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Sir Peng, I take your challenge to Lord Raglan

Guest Germanboy

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Originally posted by Croda:

I'm am also not losing to Peng, Rat, that agua guy, and some other people, I think.

That's "not yet losing" to me. (Croda and I are slogging our way through an all-infantry, all-para ME slog-fest in snow. I HATE SNOW! I figure we'll be able to get to the VLs by about turn 10, but that hasn't stopped Croda from dropping mortars on his own troops to spur them on. Are these the 'strategies' you've been busy pondering?)

stevetherat has come up with another 81mm FO after I killed his last one and dropped a house on some of his MG teams--but I don't think it'll bring back that FallGuy platoon I'm almost done butchering in the woods (just the pesky ell-tee left to gut... I'd let him live, but he has a compass). Wake up, rat--time to die!

Seanachai and I are actually exchanging files at a rate that might finish our game before CM2 comes out. As the great philosopher John Whorfin/Emilio Lizardo said, "Character is what you are in de dark!" It is dark in our game.

As for the most recent flurry of newbies, allow me to post my regrets at having been away from the board and unable to disdain each of you individually. Instead, I shall do so collectively (as seems appropriate):

The unrelenting tedium of your postings inspires me to close my browser and go back to work. Now get back on the short bus and get lost--don't forget your helmet.

Agua Perdido


Feel the pain of outlaw cinema!

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Oi, Aphid Pestilence, you have committed a WHOLE company to ridding that position occupied by a SOLE unsupported platoon. I hope that makes you feel proud, son. Full of boastful qualities, that!

Having blinkered your flanks like a tourists beach donkey, I now fully surround you, and am enjoying the supplies left for you by the cretinous slobs you employ. Could you put in an order for more tea, please? I hate German coffee.

As for Crocus, we too are playing in the snow. He has also shelled his own troops. And has also ignored his flanks. Is this the same game or what?

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Originally posted by stevetherat:

You only killed a third of my defenders because of my tactical incompetence! I hope that makes you feel proud, son.

I'm trying to wage a bloody battle of attrition, but you keep parcelling out your defenders at 1-to-3 odds like a bass-ackwards maneuverist (down, Bauhaus!). I think your hair is pulling too hard on what passes for your brain.

I now fully surround you, and am enjoying the supplies left for you by the cretinous slobs you employ. Could you put in an order for more tea, please? I hate German coffee.

The only thing you've got surrounded is the stash of crack you must be smoking when you plot your moves. And my doughty GIs only drink bourbon, you lace-cuffed fop.

Agua Perdido


Feel the pain of outlaw cinema!

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Originally posted by OGSF:

My favorite band is chumbawumba and I wash my hair with herbal essences.

Sound off like we've got a pair? You idiot, we've got over 300 pair, at last count. As to your attempts to pick apart my taunt, you have failed miserably, for the piss was prepubescent and the udders were part of an entirely seperate insult. By all the gods in heaven, you are a stupid one so here, I will spell it out for you:

You, the imbecile of the pool, with your fake Sco'ish accent and your unfortunately large amount of body hair, are going to be destroyed in a game of CM by us, a multitude of hamsters. Before, during and after, you will cry like a wee lass, though for differing reasons. You will be crying before the game because your kind cannot seem to grasp the point of deoderant and toothbrushes, you will be crying during the game because it will remind you of when the girls from St. June's Catholic School for Pathetic Sissies game by and royally kicked your sorry ass and you will cry afterward because every time you see some squirrel squished flat on the road it will remind you of the utter topplement you received at our non-opposable-thumb-possessing extremities.

And Jefe, my mailbox is, was and will be waiting for your file. It is, was and will be nowhere near full. You're out of excuses, you sissy.

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Originally posted by Agua Perdido:

you lace-cuffed fop.

Agua Perdido

Oh, I like that. Especially when it comes from a naked-except-for-his-dungarees hillbilly like you. A mountain-shack-dweller like yourself, in a ready-to-drop denim pret a porter is up for fiddle playing fun as soon as the slightest whiff of deoderised city folk enters your territory, exposing the most hideous adolescent dangler this side of pregnancy.

Well, Alpine Pagoda, we'll soon see who has the right to fiddle at the end of this little jaunt in the woods. Hey?


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Originally posted by stevetherat:

[portrayal of me as some sort of Appalachian yokel]

...we'll soon see who has the right to fiddle at the end of this little jaunt in the woods. Hey?

You got a purty mouth. Now squeeeeeeel!

Agua Perdido


Feel the pain of outlaw cinema!

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Originally posted by Hamsters:

Sound off like we've got a pair? You idiot, we've got over 300 pair, at last count.

I acknowledge the return of Hamsters. It may continue.


Tremble, tyrants and you perfidious opprobrium of all the parties,

Tremblez! your parricidal projects finally will receive their prices!

But these sanguinary despots, But these accomplices of Berli,

All these tigers which, without pity, Bauhaus the centre of their mother!

We will enter the career When our elder is not there any more,

We will find there their dust And the trace of their virtues

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Sssssssssslap! Goes another padlock!

Madmatt always seems to know the "right" time to put down a padlock. I think (removed for cesspool security reasons) much did it anyway...

BTW Babra, you must have been getting pretty wound up to (removed for cesspool security reasons). All in all I understand why you did it. Oh well.



When nuclear weapons are frozen then only freezers will have nuclear weapons.

[This message has been edited by jshandorf (edited 03-05-2001).]

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A Kebab wrote about Stevie

when did PeeturdNZer become your booster and cheerleader?

I like stupid people. Because.. well, they just make me feel so damn smart. And right now I feel like Einstein on powerade.

Kebab boy, Stevie, the little fool, is my squire. It is my job to encourage his taunting and abuse of others, to wit, (how appropriate), you.

Now as a Knight of the Pool and holder of the Sacred Sig Files of Dalem and Croda I am aware of the technicalities of this thread and the ins and outs of the politics and other stuff requiring thoughts, however it seems you are not.

I will educate you with a setup of your choosing or a large brick and the back of your head. I prefer the large brick option since it will finally silence your silly talk, but the law and others may object.

Meanwhile, Steve, your 'the lair' address still bounces. We want to drink and stuff soon, do come along and buy me alcohol.



"What do I care, I got laid last week" - Chupacabra

"Bjorn again are really quite good!" - Germanboy

- Official owner of the sig files of Dalem and Croda -

[This message has been edited by PeterNZer (edited 03-05-2001).]

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Guest Germanboy

Originally posted by jshandorf:

Sssssssssslap! Goes another padlock!


Jeff - leave it be please, I have no desire to see this thread closed as well. Maybe edit your post?

All, if someone (that does explicitly not mean you Jeff) comes trolling in here with the topic, ignore them.



Der Kessel

Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

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Originally posted by Germanboy:

Jeff - leave it be please, I have no desire to see this thread closed as well. Maybe edit your post?

All, if someone (that does explicitly not mean you Jeff) comes trolling in here with the topic, ignore them.

Hey, no intentions implied. I just noticed that I participate in a hugh number of locked threads.

"No smilies were harmed in the writing of this post."



When nuclear weapons are frozen then only freezers will have nuclear weapons.

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A serious question:

(No really, I'm serious...)

Does anyone see any value in me doing one of two things: (not killing myself)

1) Advertise my EZ-Board forum as a place where discussions won't be locked, so that discussion as the one today can continue, regardless of how inane they are.


2) Create a separate forum in the Peng Salient that is dedicated to dicussion of topics that BTS rightly does not want on their forum.

I'm not sure I'm sold on either of these ideas, but thought I'd put it out in the field to see who'd **** on it.

Comments please?


Woot! - Maximus2k

The New CessPool

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Originally posted by jshandorf:

Wahaha! Any person should be held responsible for their actions! We all have individual wills! Wa ha, ha ha ha!

While we're very impressed with Jefe's ability to renounce groupthink, we must keep in mind that organizations don't lie about E-mails and not send set ups, people do. Specifically, people like Jefe. For what it's worth, we agree with Jefe's stand on personal responsibility and the nasty habit of scapegoating organizations like the Kiwanis and the Eternal Order of Fighters for our own wrongdoings, this does not excuse his lying and cheating in regard to not sending us a promised setup.

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Now, this appears to me to be a rather lame taunt directed to the Pool at large. Now, as has been mentioned countless times before, if you direct your wit (hmmm, I think I left a 't' of that) at the group at large, your chances of actually getting a game going are about as high as Moriarty's chances of winning. Off course, you do seem to be from the same area as Seanachai, so I suppose some allowances must be made... then again probably not.

Mmmm Perhaps I did miss something aside from another "t". Etiquette in a forum that is somewhat unfamiliar is always difficult for my small brain. (It’s the cold up here) Anyway, I thank you Berlichtingen and break wind in your general direction.

Mace: As you have taken on the mantel of the master with regards to my postings perhaps I could return the favor and demonstrate to that pile of bovine dung you use for a brain exactly how this game is supposed to be played. I promise to post my victory over you with suitably disparaging remarks about the plethora of ineptitude’s you will undoubtedly demonstrate. If the sky turns green, the sun fails to rise and you do beat me I will of course decry your use of uber tanks and the other gamey tactics that you would have to employ to gain the afore mentioned result.

Seanachai: As you are still pondering the difference between skyways and overpasses I will assist you with a clue. “One has cars and trucks on it.” Having passed on that lesson I am sure you can see the value in accepting a challenge in order that I might further enlighten you. I am sure with your propensity for apologies everyone will look forward to your whine of defeat.

Chris1: You’re from CA. Enough said.

Berlichtingen: I see the air has cleared, perhaps some day your complexion will follow suit. Based on the constructive delineation of my post I expect good things from you. Then again expect in one hand defecate in the other… Ah well, I suppose I could find the small amount of time it would take to sufficiently embarrass you too.


Winning is why we play!

[This message has been edited by DekeFentle (edited 03-05-2001).]

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Originally posted by Croda:

Does anyone see any value in me doing one of two things:

Why isn't killing yourself one of the options? Why should the rest of us have to keep doing it for you?

My fear is that if you advertise the Alternate Cesspool to the Outer Board, they will all see that stuff, realize how sick some of us really are, and close this one down for good. Plus, they'll call their legislators and demand forced sterilization for Meeks.

So that's one pro and one con, assuming killing yourself is really off the table...

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Originally posted by Agua Perdido:

Agua Perdido

...but that hasn't stopped Croda from dropping mortars on his own troops to spur them on...

Danger Close Artillery barages were a common FallschimJaromirJagr practice, just as your British paras have taken that "unit cohesion" concept to new and unprecedented heights in that church over there.

I must admit though that my fatalistic side is gruesomely curious to watch our squads SMG each other in the snowy streets of this town.

And Hamster boy, you multitude of Mexican Immigrants, give Jeffe some time. I've been waiting for a setup from him for 2 weeks now. I'm first in line and your mangy hide is in the back seat (now, Bauhaus, NOW!)


Woot! - Maximus2k

The New CessPool

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Originally posted by Croda:

Look at me I'm Sandra Dee, bulging with virginity!!!!!!!!

Look you hoary toddler, we weren't going to bring this point up but your time is nigh, also. We figured that, what with your creation of a board where cursing was not just allowed but required, you'd be left alive for, say, an extra three hours. Well your time is up, so kiss your bacon and mend your sheets, cuz you're gonna see the great, white, feathery one, and I don't mean Kitty on Tuesdays.

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So that's one pro and one con, assuming killing yourself is really off the table...
Ah yes, MarkIV we all share in the wistful air of that last, but apparently we'll have to do with the virtual version of the way he plays CM, which, obviously, is essentially the same thing. As to his question I think the issues referred to which are raised on the main board are FAR too boring to be of any interest to a REAL CessPooler so it's essentially a quid pro quo ... or quo vadis ... or something Greek like that.

I note with approval (see my head nodding up and down like that?) the recent posts by my loyal and trusty squire Agua Perdido in which he has left his erstwhile opponents writhing in the dust of humiliation and weeping tears of impotent rage ... well done lad, and don't forget to kick them while they're down.

As to my battles ... {sigh} ... all is not well at Casa Shaw it would appear:

Peter N Zer, gamey swine that he is, is likely to prevail in our game and thus may gain control over my sig file. Despite numerous issues which any competent attorney (sit Down jd & Lawyer, I believe I used the term COMPETENT) could use to obviate such a claim, I have decided to do the honorable thing and waive recounts or appeals. Should he prevail, and it's still not finished, I will grant him control for the specified 30 days ... after I explain HOW he gained control ... which will thus cause the new sig to be a badge of honor for ME, the unjustly penalized player. I, you see, have honor, while HE has ... well, I've said enough.

jd and I are still in the early stages, and although the terrain favors him massively, I shall soldier on valiantly.

Goanna, having first thrown "wuss" points on me and later recanted after he discovered his error, has finally come out of hiding and is presenting troops that are actually firing at me! While I certainly wouldn't go so far as to call it a "defense", it is better than running all his chaps off the field which was his alternative plan.

Hakko Ichiu ... is absent with leave.

Mace has refused my offer of a honorable cease fire which would leave him with the preponderance of points and a victory, albeit small. He will regret his choice as he has regretted most of his choices in life.



I heartily admit you are a swine, Joe. But you are OUR swine. (Goanna)

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Originally posted by DekeFentle:

Mace: As you have taken on the mantel of the master with regards to my postings perhaps I could return the favor and demonstrate to your super intellect exactly how this game is not supposed to be played. I promise to grovel by remarking about the plethora of ineptitudes I will demonstrate in my gameplay, and in my life in general.

As master of your posts, I took it upon myself to make some corrections to your post to make it much more factual and pleasing to the typical cess-pooler's eyes.

As for a game? I'm sorry, but you must have me confused with someone who cares, because frankly (I may call you Frankly?) I don't.

I would suggest battling with a squire first to see if you are deserving enough to do battle with a cesspool Kinnigit!

Now please, grovel and be subservient!


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Originally posted by Mace:

As a disciple of your posts, I took it upon myself to admire your post and to make it much more factual and pleasing to the typical cess-pooler's eyes.

As for a game? I'm sorry, but I'm just plain scared to risk the embarrassment of potential defeat.

I would suggest battling with a squire first as they have beaten most of the cesspool Kinnigits and are thus a bit better competition!

Now please, allow me to grovel and be subservient!


Well put Oh mighty Kinnigits! I release you from the onus of the defeat you would of suffered and claim the victory that is rightfully mine. Would you care to make it two out of three?


Winning is why we play!

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Originally posted by Agua Perdido:


How nice. Bugger off, now.

Agua Perdido

Wow! Another .00005mm round fired at staggering muzzle velocity! How do you keep up that ROF? The sheer all encompassing lack of alpha waves flowing from your riposte serves to put all who read it on notice that “lost water” refers to your lack of cranial fluid.


Winning is why we play!

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Guest Germanboy

Originally posted by DekeFentle:

Winning is why we play!

Whining more like it, in your case it seems. Say, are you always haemorraging drivel?



Der Kessel

Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

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Berli you laughable tellytubby.. you make me giggle like the pilsberry dough boy.. *giggle* you fruitless attack on my MG nest is proving.. more difficult as you though it would be.. my AT bunker has proved that zippos don't always brew up but still come to a bloody mess... ha ha hahahahaha!

and HA! again.. ooh you made my day , may I call you la la? your remind me of a la la...

how do I know what la la looks like you ask? easy i got exclusive act photos from Maces wife of Mace in his favorate "take me baby" sex suit... funny that how it turns out to be a teletubby suit... go figure.. I pegged him as a sheep suit kinda guy.

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