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Time to Lock the Forum and Concentrate on Peng Thread

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*chortle* mmm peng thread born again tee hee, like a born again christian but without the white socks and dockers. I guess gumboots really since it's a bit mucky in here. Tee hee.



"I can be quite pleasant, you know" - Andreas


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Now for the mundane I shall add that I also did the backup of that failed previous Thread which was as much a complete loss of bandwidth as the Ozzie one was.

Now to catch up on things.

First I'm glad that Seanachai is back from whatever hidey hole he was in.

Not that I'm particularly fond of the guy but that Triste Sire is very much part of our regalia (NO BlownHouse I didn't say genitalia).

Now that you've posted in here Steve, bugger off and get a life reading your Nerd of the Rings.

Meeksy Meeks.

In another dimension where neither time nor sex size mattered (or whatever it was Rod Sterling said in his opening speach), you were considered as a sessessionist of the worst schismatic variety.

But now you NonDisgestedOne, you are our Saviour.

Shield us from the daily mediocrity of wannabes and tired old timers alike.

Steer away the Grogs, the Women (Yes you latexed one and you also Haggies fondler!!!) and if you can do all that while SHUTTING THE **** UP it's all for the better.

Move over now...


You are not Obsessive-CMpulsive, you are Allied-Retentive.

Mark IV

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This peng thread.. sux.. where be the poolers??? sux... realy suxs!

sux sux sux sux sux suxs!!

did I mention this new peng thread SUXS!

I mean as not as bad as the Ossie Peng thread.. but.. I mean I smell Potporri here!!! jeez wheres the stink.. the ronchy smell... I'm a trying .. I'm not showering and jumping in the pool.. but.. somehow the chlorine is making it ... CLEAN! ick...

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{Looks around the foyer of the Castle}

So this is the new digs then? Christ what a s**thole! Hey! The top bunks mine!

Steve the twat:{squeeky voice} "No, Mr Stuka Sir, I was here first"

Moi: Bugger Off! {Crushes the twats insignificant genitalia between two coconut shells}

Twat: "Eeek! {screams like little girl}I'll just move to the bottom bunk if thats OK with you..Umm..Sir"

Moi: Don't you dare you cancerous polyp, thats Colins bunk.

Prat:{trembling with fear} "How..how..how about over he...

Moi: NO! Thats OGSF's. I don't care that he's not here yet its still his. Your'e outside posturing for the tourbuses Got it?

Splat: "Yes Sir, No..no problem Sir, right you are Sir. {Scuttles away feebly}

"Mind the rain you feckless Moron, or you'll get washed into the moat with all the other turds!"

{From out the front] "...right-O..."

Well thats the washing up taken care of, now on to important matters of State:

Mace: has managed to hold off repeated assaults on his main position and I fear a topplement is at hand, despite the best efforts of the Sheepjagers to distract him.

Kitty: her steamroller attack is beginning to wilt a little under a champion Stuka defense. Good thing its the last turn though!

Bauhaus: Oh Bauhaus where are you? My men hold all the VL's and there's not a blowshousein trooper to be seen. I hope your'e not getting gamey with me young man or its the MASK oF SHAME for you.

OGSF: Will be bleeding-alot-now if he ever shows up in a new all armour meeting.

Herr Oberst: Has still not made his first move. I'd wager his organs have liquified with fear and he is occupied mopping them up.

Mensch: Hmm, yes Mensch. I seem to remember a Mensch, I think he owed me a turn somewhere around the time of the Gold Demo, still you can't rush these things, he is Canadian after all.

To the rest of you...Blow Hiram's dog! (You know its the right thing to do)

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by stevetherat:

time to get down to basics.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

As a taunter he may be hopeless, but ratboy has grasped an essential truth which has eluded the rest of you dolts: a new Peng Thread location every 40 pages or so is now standard operating procedure, and is not a Big Deal.

To the outside world it is titillating and we'll still get the drive-bys from the von Clucks, people with no shift key, the simple Simons, even the odd Germanboy, and he is odd, having forsaken his birthright and turned his back on the Pool, the glimpse of greatness having seared his squinty, jaundiced little eyes, but anyway the point remains that Meeks is mad, mad, mad, and regardless of the injustice this is our new temporary home, so stop gawking about like a gaggle of Catholic schoolgirls on a day trip with their firm, tanned, faintly translucent young thighs peeking coyly above their kneesocks and BITE ME. Take it in stride. Spawn hate.

We are a traveling Cesspool now, a porta-potty of a mutha-beautiful thread. Be proud.

Now go on without me for a bit, while I lead those girls out of this simile and get them into some clean, dry clothes....

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I need to clarify something. I re-read an earlier post and realized that I may not have been clear on my hatred for Marlowbrow. I mean, I hated him and all, but then I alluded to him in a later sentence in something other than vitriolic terms. So I thought I'd pen a hateful limerick for him. Not exactly a sonnet, but he's of low-enough character that a limerick is just his speed.


There once was a creature called Marlowbrow

Who's CM Thingie was much too small anyhow

He's a cheating mother****er

Who blew up my tanks (then blew a big trucker)

And blows (up) my infantry too, now


Thank you. I hope that hurt you all as much as it hurt me.

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Well damn me if I don't talk about Meeks waggling his wongle in the 'Pool and he goes ahead and does it! Meeks, boy, it's literature, not one of those insert tab A into slot B instruction manuals that you get from some store in an East Village basement.

Whatever the case, if you are going to waggle that thing around, point it at Stevetheratsass -- it might scare him away. Or maybe at Ol' Baldy, although I doubt his shiny, armored head could be penetrated by such small calibre munitions. Your best hope there would be to get behind him and penetrate his weak point.




"We forbid any course that says we restrict free speech." -- Dr. Kathleen Dixon, Director of Women's Studies, Bowling Green State University

[This message has been edited by Hakko Ichiu (edited 01-12-2001).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Golem:

There once was a creature called Marlowbrow,

Who's CM Thingie was much too small anyhow,

He's a cheating mother****er,

Who blew up my tanks (then blew a big trucker),

And blows (up) my infantry too.


That must be the most severely ****ed up Haiku I've ever seen.

It's worst than that, it's a 3rd degree scorched up brainless puke.

But wait!!

It's not an Haiku since you are one of those uneducated morons who stuck in here not by sheer brilliance but by merely stunning us to compliance with a constent stream of gibberish.

Here is what Basho would have said to Hurt of Darkness who would then have recognized its genius for HE is litterate:

"In the cicada's cry

No sign can foretell

How soon it must die."

Boy I'm spent...

Meeks you can stop playing with that I do not fancy you.


You are not Obsessive-CMpulsive, you are Allied-Retentive.

Mark IV

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Stop that, stop that, there'll be no frickin' Haiku while I'm here. I didn't like it in 7th grade, I didn't like it in High School, I never done went to no college and I don't frickin' like it now. I'll take a dalem's limerick over that crapass wannabe Chinaman's art anyday. So stuff it. And top it off with a cherry tomato.

Before I get down to business, can anyone explain to me why that chumchuck-raping whore Andreas doesn't like me? The animosity has been there for a while, I thought originally that it was related, you know, to his being German and all. It's genetic with those people. But I'm starting to think it's personal...

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PawBroon:

I am zee Frenchified man. I like zee gruyere et la farine et la sexiere et la boinkerie du scottisherie.

Meeksy Meeks.

In another dimension where neither time nor sex size mattered (or whatever it was Rod Sterling said in his opening speach), you were considered as a sessessionist of the worst schismatic variety.

But now you NonDisgestedOne, you are our Saviour.

Shield us from the daily mediocrity of wannabes and tired old timers alike.

Steer away the Grogs, the Women (Yes you latexed one and you also Haggies fondler!!!) and if you can do all that while SHUTTING THE **** UP it's all for the better.

Move over now...


You got it, toots. Let's see, Stevetherat and wildman appear to be the only real wannabes here. I like Check6 for some sick reason, probably because Mace keeps humping him. And the dalems grow on you, probably because Mace keeps humping them.

So I will iterate my desire for the two of these insignificant, poorly taunting, rectally gifted cripples to fight each other to the death for our amusement. We should build a map of doom, ignoring any post by either of these two mooks until one or the other emerges victorious. We can then accept the victor as a minor character and we can forever refer to that person he had to rape, stew and eat to get in. Yes, I like that.


The Thin Red Line doesn't deserve to lick the sweat from my balls let alone demand the cash I would lay down for the DVD version. Seesh. The movie was lame-o! With a capital Hiram.


[This message has been edited by Elijah Meeks (edited 01-12-2001).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:

So I will iterate my desire for the two of these insignificant, poorly taunting, rectally gifted cripples to fight each other to the death for our amusement. We should build a map of doom, ignoring any post by either of these two mooks until one or the other emerges vicorious. We can then accept the victor as a minor character and we can forever refer to that person he had to rape, stew and eat to get in. Yes, I like that.


I've got a battle-o-doom ready for the torment of newcomers, and the entertainment of the Pool already prepared. So step up to the plate Mildman (aka "Mary") and Smellslikearat you degenerate wanabees. Come dance for our amusement. Tell me which one of you knuckle draggers I should send the file to.


This message brought to you by

Marlow's Salvage and Wrecking Service,

Proud Sponsor of The Cesspool

formerly The 'Meeks currently exists as Polar Bear excrement' Memorial Thread

[This message has been edited by Marlow (edited 01-12-2001).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PawBroon:

That must be the most severely ****ed up Haiku I've ever seen.

It's worst than that, it's a 3rd degree scorched up brainless puke.

But wait!!

It's not an Haiku since you are one of those uneducated morons who stuck in here not by sheer brilliance but by merely stunning us to compliance with a constent stream of gibberish.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

It's not a haiku because it's a limerick. A bad, stinky limerick, but a limerick nonetheless. You want a haiku? I'll give you a haiku:

Pawbroon sucks my ass


Cesspool oldtimer

So bite me.

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Chuckles666 and I have begun our game. There I said it, the shame is to great. In a moment of weakness I let my manners get the best of me. Then again, perhaps it is because I like tender fresh youngsters to introduce in to the ways of the pool.

He sent me a 800 pt mech ME, low (read flat like Croda's cranium) and light trees. Course he failed to tell me the conditions till after I had picked my forces. The VL is out in the open..... I have a bad feeling about this. Unless he shows up here I will treat it as an abberation and non pool game and will speak no more of Mr 666 until such time as he presents himself for rituall scourging.

I heartily endorse Meekly Weekly's suggestion to sic the wannabees on each other..... so Chuckie if you want to play in the pool.....front and center.

In the I am waiting category..... I await Speakswithloudmouth to resume our interrupted game as well as Grenouillefacedboy Their presence has been noted, and my loathing grows which can only be expurgated in ritual flaying and flagellation.

As to you other sods, if you haven't gotten a turn in the last few days, let me know as I think I must be using PShaw's isp.

May you all find little Crodas and Hiram's crawling in your beds tonight.


If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

[This message has been edited by jd (edited 01-12-2001).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:

Stop that, stop that, there'll be no frickin' Haiku while I'm here. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Idiot king on his throne

Meek's grand delusions

Only fevered dreams


This message brought to you by

Marlow's Salvage and Wrecking Service,

Proud Sponsor of The Cesspool

formerly The 'Meeks currently exists as Polar Bear excrement' Memorial Thread

[This message has been edited by Marlow (edited 01-12-2001).]

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Ahh how I have longed to step on the stinking shores of Peng... yet I dare not.

Yet as I steam ever closer, and the Statue of Cess looms ever larger, I can no longer fight the urge.

One question from the filthy foreigner... when entering the Cess, would you suggest galoshes, steel toes, hip waders, deep sea diving suit, or Diving bell?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:

I like Check6 for some sick reason, probably because Mace keeps humping him. And the dalems grow on you, probably because Mace keeps humping them. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Think of me as first point of quality control! Anyone who survives my attentions indicates that they may have the staying power to survive here.

Besides, they come in here all young and innocent looking, batting the eyelids of their large soulful eyes and looking so ..damned.. cute, like lambs in pasture.

And you know how much I like lambs, now don't you!


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Polar:

One question from the filthy foreigner... when entering the Cess, would you suggest galoshes, steel toes, hip waders, deep sea diving suit, or Diving bell?


I would first suggest you bend over, but not until you put on this sheep costume!

Mace [bringing quality quality control to the pool]

[This message has been edited by Mace (edited 01-12-2001).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Polar:

One question from the filthy foreigner... when entering the Cess, would you suggest galoshes, steel toes, hip waders, deep sea diving suit, or Diving bell?


For you, a Femidom™.




"We forbid any course that says we restrict free speech." -- Dr. Kathleen Dixon, Director of Women's Studies, Bowling Green State University

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