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This Peng's not Challenged, He's Bleeding Demised!

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Speedy:

Oooohhhh look, a closet Harry Potter fan.<hr></blockquote>I'm still mad because no one recognized my post on REMF Corporal's post about why BTS locked his Peng Thread post. Don't we have any Herbert Kornfeld fans here?

Herbert Kornfeld - Accounts Receivable Supervisor, Midstate Office Supply


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

I'm still mad because no one recognized my post on REMF Corporal's post about why BTS locked his Peng Thread post. Don't we have any Herbert Kornfeld fans here?<hr></blockquote>


Remind me never to mess with the guys from Accounts receivable!


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Andreas:

In the new year, I could buy me lunch at Mr.Peng's. That would still leave you hungry though. Well, with that portly stature of yours, you will be able to make do without that eating thing. So no problem there.<hr></blockquote>

Portly? Use your dictionary, china. Winnie the Pooh was portly. I am imposing, a veritable man-mountain with a conspicuously large promontory jutting out at mid-level... Hmm, better stop here lest J-Dog goes all Jet Li on my cracka ass for violating one of the Rulz.

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OK, first off feck you.

Second off, and with increasing hatred, I am saddened to announce to you that my sick and preverted job of jack booted repression of harmless television tapes has forced me to travel to the beautiful city of Washington DC next week, from Monday to Wednesday. Now, by chance, do any of the sicker Pengmen reside in this show place of the country and are not wanted by a major law enforcement agency.

Second,my paternal job is sending me to Boston in January. Now Boston in January is like hell in August, only the exact opposite temp wise, but how many Pengers reside in this neck of the woods.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Slapdragon:

OK, first off feck you.

Second off, and with increasing hatred, I am saddened to announce to you that my sick and preverted job of jack booted repression of harmless television tapes has forced me to travel to the beautiful city of Washington DC next week, from Monday to Wednesday. Now, by chance, do any of the sicker Pengmen reside in this show place of the country and are not wanted by a major law enforcement agency.


Er, um, none of us live anywhere near Washington DC. The whole DC get-together thingie was a jest, a sham, a ruse... you know a joke... Nothing going on here, just move along...

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Bullethead:

Where's Lawyer when you need him? .<hr></blockquote>

I am setting up my new Athlon 1900 computer from Falcon Northwest, and watching WWII in color DVD's on my new HDTV big screen. I have no time to watch the assorted cockroaches here display their droppings. I do send back turns occasionally, except to Elvis.

I am glad to see that Andreas has stopped using his Germanboy persona. Perhaps he realizes the Village People are not "hot" anymore. Maybe next he will button up his shirt front instead of tying it in knot around his waist like Ricky Martin. Probably not, but one can always hope. At least I don't live near Covent Garden to see it.

BTW, Leeo, November is over, so it's time to stop re-using the same toilet paper. Treat yourself to the December Christmas catalogues. And MrSpkr, let's hope you find more interest in your job so you'll stop posting.

Seanachai, quit babbling and send your next turn.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Lawyer:

I am setting up my new Athlon 1900 computer from Falcon Northwest, <hr></blockquote>

Lawyer is a fecking idjit, but at least he realizes all things that are good and proper come from the <big>Great Northwest</big>.

He's still a pillock, but he exhibits a glimmer of intelligence.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Leeo:

Lawyer is a fecking idjit, but at least he realizes all things that are good and proper come from the <big>Great Northwest</big>.

He's still a pillock, but he exhibits a glimmer of intelligence.<hr></blockquote>

An' here as a fine example o' a UBB Slut ain action! Noo containt wi' tha occasional boldin', hae ansists on italicasizing and e'en dwin' tha <big>BIG</big>thing.

An' thain hae has tha bloated offal bag gall tae attribute "a feckin' glimmer o' antailligence" {mah aimphasise) tae a watery-eyed tummy scratcher obsessed wi' hais conspicous consumption!

Af'n Ah weren't aboot tae relocate their respective spotty arrrses between their hairy ears wi' mah grrreat big lace-oop boot's ain our current contaists o' arms (tha's a gam o' CM tae thae obvious cretins among us), Ah'd sic mah wee span'l ontae tha festerin' bleeders.

Och aye, an Nijis as yet tae bae carved oop bah hais North African employers, an' finally saint mah a turrrn last evenin'.


Ah miss tha hapless but ernest wit o' Bastables. Ah hope he an' Lorak are dwin okay.

As fer tah raist o' ye stankin' belly walkers....



Aidited tae fit yer screen.

[ 11-30-2001: Message edited by: OGSF ]

[ 11-30-2001: Message edited by: OGSF ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by OGSF:

An' here as a fine example o' a UBB Slut ain action! <hr></blockquote>

Better a slut to formatting than a slut to spaniels, such as yourself, you haggis-huffing, sporran-stuffing, cat-choking pillock!

Oh, and in the (swollen and throbbing) vein of Stuka and Elvis, "I love you too."

Ya Hose-handler.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by OGSF:

Ah miss tha hapless but ernest wit o' Bastables. Ah hope he an' Lorak are dwin okay.


That reminds me, Bastables is about due to complete his tour of duty in East Timor.

I guess we'll have to hide the tuppaware, because he should be back here shortly.


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Ah, Persephone! The job you did on Peng was...well, truly magnificent. I can safely say that I think Peng was even more brutally handled than myself.

Oh, and someone a few posts back spoke slightingly of my sing-songs. What tripe!

If it wasn't for my jolly sing-songs, this place would be an utter hell hole.

By the by, anyone else notice how many useless pillocks were advocating that that puddle of mendacious vomit 'Combat General' come post in the Mother Beautiful Thread?

Makes me sick to my stomach, it does. First he posts endless and useless ****e, lies endlessly (and damned poorly, which is almost worse), and, on the brink of a ban and in trouble with everyone, suddenly trots out another obvious and pointless lie, one designed to get him off the hook, arouse sympathy, and, most importantly, make anyone who doubts him look like a stormtrooper.

I, for one, don't buy it. I'm with Grog Dorosh (cleanin' 'em off here, boss!) in his reply. BTS, sadly, has no choice but to 'take it as the right one', and give him another chance. I think we should cut his feet off, and he'll never do it again.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>I, for one, don't buy it. I'm with Grog Dorosh (cleanin' 'em off here, boss!) in his reply. BTS, sadly, has no choice but to 'take it as the right one', and give him another chance. I think we should cut his feet off, and he'll never do it again.<hr></blockquote> Oh I don't know Seanachai if you can't trust someone who trots out a Hotmail address to PROVE his veracity when someone questions the lack of a profile ... who can you trust? Gunny Bunny / Linda Warchest didn't do that you know.

And he OBVIOUSLY was only posting to check BTS's monitoring of the site. It took him four or five locks to find out but a guy can't just make assumptions based on a couple of locked threads can he?

And yes, his first post on Nov. 4th indicated that his wife was alive and well but as I've learned to my sorrow, things DO happen quickly and [serious] it's possible ... and if so tragic ... and Mike's post was just wrong in either case.[/serious]

And yes, 90% of his posts were only to START a thread ... and patently strange ones at that but hey ... WE should complain about OT threads?

Yes, BTS did what they had to do ... and I'd be very surprised if REMFCorporal screws/shows up again. Mind you we DO have to hunt down and kill those who suggested that he drop in HERE!


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Seanachai:

Oh, and someone a few posts back spoke slightingly of my sing-songs. What tripe!

If it wasn't for my jolly sing-songs, this place would be an utter Hell hole.<hr></blockquote>

Your point being? Knock off the lame sing-songs!

<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>make anyone who doubts him look like a stormtrooper.<hr></blockquote>

And this would be bad how?

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Oh I don't know Seanachai if you can't trust someone who trots out a Hotmail address to PROVE his veracity when someone questions the lack of a profile ... who can you trust? Gunny Bunny / Linda Warchest didn't do that you know.

And he OBVIOUSLY was only posting to check BTS's monitoring of the site. It took him four or five locks to find out but a guy can't just make assumptions based on a couple of locked threads can he?

And yes, his first post on Nov. 4th indicated that his wife was alive and well but as I've learned to my sorrow, things DO happen quickly and [serious] it's possible ... and if so tragic ... and Mike's post was just wrong in either case.[/serious]

And yes, 90% of his posts were only to START a thread ... and patently strange ones at that but hey ... WE should complain about OT threads?

Yes, BTS did what they had to do ... and I'd be very surprised if REMFCorporal screws/shows up again. Mind you we DO have to hunt down and kill those who suggested that he drop in HERE!


Thank you, Old Foul Joe. If there is nothing else we can agree on here in the Mother Beautiful Thread (and there's damn little we all can), we can at least agree on some of the useless sewage that appears on the Outer Boards. And they fling the epitaph of 'the Cesspool' at us, as a dismissal, rather than a title: proudly given, proudly born, and upheld in the face of everything.

And, frankly, misunderstood, even by many who actually desire to post here.

Ever since the day that Minnesota Joe(bolded out of respect for his historical significance) wandered in here and pronounced this place to be "A Cesspool", there has been a general apprehension and interpretation of this to characterize this, our proud homeland, as some sort of septic tank.

Now, it cannot be doubted that the man quoted above, and who lived in Mankato, one of the more primitive and rural of our Minnesota cities, had in mind some sort of outhouse when he bestowed the title on us. And it cannot be doubted that many who've posted here, quite caught up in their own issues of toilet training anxiety and a rather sad fetish for rolling in their own and other's excrement, have embraced this 'title' above all others.

But there is more here than is immediately apparent, especially to our simpler and more impressionable members.

For what is 'cess', for one thing? Why, the term itself comes from the Irish, and indicates 'a tax or assessment', and is preserved in the phrase "bad cess to you", meaning, 'may you have bad luck'.

For the mind more open to the beauties of language, and to the possibilities of expression, the Peng Challenge Thread, the Mother Beautiful Thread, the 'Cesspool', as it were, is, on this level, the place where it's wished that bad luck will befall you.

To carry forward another explication of usage, we often encounter the term 'feck' here in the Peng Challenge Thread, and it is used extensively by the participants thereof. Most, I'm sure, believe it to be an attempt to slide around the use of another, more vulgar term for fornication.

Nothing could be further from the truth, nor reveal more ignorance of the language by-play so characteristic of the Peng Challenge Thread (characteristic, at least, when you pillocks aren't being a gang of vulgar arseholes! [This usage will be explicated at a later date]).

In truth, the use of the term 'feck' comes from a shortening and 'colloquilization' of the term 'feculent'. Here in The Cesspool, we are at play with language even as angels are at play in the fields of the Lord.

Our delight in the written, spoken, and sung word is what raises us above the level of the fecking idjits of the Outer Board that see nothing more to the Peng Challenge Thread than a discharge of excrement. Most of them are, of course, merely projecting their own emotionally charged obsessions on a place where they do not feel comfortable.

Now, those who dismiss or vilify the Peng Challenge Thread commonly fall into two categories.

The first are the Grogs. Otherwise worthy individuals, often with an actual contribution to make, but for whom the chaotic nature of the Peng Challenge Thread threatens their obsessively held, anally retentive attention to detail, the facts, what they know, what they believe, and what they hold dear. Many of them sniff derisively, and then scurry off to their Grog threads to repeatedly and compulsively 'wash their hands' with dearly loved facts. When encountering the jaunty attitude of the Peng Challenge Thread, for which they can find 'no practical use that extends the discussion of historical, unit, weapon, or ammunition characteristics', they become the Forum equivalent of Lady Macbeth, and are given to posting the equivalent of 'will these liitle hands never come clean'.

The second group of detractors, and our only true enemies, are that gang of feces throwing primitives who clutch the concept of the 'Cesspool' to their vulgar selves, and show up here to post utter ****e and useless fecking drivel. When they do not get the roar of approval that they expect their utterly goddamn brainless and reeking posts deserve, they turn on the Peng Challenge Thread with outrage. Having come to a place where they had expectation of their utter uselessness being accepted and stroked, they react even more angrily than the Grogs when they find they are dismissed even more aggressively than they are on the Outer Boards (where, of course, the participants are expected to reject them according to the Marquis of Queensbury rules)

Here, we are in a position to show these latter arseholes the door in the manner they deserve, and with more honesty than required by 'a customer friendly forum for discussion of Combat Mission'. Of course, we are also in a position to do so with a bit of élan, rather than greet them in kind by slinging ****e.

Slowly, slowly, there shall be a rapprochement with the Grogs. They are not our enemies, they are merely misguided. They do not understand the true purpose of the Peng Challenge Thread. Nor do all of them need what it represents. But for the stupid, the vulgar, the huddled simians yearning to smear ****e, the Peng Challenge Thread represents a line drawn across the Cess.

This aggression will not stand, man!

Or: "Oh, you heard you could trot in here and drop your trousers and get away with anything? Think again, pilgrim. This is the Peng Challenge Thread, the 'Cesspool', and we'll scrape you off our shoes and hose you back to where you belong".

We will tolerate no weak links here. Goodbye.

[ 12-01-2001: Message edited by: Seanachai ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Leeo:

Oh, and in the (swollen and throbbing) vein of Stuka and Elvis, "I love you too."<hr></blockquote>

Thats Mr and Mrs Stuka and Elvis to you chum.

I'm off out for oyster shooters now, who's coming?

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Seanachai:

Arouse sympathy, and, most importantly, make anyone who doubts him look like a Stormtrooper.<hr></blockquote>

Of course not, you Pillock!

Your last as well as your later posts eloquently exhibited that you are an essentially clueless life form.

Mind you, what Emma and I love to call the Drastically-Out-Of-Date-Hair-Style-Or-Lack-Thereof-Gate pic posting seriously hinted to that in the way of giving pointers...

But out of respect for you, I'll just be admonishing a simple Shut Up this time.

There is nothing more cathartic than the Rodney Kinging of idiots.

Gives a sense of purpose to the mob and is the mortar with which are glued the bricks forming a community.

You're all more or less Americans, eventhough you can't help it, so go on and be a LynchGrog.

Now just because of that certain Yankness (Note to Self: Don't forget to insert YANKERS in all new MBT occurences) you shall be reminded that one does not lynch before weighing the prospective usefulness of the would-be lynchee.

Lynchees shouldn't be female in shape nor French in rearing.

Lynchers shouldn't be of the female persuasion either but beards could be bought at the flee market before the throwing of pebbles...

And now for something completely different, please be aware that I have yet not resumed any of my games with you lot.

I am not German so it won't give me some false sense of Pride or Security but at least it does hint to the fact that my parents were ethnically conscious when they TRPed my in France.

Now I'm off since I have nothing to say to any of you in particular, just consider that you've exceeded your usefulness wholesale.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Seanachai:

Our delight in the written, spoken, and sung word is what raises us above the level of the fecking idjits of the Outer Board...........

[ 12-01-2001: Message edited by: Seanachai ]<hr></blockquote>

What an egotistically view-monocled have you oneself of, oh vain one! WONDERFUL TRIPE indeed - 'tis food for the masses that feast here at yon droolpit...

Oh, sorry, I forgot to mention ....... HELLOOOOOO - I'm baaaaack you feckless WANKER, Shornitchyeye

:D (PS Graemlin added fer nuisance value)

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Joy to the World!

Lawyer is coming to Chicago!

Yes, Chicago, there is a Santa. His name is Jake, and he is coming to your town next weekend, December 8th. He will bring gifts of beer and war movies for any of you who care to share some frivolity on Saturday, Sunday, or Monday (but not all of them). I will be staying at the Sheraton near the Navy Pier.

The war movies are top notch popular WWII classics on VHS that I can no longer watch since going to DVD. A free beer goes to each of you who mutters the magic words, "Jake, you are the best CM player I have ever met." It bothers me not to pay for complements, even insincere ones, so long as my ego is aggrandized. After all, it's the American Way. "Have a nice day!"

So Berli, Bauhaus, Moriarty, etc., let me know if you are available. While I have not yet crushed any of you in combat, perhaps a personal encounter will lead to a duel later. At least, we can chat about scenarios, the Ardennes, and Peng's sex life. Okay, we'll skip that last one.

My email address is on my profile.



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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>What an egotistically view-monocled have you oneself of, oh vain one! WONDERFUL TRIPE indeed - 'tis food for the masses that feast here at yon droolpit...<hr></blockquote> The only thing I want to hear from this SSN is how badly he's dying at the hands of my GrandSquire Hanns. And perhaps if/when he does it he might consider posting some words that actually make sense ... "view-monocled" ... "you oneself of" ... and people say that AMERICAN schools are bad.

You see what happens, Hakko Ichiu when the rules are not posted properly? There is NO value to SSNs (especially this one, my Gawd that run on sentence was awful, it was not only not funny, it made NO sense at all) OTHER than DARs on the fights they have with our Squires. I blame you Eathan. Oh ... and Seanachai too for trolling on the outerboard.


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

You see what happens, Hakko Ichiu when the rules are not posted properly? There is NO value to SSNs (especially this one, my Gawd that run on sentence was awful, it was not only not funny, it made NO sense at all) OTHER than DARs on the fights they have with our Squires. I blame you Eathan. Oh ... and Seanachai too for trolling on the outerboard.


I posted the one, over-riding rule of the 'Pool, to whit:

Sound off like you've got a pair!

Young master Jeff's pronouncements are in obvious and flagrant violation of the above. Hence, his transgressions cannot be laid at my door (sit down, Bauhaus*).


*For reasons of brevity and economy, I shall be using the TLA SDB for all future occurences of this too-oft uttered phrase.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>I posted the one, over-riding rule of the 'Pool, to whit: Sound off like you've got a pair!

Young master Jeff's pronouncements are in obvious and flagrant violation of the above. Hence, his transgressions cannot be laid at my door (sit down, Bauhaus*).

QED<hr></blockquote> I don't know or care WHO you quote (though this QED chap doesn't sound too bright), Hakko Ichiu, you are WRONG! You have, in fact, been gone too long my friend and have missed many of the revisions and corrections necessitated by various infestations of SSNs.

It was, I believe, my former squire Agua Perdido who added the caveat to the above: " ... and half a goddamned brain." It was necessary to add that because we had any number of idiots drop by who sounded off like they had a pair all right, but it was ABUNDANTLY clear that they lacked even half of a brain. It does, you see, require BOTH components to make a CessPooler.

And what of MY revision, "Don't sound off ABOUT your pair"? Surely (may I call you Shirley), you would agree that many who sound off like they have a pair correlate that with all SORTS of unsavory references and/or personal crusades against this or that. The ONLY reasonable crusade is the one against all Australians ... again I'm sure you agree.

And these are just a few of the necessary and required changes that have been made.

So you see Hakko Ichiu, the rules are there for a purpose and without purpose we are truly purposeless ... the jury is still out on whether we have porpoises in that case.


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