling the wheel on the mouse for mouse is far too much for me to bear. I mean the last thing I ever read of that worthless sac of spit's was the one where he was all maudlin and teary and self pitying and swilling Capt Morgan's Spiced Rum (which in itself is enough to make those persons and pods of good taste despair for the sanctity {huhuhuh... I wrote "tity"} of the 'pool.

So why the hell is the little pissant mouse still posting? feh.


mad as hell

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Originally posted by Leeo :

I love you all so much and hope to be like you soon. XXXXX's and OOOOO's. Smooch. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Flattery will get you nowhere. Unless it is with my sister and then it will also take the larger bottle of BoonesFarm and a Pig Platter from the 'Hoggert Eatery'. Then you are in.

She's quite the catch and nothing is too good for her, Miss Cleo .

von shrad

[ 09-14-2001: Message edited by: von shrad ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by von shrad:

Flattery will get you nowhere. Unless it is with my sister and then it will also take the larger bottle of BoonesFarm and a Pig Platter from the 'Hoggert Eatery'. Then you are in.

She's quite the catch and nothing is too good for her, Miss Cleo .

von shrad

[ 09-14-2001: Message edited by: von shrad ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Well, that bugger Shrad must be on the mend, as he's posting almost non-stop.

However, it is my belief that there is no 'von Shrad sister', that the accusations of easy virtue in the wake of cheap pseudo-wine and butcher's offal are an invention, and that the said tendering of an opportunity to spend time with Shrad's putative 'sister' are so much marsh gas.

I thought this needed to be said before any of you, such as Leeo, became too hopeful.

Also, it is to be noted that no creature over the age of 19 can actually drink Boone's Farm (except in the deep south, where the cut-off is 26), that it is fit only for cleaning toilets, and that even that use is at second hand, when it is applied orally.

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Aye, I have been found to be a fraud. Can I help it. I only wanted Leeo to feel that there is in fact someone out there for him.

Anyhow, she is like a sister. Except she doesn't leave the seat down.

BTW, I thought you were eaten by Mace or was that mice? Ah, what's the difference?

von shrad- Goanna's match maker

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>However, it is my belief that there is no 'von Shrad sister', that the accusations of easy virtue in the wake of cheap pseudo-wine and butcher's offal are an invention ...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> On the other hand (the middle one, unless I miss my guess) it is entirely possible that she DOES exist but is even more hideous than one would normally expect of a sister of Von Shrad. Further I expect that she is NOT of easy virtue but is one of those obnoxious types who has warped ideas of what's right. "ExCUSE me, I don't think your hand beLONGS there!" {snork}* Oh my, I've just given Leeo hope again haven't I.


*imagine an act involving a quantity of nasal discharge and a forearm.

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It's nice to have the pool back, and without having anyone sneak any chlorine into it or anything while it was closed. I hope everyone is well, except of course for you lot.

Game updates:

dalem is watching things using a hercules card or something, and it's affecting his game. I think the aliasing is causing his artillery aim (with that nasty VT stuff) to be a bit off. His infantry are taking quite a beating -- I have one squad that has accounted for about a full platoon of his green not-so-meanies. He does however seem to have tanks, and they're starting to drive towards my lines. I better run.

MrSpkr appears to have about a battalion lined up across the river from me with which he intends to test the modeling of the M1919 MMG. It's turned out to be better (from the ami point of view) than all the outerboard grogs seem to think. It even looks like it's managed to produce a bit of running capability from his MG42 teams. We have about 3 turns left and he's going to bum-rush the bridge.

[ 09-15-2001: Message edited by: chrisl ]

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