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The Master, Margarita and the Peng Challenge thread

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And if I may, while I'm still burning of course, I would like to put in a small request.

The veiw from the balcony of my Senior Kniggett's accomodation does look down into the backyard of one of the lower order Kniggetts.

A certain Sir Mace I beleive. (Being one of the landed gentry, I've never associated with those middle class types, but I beleive that to be his name)

Now , it would seem that this gentlehamster is, shall we say, rather fond of certain livestock.

As a blue-blood of the Cesspool, it is beneath my station to even attempt to describe the goings on in this chap's backyard if indeed words were available to describe the 'practices' being performed there.

I have wound up the tension on my 'newbie rack' in order to drown out the bleatings and whipping noises but in vain. Even a dislocated newbie at full pitch cannot overcome the 'rural pastime' sounds eminating from across the way.

Oh Joe Shaw, keeper of the ways of the 'pool, cannot a judgement be found in the traditions of 'Cess' that some sort of curfew be put on such doings?

Or perhaps a nice schrubbery be built between the Kniggett accomdations?

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I was referring to my Seniour Knigget issue, 1135 AD vintage, 13 foot long, tungsten tipped, 9.47 Brinnell hardness tested, drop forged, chain-mail armour piercing, run with it anywhere you like, groggly approved Lance!

Dear Berli, whatever were you thinking?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stuka:

I was referring to my Seniour Knigget issue, 1135 AD vintage, 13 foot long, tungsten tipped, 9.47 Brinnell hardness tested, drop forged, chain-mail armour piercing, run with it anywhere you like, groggly approved Lance!

Dear Berli, whatever were you thinking?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Don't try to weasel your way out of it! We see you in that sheep costume

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To all me apponents, let me say the games we have going are the last as Mensch as a Knight. After which I will go quietly in study of wizardry. That means no more games for me. SO.. if you want a win try hard, try anything I'm selling my armour and Steed for Wizardry stuff like a Familiar and a Wizards Staff, and of course a wizards hat made by Bulder Stronginthearm.

Thank you and well.. don't piss me off I just figured out how to load my Staff*

*but you said you had to buy it yet!! well no I'm leasing to own on the thing so sod off.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Most learn at a much younger age...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

what are you getting at? Acceptence naturally happens at a very young age at the IU (Invisible Universtiy). Some are accepted before they are even born!

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Shame and defeat were handed to me twice yesterday first van scraps St. Louis Rams stole an overtime heartbreaker against my Philadelphia Eagles. I baked in the hot sun until deep into the 3rd quarter when the sun began to set over The Vet.

Oh yeah..Lawyer beat me too. Whatever.

After their heroic 4th quarter I did not think the crowd could get much higher. But someone on the southern part ofthe staduim must have broken out a huge spliff and the Eagles seemed to have gotten a contact high because all of the hard work from the 4th quarter was for nothing.

Final score

Elvis - 17

Lawyer - 20

(well that was some score I saw yesterday....I think I covered the spread)

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

What part of Senior Knights confused you?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Nothing confused me Ancient one. As always, I address the old, decrepit, and falling apart ones with proper respect and admiration (sort of like the way U.S. Senators treat the esteemed gentleman from South Carolina, Strom Thurmond). In opposing Jo Xia's obvious power play, I was just trying to help you avoid a serious mistake. Let's face it. You old ones aren't as young as you once were. Since most of you are now arthritic, incontinent, and suffering from senile dementia, I though you needed protection. After all, the reason that we moved the lot of you into the Cesspool Old General's Home so that someone could look after you. Now you have a nice and safe place to eat you Jell-O and hobble around on you walkers and chase the staff around the yard.

See, as a sign of respect, I even keep a picture of you from the Home Yearbook. Here you are at an outing we had last year to a Hollywood event, where you got to grovel at the feet of your film star hero:


As you can plainly see, you Senior Moment Knights are just not up to the task of dealing with the likes of Comrade Xia. He's a mortgage banker for Peng's sake. How many of you would trust Great Grandpapy alone in a room with a banker and a refinance contract. If we left it to you Senile Knights, he would soon have the deed to the Schloss Peng, and all of the other Knights and Squires would either be homeless, or in prison as victims of one of Red Jo's witchhunts.

I am, as always, only acting with the best interests of the MBT in mind.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Idiot, we are ageless<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

It must be that formaldehyde they bathe in and drink at that "old fuddy-duddy" table over there next to the shelf that holds the preparation-H tubes.

I always wondered why the smell so.. well.. moth-ball'ey

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elvis:

Shame and defeat were handed to me twice yesterday first van scraps St. Louis Rams stole an overtime heartbreaker against my Philadelphia Eagles. I baked in the hot sun until deep into the 3rd quarter when the sun began to set over The Vet.


I share your dismay, my tan brother. All frivolity is banned for 2 weeks in my abode.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hiram's Ghost:

Perhaps Sir Berli could bequeath me his dentures upon his expiration.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Fat chance Casper, he so old he'll turn into dust when the time comes.. but then at least you can have his Preperation-H tubes. He must have alot by the sounds of all his bitch'n and complaining.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Joe Shaw!, Joe Shaw! Get out your rule book, I'm being unfairly persecuted by the Unholy one! Slap an indictment or a parking ticket on him pronto, or do sumfink!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Well, there are ... problems. First I should point out that I am not YET officially emplaced (small, very small, CM pun there) as Justicar of the Peng Challenge Thread ... can't imagine what's holding things up (yes, yes Bauhaus in YOUR case the quick release DOES work nicely ... now ... PLEASE pull the waders back up and sit down). Secondarily (and in second place), the Justicar of the Peng Challenge Thread is specifically prohibited from making rulings on the Olde Ones and finally (as in at the end) I'm not exactly certain of the enforcement duties of the Justicar so an indictment may not be forthcoming.

Finally, (yeah I know but THIS is the final part ... I think) I'm not at all certain that it's possible to be UNFAIRLY persecuted by Berli. However, I'll do what I can:

{harrmuph} Uh Berli, don't pick on the lad ... there's a good evil one (good evil one? ... whatever).


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Marlow incorrectly stated: Nothing confused me Ancient one. As always, I address the old, decrepit, and falling apart ones with proper respect and admiration ...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Apparently something MUST have confused you as the reference was to the fact that only Seniour Knights are allowed a vote on the matter. Now you MIGHT, I suppose, try to cover up your confusion by claiming that you were offering advice ... {bull****e} It's not YOUR place to advise Seniour Knights on anything, {00.000} No one cares about your opinion AND lastly {ivivivivi} Ppfffpppthhhhh.


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Not much time for posting these days.

The pace in my game with Larshas picked up considerably. However, he a created a roadblock out of three of my burning tanks, so it might take awhile to get back on track.

MrSpkr, I am happy that your Okie football team is 3-0. Unfortunately, I don't have the Comedy Channel, so I wasn't able to watch those games against North Texas, UNC, and the Joe Garage Pop Warner team. The airwaves out here are reserved for real football games.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Apparently something MUST have confused you as the reference was to the fact that only Seniour Knights are allowed a vote on the matter. Now you MIGHT, I suppose, try to cover up your confusion by claiming that you were offering advice ... {bull****e} It's not YOUR place to advise Seniour Knights on anything, {00.000} No one cares about your opinion AND lastly {ivivivivi} Ppfffpppthhhhh.


Yes, Yes Jo, I see it all now. There you are, on the prowl at the Old Farts' home. Just as soon as you corner one of the old codgers, and get him to agree to sign away the deed to the ranch for a one year supply of tender vittles, in comes the good son and makes a stink. So what do you do? You give the senile old relic the "you don't need any advice from the young whippersnappers" speech. "Just sign on the dotted line" you say. "It's not their place to offer anything to the wise and respected Old Ones" you whisper. How seductive to the ears of those who do not wish to face the fact that their facilities are fading fast, and that they only retain the reasoning skills of a rutabaga.

How can you sleep at night Jo?

[ 09-10-2001: Message edited by: Marlow ]

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