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want to buy your Combat Mission


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Let's see. Games I have for sale:

Panzer General (all of them)

Operational Art of War (original)


Close Combat 3 and 4

Shogun: Total War

East Front II

Age of Empires (all of them)

North and South

As for CM, you'll have to pry it out of my cold dead hands! smile.gif

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It's a shame BTS ran out of stock right when they got an award in PC Gamer.

Wrx, $45 may seem like a lot, but the replay value of CM is so enormous that when you're playing it months from now, you'll have totally forgotten the hit to the wallet.


New to Combat Mission?

Visit CM Boot Camp at Combat Missions for tips.

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I will sell my copy for the bargain basement price of...



If you call now, you too can own a copy of CM:BO! For just a million bucks, you can be shooting SS, bombing Brits, and axing the Allies!

What's more, for this limited time offer, I will throw in, free, the manual! Yes indeed, you get this gorge-ous bound manual with details about how to play the game! Absolutely free!

But that's not all!!!

The next 1 caller will also get, also absolutely free, two of Tigers Mods, AND some subdued grass! Yes, it's true!

You can have all this for not ten million, not five million, but just ONE MILLION DOLLARS!! Payable in three easy payments of $333,333.34!

But wait! There's more!

If you call now, in addition to everything above, you can get, abso-lutely free, the right to bitch, moan, groan, and complain at the BTS forum! You too can complain about trivial historical details, tanks shooting crews, and Tigers getting killed by Shermans! Join your friends in the fun-fun-fun that is the CMBO forum, included free, but only for this limited time offer!

Call NOW!!

Jeff Heidman

P.S. Thisoffernotvalidinnewyork,newjersey,andanyotherstatewhereitisprohibitedbylaw.


[This message has been edited by Jeff Heidman (edited 02-06-2001).]

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My price is simple;

Three virgin maidens of negotiable continuation of their virtue

The head of Bill Gates in a jar of wine and honey

A moment of true contentment

The resurrection of John Wayne

The death of all things "Pop!" with a special pole for the heads of "boy bands"

The overthrow of G.W. Bush for someone more moderate like Yosemite Sam.

The end of violence outside of a non-reality medium.

A CM afterlife.

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Don't listen to rip off artist Jeff - if you pay the three installments, you will end up paying 1,000,000.02

I really hate scams like that; Jeff, you make me sick!!


I will be quite happy to give you a break on my game, and instead of gouging you on the payment, will sell it for 999,999.98 - broken down in as many as 12 payments if you like. Given the proper collateral, of course.

If, on the other hand, you wanted to go the less expensive route and buy a copy of Avalon Hill's Squad Leader, I can part with my copy for 50 dollars US, plus shipping. Quite the deal, I must say, and I would throw in Microsoft's WW II Flight Simulator for free....



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I traded my copy to some kid down the street for the Panzer leader board game.

What the hell are all you laughing at? At least I can whip up a QB and save the same map for future use. Try doing that with your fancy computer game.


"I do like to see the arms and legs fly"

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It's really puzzling that BTS ran out of stock a third time, especially after running out of stock two previous times. No doubt they are losing quite a bit of money because of this, since many people when they want something want it right away. If they don't get it, chances are they won't be back. Really unfortunate frown.gif


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Originally posted by Wilhammer:

Can I order my copy of CM2 today?

Yes, but it's only avalible through Madmatt. Send him a rude email, that usually does the trick. While you're at it, insist that CM should have better graphics, especially indirect lighting.


Well my skiff's a twenty dollar boat, And I hope to God she stays afloat.

But if somehow my skiff goes down, I'll freeze to death before I drown.

And pray my body will be found, Alaska salmon fishing, boys, Alaska salmon fishing.

-Commercial fishing in Kodiak, Alaska

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Try danielh.According to his post of 03-02 he's giving up CM,seemingly because German infantry and armour can actually be killed.


Good point about not spending as much on other games but you forgot to mention the £50+/month I now spend on books for background and tactics. biggrin.gif

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My roomate's friend is over. He says he'll steal my copy of CM and trade it for a bottle of cheap vodka. Any takers?


Well my skiff's a twenty dollar boat, And I hope to God she stays afloat.

But if somehow my skiff goes down, I'll freeze to death before I drown.

And pray my body will be found, Alaska salmon fishing, boys, Alaska salmon fishing.

-Commercial fishing in Kodiak, Alaska

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Guest Rommel22

Man, those guys are really messing with the GI people. Funny " Peng I take our challange intergalactic".

Oh and Fionn is there too, Madmatt too, damn, everyone. A good way to make talonsoft go banckcrupt, haha.

Go get em


Rommel22's War Diarys site.


"I saw 5 Germans walking down the side of the road, so I followed them for a few yard to get closer. Then I shot them! Later that day I found out the war has been over for a few weeks." - someone

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Originally posted by Gremlin:

Man, it looks like the whole gang is over there on the GIC board, probably vastly outnumbering the GIC "fans." They're being aCMilated smile.gif

I dunno - Eric Young seems awfully short on answers - perhaps he is just overwhelmed by the response.

No need for a "war" or anything stupid - GIC and CM are apples and oranges, despite the similarities in screenshots. The movie looks more like the old GI Joe cartoon from the 1980s than anything WW II related.

I can't find any posts by danielh though. WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

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Well, I hope things stay civil for obvious reasons. Wargaming, compared to most computer game genres, has been hanging on by a thread for a long time, so a bunch of name calling and finger pointing won't do wargaming any good by making its fans look childish.


New to Combat Mission?

Visit CM Boot Camp at Combat Missions for tips.

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It seems that GI combat is badly damaged by a hoarde of CM Borgs invading their space biggrin.gif

If wrx cannot wait for CM, better NOT wait for GI combat either. biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif

Slapdragon, stop spending time over there and send me your losing game right now!!! cool.gif

Oh, "glad" to hear that CM is out of stock, the next installment must be 1.1 CD+Manual! Great! Heading to Order screen right now!!! biggrin.gifcool.gifbiggrin.gif



"When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI."

"Can't get enough Tank?"

[This message has been edited by GriffinCheng+ (edited 02-06-2001).]

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It's really puzzling that BTS ran out of stock a third time, especially after running out of stock two previous times. No doubt they are losing quite a bit of money because of this, since many people when they want something want it right away. If they don't get it, chances are they won't be back. Really unfortunate

I'm unclear as to how a company runs out of stock for something like this. Why don't they just go down to the neighborhood CompUSA, pick up some blank CD's, and start burning away?


Youth is wasted on the young.

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I think BTS wanted to have the absolute last version (1.12) of CM done before they ordered a new supply of disks. I guess they ran out before the final patch was done, or maybe they thought 1.1 was the last version and then realized that another patch was necessary to squash the last remaining bugs. I think I will buy another copy when the final version is available and give my original copy to a cheap friend.

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Originally posted by DraGoon:

Hi Matt

Welcome to the forum, don't worry about offending sensibilities, I'm not sure anyone here has any. Sensitivities, however, are a different matter altogether. wink.gif

If you can tempt someone onto selling you their CM at less than purchase price you are doing well.

Look at it this way, I used to buy a new game a month, since buying CM I have not bought any other games, and I don't see that changing for a while.

This represents a significant saving when viewed over 6 months, by spending 45 USD I save 30 GBP per month = 180 GBP = 265 USD.

This means I just saved myself 220 USD.

Enough to buy some Grog books, get drunk and still have enough for CM2.

Now you might begin to see why no-one is likely to part with their copy for less than, say, ...the odd bar of gold or two. biggrin.gif

Good Luck on your quest.

BTW You can see number of posts in the user profile.



Okay...okay,try this one. I've been in love with ssi for many years and own all of thier wwll combat games.I've tried others and they never measured up except for ssi;so much so that I had to take a year off cause all the darn clicking made me hands and wrists go numb.I decided to get back into wargamming this xmas and got 4 new (to me)games.Fightig steel(great game compared to GNB),Panzer Gen.3D Assault(game)&scorched earth(demo)Okay games for me being out of the loop for a year,but still all the clicking.and I'm anticipating the New release of SilentHunter II this summer.I also recieved A couple of Talonsofts games which I usually stayed away from as they seemed inferior to me.They are 12 O'clock high:bombing the reich!an interesting game but not what I was really looking for as I thought possibly it might be like silent hunter as I'd be in a B-17 orB-24 or such choices and while I was on my way to a bomb target misson I'd be able to also do pilot and gunner positions and shoot some Me-109 or FW-190's out of the sky(how about battlefront.com doing that one!!!).Last but the least was TAOW-century of warfare.Way to much clicking and graphics and maps fuzzy.Ihad tried to e-mail norm koger several times with some help in trying to get his old game age of rifles working on my newer computer but the sound and music function wouldn't work(maybe i need old drivers?).This annoyed me as my family who founded the famed "Irish Brigade" was represented as a unit with our generals name "Meagher".Needless to say I'm devastated,got no reply with help at all from mr. Koger and his new game is daunting.Then I read a Review in "NEWSDAY" about this renegade company called Battlefront.com and thier new game you can only buy over the internet,the reviewer gave it rave reviews,but i was a little dubious and figured "what did he know about wargames".I downloaded the gold demo over my cable modem in 2 mins. and "Viola",the best game i ever played was on my computer.I did this on Jan.30th and have been playing CM to the exclusion of all others;and it's just the demo.I couldn't wait to order and now have to wait till 2/26(and where am I on the list).I would just like to finish by saying this game is somewhat similar to SSI's "soldiers at war" than any others i've played and I also downloaded talons little clip on thier new game and I can safely say CM has nothing to worry about.I'm sold Hook,Line&Sinker.BTW will new games shipped on 2/26 be updated and have any new patches included .

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