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Hi guys I just played the demo of the game and I love it. I have a couple questions and I'm a newbie so please forgive me if these questions have been asked a thousand times before.

1) Will future versions of this game come out in stores? This is one reason why I havent bought it yet-buying online just isnt accessible enough for me and I don't like the 45$ (american I assume) price.

2)How many copies of this game have been sold?

3)And I forget my third question


Thanks guys

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1. Refer to the BTS Manifesto, on the BTS Home page.

2. I forget the answer.

3. You forgot the question.



"Gentlemen, you may be sure that of the three courses

open to the enemy, he will always choose the fourth."

-Field Marshal Count Helmuth von Moltke, (1848-1916)

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Originally posted by Canuck:

Hi guys I just played the demo of the game and I love it. I have a couple questions and I'm a newbie so please forgive me if these questions have been asked a thousand times before.

1) Will future versions of this game come out in stores? This is one reason why I havent bought it yet-buying online just isnt accessible enough for me and I don't like the 45$ (american I assume) price.

I dont think so do a search..

2)How many copies of this game have been sold?

lots and lots

3)And I forget my third question


Thanks guys

yer welcome


Berlin calling, Berlin calling,

when Berlin calls it pays to listen.....

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I really don't understand people who say they haven't bought CM because of its price. I have bought many computer games over the years, mostly at CompUSA and other large computer stores. The price per game is usually $49.99 for a new title, and the price sometimes drops to $45 or $40 a couple of months later. The only games that fall below that are usually bad games that aren't selling well and are destined to be bundled with some other game. I have to pay 8.25% sales tax on top of that. When a person says that $45 plus shipping is too much for a game, what are they used to paying and where can I get those prices? It is rare that a quality game sells for under $40.

I understand that some people have a limited budget for computer games, but that would mean that you aren't prepared to pay the price of any quality game. Plus, with CM you know exactly what you are getting if you play the demo. Well, not exactly, because the full version is tons better than the demo. Plus, you get a good idea of how good the game is by following this forum. I have spent a lot more than $45 for a game without the benefit of a demo like CM's. Some games turn out to be great and other turn out to be coasters. This game is a no brainer, and I am not just saying that because I have been playing it for 8 months. I just don't understand what the problem is with the price.

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Look at it this way, Dogface (nice handle, BTW!). A trip to the movies, with date and popcorn will cost you at least $15-20 (probably more). For $50 you might squeeze by with 3 of these dates which gives you around 6 hours of entertainment (not including the fun afterwards!). For the same price, you can get CM and have 600+hours of fun. Of course, once you're as obsessed with it as the rest of us, it might cost you a few dates wink.gif Time well spent!

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1) Nope. Online sales only. Well worth it though. Best game I've ever bought (till CM2 comes out) biggrin.gif

2)in a recent interview in Computer Gaming World, Charles said "...a very rough translation of how we're doing would be about 200,000 to 250,000 sales in retail. we are happy enough to throw a party right now, but way too busy to do it!"

Don't forget they're selling online, not retail, which means less overhead and more profits (we hope!).

I think they should take time to have a hellacious party though, they deserve it. That and the picture of Charles they have for the article has that "I've been staring at the screen too long look" biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifwink.gifwink.gif

3) yes, buy this game


[This message has been edited by Tiger (edited 01-23-2001).]

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Hey you guys! Be nice to the Canadian!

Canuck, I ordered online, and it only took about 3 weeks to get across the border and into my hot little hands. I live in Alberta, so your time might vary.

I spent 50 bucks Canadian on Squad Leader (Hasbro's computer version) and I am kicking myself. Right before Christmas, too. I sent 10 bucks on Microsoft's WW II flight simulator, and that was too much to spend as well.

You won't be disappointed. I was wary about ordering online, but once I tried the demo for the second time (the first time I actually thought it sucked and deleted it - then a few months later I read all the rave reviews at tanknet.org) I was hooked.

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HAHA you bought Squad Leader??? YOu crazy Albertan, read the reviews before you buy!!


BTW I bought System Shock 2, Alpha Centauri and The Curse of Monkey Island all for 20$ at EB. And I didnt have to pay in American dollars either-so I assume I'll actually paying 70$ canadian and that doesnt include the price of shipping and duty-I'm assuming that I can get this game from the states.

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I CERTAINLY understand having a hard time coughing up the cash for a game... I had to sell Unreal Tournament on EBaY to afford it myself.

However, CM would certainly be the BEST money you have ever spent on a video game. The hardest part would be the wait till it arrives in the mail!

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I agree with Pvt. Ryan. What the hell is the problem with $45 + $8 S&H? Take for instance, Diablo II is still listing at $61.99 and from what I understand, it really isn't that great of a game.

As for how many copies have been sold? ****loads.

Why isn't buying on-line accessible for you? Have you never ordered stuff from sites like Amazon.com? Hell, I don't hardly go to ANY stores anymore, when I can get anything I want on-line and I don't have to burn the gas to go looking for it. Say for instance, I want a Special Edition of a movie. So I could drive all over Hell's Forty Acres looking for it or I could just simply punch it up on say, Amazon.com and then do a One-Click order and in a small amount of time it arrives in my mailbox and I save gasoline. But let me guess, you either don't have a credit card or are afraid of doing transactions across the Internet right? Don't be. But in anycase, you can contact either Steve, Charles, Dan (KwazyDog), or Matt (Madmatt) at their names@battlefront.com to work out a different payment method.

Also as for the number of happy customers, count the number of posts on this Forum. What other game has nearly 190 THOUSAND posts on their respective Forums put together?


"Live by the sword, live a good LOOONG life!"--Minsc, BGII

"Boo points, I punch."--Minsc, BGII

"Buttkicking for goodness!"--Minsc, BGII

"Aim small, miss small."--Mel Gibson, The Patriot.

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Originally posted by Mannheim Tanker:

Look at it this way, Dogface (nice handle, BTW!). A trip to the movies, with date and popcorn will cost you at least $15-20 (probably more). For $50 you might squeeze by with 3 of these dates which gives you around 6 hours of entertainment (not including the fun afterwards!). For the same price, you can get CM and have 600+hours of fun. Of course, once you're as obsessed with it as the rest of us, it might cost you a few dates wink.gif Time well spent!

I am not the one who is complaining ablot the lack of money to purchse cm and im am in no way in need of a date.ok is the wife gone?... no realy i was just respnding to his questions one at a time..


Berlin calling, Berlin calling,

when Berlin calls it pays to listen.....

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Originally posted by Canuck:

HAHA you bought Squad Leader??? YOu crazy Albertan, read the reviews before you buy!!


I take it back. Dog Pile on the Canadian!

Yes, you can order Combat Mission - like I said, I got it across the border no problem, but Customs is different everywhere you go. I've never had any problems with them out here, though - I get a lot of stuff via ebay from the 48, and it's never been a problem. Exchange rates are still a killer, but there's nothing we can do about that.

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Buy it. I got it and it took 7 working days to arrive (Toronto) and no duty was charged (it was marked $5 value and a gift smile.gif ).

I'v brought many games, some cheap, some expensive but this is by far the best for the money smile.gif


P.S. Any customs official who might be on this forum... disreguard the post.

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Originally posted by Tontoman:

Buy it. I got it and it took 7 working days to arrive (Toronto) and no duty was charged (it was marked $5 value and a gift smile.gif ).

I'v brought many games, some cheap, some expensive but this is by far the best for the money smile.gif


P.S. Any customs official who might be on this forum... disreguard the post.

Maybe we can convince BTS to mark "gift" on all packages coming to Canada in future? wink.gif


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Blitz, You still havent received the game!!

Gods... BTS? Can you help this poor guy out in S. Africa??

Also I have an opinion about people who whine about game prices. If you cant afford $45 for a really good game then I'm thinking they probably cant afford a PC either. I'm told some console games go for as much as $70 new at stores. Most good computer games run a price range of $39.99 to $49.99 at places like CompUSA. Ocassionally you'll see them as high as $54.99 but thats getting less common. Also Mall stores will charge more to make up for all that store square footage they have to pay for. More expensive than other locations.


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Originally posted by Canuck:

Hi guys I just played the demo of the game and I love it. I have a couple questions and I'm a newbie so please forgive me if these questions have been asked a thousand times before.

1) Will future versions of this game come out in stores? This is one reason why I havent bought it yet-buying online just isnt accessible enough for me and I don't like the 45$ (american I assume) price.

We who have the program know that if you won't buy it it's your loss. If you have paid 20$ for any other game (including Alpha Centauri), then this is worth 100$. At least.

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I've always found the argument for lower game prices a curious one. Recently, maybe six months ago, the US Air Force was in the midst of deciding to eliminate their multi-million dollar flight simulation development program since they discovered that the commercial off the shelf (COS) versions now available are every bit as comparable in realistic aerodynamic and environmental simulation. The difference being, it was costing them millions to develop their simulations, and only $50-60 bucks a pop to purchase a COS version. Which I believe says something about "how much is that puppy in the window."

If one takes into account what you are getting, what it takes in development costs, and all the associated investments to produce a game title, the current prices are actually IMO, a steal. Witness the present trend of long established game companies going belly up, and the gizillion dollar game conglomerates buying them up like popcorn.

Now, with regard to CM. I'd glady pay twice as much. Not just based upon the product, as it is surely worth it. But also because for years and years I've written to, posted to, and telephoned, for support only to be patronized by some customer assistance clerk who never saw a PC, working for company who's executives never played a PC game, and otherwise watched as those traditional companies completely ignored the basic principles of consumer relations. (Refer to the BTS Manifesto). Now, along comes BTS, who's Manifesto explains why in large part those companies are failing, and as a result the PC game industry is, or feels threatened. (Sony Corporation being able to convince the Wallstreet junior executive crowd that PC gaming is soon to be dead-in favor ofcourse, of their little gizmo).

So the way I figure it, upon finding a company (BTS), who values what I've said for years and who has a product line that I could only describe as an answer to a wargamers prayer, then they merit, and certainly the product deserves, to receive a fair and decent price in exchange for it. In which I believe, $45-$50 smackers is a complete steal. Frankly, all things considered, it's the best and cheapest game purchase I've ever made.


"Gentlemen, you may be sure that of the three courses

open to the enemy, he will always choose the fourth."

-Field Marshal Count Helmuth von Moltke, (1848-1916)

[This message has been edited by Bruno Weiss (edited 01-24-2001).]

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I play Video games since 20 years.For me ,most of them were beyond or under average ,some good ,some very good ,but only a few were really exceptional and among these few , COMBAT MISSION is the best .Simply the BEST THING that happened to me in video game.Let it happened to you !

Maybe 45$ is a lot for you ,but this game is worth every little $ and even 100$(Hey ,guys at BATTLEFRONT , don't have any silly idea !! )

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This is how I do the math $45.00 divided by 900 hours of play time = .05 That's half a penny per gaming hour! Where else can you spend half a cent and get an hours worth of fun?


"If you're in a war, instead of throwing a hand grenade at the enemy, throw one of those small pumpkins. Maybe it'll make everyone think how stupid war is, and while they are thinking, you can throw a real grenade at them." - Jack Handey

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