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I hate to say this, but I think I found a bug... A BIG bug...

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Originally posted by Robert Mayer:

I can't even remember the last time I saw a German infantry unit actually fire a faust at anything, anything at all....

Can't say I ahve seen that. I have seen fausts fired on plenty of occasions.

They rarely hit anything, but they do get fired.

Jeff Heidman

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I just played Reisburg against AI. I saw my veteran SMG squads and Volks squads fire a total of 8 panzerfaust 100's at shermans at a MAX range of 49 meters while in command with no hits! My schrek teams also fired at very short ranges (30 meteres)a total of 6 rounds with one hit. Either I had the WORST luck in that game or something has changed.

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Wow, I must be a lucky guy. During a couple of QBs vs. the AI this weekend, my squads performed well.

One had just sprinted across a field, took up a position and fired their AT weapon at a JeepMG scoring a kill immediately.

In another battle a German Mortar carrier stopped next to a bulding and my squad immediately turned, lobbed a few grenades, and Ko'd the half track.

I'll keep my eyes open for abnormally stubborn HTs.


Still addicted to Cm, don't want a cure.

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In the interest of making this visible to anyone who want to check it, I put together a test scenario. Rifle grenades and Panzerfausts are alive and well. Grenades and satchel charges seem to be made of silly putty these days. I have run this numerous times now, and only once have the Allies taken out the tank with gammon bombs (took 5 plus 2 grenades).

Check it out at:


I recommend turning off fog of war so you can watch ammo usage for all parties. You can play as either side.



What the hell is a Jagdcarcajou?

CM Recon

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One Veteran Heer platoon, fausts removed, vs Veteran M3A1 HT deserted 3sq castaway island:

Version: 1.1b16Beta, 8 trials

Avg life span of HT= 14 seconds

Version: 1.2, 8 trials

Avg life span of HT= 52 seconds

As the French say, there IS an eel under that rock. God, this hurts!

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Guest sitzkrieg

Thanks, Alexander. That is the kind of info I'm looking for. I will try a test with 1.05 in a bit. I still have it to complete a PBEM operation (Team Desobry) started back in late December eek.gif

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Originally posted by Alexander:


One Veteran Heer platoon, fausts removed, vs Veteran M3A1 HT deserted 3sq castaway island:

Version: 1.1b16Beta, 8 trials

Avg life span of HT= 14 seconds

Version: 1.2, 8 trials

Avg life span of HT= 52 seconds

As the French say, there IS an eel under that rock. God, this hurts!

You probably need a larger sample size to draw any conclusions unless the variance within each of the two groups is very, very small. I would also suggest that you change your sample unit from "seconds" to "grenades" if it's possible to accurately count the grenades.


Later, Dave

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Originally posted by Big Time Software:

Hello folks,

We are looking into this issue now. I'll post our findings when we actually have some smile.gif


WOW great!

Thanks for the prompt reply

I hope it is nothing (or nothing serious),

I'm sure Charles had really hoped and concluded the v1.12 was the final FINAL tweak.

BUT the close assault of AFV's does "feel" a little different or seem, "suspect" to some of us here. Either that or we all had a "bad Luck" weekend rolling the CM virtual dice smile.gif

-tom w

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Hi Guys

So a bit of a trial on my part and one of my battles(part of) has been a topic here.

I was beginning to get slaughtered so decided to send these vehicles up the hill between woods and troops hoping that it would divert my opposition for a few turns.That move out of FRUSTRATION(How I love that word) made the forum but I was still slaughtered.



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Hey Gramps!

Yeah, you got waxed in our game. I didn't even realize when I set up how dominating that hill was going to be. I was actually considering setting the gun down in the valley. I am glad I did not!

Note to the gallery: 150mm infantry guns in scenarios where neither side is allowed armor units are very, very effective...

Anyway, you can rest easy knowing that your rather unlucky starting position in that game directly led to your frustration, which has directly led to you sending those halftracks on their ride to glory, which directly led to them getting swarmed by infantry, which directly led to the possibility of finding and fixing this bug!


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Originally posted by 33%God:

What if BTS released a new version with no changes. I bet people would swear things are acting a little different.

Just my thoughts...

Umm.... not really, I don't think so..

Some of us have been playing the HELL out of this game since it was in beta demo (and earlier) and like a fine motor or engine, some here may have a very good "feel" for what should happen and what might be expected to happen haveing played the game so much since it was in its infancy.

I for one immediatly noticed a greater accuracy and hit chance in Chance Encounter after the short range accuracy was increased in v1.1. Some of us have played Chance Encouter so many times we know the actual names of every unit on both sides.

I admit I have not tried enough close assaults in v1.12 to know if we are just talking about a string of bad luck here or a real bug, BUT I'm glad Steve said they would take a look at it because I would suggest it "sort of does not feel" like it used to when it comes to close assaults.... (especially against open topped HTs) but maybe we have all just been REALLY unlucky, and those crews are actually picking up the live grenades and throwing them back smile.gif

-tom w

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Guest Lord General MB


I have also seen this happne but a little odder: My German 250/1 is driving up to some yanks, when the computer actually rushed the HT! After chucking some nades (with no effect) The HT backed off. The nest turn I moved the HT in a little closer. Nades went everywere, but with no effect. After 3 turns the HT killed the squad. Same thing with tanks. I was PBEM'ling and my oppent rushed from some woods with a yank squad and went after my Jagd Tiger (this was version 1) His nades destroyed the tiger first turn. Same game: My riffle 44 squad killed a Pershing with nades (not a nock out but a TOTAL explosion). I havn't seen this happen since the new patch. I %$%*^&$ staurt killed a rushing SMG squad of mine after 4 turns of blasting, didn't even scrach the bugger!



Lord General Mr. Bill

Supreme Commander

1st Army

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Originally posted by Jeff Heidman:

So I am playing this TCP/IP game, and I have this gun on this hill blasting away. Life is good.

My opponenet decides gun is bad, so he is going to send some halftracks to kill it.

He sends three M3A1 halftracks racing through my lines up this hill. Amazingly, they all make it! I send some troops chasing after them to kill them.

For 5 turns three squads throw a hundred or so grenades at these tracks, for zero effect. Nothing. I eventually kill one with a Schreck, but from a range as short as 5m, not one of my squads can kill an open toppped half track by close assault.

These seems odd to me, so I set up a test scenario. Three fallschirmjager squads, three tracks. open ground, set up at about 15m. Every time the tracks run away, I order them back into the circle of squads.

5 turns later, not a single track is dead. The squads (I removed their fausts, BTW) throw dozens upon dozens of grenades. They shoot, they spit, they use harsh language.

Nothing. The tracks all live.

Jeff Heidman

This was already discussed in the Jeep vs Halftrack thread at alt.games.combat-mission.

It is not a bug, it the parameters written into the software.



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I don't know if this is related.

Last night I played some British troops against Germans in a QB.

I fired 20mm mortars at a half track for at least five turns, and nothing happened. The mortars never knocked out the half track. My troops were green though (I Random quality).

In the end I tried sneaking a PIAT toward the HT, but it saw it coming and eliminated it.


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Has anyone checked the test scenario besides me? Just want to know if results are consistent with my own.

Good to hear BTS is on the case.

I had actually just bumped into my first case of this the other night since 1.12 came out, but I attributed it to bad luck until Jeff posted up. Once I started testing I saw a noticeable difference.



What the hell is a Jagdcarcajou?

CM Recon

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I did. The middle allied platoon knocked out the German HT immediately with a grenade, and the topmost German platoon took out their tank with a faust. Nothing else died (except infantry due to collateral damage).

This seems fairly conclusive, though it strikes me as strange since I could have sworn I just saw an Allied platoon take out a couple of German SPW 250/1's in a scenario I'm testing. Perhaps I'm confusing v1.1 with v1.12 re the latter.

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